I Became an All-round Artist

Chapter 96: Rumors Are Never Reliable

The original version of Zhu Xian was just over 1.5 million characters, but the system-modified version splits it into eight volumes, totaling 1.6 million characters. The revised version gives a more detailed introduction to the cultivation world, adding a bit more depth and adjustments. This will give Lin Yuan enough content to serialize for at least half a year...

Unlike The Prince of Tennis, this time Lin Yuan had to write the story himself. Fortunately, he was a fast typist.

After a night’s rest, he went to class the next day. The first class was with the counselor.

Attendance has always been a challenge in college, with students often skipping class. But the counselor's class was always packed—rain or shine, no one dared miss it.


Because while other professors might not remember their students' names, making it easy to slip by when someone answered for you during roll call, the counselor knew every student inside and out. No one could fake attendance.

Getting on the wrong side of a professor might mean failing a class, but crossing the counselor? That’s a whole different story.

"Alright, everyone," the counselor began before class started, addressing the students. "As we discussed before, the sophomore year assessment requires each of you to write a song. Originally, the deadline was the end of this month, but the school recently issued a new regulation..."

The students perked up, their curiosity piqued. The year-end assessment affected their grades and the possibility of exchange student placements, so naturally, they paid attention.

"We're extending the deadline by a month," the counselor said, raising one finger. "The new deadline is now the end of June. Not only will internal faculty evaluate your work, but entertainment companies from outside will also be sending representatives to judge. Which companies specifically are still being decided, but if you perform well, there's a chance you could get signed on the spot."

The class erupted with excitement.

If entertainment companies were getting involved, this assessment just became even more critical! After all, what were they all working so hard for? To secure good opportunities after graduation, of course! If someone’s work could impress one of these companies, it would be like skipping over countless hurdles and stepping straight into success!

At that moment, everyone felt a surge of excitement. Lin Yuan, too, felt happy, though it didn't directly concern him. But for his classmates, this was a golden opportunity to showcase their talent to the outside world.

"I'll let you listen to my song later..."

"My accompaniment still needs a bit of work..."

"Let’s review each other's work and give suggestions."

"I wrote this song last year and was saving it for the right moment. I wasn't planning to use it for the assessment, but now that companies will be watching, I have to pull it out!"

The classroom buzzed with discussions.

Several students turned to Lin Yuan, speaking up all at once: “I need a piano section for my arrangement. You're the best at piano in our class. Honestly, you’re even better than the students in the music department. Can you help me out?”

“Sure,” Lin Yuan nodded.

He remained his usual concise self, but the students who asked for help were instantly overjoyed, showering him with thanks.

This was why people liked Lin Yuan. He might seem aloof, rarely engaging in casual banter or joking around with others, but when his classmates needed help, he was always there. He'd helped with the class bulletin board before, and now he was offering to refine their arrangements.

In the class, everyone had come to expect this from Lin Yuan. It was just his style. Once you accepted that, it became part of his charm. Many of the girls in the class found it endearing.

Lin Yuan didn’t see himself as particularly kind-hearted, but his classmates had always treated him well. When he used to live in the dorms, his roommates were always considerate of his schedule, adjusting theirs to accommodate his late-night work. So, when his classmates asked for help, he agreed. And after three seconds of hesitation, he decided not to charge them this time.

A rare show of generosity!

For the next few days, he helped his classmates record their piano accompaniments. It was hard work because recording piano tracks wasn’t a one-time deal. Issues would inevitably come up during the process, and Lin Yuan had to collaborate with his classmates, revising and discussing the music repeatedly. Sometimes, he even offered his own suggestions.

Of course, most of the time he followed his classmates' preferences—after all, it was their work.

Throughout this period, Lin Yuan was constantly shuttling between the recording studio and the piano room, so much so that he had less and less time to visit the art club.

On the third day of recording piano accompaniments for his classmates, Lin Yuan wasn’t surprised to run into Gu Xi at the piano room.

"It’s you!" Gu Xi exclaimed, clearly thrilled to see him. For a moment, she didn’t know how to address him.

Calling him a “master composer” felt a bit strange. Calling him a “big shot” was too abrupt. Referring to him simply as “Lin Yuan” seemed presumptuous. After thinking for a moment, she cautiously settled on, "Lin... classmate?"

