I became the cannon fodder who died early, and I angrily married the villain

Chapter 160: Learning and applying

While Ma Jin was still thinking about how Zhou Da could actually help the second master and his family, he didn't expect that he would see an eye-opening scene the next evening.

When they arrived at their intended destination, Wu Yasi found that there were already people inside, and there was also the fragrant aroma of food wafting out. This discovery surprised everyone.

It's almost New Year's Eve, and there are very few people out and about. In addition, this is the northernmost place in Dali, so it's even more inaccessible. They met almost no one along the way.

Today, this is the first time for an older girl to get on the sedan chair.

Just when Wu Yasi was hesitating to go in, the other party came out and approached Wu Yasi enthusiastically.

Ma Jin looked at Zhou Da's familiar old face, and before he had time to be surprised, he watched helplessly as the other party began to deceive people, first claiming that they were escorts hired by the wealthy businessman Yi Shuang. The other party's husband died of an emergency and wanted to carry the coffin back to his hometown, so he hired bodyguards like them to escort him. Then, by coincidence, their hometown was none other than Changli.

Then this person said that he had heard the name Wu Yasi for a long time, and what he most admired about Wu Yasi, a man with thick eyebrows, big eyes, and full of righteousness...

Ah bah!

Having said this, Zhou Da had already ushered Wu Yasi and several officers in, and the others followed silently.

During this period, Zhou Da gave him a vague look and said, "Look, learn from me!"

After Zhou Da invited the people in, he wanted to treat them all to a good meal on the grounds that he had cooked too much rice. With that warm and hospitable look, Wu Yasi couldn't bear to refuse.

So even the prisoners were exposed to the light and had a delicious meal of bone and meat porridge.

Ma Jin: Can it still be like this?

The next day, Zhou Da walked with them on the grounds that the coffin was too heavy and the road was difficult to walk, but the official had a righteous spirit and could suppress evil spirits and ghosts.

What can Wu Yasi do? The reason was too legitimate to refuse. Besides, this road is not theirs.

Ma Jin's eyes widened. Is this okay?

After successfully achieving his goal, Zhou Da secretly winked at him, how about it? Isn't brother awesome?

Ma Jin: ...Where did this girl learn? How did she become so cunning and cunning?

The brothers under Zhou Da snickered. They almost copied the gourd and learned it from the prince.

Next, Zhou Da performed sexy tricks every day. At the end of the journey together, Zhou Da and his team almost took over their three meals a day and also solved the problem of the children's difficulty in walking.

Also, the officer surnamed Lin died. He died on the third night of their trip together. It is said that he had diarrhea. When he went to solve the three urgent needs of life, he accidentally stepped on the air and fell, unable to get up. He was in the wild. Frozen to death.

Qin Yan didn't expect that Zhou Da would be so adaptable. Since meeting him, the children have no longer suffered from hunger or cold. Their journey into exile is getting smoother and smoother.

It was only later when he arrived in Pingzhou that he found out that these tricks were used by his sixth brother and sister, whom he had never met before. Zhou Da was also imitating tigers and imitating cats, learning and selling them now.

His wife Cai was very curious about her and had a good impression of her. Because both of them knew that without Zhou Da's timely delivery of medicine, their little daughter Qin Yun's illness would not be cured, and her death would be a matter of time.

The couple were really curious about what kind of people the sixth brother and sister were, who could come up with so many tricks.

Ma Jin ate nougat and asked Zhou Da, "Has the prince already lived such a life?"

Zhou Da replied, "Hey, life is much better at the Prince's side than here. The Sixth Young Mistress is well prepared, and their food and drink expenses along the way are no worse than those of the nobles in the Gaomen Courtyard."

Ma Jin and the others expressed doubts.

