I Became An Idol To Pay Off My Debt

Chapter 50

However, Na Ah Ah’s production team were demons playing with human hearts.

Just before the Mackerel Sandwich Team was about to start their stage, they inserted an advertisement.

“Aah, damn it~ This ad timing really sucks…!”

“Why are they showing an ad here?”

That one minute felt as eternal as an aeon.

During that minute, the squad members took glances at the fanatic devotee, Ha Ye-rin, and Sergeant Yoo Chang-seon, each sharing a word.

“By the way, I saw the title earlier, [Where is my first love!], isn’t that a Tail Rose song?”

“If it’s a Tail Rose song, why aren’t they wearing cute outfits…?”

At that moment, one of the squad leaders, completely oblivious, laughed heartily.

“Since we’re at it, how about we also support Yoo Seol? Honestly, I think we like her better than Ha Ye-rin… and even the military band next to us seems to prefer Yoo Seol…”

Of course…


“…… Sorry.”

The fearsome glare from Sergeant Yoo Chang-seon nearly pierced them, silencing their chatter.

When it was suggested to root for Yoo Seol instead of Ha Ye-rin, Sergeant Yoo Chang-seon lowered his voice and spoke.

“Yoo Seol? Are you saying you want to support that little brat?”

“…No, I mean, even the military band…”

“What do those old folks know! They only know how to play the trumpet and the violin; what do they know about idols!”


Among the military band, there were many former idol trainees.

It was a baseless argument, but Sergeant Yoo Chang-seon was determined to undermine them and control the narrative.

“Just shut up and watch with faith. Ye-rin will definitely show us this time.”

With that, the advertisement ended, and the stage resumed.

But something was different this time.


“They’re sitting?”

The Mackerel Sandwich Team members, who had been standing before the ad, were now sitting at a desk and chairs set up on stage.

And that desk and chairs…

“That’s a school desk.”

“Oh, it seems so.”

They were ordinary wooden desks and chairs that one could see at any school.

The Mackerel Sandwich Team members sat in a line to show their profiles, reading books with pink covers.

“Now that I think about it, they’re in school uniforms.”

“It seems like their concept is high school girls.”

“It feels like there’s a story, and it kinda seems like a musical.”

Even after a while into the stage, the Mackerel Sandwich Team members continued to sit at their desks reading.

But then the next moment.


Ha Ye-rin, who was right in the middle, suddenly closed the book she was reading.

Then she picked up the pen nearby and began scribbling something on the book cover.

“What is it? What’s she writing?”

“Can’t see.”

As if responding to the squad members’ curious hearts, the camera zoomed in on the words written on Ha Ye-rin’s book cover.

[Where is my first love?]

[I too… want to experience love.]


At that moment, the screen shifted to a close-up of Ha Ye-rin’s face.



Naturally, that couldn’t be true, but for a moment, the squad members felt as if Ha Ye-rin was looking at them.

With that, the stage was drenched in darkness, capturing the squad members’ attention.

And when the lights turned back on…



With the cheers of the fans, all the desks and chairs were cleared away, and the main stage began.


With a bouncy rhythm, the intro filled with excitement started.

However, compared to the original song, the vibe was… less bright.

Of course, it didn’t mean the stage lost its charm.

-The same life, the same school.

-It’s boring but not fun.

-The world is dull, and there’s no one by my side.

Gentle timid movements and shy expressions.

Those small yet certain actions oddly made the squad members feel anxious.

“I had kids like that when I went to school.”

“Me too.”

“Always reading books in a corner.”

Kids who quietly disengaged and immersed themselves in their own world, a bit gloomy.

Of course, those girls from their school days weren’t as pretty as this group, but still.

The Mackerel Sandwich Team’s styling and stage set-up were more than enough to remind the squad members of their school days.

Especially Ha Ye-rin.

-Learn about the world through books.

-And love.

-What is love?

Despite her dazzling appearance… how did Ha Ye-rin fit that gloomy look so well?

She looked like a dark otaku girl who just stepped out of a comic, and the squad members couldn’t help but grin.

Of course, Ha Ye-rin wasn’t the only one who fit the concept.

-They say everyone loves

-Where is my first love?

-Who could that be?

“She’s pretty too, what was her name?”

“Park Yoo-jung…, I think.”

“Wow…, I think Seo Yoo-jin next to her is so pretty. She’s cute and… ugh.”

As Lee Hye-jeong’s bridge continued, the squad members were impressed.

-Where is my first love-!!

“Wow, this girl sings really well. Who is she?”

