I Became An Idol To Pay Off My Debt

Chapter 193

One video a week.

The Rookies reality show [Rookies Worked Hard! Off to the Rural Area!] divided into three episodes gained popularity right from the first episode, drawing many to tune in at 8 PM on Monday when the second episode was uploaded.

– Ah, haha, so when is it 8 o’clock?

– Rookies, show us the courage training already!

– Open the door@@@@@@@@

As soon as the hour struck eight, the video opened with the support of so many, and people became entranced by it.

The second episode began with a scene of Yoo Seol lying down during break time with a huge moth landing on her face.

[Ba-bam, ba-bam, ba-bam bam bam bam bam (from the movie ‘Jaws’)]
[A massive moth perched on sleeping Yoo Seol’s face]
[Seo Yoo-jin: Kyaaaaaaaah! Seol unni, on top of you…!]
[Yoo Seol: …What is this on me?]
[Trembling Yoo Seol.]

– Whoa, it’s Tinkerbell! It’s been a while since I’ve seen one after I got out!

– Oh my god, what do we do, Seol! 😭

– Look at how Seol is shaking! 😭

– If I were in that situation, I think I’d faint right away;;

– Can someone get that off her?

– Ah… I’m so jealous of the moth.

People, seeing the giant moth on Yoo Seol’s face, gasped and couldn’t handle the chaos.

Then came the moment.

[Ha Ye-rin: Hold on, everyone step aside.]
[Ha Ye-rin removes the moth from Yoo Seol’s face]
[Members and the production team in shock]

– !

– !

– Ye-rin, isn’t that gross?

– You did that with your hand?

Unlike the others who were just stomping around, Ha Ye-rin approached and blew the moth away…

[The moth flies away]
[Yoo Seol: Phew… thanks. I owe you my life.]
[Yoo Seol: It was huge… weren’t you scared?]
[Ha Ye-rin: I’m pretty brave, so I’m not scared of stuff like this.]
[Ha Ye-rin subtly puffing up her shoulders at the members’ praise]

Ha Ye-rin was hailed not only on the broadcast but also in the comment section.

– Great Ye-rin

– Just Great Ye-rin, the queen of Na Ah Ah

– Haha, it’s cute how she’s slightly puffing up her shoulders, lol

– Her face looks like she’s a chaebol heir, but she digs sweet potatoes and catches bugs—what can’t she do!

However, this ‘Great Ye-rin’ image didn’t last long.

[Director Jeong: Today’s final corner is courage training.]
[Ha Ye-rin flinching]

– Huh?

– Didn’t she flinch just now? Haha

As soon as she heard “courage training,” Ha Ye-rin started showing a completely opposite side from before.

Still, at first, the fans thought it might just be their imagination, as she didn’t seem like someone who would be scared of ghosts.


[Yoo Seol nearly carrying Ha Ye-rin on her back]
[Yoo Seol: Ye-rin, are you scared?]
[Ha Ye-rin: No? (Eyes shaking)]

– No, lol

– Anyone can tell you’re scared, lol

– Wow, this is unexpected! I thought Seol would be scared, and Ye-rin wouldn’t, but it’s the opposite, lol

– Oh dear, Ye-rin’s eyes are shaking, lol

People quickly figured out that Ha Ye-rin was scared of ghosts.

[Yoo Seol: Actually, I’m scared of these kinds of things. Would you lead for me? (hands her a flashlight)]
[Ha Ye-rin: Unni (sniffling)….]
[Yoo Seol: Why? Weren’t you not scared?]

– Lol, she got hoisted by her own petard.

– I’m pretty brave, you see (that’s what she really said), lol

– Haha, so cute.

Ha Ye-rin, usually expressionless in front of the camera, was showing emotions for the first time since Na Ah Ah’s victory.

Fans continued to watch with excitement.


