I Became a Heartthrob After A Job in Quick Transmigration

Chapter 106 - Xenogeneic Experiment (7)

No. 467’s body trembled involuntarily. He opened his mouth to explain, but on second thought, he was right – No. 666 was originally a defective product, and would be abandoned by Dr. Lu sooner or later.

And how could Dr. Lu be angry about such a thing.

Before today, Dr. Lu hadn’t been here, so No. 467 made a reckless speech, but thinking of Dr. Lu’s character, he calmed down again, and felt that he was in a mess because he was startled just now.

No. 467 could feel that Dr. Lu’s eyes fell on him, but unlike the seemingly inanimate objects in the past, he actually saw a bit of anger from the other side’s eyes.

Angry? Could it be that Dr. Lu was angry because of what he just said?

Just when No. 467 had some doubts in his heart, he heard Dr. Lu’s unwavering voice: “He is not a defective product.”

Ye He didn’t expect Dr. Lu to appear here, let alone that the other party would speak for him.

He said to the system in surprise: “Am I really not a defective product, I was just misdiagnosed before?”

The system was silent for a while, and finally realized what the truth hurts the most, and it couldn’t bear to tell the truth to pierce Ye He’s beautiful thoughts.

When No. 467 heard Dr. Lu’s words, his face was already very ugly. The other party’s words undoubtedly gave him a slap in the face in front of so many experimental products, which made him a little faceless. “How is it possible…. ..”

His eyes fell between Dr. Lu and Ye He, and he had already realized something, and his expression was a little unbelievable.

Dr. Lu quickly turned his gaze to Ye He who was on the side, and it was this look that verified No. 467’s guess. He suddenly regretted his previous impulse, but before he could ask for mercy, he saw Dr. Lu’s assistant walking forward and hugged No. 467’s shoulders as if affectionately.

It’s just that only No. 467 knew that the moment the other party put him on his shoulder, his body suddenly hurt, and then his strength seemed to be taken out of time. He didn’t even have the strength to speak, so he could only lean on the assistant’s body. , let the other party say: “Doctor, I have something to do with No. 467, you can talk first.”

The feeling of not being able to speak made No. 467 feel that his heart was invaded/occupied by panic, and he could only use his eyes to try to ask for help, but his relationship with those experimental subjects was not good, so even if he saw the pleading in his eyes, he didn’t. People will speak for him.

Ye He looked at the backs of the two leaving, and was still a little stunned. He didn’t know how No. 467 got involved with that assistant.

But soon Ye He’s attention was pulled back by Dr. Lu, and the other party’s voice sounded in his ear: “I’ll pick you up to go to your new residence.”

…new residence?

Hearing Dr. Lu’s words, Ye He was stunned for a moment. He didn’t remember that Dr. Lu had mentioned this matter before. He still asked the system in his heart, and the system also said that he didn’t remember hearing about it.

Dr. Lu walked in without waiting for Ye He to respond, and the assistant beside him quickly followed.

Seeing Dr. Lu and his assistant walk in, the experimental subjects avoided one after another. After the incident of No. 467 just now, they also extinguished their intention to stay and want to get closer to Dr. Lu, and consciously walked towards the door, giving Ye He and Dr. Lu left room.

Dr. Lu’s eyes fell on the room, looking at the layout in the room, and the assistant beside him had already greeted Ye He with a smile: “I’ll pack up with you.”

Ye He looked at his assistant suspiciously: “Where to move?”

It’s just that this time it wasn’t the assistant who answered, but Dr. Lu: “Move to my room.”

Ye He’s eyelids jumped, he subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he quickly realized that with what he knew about Dr. Lu these days, the other party was not someone who would allow others to refuse.

The assistant has already started to pack up the things swiftly. Ye He didn’t have a lot of things, so he packed up quickly.

Seeing that the assistant had already packed everything up first, Ye He could only silently swallow the words he wanted to refuse, obediently got out of bed and walked beside Dr. Lu, while the assistant followed behind them with the packed things.

This was Ye He’s first visit to the area where Dr. Lu lived. In addition to being apprehensive, he was also a little more curious.

The three of them also met several researchers along the way. After greeting Dr. Lu, their eyes fell on Ye He involuntarily.

Almost all the researchers were aware of the change in Dr. Lu’s attitude towards Experiment No. 666. They were not fools. Naturally, they could see that Dr. Lu’s gaze towards Ye He was completely different from before.

That’s not the look in the eyes of the experiment, it’s like…

The researchers already had the answer in their hearts, but they couldn’t connect this emotion with Dr. Lu. But because of Dr. Lu, they didn’t keep their gaze on Ye He for a long time, and they quickly retracted it, for fear that Dr. Lu would find their gaze.

