I Became a Raid Boss

Chapter 48

Once upon a time, there was a story about a person born with a silver spoon, sprinting down a clear path to success.

And then there’s the tale of someone who, despite a troubled past, climbed steep cliffs with sheer determination to eventually stand at great heights.

Which of these two stories tugs at the heartstrings more?

Most likely, many would raise their hands for the latter.

The story of someone born with everything, cruising through success, is taken for granted, but the tale of someone overcoming all odds to finally succeed is anything but ordinary.

Some might feel a sense of empathy when encountering such stories, finding hope, while others might feel motivated to strive even harder.

[Kana is so pitiful…]sniffle

How hard must it have been for her at such a young age…





-Many aren’t watching the broadcast

And now, here, a new story has emerged that resonates with people’s hearts.

The past of the NPC known as ‘Canaria Grasis,’ revealed by Joanie, was enough to evoke feelings of compassion, if not total despair.

There’s a saying that indifference is scarier than hatred, but sometimes, interest can also be poisonous.

Kana’s parents were of that ilk.

According to Aaron, they regarded their daughter not as the fruit of love but as a useful tool.

If they hadn’t died in an unfortunate accident, Kana might have ended up as some wealthy weirdo’s plaything or possibly vanished from this world altogether.

Left alone by her parents’ death, young Kana, still in need of care, wandered the slums with other children in similar situations, devoid of any protection.

Though we don’t know the specifics of her plight, everyone could guess it was far from an ordinary life.

Just when she thought things couldn’t get worse, a horde of monsters attacked the city.

Although Garid fortuitously came to her aid, it was certainly more than what a mere six-year-old girl should have to endure.

Many people have troubled pasts, and countless go forgotten, but when one actually observes such a person, few can disregard them without a second thought.

The reason Aaron shared Kana’s past with Joanie was exactly that.

A silent plea from Aaron to take good care of Kana.

However, there was something he, as a native of the world of Silia, could not foresee…


-They definitely said it would be sunny today—why is it suddenly raining?

-This is such an obvious story, what’s so sad about it? LOL… wait, why am I crying?

There were invisible hands behind Joanie… no, unseen eyes.

And not just a few, but over hundreds of thousands of them.

As a result, due to something Aaron didn’t intend, he unwittingly became a chain-crying terrorist, moistening the eyes of countless spectators.

At first, players viewed Kana as a ruthless raid boss.

One with more balance issues than a drunken toddler, a terribly flawed boss.

That was Kana’s initial image.

However, as time passed and more information about Kana surfaced, that image kept changing.

From a ruthless raid boss to an adorable girl, from an adorable girl to a girl with a heart-wrenching tale of protecting her father’s grave.

And now, she was a pitiful girl with a painful past.

[Those flower beds in the boss room…]

I thought Kana tended them because she loved flowers.

But it turns out she grew them thinking her dead dad (Garid) liked them…

Her dad actually wanted her to grow flowers because he thought she liked them.

So tragic! sniffle


-I really want to punch that way of speaking;

┗No doubt, but it is also undeniably sad…

┗I agree with that…

[I wish I had a girlfriend like Kana]

Someone who only looks at me,

Who wouldn’t forget me even if I died, and would think only of me.

If we were to rank the most popular NPCs, I think Kana would definitely be number one.

(Pure love reigns supreme!)


-Hmph… I’m normally into NTR, but I can’t deny this.

┗NTR fans can die.

-So you mean to say that you’re into a kid like Kana?


┗Wait a minute.

┗I mean her personality, not her looks!

┗(Kana’s big brother, console)

┗Make your excuses in front of the judge and let’s go, okay?

-I think it would be sad if my girlfriend said she would keep thinking of me even after I died.

┗Me too.

-Shouldn’t we be worried about whether we can even get a girlfriend first?

[I want to spoil Kana like crazy.]

I want to feed her delicious food,

Buy her everything she desires,

Take her to an amusement park and play together,

And if she whimpers about having a scary dream, I’ll sing her a lullaby and put her back to sleep.

If she gets scared by a cockroach, I’ll man up and catch it, and then comfort her patting her on the back.

I want to spoil her so that she can forget all her painful memories.


-Should we make our move, Chief?

┗Hmm… it’s a bit ambiguous…

-If it’s about catching cockroaches, then it’s definitely spoiling her!

┗But can Kana really be scared of just a cockroach?

┗She looks like she could crash a house into pieces!

┗??? : Aah! A bug! (while breaking the house)

┗Every time a cockroach appears, it’s 100 million!

┗Buying a house where bugs come out is the writer’s fault!