“That’s Lee Hye-jeong, the one who ranked 7th in K-Star, right?”

“Oh, that’s her? She’s gone crazy pretty.”

“…So cute. And her body, wow…”

-Could that be you?

-Thump, thump.

-This feeling I get when I see you

-Is this love?

As the bridge concluded and the chorus began, the squad, blushing and feeling flustered, was mesmerized.

“Aah…, I just want to bite her.”

“Don’t you dare have your eyes on Ye-rin, I’ll kill you.”

“Wow…, even that nerd looks kinda attractive.”

At that moment, as the stage continued, there wasn’t any extraordinary shock, but it pleasantly caught their gaze.

-This is love…


-Yes, this is love.

-My first love.



“What the hell, suddenly.”

Right before the song transitioned to the second verse, the stage went dark again, leaving everyone in suspense.

At first, the squad members thought the TV turned off, but it didn’t.

[What’s going on… ?]


The audience watching live also seemed taken aback by the sudden blackout.

And when the light came back on…




The audience and the squad members held their breath, speechless.

Because the stage outfits of the members had completely changed 180 degrees.

The clumsily tied hair flowed down freely, the glasses were tossed aside, and instead of the suffocating long skirts, they wore bold short skirts revealing their thighs.

Especially Ha Ye-rin, standing in the center, releasing her hair and tossing her glasses was truly a sight to behold.

Was this what it felt like for Actaeon, who peeped at Artemis’s bath?



The squad members could only freeze in awe at the stunning scene before them.

And as if watching the endearing sights, the goddess showered them with mercy.



…She’s smiling.

The ice princess, Ha Ye-rin, who had never shown a smile on Na Ah Ah.


With the power of love breaking the curse, she beamed with a happy, playful smile.

-My first love.

-That’s you.

She points at the squad members outside the screen.


Sergeant Yoo Chang-seon snapped out of his daze at that moment.

“Hey! Wake up now!”


“Hey! Yoo Chang-seon! Aren’t you going home? Wake up, you punk. All the classes are over!”

“…Home? What, what are you talking about? I still have 72 days of military service…”

“What the hell are you talking about, get it together, you punk. Were you dreaming?”

“A dream…?”

At his friend’s words, high school student Yoo Chang-seon wiped his mouth and looked around.

This was school.

Around were the cleaning duties sweeping the classroom, while friends from other classes chatted and laughed as they packed their bags and left.

“Ah…, right, this is school, and I’m a high school student…. I must have been dreaming. A really damn awful dream…”

“What was the dream about?”

“There was this place filled with dozens or hundreds of dicks and I lived there for a year and a half.”

“Did you dream you were in jail or something?”

His friend clicked his tongue, patted Yoo Chang-seon’s shoulder a few times, and packed his bag.

“Tsk, tsk, the guy’s not in his right mind. Hey, I have an urgent appointment today, so I’m leaving first. See you next week.”


Yoo Chang-seon sent his friend off, sat for a while in a daze, then stood up.

“Yawn…, phew…, having dreams like that… I must be really tired. I shouldn’t watch soccer in the morning.”

And just as he was about to leave the classroom…

Tap, tap.

“Hey, over here…!”


As he stepped out of the school gate, someone called out to him, as if they had been waiting.

‘This girl is from our class, what was her name again…?’

With hair covering half her face, oversized round glasses enveloped her face. Her awkward and unfashionable outfit made anyone feel uncomfortable.

Though he didn’t know her name, the girl was from the same class as him.

Since she always quietly read in the corner, this was the first time Yoo Chang-seon heard her voice.

With a slightly curt tone, he replied.

“Why? What’s going on?”

“Uh, um…”

Then, mustering her courage, the girl blushed and shouted.

“Um, um, tomorrow is Saturday, would you like to watch a movie together?”

“…What? A movie?”

“H-here. Read this at home…!”


“Hey! Hey…!”

She shoved an unknown envelope into his hand and dashed away.

“Seriously…, what was that all of a sudden?”


Ignoring her suggestion to read it at home, Yoo Chang-seon ripped open the envelope immediately.

And inside was…

[I’ve been watching you until now. I’m going to bravely confess. Tomorrow morning at 10, in front of the cinema, answer my heart.]

“Wow, what the hell is this?”

…It was a message he could never have imagined.

She suddenly asked to watch a movie, and this was a love letter?
Who confesses like this nowadays? This isn’t some Japanese shoujo manga.
“Man, life sure throws weird things at you.”

Yoo Chang-seon crammed the envelope into his pocket and burst into laughter as he headed home.