But Rao is like this, and Dr. Lu’s expression is already calm, and these researchers quickly understood the meaning, and hurriedly walked by with their heads down.

Ye He also felt a little strange, and he didn’t understand that these researchers looked at him and lowered their heads as if they were frightened.

He intuitively looked at Dr. Lu, and when he saw the other’s expression as usual, he had to put away his doubtful expression.

After walking for a while, the three reached their destination.

Because Dr. Lu’s room was not closed, Ye He glanced at it very quickly.

The room that Dr. Lu lives in is very large, but it is more like an office than a bedroom. And there is an empty room next to his room, but it is dressed in a warmer way, far better than the place where he lived before.

Ye He looked at the assistant, took it for granted that it was arranged by the assistant, and politely said thank you.

Hearing Ye He’s thanks, the assistant froze. After all, this room was not set up by him. Just as he was about to tell Ye He, he felt Dr. Lu’s gaze come over.

The assistant instantly understood the meaning in Dr. Lu’s eyes, and said “it’s okay” to Ye He.

Dr. Lu’s eyes kept falling on Ye He, observing his reaction to the room. After hearing the other party’s thanks, he felt slightly relieved, it seemed that Ye He still liked this room.

The assistant beside Dr. Lu was a talkative person. Seeing that the atmosphere was a little quiet, he helped Ye He pack up the things he brought from the old room and talked to him about some innocuous topics.

System: [It’s almost time to accompany No. 1. 】

Hearing the system’s words, Ye He subconsciously glanced at the watch hanging on the wall. If it wasn’t for the system reminder, he would have almost missed this event.

But what makes Ye He feel strange is that Dr. Lu and his assistant in front of him also seem to have forgotten the time.

Seeing that the two of them didn’t mean to mention this matter, Ye He had to take the initiative to say: “It’s time to accompany No. 1, should I go first?”

Before, the female researcher or others carried him directly, and this was the first time he heard about it.

As soon as his words came out, even the noisy assistant stopped talking. Out of the corner of the eye, he involuntarily glanced at Dr. Lu, checking his face.

Dr. Lu did not answer Ye He’s words, but suddenly asked: “You can’t wait to pass?”

His voice was cold, but his tone was inexplicably low, and it sounded like a precursor to the coming storm.

Ye He glanced at Dr. Lu suspiciously – before, the other party sent him there, why is he acting like he took the initiative to invite Ying?

However, his animal-like intuition made Ye He drop his eyes immediately, because the prototype is a rabbit, his temperament is harmless, and the drooping corners of his eyes make him appear more innocent: “I… I don’t really want to.”

Dr. Lu quickly realized that his reaction was a little big, and there was a trace of annoyance in his eyes. After taking a deep breath, he calmed down a lot when he spoke again, and asked his assistant to take Ye He there first.

The assistant heard Dr. Lu’s order and had to lead Ye He towards the area where No. 1 was located.

Looking at the back of his assistant leading Ye He away, Dr. Lu realized that his experiment had to speed up the progress, and Ye He would only have to accompany him by then.

For some reason, when he heard that Ye He was going to accompany No. 1 before, he still felt that it didn’t matter, but he didn’t know from when, he realized very clearly that the time Ye He spent with him had to be given to another person.

When meeting No. 1, Yehe turned into a rabbit as usual.

The assistant did not hold him, but put him in a glass box. But this time, it was not that he was afraid of the other party running away, but the assistant was trying to avoid suspicion.

The white rabbit in the glass box twitched his ears, and he no longer resisted going to see No. 1. After all, what he was most worried about before was that the other party would kill him like other experimental objects, but now No. 1 obviously does not do that, and when he is with No. 1, he can still complete random tasks.

Because Ye He arrived later than usual, No. 1 was a little anxious, and the expressions of several researchers also began to panic. They didn’t breathe a sigh of relief until they saw the assistant coming with the glass box.

The moment Ye He entered the observation room, No. 1 hurriedly wrapped himself up, lowered his head and approached Ye He.

Before Ye He didn’t know what the other party was doing, until later he knew that No. 1 was sniffing him if there was someone else’s scent, and then covered it up.

Because of the inexplicable guilt and guilty conscience of No. 1 in his heart, Ye He let No. 1 lick his back and stomach affectionately.

He glanced at the window of the observation room, but did not see Dr. Lu.

Ye He’s tail trembled, and suddenly he saw two hands in his sight.

Ye He: “…”

He didn’t even know when he became a humanoid.

But when he felt the temperature behind him, Ye He’s body froze, and only then did he realize that there was still No. 1 here.

This was the first time Ye He had transformed into a human figure in front of No. 1. When he met him before, he always kept the appearance of a rabbit.

Ye He shook his head and looked at No. 1, only to find that No. 1 also followed him into a human shape at some point, and his beautiful golden pupils stared at him.