-At the end, it feels like they’re saying what they want themselves.

┗Wasn’t it like that from the beginning?

-How is this not genuine care but just infatuation?

(Petting Kana)

Of course, not everyone felt compassion.

[After all, this is an NPC created by Demoninus.]

They’re making a huge fuss about how incredible it is.

But come on, the pedophiles rush in just because one loli character has been out… sigh

It’s obvious it was designed to attract popularity, but can’t they see that?

It’s truly disgusting, so maybe tone down the immersion a bit?



-If you’re not going to immerse yourself, why even play RPGs?

-Yes, the cold, rational, wise author is absolutely right!

-If you think that way, are there any games you can actually play? LOL It’s all just a money-making scheme by game companies!

┗Even movies and comics are made by people! LOL

┗This person must only watch documentaries. Please take down your comment.

-I’m at the terminal stage of coolness. Family, please be prepared…

┗Doctor, please! Can our husband really die…?

┗Whoa, I just realized something. LOL

But no matter how strong a man might be, even he cannot withstand the raging currents of water.

Although, unlike in reality, the waters of the internet may not have substance, their force is undeniably powerful.

As those swept away by the currents disappear, only the strong torrent of flowing water remains, seemingly endless.


“I’m enjoying the broadcast. Please use this money to buy something delicious for Kana…”


A look of disbelief spread across Joanie’s face as she read the note in her hand.

“What is this about?”

Last night, Joanie had logged out from the accommodation provided by Aaron and finally lay on her bed for the first time in days.

After sleeping in a capsule for days due to escort missions, she was flying high, feeling more refreshed than ever.

Not that she regretted doing the escort job.

Feeling happy after resting well, she logged back into the game and opened the door to her accommodation, only to be taken aback.

There were a plethora of items piled up at her door.

“Did I order this much delivery?”

For a moment, Joanie forgot she was in the world of Silia and thought such a thing.

Items were left alongside short and long notes like the one she had just read, while some were simply left without any notes at all.

What puzzled Joanie the most was a few coins from the Empire neatly placed on one side of the floor.

Though the contents of the messages varied greatly, the sentiment remained almost the same:

I’m enjoying the broadcast, and I hope this money (or items) can help, even if just a little.

Help whom?

“Who do you think it’s for? Of course, it’s for Kana.”

After reading a few more notes, Joanie realized that all these were responses to the impact of her broadcast yesterday.

In other words, they were all gifts for Kana.

‘But why didn’t anything happen last time?’

While pondering this, Joanie came to her own conclusion.

Last time, the owner of the grave Kana was guarding was revealed, but Kana’s past was not fully disclosed.

Moreover, the place where Kana lived was quite remote, and with barriers in place, it wasn’t easy to access.

However, Joanie was now in the Free Mercenary City of Liberi.

Just considering the number of players around, there had to be several hundred.

Joanie began rummaging through the items stacked up at her door.

“This is money. This is money too… what’s this?”

-Is that a cookie?

-Yeah, that’s a really expensive cookie. It’s so popular; unless you’re in a line at dawn, you can’t even buy it.

-Wow, I always miss out on that line!

-Is it that special?

-It’s pricey but really delicious.

“Hmm… is it really that good?”

After opening a small paper bag and pulling out a cookie, Joanie stared at it with her mouth agape.

-Why is the main character eating that??


-I’m disappointed. I’ll unsubscribe.

-How can you eat something that poor kid, who couldn’t enjoy it properly, would grab?

-Ugh, trash.

“Come on, I’m just joking!”

The chat, which had been bubbling like boiling water, finally calmed down when she hastily put the cookie back in the bag.

“By the way, isn’t this too much? When on earth am I going to sort all this out…”

-It’s probably not enough, is it?

-Considering the viewers, it makes sense this is actually less.

-If there weren’t any channel divisions, there would’ve been even more piled up than this.

-So won’t it be similar in the other channels? There might be people who put things there without knowing about the channel division.


As Joanie was pondering how to handle the items, a heavy sound of footsteps approached her.

“Did you sleep well? …What are all these?”

“Oh, um…”

Aaron, who walked over to greet Joanie, wore a look of surprise identical to hers when she first saw the items at the door.

Fortunately, it didn’t take Joanie long to explain what had happened, unlike yesterday.

“I told my comrades that I have to take care of a child, and they sent me these gifts.”

While she couldn’t explicitly say it, she did add a little flair to the story.

“…You’re not talking about Kana, are you?”

“Uh, um, not really.”

‘Well, I didn’t actually say it,’ Joanie thought as she avoided Aaron’s gaze.

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