I Am This Murim’s Crazy B*tch

Chapter 519

I swear, that little brat who brought the net is going to get it!

This was the thought of Toun-gung, the Grand Master of Jangpyeong Sect.

A Dao is fundamentally a weapon meant for slicing.

With a long handle, it’s easy to handle, and thanks to the weight of the weapon itself, even just using your body weight to swing it down can deliver a powerful blow.

This is why the Sapa love it; by adding the basic strength and speed of a warrior to the Dao, one can quickly grow stronger.

The martial art of Dao technique is also quite simple, making it easy to learn.

The intricacies of Kwan and Hwan make up the high-level skills that come later.

There’s only one blade, so just swing it, and that’s that.

The tip of the Dao is sharp, so it can stab as well.

But because the center of weight is towards the tip, and the Dao gradually thickens from the handle to the blade, while it’s theoretically possible, once you stab, it’s hard to pull it out again.

Of course, there are specialized types like the Yuyeop Dao, where the blade flutters and changes its form.

Then there are the Ye Dao or Hwan Dao with thin, lightweight blades that can cut and stab like a sword.

But none of that is found in Jangpyeong Sect.

They only have thick, heavy weapons like the Bak Dao, Great Dao, or Gamsan Dao, all meant for powerful, crushing attacks—real manly weapons for real manly fighters!

But that brat’s net!

Toun-gung gritted his teeth in frustration.

Now it was openly engaging him with the Cheonhwa-geom.

Multiple blades were aiming down at him, but he was caught in a net made of rope and wire, thick enough to be two fingers wide.

*Aagh!* A shrill scream erupted.

But when it’s really painful, a person typically goes “Ugh” or gasps. A high-pitched scream just means they can endure it.

Even as he stabbed with the blades, they were just getting blocked by the ropes, resulting in nothing more than awkward swinging.

He yelled to stab, but the basic techniques of Jangpyeong Sect’s Peong Dao don’t involve stabbing, so his awkward thrusts lacked any proper weight behind them.

Thus, the tip may be sharp, but eventually, it’s blocked by the thickest part of the Dao, causing minor scratches.

The red dots blooming on his white robes were proof of that.

So, it’s not that the blade couldn’t penetrate at all.

The real issue was that Toun-gung’s weapon was the Guidu Dao.

Guidu Dao is a weapon with a heavy decoration at its tip, usually shaped like a demon’s head, hence the name.

With the weight at the blade’s end, its slicing power is devastating.

But? It has no pointed tip, so it can’t stab.

The blade of the Cheonhwa-geom glinted.

It was too big and hefty to call it a sword; how could one possibly swing such a gigantic weapon with one hand? It looked incomprehensibly massive.

The Qi infused in it was crushingly brutal, to the point that the blade seemed an inch thick.

One junior disciple was sliced by it.

He was a promising talent from a sect in the early stages of the peak.

He attempted to block it with the Dao upright but was helplessly pushed back and launched, the Qi-imbued blade of the Cheonhwa-geom pierced through and out from under his armpit.

No matter how strong he might be, after being cut like that, he couldn’t possibly leap up.

The tip of the Cheonhwa-geom that struck the top disciples got buried deep into the ground, his body bent down, fists nearly touching the ground in a crouched position.

In stark contrast to the vast open front, the narrow and fragile back received the onslaught of the blade.

Toun-gung’s Guidu Dao also fell in a bright arc like a brilliant star from above.

With the woman squatting low, her spine formed a beautifully lewd curve visible through her robe from above.

The mighty downward stroke, filled with affirmative Qi, could surely shatter her spine, but the feel of being firmly stuck in the net held it back.

*Ugh!* The Cheonhwa-geom fell, really making a thud when it hit the ground, but it quickly sprang back up, groaning as it stood again.

Even if the blade was caught in the net, even a full-stamina strike should’ve splintered it, yet the Cheonhwa-geom stood resilient despite the muffled sounds of it being choked.

Damn that net! Toun-gung blamed the net.

What kind of fools made such a net to use!

