I Became an All-round Artist

Chapter 78: Big News

"What have you been up to lately? Haven't seen you around much," Jian Yi asked Lin Yuan in the school cafeteria on the second day of April.

Xia Fan also looked curiously at Lin Yuan. Lately, he had been rather elusive, making him seem quite mysterious.

"I’ve been spending time painting at the art club," Lin Yuan replied.

Jian Yi was taken aback but then smiled and nodded, saying, "I didn’t expect you to be interested in clubs, but it's good to get involved sometimes. Half of my college life was enriched by club activities."

Jian Yi was a key player on the Qinzhou Academy of Arts basketball team. He had loved basketball since childhood and joined the basketball club as soon as he started university.

"By the way," Xia Fan chimed in, "Isn't there a basketball tournament at our school next month? You must be representing your department, right?"

"Of course!" Jian Yi said proudly. "I'm the star of the Performing Arts Department. Our goal this year is to win first place!"

"Don’t be so sure," Xia Fan teased. "I remember your department only placed third in last year's freshman basketball tournament."

"That was because that guy from the Dance Department, Xu Chang, cheated," Jian Yi said, fuming at the memory. "We could have made it to the finals, but Xu broke the rules and got me injured."

Xia Fan laughed, "Wow, you hold a serious grudge. You even remember his name."

Jian Yi snorted, "Just wait until this year. I'll get my revenge. He’s a good shooter, but I’m ready to block him. You two better come and cheer me on."

Xia Fan grinned, "I’ll be cheering for the Composition Department."

"Well, you don't have to worry about them. They’ll probably be out in the first round," Jian Yi scoffed.

Lin Yuan added, "I think..."

Xia Fan cut him off, laughing, "Second round at best."

Jian Yi burst into laughter too, and then shifted the conversation. "Forget about the basketball tournament for now. Xia Fan, when does the selection for 'Blossoming' start?"

"In May," Xia Fan said. "If I make it to the top 100, I probably won’t be able to go home for summer break."

Lin Yuan thought for a moment and added, "I won’t be going home for the summer either. I’ve got work."

He could take leave for short breaks like the winter holidays, but summer was too long to be absent from work.

Jian Yi chuckled bitterly, "It’s only our second year, but it seems like everyone's getting busy. Lin Yuan has his job, and you're chasing your dreams. We’re all going to have less and less time together."

"It’s still early," Xia Fan said. "We have five years of university. Sure, by the fifth year, we’ll be busy with dissertations and job hunting, but we’ll still be around for the next couple of years. Of course, if I make it big after 'Blossoming,' I might be busier."

"Not just you..." Jian Yi sighed. "I might be leaving in our third year."

Lin Yuan and Xia Fan turned to him in surprise. "Why?"

Jian Yi shrugged. "Just like you guys, I’m thinking about my future. Our school offers exchange programs for third-year students, and I’m aiming for a spot in Qizhou. You know, there are more opportunities for acting there."

Jian Yi was a performing arts student, and Qizhou’s film and television industry was the most developed on Blue Star. Just as many musicians flocked to Qinzhou, aspiring actors headed to Qizhou for opportunities.

"Exchange program, huh?" Lin Yuan and Xia Fan fell silent.

Jian Yi smiled. "Don’t get all sentimental. I might not even get selected! You know how high the academic standards are for the exchange program."

"You’ll definitely make it," Xia Fan said, a bit downcast. Despite Jian Yi’s carefree attitude, his grades were the best among the three.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Jian Yi said with a smile. "But think about it: even if you get famous after 'Blossoming,' or if I stay at Qinzhou, we won’t have much time together. Celebrities are always busy with work, and our school has a few stars already. They hardly ever attend class, often taking month-long leaves."

"True," Xia Fan sighed.

The three of them had been inseparable since elementary school. They even chose the same university to avoid being apart. But university was the last ivory tower of youth. Once they stepped out of it, their paths in life would inevitably diverge. Some relationships wouldn’t survive, just like the many college couples who broke up after graduation.

Exchange programs? Competitions? Starting work early?

These life choices only made the separation come sooner.

"Looks like our time together is limited," Jian Yi said, his voice tinged with sadness.

After lunch, Lin Yuan headed to the art club. Zhong Yu, who had been waiting for him, smiled and asked, "Master, how many students are you teaching today?"

"Two," Lin Yuan replied. Since his teaching skill had leveled up, he could now teach two students per day.

"Got it," Zhong Yu said. Then Lin Yuan asked, "By the way, do you know much about the exchange programs?"

"Exchange programs?" Zhong Yu paused and then nodded. "Yeah, they start in the third year. Each department has a few spots for students to attend partner schools. It’s a great opportunity, with the school covering expenses like tuition and living costs. It also helps with job hunting after graduation. I tried for one last semester but didn’t make the cut."

Lin Yuan seemed deep in thought. Curious, Zhong Yu asked, "Are you or one of your friends thinking about applying?"

"No big deal," Lin Yuan said. "Let's start the lesson."

Zhong Yu nodded without pressing further. He called over the students who were waiting for Lin Yuan’s lesson. In fact, he didn’t need to call them—several students had already gathered as soon as Lin Yuan arrived, with those lucky enough to have been selected already sitting down, eagerly awaiting their turn.

Other students, though they wouldn't receive one-on-one instruction, gathered around, hoping to absorb something from watching.

Though these students didn’t get the personal teaching experience or Lin Yuan's "Teacher's Blessing," he never shooed them away. After all, their presence didn’t bother him, and it helped him build a bit of a reputation.

Lin Yuan had considered teaching multiple students at once, but the system had explained that the "Teacher's Blessing" only worked one-on-one. If he taught a group, the effect would be spread thin. So, he stuck to his one-on-one teaching model.

After finishing with his first student, Zhong Yu suddenly grinned mischievously. "Master, we’re planning some big news soon!"

"What news?" Lin Yuan asked casually.

"You’ll see," Zhong Yu said, keeping the details secret.

"Okay," Lin Yuan replied, not too curious about what Zhong Yu had in mind.

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