Immediately afterwards, No. 1 suddenly stretched out his hand and directly wrapped Ye He’s waist to make him face him, while the other hand directly opened the collar.

Seeing No. 1’s sudden movement, Ye He’s heart skipped a beat, thinking that No. 1 was going to do something to the human figure until he felt No. 1’s other hand on his collar.

Ye He looked down and his eyelids jumped.

There was a little red on his opened collar, which was the trace left by Dr. Lu last night. Because it’s not very obvious, Ye He didn’t notice anyone along the way.

After that, he turned into a rabbit, and the traces on his body were also hidden, but he did not expect to suddenly change into a human form, and was discovered by the keen observation No. 1.

No. 1’s cold fingertips landed on the red mark that was about to fade. Even if the other party didn’t use any strength, but because of psychological reasons, Ye He felt that the force of No. 1 on him seemed to be extremely heavy.

And No. 1 looked at the red mark at this time, which also made him a little scared. The other party pursed his lips tightly at this time, revealing a dangerous aura inexplicably, making Ye He feel as if the other party was about to bite off in the next second. This piece of meat on him.

Thinking of this, Ye He’s body shrank, and No. 1’s fingertips stopped, and his eyes followed.

Facing No. 1’s beast-like gaze, Ye He suddenly had a flash of light, and suddenly grabbed No. 1’s wrist and said softly, “It hurts, I accidentally bumped it here before, and I didn’t expect there to be traces.”

Hearing Ye He’s words, No. 1’s finger subconsciously left the skin, but his eyes did not leave Ye He’s body, as if he was judging whether what the other party said was true or not.

Ye He forcefully faced No. 1’s gaze, and after seeing no trace of lying on his face, No. 1 also withdrew his gaze, with a bit of apology in his expression, as if he believed Ye He’s explanation.

Ye He didn’t expect No. 1 to be so easy to deceive, and suddenly felt more guilty, but after successfully deceiving No. 1, he also understood that he had to be more careful in the future.

It was only after Ye He’s guilty conscience that he looked away, but No. 1’s eyes fell on the red mark again, and the shadow cast by the eyelashes fell on the eyelid, adding a bit of gloom to his pupils.

Since that day, Dr. Lu never mentioned No. 1 in front of Ye He, nor did he stand by the window of the observation room to observe the situation as usual when Ye He accompanied No. 1.

It was only after that, Ye He found that the switching between his human form and beast form became more and more unstable, and sometimes he couldn’t change into a beast form even if he was nervous.

Although Ye He didn’t actually want to become a rabbit, he didn’t think it was a good thing, and worriedly wondered if something had happened to his body.

The system quickly answered his doubts. It analyzed Ye He’s body and guessed that it was because of the potion that had hit him on the back of the neck. Although the potion could turn Ye He into a human form in a short period of time, because Ye He’s body was too weak, there were some sequelae, and it would not return to normal until the potion in the blood was completely metabolized.

Hearing the system’s words, Ye He felt a little relieved. It’s just that the switch between human form and beast form still caused him some trouble. After turning into a human form, No. 1 would always check his body carefully, as if he was looking for something.

Ye He can only be thankful that he has paid attention to this these few days, and did not let Dr. Lu leave traces on his body.

After accompanying No. 1, because he had another job, Ye He went to work with Dr. Lu again. However, working by Dr. Lu’s side is also a random task. As long as Ye He completes it, he can gain three hours of lifespan. With the incentive of earning lifespan, he enjoys it.

What’s more, Dr. Lu has several assistants by his side, so Ye He’s work is not busy.

He sometimes encounters experimental objects who are also working in the laboratory, but he has never seen No. 467. Ye He thought about it, after all, he moved away from the original place, and it was normal that he couldn’t touch No. 467.

On this day, he went to the laboratory to help Dr. Lu as usual, and happened to bump into the assistant who was instructed by Dr. Lu to get the materials.

At the same time, the mechanical sound of the system sounded in Ye He’s ears: [Random mission: Get the data and get two days of life. 】

Hearing the system’s words, Ye He’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he and his assistant offered to help get the data.

The assistant hesitated for a while, but seeing that Ye He had been insisting, he had no choice but to agree.

Ye He put away the electronic key and walked in the direction pointed by the assistant.

He also met the female researcher on the way. After knowing that the purpose of both of them was the database, the two of them walked towards the database together.

Because he was completely moved by Dr. Lu’s side, there were very few opportunities for Ye He to meet with the female researcher.

Previously, the female researcher noticed that because No. 666 had more interactions with Dr. Lu, Dr. Lu’s attitude towards No. 666 was also changing, but she did not expect that No. 666 and Dr. Lu would eventually develop such a relationship.