[Ha Ye-rin staring at the mirror as per the mission]
[Ha Ye-rin tilting her head at a strange sensation]
[A white hand gripping her ankle]
[Ha Ye-rin: ….]
[Frozen Ha Ye-rin]
[3, 2, …1.]
[Ha Ye-rin: Kyaaaaaaaah-!!]

In the next scene, Ha Ye-rin recorded an irreversible black history in her entertainment career.

She got startled by the suddenly appearing ghostly hand and ended up falling backward.

[Ha Ye-rin: Ouch-!! Ughhh…!! Unni…!!! Unniiie…!!]

Whether it was because of the ghost or her fallen butt, Ha Ye-rin cried out for Yoo Seol.

[Yoo Seol: …Ye-rin! What’s wrong?!]
[Ha Ye-rin: Huuhhhh-! Unni…!! There’s a ghost—!! The hand!!!]
[Yoo Seol: Here? There’s nothing here!]
[Ha Ye-rin: It was here earlier…!! Huhhh…!! That’s why I said I didn’t want to go—!!! Huuhhh…!!]

Then she rubbed her face against Yoo Seol’s waist, squeezing out tears.

Fans exploded with reactions to this legendary moment.



– No way, LOL

– Oh my god, LOL

– Ye-rin, LOL

– Is this the Ha Ye-rin I know? LOL

– Leader!! You have to uphold your dignity! LOL

– That must hurt… but it’s so cute, LOL

– ‘Huuhhh!’ LOL

However, Ha Ye-rin’s black history didn’t end here.

[Ha Ye-rin: Unni…, can’t you not go? I don’t want to be alone….]
[Yoo Seol: (looking tired) …Ye-rin, I have to go for my mission. Just wait a bit here.]
[Ha Ye-rin: Then at least give me the flashlight….]
[Yoo Seol: Ye-rin, you should give the flashlight to someone doing the mission…]
[Ha Ye-rin: Huuhh….]
[Yoo Seol: Ye-rin, if you’re scared, just close your eyes and hum a song while waiting.]
[After Yoo Seol left.]
[Ha Ye-rin: Huuhh (sniffling)…. Now, search for…. the key to the secret…. Huuh…. Adventurous, entangled like a maze…. Huuh….]


– She’s really singing, haha


– You must have been really scared, huh, Ye-rin, haha

– GD-mon, LOL

– Ye-rin’s long-standing love for GD-mon since Na Ah Ah, haha

Just then, while Ha Ye-rin was singing GD-mon outside the abandoned house, waiting for Yoo Seol on her mission.

[Ha Ye-rin: Another world different from reality…, uh…? Is someone there…?]
Rustle rustle
[Ha Ye-rin: …Uh, Unni? Are you back already? Uh… please, don’t play around…. I’m keeping my eyes closed. I can’t see….]
Rustle rustle rustle.
[Ha Ye-rin: Uh, Unni…?]

Ha Ye-rin thought it might be Yoo Seol and opened her eyes, but….

What she saw was a staff member in ghost makeup running toward her.

[Ha Ye-rin: …Huh? Huuhhh…!! D-Don’t come near…!! Don’t come-!!]
[Ghost: Kuhuuuuuh-!]
Baaack-! Baaack-!
[Ha Ye-rin: Don’t come! Huuhh…! I said don’t come…!]
[Ghost: I-I’m staff…!]
[Ha Ye-rin: …Huh?]
[Ghost: I-I’m staff…! I’m staff…!]


– The staff is panicking, LOL

– No way, Ye-rin’s punch, LOL

– That was the most perfect left hook I’ve seen, haha

– Ye-rin, did you take up boxing? LOL

– The staff looks like they’re in real pain, LOL

After confirming the opponent was a staff member, Ha Ye-rin did stop swinging but couldn’t stop the tears.

[Ghost: M-My ribs…]
[Ha Ye-rin: I-I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Huuhhh…!]



