I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 130

Chapter 129 – 2 More Pinches

‘Death Note’, Gu Zhisang accepted the second incident in the special investigation of the Fengcheng incident on the mini program, and it is also the project that the Lingzu is mainly responsible for.

A full day had passed since she arrived in Windy City, during which time she had settled the mess left by the Qianqingmen, and the Lingzu still hadn’t made much progress on the case.

Gu Zhisang also learned about the so-called “Death Note” on Fengcheng’s forums and local networks in advance.

About half a month ago, an anonymous person suddenly appeared on the Fengcheng Local Internet, claiming to have the ability to predict, and published a “Revelation Notes” on the Internet.

In the first three days, the owner of this note wrote down his prophecy in this note anonymously and distributed three short posts.

Because he claimed to have this kind of “superpower”, he attracted the attention and ridicule of some netizens, but the number was not much.

At that time, these netizens felt that he was sensationalizing, and most of the comments and messages below were ridiculed.

The reason why this person and his predictions will continue to detonate the Internet is that his predictions have come true.

In the prophecy on the third day, this person wrote down that ‘tomorrow, there will be a car accident on the **** bridge in Fengcheng, and the owner of the car will die’.

In the previous day’s comments, the few dozen or so comments were all scolding him, saying that the poster did not hesitate to make fun of such things for the sake of traffic and eyeballs;

There are also comments cursing the poster who was hit by a car.

However, on the day of the prophecy, a very serious car accident did occur on the local cross-river bridge in Fengcheng.

The car owner, his accompanying wife, children, and a family of four all died in the car accident, and none survived.

On the day of the tragedy, because the scene was too tragic and weird, some car owners on the bridge took some videos from different directions.

When the netizens were feeling emotional, several local people who had seen the ‘prophetic post’ on the forum before were shocked by such a coincidence!

The car accident, location, and approximate time mentioned in yesterday’s prophecy in “Revelation Notes” are exactly right.

Immediately, these people’s scalps became numb, and they immediately forwarded the post claiming to be a prophet to their relatives and friends.

This news was also spread in the local group chats and forums in Windy City, attracting the attention of a large number of local people.

Many people were shocked and asked how the poster knew;

Many netizens also think that this is just a coincidence. After all, the poster only said that the owner of the car will die, but a family of four died in this car accident, and not all the information is consistent.

Some netizens even had their brains wide open, thinking that the prophet is a murderer.

In short, at that time, many netizens were still skeptical.

The poster did not respond to any questions, nor did he give an explanation, but continued to send out a new short post that night, writing down the fourth prophecy.

This time the content of the prophecy is not so explosive, and the attention of netizens has gradually weakened.

Who would have thought that only one day later, in the newly released fifth prophecy, there was another death news similar to a notification, predicting that someone would die the next day.

Since the prophecy incident became popular in those few days, and this forum is completely anonymous, this “prophet” will post a new post every time to predict.

Many imitators appeared one after another, and hundreds of prophecy posts were posted on the forum, the content of which was absurd and funny.

But the words of the real “prophet” seem to have a mysterious power that can attract netizens to recognize him.

In short, when the netizens unanimously screen out the correct posts, they will push the latest predictions to the major group chats.

A lot of interested, idle and bored netizens started posting, waiting to see whether the next day would really be like what the poster said, another accident would happen again.

The members of the spirit group who were telling the case paused for a moment, Gu Zhisang looked up at him, and said clearly:

“The second prophecy of death has also been fulfilled.”

“That’s right.” The team member nodded and said, “Just when many people didn’t take it seriously and still regarded the prophet’s words as a story, it came true again.”

“The way and time of death of the new deceased are generally consistent with the notes.”

No need for the team members to say more, Gu Zhisang can also guess that the ‘prophet’ who once again successfully predicted the death event, and what kind of public opinion and upsurge this “Revelation Notes” will cause on the Internet.

And the facts were exactly in line with what she had guessed. Since then, this ‘prophet’ has become completely popular.

He issued a total of 14 prophecies, including 5 cases in which death was predicted.

It has been fully fulfilled to this day.

Today, when the spirit group intervened in the investigation, although the ‘Prophet’ does not have a personal account, some fans spontaneously created an account for him and included all his predictions in it.

That account now has more than four million followers online.

Numerous fanatical netizens who pursued him and regarded him as a person with superpowers established a super chat for him and drew mysterious masked portraits for him.

And the “Revelation Notes” he used for prophecy recording is also called “Death Note” by netizens.

Needless to say, this could not have been a natural event by any means.

The reason why the spirit group did not discover this matter before this is also a rather strange point in the whole incident. The relevant information about this prophesied event seems to be only circulated within the Windy City;

At most, it is slightly affected by the surrounding small towns.

Outside the Windy City, there was hardly a post discussing this matter.

When the spirit group entered Fengcheng for investigation, it was discovered that two members of the spirit group branch in Fengcheng had disappeared, replaced by two mysterious masters they didn’t know, pretending to be the spirit group!

Because they were the ones who communicated with the Windy City police, they blocked the transmission of information to their superiors, so the headquarters didn’t know it at all.

One of the two pretenders escaped, and the other exploded to death after being caught without leaving any useful information behind.

But it is precisely because of their aggressive and weird behavior that people are even more certain that there is something weird about this matter!

Gu Zhisang asked, “Where have you found so far?”

The member of the spirit group said: “Now we have a few clues, but most of them are broken without finding any clues. Please take a look at the information we have compiled.”

Gu Zhisang took a file, opened it and flipped through it.

The above fourteen prophecies are divided into several modules, 5 of which predict death, and most of the rest of the prophecies have no specific direction, but after careful inspection, relevant clues can be found.

Two of them caught Gu Zhisang’s attention:

‘ Number one: I dreamed that ‘God will come’. ‘

‘ Ninth Rule: God loves all people and teaches the joy of life…’

The follow-up was generally some vague words praising ‘God’, which made her understand a bit difficult and abstract, but she still keenly noticed some discomfort from it.

According to the Internet police deep investigation, we can only find out the real nickname of this “prophet” behind the anonymity: Titiah.

But no matter how much he searched for his ip address and various information, he couldn’t find it out;

No matter how powerful the network technology giant is, it may not be able to do this.

In addition, although the spirit group and the local Internet police did not find out the identity of this ‘prophet’, they found a person.

A member of the spiritual group said: “This person is called Haiming, and he is 47 years old. The reason why we singled him out is that during the investigation, we found that he was pretending to be a ‘prophet’.”

Gu Zhisang flipped through Haiming’s investigation file, the photos on it were in suits and leather shoes, elegant and elegant, and the first thing he saw at a glance was that he was a “successful person”.

According to the investigation of the members of the spirit group, he is really a successful person.

“Fengcheng Academy of Fine Arts is one of the four famous schools in Xiaguo’s art world. Although the city here is not big or prosperous, the art students in Fengcheng Academy are all admitted with high scores and abilities.”

“This Haiming is also amazing. He is a well-known painter in the Xia Kingdom’s art circle, and he is also a second-level full professor at the Fengcheng Academy of Fine Arts.”

Since the ‘Prophet’ became popular, there have been many people imitating or impersonating him.

But such a high-status and special impostor like Haiming is really the first one.

The member of the spirit group continued: “During our investigation, we almost took this person as a ‘prophet’.”

“Because he was seven days behind the account of ‘Prophet’ Titiah, he also started using the name of ‘Prophet’, imitating the tone of the other party and writing ‘Prophecy Notes’ on the Internet.”

“Don’t tell me, there are many similarities between what he wrote and what the master wrote, that’s why we regarded him as a real ‘prophet’ from the beginning!”

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