Thinking that she proposed to let Ye He take the initiative to please Dr. Lu, the female researcher’s mood was very complicated, and she didn’t know whether her proposal at that time was correct.

But seeing the smile on Ye He’s face, she breathed a sigh of relief and asked about his situation and whether he was used to it after moving to Dr. Lu’s side.

Hearing the female researcher’s question, Ye He’s body couldn’t help but froze, but there was still a smile on the corner of his lips: “It’s…it’s okay.”

In terms of living conditions, he lives in the new room very well, and his diet has been significantly improved, from alfalfa nutrient solution to fresh alfalfa grass and carrots, and occasionally in the middle of the night, he dreams of that fresh fish tail.

Just living with Dr. Lu means that the time between the two of them will be longer.

The female researcher didn’t realize the rigidity of Ye He’s words, but asked enthusiastically, “Have you seen Dr. Lu’s room? I heard that assistants can’t go in, I haven’t seen it yet…”

Ye He smiled awkwardly, he not only saw it, but also went.

After the two people’s residences were next to each other, Dr. Lu no longer took him to the previous room, but called him directly into the bedroom.

There is a desk in Dr. Lu’s bedroom. After personal practice, Ye He found that a person could lie down on it, but it was a little crowded when he leaned on it for the first time. After his skin turned green, there was a soft cushion on the desk, which made Ye He and the system discuss how Dr. Lu wrote.

He also slept on the bed in the bedroom, but after seeing Dr. Lu’s inexplicably dangerous look when he lay down, he sat up silently again, and tried to stay away from the bed after that.

As if remembering something, the female researcher asked with concern, “Can your body….can adapt to Dr. Lu’s work rhythm?”

Ye He knew that she was talking about the fact that he would become a rabbit at any time, so he relieved: “Don’t worry, Dr. Lu…he will help me occasionally.”

Because there is no control over the transformation between human form and animal form, Ye He sometimes accidentally turns into a rabbit while helping. After the voice could not recognize the rabbit language, he could only continue to work with his ear curling pen.

However, after being discovered by Dr. Lu, he will hold him in his arms, slowly separate the pen from the rabbit’s ears with his long fingers, and then put the white rabbit on his knees, stroking the white rabbit’s furry back with one hand, The other hand held a pen to help Ye He write.

Ye He was a little embarrassed at first, flung his ears and boldly hooked Dr. Lu’s wrist, trying to grab the pen, but Dr. Lu easily untied the ears that were wrapped around his wrists. The fingers touched, and even the tail shook involuntarily.

After the failure to grab the pen at that time, the system also comforted: [Think for the better, and then use the ear to hold the pen to write, and the hair on your ear will be bald by the pen. 】

Ye He didn’t get the slightest bit of comfort, but tried his best to lift his head and tug at his ears, trying to see if his ears were really hairless, but almost fell out of Dr. Lu’s arms because he lost his balance.

However, Ye He silently swallowed this kind of thing back in his stomach.

The female researcher was completely relieved, and the two of them chatted and laughed and arrived at the reference room.

The lights in the reference room automatically turned on when the door was opened, illuminating the neat rows of bookshelves, which had been sorted into categories, making Ye He think he was in a large library in a trance.

The data room even has a second floor.

It’s just because the electronic database is now used in the laboratory, so there are almost no people here. At this time, there are only two people, he and the female researcher.

The female researcher was already very familiar with this place, so she quickly found the information she needed near the door.

Ye He first glanced at the electronic map at the entrance of the reference room, and found that the data he wanted was on the second floor, so after talking to the female researcher, he walked inside, and the female researcher stood at the door waiting for him to get the documents. leave together.

But just as he turned around a row of bookshelves, he heard the female researcher’s surprised voice with a bit of doubt: “Xiaolu, why are you here?”

After her voice fell, Ye He’s heart suddenly lifted. As far as he knew, there was only one person who could be called Xiaolu so affectionately by the female researcher—Lu Yinglang.

The author has something to say: Ye He: Work hard to support your life, I will write and I will write (rabbit at desk mad write.jpg

System: Rabbit ears are getting bald, you see, you see (pointing and pointing.jpg

PS: Because some of the content in the school meeting has been rewritten repeatedly because I am not satisfied with it these days, the update is relatively late. If there is no class tomorrow, I will try to write more~

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-08-2221:51:58~2021-08-2321:55:32~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 1 per month;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of krypton gold; 15 bottles of Baili Xiaosheng; 10 bottles of Qinyin acridine fish; 5 bottles of Xiaozhuma; 4 bottles of Su Xieqi Xiaoke; 2 bottles of Yueban Sprite and milk; Xi Xiaoxi Xi Xiaozhan and Mo Rugui are locked in trouble (〃▽〃) 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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