"Why did I lie to you? The Yang Wei Escort arranged by the Sixth Young Mistress brought a dozen packed carriages with all kinds of supplies. The nougat in your mouth and the rice cakes in your hands are all She asked me to get it. From time to time, Mr. Liu can catch some game for a change, as you can imagine. "

Ma Jin and his brothers listened and listened, and even forgot to eat the bread in their hands, good guys! They call him Good Guy! Is this still exile?

"Old Zhou, how did you deal with Wu Yasi and why you became so cunning and cunning, did you learn it from the Sixth Young Mistress?" Ma Jin was really curious.

"Call Da Ge! What do you call Lao Zhou?" Then, Zhou Da said proudly, "I did learn this trick from the Sixth Young Madam. The Sixth Young Madam once said that if we want to have a successful career, we must make friends The more you do, the more you will defeat the enemy." In fact, it was the prince who gave him a few words of advice, and he learned about Yang Wei's escort's behavior before meeting them, so he thought about it along the way.

Ma Jin nodded, it's true, multiple friends lead to multiple paths, multiple enemies lead to multiple walls.

"It doesn't matter even if the other party is not our friend at first. Let's be more proactive. As long as we wield the hoe well, we can't dig out any corners." This was the first time he applied what he learned. Look, they gave Wu Yasi Did you fight for it? The effect is overwhelming.

Ma Jin: That makes sense.

"What if the other person doesn't like me, or even has a problem with her?"

"As long as there is no mortal enemy, we can fight for more."

"What if there is a deadly feud?"

Zhou Da said categorically, "Then hit him hard and kill him. They are all mortal enemies. What else are you thinking about?" Just look at the Sixth Young Mistress, how has she ever been soft on the Xie family and the Zhao family?


Lv Songli and his group, as Zhou Da said, the next journey was extremely smooth.

After leaving Yanzhou, when they entered Jizhou, the season had entered spring.

In early spring, many wild vegetables emerged in the mountains and fields. The first to emerge was shepherd's purse, followed by white cauliflower, gray cauliflower, locust flowers, wild celery, amaranth, Chinese toon, etc.

Because there was plenty of time, they were not in a hurry to travel. Their convoy stopped and went, and they would dig some wild vegetables along the way. When they found a suitable place to stay in the evening, they would check in early. During this period of time, dinner was mainly seasonal wild vegetables, such as dumplings stuffed with shepherd's purse and pork, which tasted delicious. The white cauliflower was boiled into vegetable soup, and after it was cut off, a few eggs were cracked and some salt was added, and it could be served. The taste was fragrant and sweet...

These wild vegetables were made under the guidance of Lv Songli, and each dish tasted very unique.

The children were also well taken care of. The flesh they lost in the first few days of hardship had long been made up. Now they were all lively and rosy-cheeked.

On this day, the sunset was just right. After dinner, everyone dispersed and moved freely.

After a few officers had eaten and drunk their fill, they sat by the river with their bellies bulging, watching the sunset and chatting.

"Brother Ding, you've gained weight."

The one who called him Brother Ding rolled his eyes at him, "Xiao Lu, you talk as if you haven't gained weight."

In fact, they privately sighed more than once that this trip was really the most relaxing and enjoyable one in their escort career, just like a free trip. They had good food and drink, and they almost sat in a carriage the whole way, and occasionally walked as exercise.

Xiao Lu said, "Brother Ding, the next step is Youzhou." After Youzhou is Pingzhou.

Brother Ding couldn't help but touch his belly, "Yes." He was very melancholy. He didn't know how much of his belly would be left when he returned home.

Xiao Lu said sadly, "There won't be such good treatment on the way back." As the saying goes, it's easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it's hard to go from luxury to frugality. They haven't even started their journey back yet, and they're already worried.

Brother Ding looked at him with contempt, "Of course, you still want to ride a carriage when you go back? You're so beautiful." They only have one horse, the only one, and horses are more valuable than people.

But then again, thinking about the fact that they have to walk more than 3,000 miles on foot when they go back, it's sad to think about it.