Lin Yuan gave her a slight nod as he passed by. Every time he ran into Gu Xi, it spelled trouble, so he figured it was best to avoid her.

"Lin classmate!" Gu Xi called out nervously.

Lin Yuan paused briefly but didn’t turn around. “What is it?”

"Um... if you ever need anything, just let me know," Gu Xi said, feeling awkward.

Gu Xi had been worrying a lot recently, constantly thinking about how to get closer to Lin Yuan. But Lin Yuan didn’t frequent the piano room often, and if she actively approached him, it would seem too forced and might annoy him. She had hesitated over this for a long time.

"Okay," Lin Yuan replied, then walked back into the piano room.

Today, the room seemed even more crowded than before. One of the students, seeing Lin Yuan enter, hesitated before speaking, "Lin Yuan, we were hoping you could help with our piano accompaniment as well. We know you've been helping everyone out and it's a lot of work. If you're too busy, we understand."

Lin Yuan stood silent.

At this rate, the whole class would soon be asking for his help. Normally, he wouldn’t mind lending a hand. The problem was that he had his own task related to his painting prestige to complete. If he spent every day in the piano room and recording studio, he risked falling behind on that important mission.

Still, he understood why everyone was coming to him. When it came to piano skills, 99% of the students in the music department were no match for him, a professional-level talent.

Sure enough.

Every time Lin Yuan encountered Gu Xi, misfortune seemed to follow.

Seeing Lin Yuan hesitate, a classmate forced a smile and said, “Forget it, forget it. If this keeps up, Lin Yuan’s going to get worn out helping us all. We should go ask someone from the music department instead.”

With that, the group prepared to leave. They were conflicted from the start—on the one hand, they wanted Lin Yuan’s help, but on the other, they didn’t want to trouble him too much. There were just too many people who needed his assistance, and Lin Yuan was clearly stretched thin.

“Wait,” Lin Yuan called out, remembering how his roommates had always accommodated him, and how his classmates had been kind to him. In the end, he couldn’t just turn them away.

Everyone froze. “But there are so many of us...”

Lin Yuan didn’t reply. Instead, he walked to the door and glanced down the hallway at Gu Xi, who hadn’t yet left.

Gu Xi was standing there, lost in thought, seemingly unaware of her surroundings.

“Oh wow,” someone whispered.

“Isn’t that Gu Xi?”

“The legendary piano goddess!”

“She’s always so beautiful whenever I see her.”

“If only Gu Xi could record my piano accompaniment…”

“You’re dreaming. There’s no way you could get Gu Xi to help. Besides, I think Lin Yuan is just as good as she is.”

“Goddesses are all aloof, and Gu Xi is the epitome of it. Her whole aura screams ‘stay away.’”

As soon as they saw Gu Xi, the group began whispering excitedly. Gu Xi was famous around campus, especially since the composition and music departments were closely linked. Naturally, Lin Yuan’s classmates all knew about the renowned piano goddess, and they were well aware of her famously cold demeanor.

But as the group chatted amongst themselves, Lin Yuan suddenly spoke up, directing his question toward Gu Xi. “Could you help us out?”

Hearing Lin Yuan’s voice, Gu Xi snapped out of her daze and looked up, surprised.

Lin Yuan’s classmates were stunned.


Lin Yuan actually dared to ask Gu Xi for help?

Well, that’s typical Lin Yuan.

The group felt both touched and amused. Touched, because Lin Yuan genuinely thought Gu Xi might be as willing to help as he was. Amused, because Lin Yuan was still so innocent. Did he really think Gu Xi would agree?

Gu Xi was known for her aloofness, always keeping people at arm’s length. She wasn’t close to any of them, and asking for help out of the blue would surely lead to a harsh rejection, right?

As these thoughts ran through their minds, they couldn’t help but feel guilty for putting Lin Yuan in this awkward situation.

But to everyone’s shock, under their wide-eyed gazes, the famously cold piano goddess nodded enthusiastically. Her voice even carried a hint of excitement:


In that moment, the composition students were utterly bewildered. They even began to wonder if this was an imposter Gu Xi. What happened to the frosty, distant persona they’d heard so much about?

Ha! Rumors really are unreliable!

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