– Even while apologizing, she bows down 90 degrees, LOL


Later, when Yoo Seol completed her mission and returned, the courage training for Group 2 wrapped up as they walked back to base camp together.

[Yoo Seol: Ye-rin, I’m back.]
[Ha Ye-rin: (exhausted) Unni…, why did it take so long…. Unni….]
[Yoo Seol: W-What happened?]
[Ha Ye-rin: Never mind, let’s hurry back…. Quickly…!]


– Ye-rin got increasingly annoyed during the courage training, LOL

– Looks like Ye-rin’s soul left her body, LOL

– Wow, today was legendary, LOL

After Ha Ye-rin’s courage training finished, the fans who witnessed the rare scene hurriedly began to make clips, worried the video might get cut.

Afterward, those clips flooded various SNS and communities with titles like “Ha Ye-rin the Coward,” “Ha Ye-rin the Scaredy-cat,” “Ha Ye-rin’s Black History,” “Ha Ye-rin Light Heavyweight Champion,” and more.

That day, I was in the practice room, hard at work on songs with the other members.

But then, during a short break in the practice room.


Park Yoo-jung, suddenly bursting out laughing while looking at her phone…

“AHAHAHAHAHA-! Unni! What is this?!”

“…What’s going on?”

She showed me the screen.

And when I saw the title of the video on screen, I froze in place.

[Ha Ye-rin’s Black History Edited Video]
[Views: 212,451 – 1 hour ago]

What an unsettling title.

#Ha Ye-rin #Rookies #Ha Ye-rin the Coward #Ha Ye-rin’s Black History #Ye-rin is cute #Ha Ye-rin Boxing.


The hashtags were even more unsettling.

“Please… it can’t be…. The director said he would edit it….”

I tried to calm my heart with false hopes, but….

[Ha Ye-rin: It was here earlier…!! Huhhh…!! That’s why I said I didn’t want to go—!!! Huuhhh…!!]


As soon as I saw myself in the video, despair washed over me, and I slumped my head down.

Of course, unlike me, the other members were howling with laughter.

“You’re such a cutie, Ye-rin unni-!!”
“You really cried, didn’t you? Hahaha-!”

I felt my face turn beet red, almost bursting, and I asked Park Yoo-jung.

“…Yoo-jung, what are the comments saying?”

“Hehe, they say you’re super cute! Everyone’s loving it.”

“Ah… my image…”

Still, as the leader of Rookies… I wanted to maintain a serious and composed image, but that courage training ruined everything.

While I was feeling down, Yoo Seol approached me and gently patted my head.

“It’s okay, Ye-rin. Everyone will forget about it soon.”

“…Really? Do you think they’ll forget about this side of me soon?”

“Yeah, of course! Maybe in about a year, everyone will forget?”

“…A year is plenty of time for Rookies to disband.”



Does this mean I won’t be able to shake off this black history until Rookies are gone?

When I raised my head, realizing the conversation was going weird…

“Ah, unni!”

“Hehe, sorry, Ye-rin.”

Yoo Seol was grinning mischievously.

Looks like even the trusted Yoo Seol was teasing me.

“Oh, Ye-rin is sulking.”

Angry, I turned around and walked to the corner of the practice room to check the comments separately.

On the video uploaded a few hours ago, the comments were filled with fans smiling at my image.

Because of that, I almost shyly hid my head, but…

– Haha, seriously.

– Thanks to Ye-rin, I laughed for ages, LOL

– So cute, haha.

…The atmosphere of the comments didn’t seem bad, so I relaxed.

‘…Oh well, it’s all good. Plus, I got plenty of screen time, right?’

Though it was far from the image I wanted, fans seemed to enjoy it.

‘And people will forget about it in a week, anyway.’

However, contrary to my hopes, my black history video scorched SNS and communities for a whole month.

And exactly 40 days later, an incident overshadowed people’s interest on the day of Rookies’ new song teaser release.

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