Humans' sorrows and joys are not the same. At this time, on the other side, Lu Songli was directing Lu Mingzhi to dig wild vegetables with a hoe.

Qin Jia, Qin Han and other children surrounded her and poked their heads out to see, "Auntie, can this vegetable be eaten?"

Lu Songli nodded, "Yes, this wild vegetable is called spur root, it is covered with sharp thorns, and most animals dare not approach it, and you don't touch it with your hands."

Qin Jia asked again, "Then how do you eat this spur root?" Why does it feel unpalatable?

Lu Songli: "We can use its roots to stew chicken and drink soup. It's hard for people who have eaten it to forget its taste." Its roots are indeed very thick, and adults usually point out the thickness, which is a bit like Codonopsis.

The youngest Qin Zhen added, "But Sixth Aunt, we don't have any chickens in the carriage."

Lu Songli thought of the last three chickens eaten two days ago. Mo Bing told her, but she didn't expect that the little ones heard it and remembered it.

Five-year-old Qin Yu waved his little hand and said proudly, "Sixth Uncle, go catch it!"

In the hearts of the children, Sixth Uncle and Sixth Aunt are very powerful. Sixth Aunt knows a lot of things. As long as Sixth Uncle goes out, he can catch a lot of delicious food, flying in the sky, running on the ground, and swimming in the water.

"Okay, arrange it, let your Sixth Uncle catch it." Lu Songli smiled and accepted the task for him.

Qin Sheng, who just came over: ...

He was discovered by the sharp-eyed Qin Zhen. The little girl stretched out her tender white fingers, pointed at the spurs and shouted, "Sixth uncle, go catch pheasants and stew them."

Qin Sheng said helplessly, "How many pheasants do you want?"

"Two!" Qin Yu said loudly.

Qin Han secretly pulled him, "Fourth brother, you are so stupid, two are not enough to eat."

"What about four?" Qin Yu stretched out five fingers.

"Stupid, this is five, this is four!" Qin Han pressed his thumb back.

Lv Songli smiled as she watched them bickering, raised her eyes to meet Qin Sheng's gaze, and smiled, "At least we have to get seven or eight pheasants." After all, there are forty or fifty of them.

"Mom, Sixth brother's wife is really patient with these children." Nie Yunniang, who was coaxing the children to sleep, smiled. When children are cute, they are indeed lovable, but when they are in a bad mood, they really make people want to beat them twice more.

Mother Qin, who was sewing, looked up and smiled, "A Li is really patient."

Lv Songli took them to dig wild vegetables, and let the children know a lot of edible wild vegetables along the way.

Many adults didn't expect that there were so many edible things growing in the mountains, and after Lv Songli's guidance, the brothers of the escort agency who were good at cooking found that the taste was unexpectedly good.

After realizing Lv Songli's erudition, the three brothers of the Qin family also followed her to learn to identify wild vegetables and wild animals that can be eaten in the wild. They have been leading troops in battles for many years, and they know too well the difficulties that the army will face when they are leading troops outside and the food and grass supply is insufficient or not timely. If they learn a little more now, it may save their lives in the future.

Usually after Lv Songli taught Qin Heng and Qin Zhao, the two elder brothers, she would pull Qin Sheng aside to teach him individually.

At this time, Qin Zhao couldn't help but tease, "Sixth brother's wife, you don't need to cook for him. If he leads the troops out and gets lost or trapped, he will definitely have enough food and drink." God loves him and can't bear to let him starve. He will feed him everything he wants. There are no wild vegetables that he can't find, only wild vegetables can't find his share.

Lu Songli was about to say a few words with a smile, but was pulled away by Qin Sheng.

At this time, Qin Zhao must have pretended to say a few words, "Little Six is ​​lucky."

Qin Heng nodded, "Little Six is ​​really lucky."

Qin Zhao thought, this kid's luck is more than good, he was born as the youngest in the family, loved by the elders and his brother: when he was in trouble, God loved him, and now he has his wife to love him.

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