But still, he had his pride to maintain.
He absolutely had no intention of watching a movie with such an awkward girl without any friends in class.

Sigh, should I just go and see?”

When he got home and lay down in bed, Yoo Chang-seon started to reconsider.

It had been way too long since he last dated and, more than anything…
‘She didn’t look half bad last time I caught a glimpse of her.’
Because her face, which he still couldn’t recall the name of, kept popping up in his mind.
‘If she took off her glasses and dressed up, she might look good?’

So he couldn’t sleep all night, fretting about it….

“Ugh, what am I doing….”

Ultimately, he made his way to the cinema at the arranged time.

‘It’s been a while since I watched a movie, so I’ll just watch it to be polite and then reject her confession.’

Yoo Chang-seon thought, putting his hands into his pockets while waiting for her.



Turning at the voice calling him….

“Ah, hurry hurry… huh?”

“Sorry, did you wait long?”

…Without a doubt, she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life.

He couldn’t help but feel flustered.

“W-who, who, who are you…?”

“Why are you like this…? Don’t joke. It’s me.”

“…You? No way… are you her?”

He had thought she looked fine.

But how can someone change so much just by taking off their glasses and letting their hair down?

“Well, my sister said I should dress up a bit since I’m going out for the first time in a while…”


“…How is it? Is it weird?”


Without even realizing it, a firm answer slipped from his lips.

And with his decisive answer….

“…Thank goodness.”


The shy and gloomy girl had, for the first time, given a radiant smile.



So cute and lovely that he couldn’t help but smile back.

“Well, Chang-seon. There’s something I want to say before we go to the cinema…”



Is there really such an unbelievable thing?

This girl wants to see a movie with me?

“I, um, I’ve liked you for a long time.”

Thump, thump.

The girl who had hidden her beauty behind her giant glasses and ugly hair likes me?

“Um, if it’s alright… would you like to be my first boyfriend?”

Thump, thump, thump.

And my first love too?

This beautiful girl’s first boyfriend is me?

Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump.

Yoo Chang-seon could hardly contain his heart, which felt like it would explode.

The girl who had transformed into a princess of love.

Her first smile and… first confession.

This was something he would undoubtedly never forget until the day he closed his eyes.


Yoo Chang-seon finally remembered the name of the girl standing before him.

“…Ha Ye-rin.”

A name he should never forget… now engraved in his soul.

“…So, do you really…?”

And when he opened his mouth again, unable to believe the situation.


Ha Ye-rin gave a playful smile, extending her hand.

-Yes, it’s you.

-My first love.

Pointing at the squad members outside the screen.


Sergeant Yoo Chang-seon snapped back to reality when he saw Ha Ye-rin striking an ending pose on screen.


From the moment he felt something off, but it indeed was just an illusion.

An illusion that would never come true.

Did that mean it wasn’t happy?
…No. It wasn’t that.
It was happiness.
…Unforgettable happiness.

“Wow…. Ha Ye-rin was incredible. Sergeant Yoo Chang-seon, right? Isn’t that so… huh?!”

One of his juniors turned toward him, surprised at the sight of his face.


“Sergeant Yoo Chang-seon! You’re bleeding from your nose!”

Because blood was flowing from his nose.

“Why the hell is my nose bleeding all of a sudden…?”

“Tissue! Someone bring some tissue!”

“…It’s fine, everyone, stop making a fuss and gather around.”

“…Huh? Oh, yes. Hey, everyone gather around!”

Sergeant Yoo Chang-seon held his forehead as everyone from the barracks gathered in front of him.

He pointed at the Mackerel Sandwich Team on screen and said.

“…Vote for their team right now.”

“Ah, Sergeant Yoo Chang-seon, only the audience who went to watch can vote in the team competition.”

“Is that so? Then….”

Sergeant Yoo Chang-seon’s eyes widened, continuing his words.

“Next week’s Na Ah Ah broadcast is the ranking announcement, right? Everyone make sure to vote so Ye-rin takes first place.”


“If, by any chance, it’s not Ye-rin but Yoo Seol or anyone else who gets the most votes, I will mess you guys up. Got it?”

…With only a few dozen members in the barracks, could this really make a meaningful difference in voting?

His juniors found Sergeant Yoo Chang-seon’s orders a bit ridiculous but didn’t dare utter a word of complaint.

Because the feelings in his eyes were filled with something beyond just fan enthusiasm—blind faith and fanaticism.

“…Yes, yes! Understood!”

So from that day on, the security squad made voting for Ha Ye-rin part of their daily routine.

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