The answer: the hunters of Daeho led by Im Gi-hyun.

Daeho could exert a weight of 800 pounds, and they were vicious and cunning.

Since a damaged hide wouldn’t return them their risk pay, they usually covered it tightly with a sturdy net, hammering it down to fix it in place and kill it with a hammer.

Qing moved like a fierce female tiger.

The creature known as a female tiger in the Central Plains is actually classified as a leopard in Qing’s hometown.

Great Central Plain people don’t care whether it’s a tiger or a leopard; both are beasts, just little patterns on the same skin; they consider them the same breed.

The heavier and more massive one is the Daeho, whereas the sleek and slender one is the female tiger.

But in a way, Qing was like the Daeho.

The Jangpyeong disciples tangled in the net were already two.

The Cheonhwa-geom was entangled in the net, dragging the remaining part along the ground; it was a somewhat reasonable attempt to pull and topple.

However, pulling led nowhere; tripping over while dragging caused the two burly adults to roll around on the ground.

Even so, the Cheonhwa-geom soared through the air, shadows darting as it sliced through the empty space.

The ones caught in the net bounced around like pebbles thrown onto the surface of a pond.

What on earth kind of insane strength does that woman have?

Toun-gung could only lament.

However, Qing also looked a bit foolish.

With two burdens equivalent to two heavyweights hanging from her back, the net enveloping her body was stretched taut, making her chest swell as if it might burst.

And is she still alright?

It was her actual womanly sensitive bits clamped and squeezed by that net.

So, it truly hurt like hell.

“Protect the chest? It’s a tri-blade! What should I do about two heads? We’re not useless meat! It’s one of a woman’s most important bodily parts; hurry and safeguard it!” The plea came through amidst her pain.

Qing’s eyes fluttered, proving that point.

This won’t do. It hurts too much to think straight.

Thus, she let out a rough growl!

It was a bit harsh, but the beauty of her voice, even if she scrunched her throat, still remained melodious.

As Qing pulled at the net with all her might, the two hanging behind were flung out like they had no wings, crashing into a pair of Jangpyeong disciples.

One Daoist draped in Qi didn’t dare to swing at his comrades harshly, nor did he kindly accept but took off like a shot.

One of the human weights got its neck snapped as it fell, and another let out an “Aaaah!” as it broke the bone, screaming in agony.

Qing grabbed the front edge of the net like flipping over a dinner table.

With the human load and a corpse launched, the heavy net unfolded as it enveloped the soaring Supreme Daoist from below.

And still with enough strength left, it shot up high into the sky, giving Qing the chance to raise both hands and strike under its chin.

The net bridal robe flared away.

Though it left a rough hurt along her chin, she now felt light, freed from the burdensome weight pressing against her and the intense pain tightening her chest.

It was like finally shedding the sandbags.

Without further ado, she turned to that blabbering guy—what was his name again? Toun? Toun-gung, or something like that? How did a person even get a name like that?

Anyway, tackling that chatterbox with importance.

The clash of Qi erupted like stars scattered everywhere.


A voice cut through—the voice of her master, Yeom Bing.

Pushed down through the beginner stages of the peak, with still some precariousness, it surged ahead.

But the Cheonhwa-geom vanished right in front of him.

Yeom Bing’s blade sliced through air, but at that moment, Toun-gung’s gaze was immediately pulled down.

When he saw the Cheonhwa-geom lying flat with its feet planted on the ground, the instant their eyes met, one of its bent arms swept the blade across, cutting into Yeom Bing’s ankle.


Fortunately, it seemed he was wrapped in protective Qi, so instead of being cut off, his foot flew up, sending him rolling.

“You brat!”

Toun-gung hurriedly swung down his Dao.

Desperate enough that he couldn’t even differentiate between the two!

Martial arts are ways to deal with humans, and normally, humans don’t tend to fight lying down.

In other words, martial arts are not made to deal with opponents lying on the ground.


The Great Dao slammed into the earth, sending dirt flying everywhere.

Beyond that, a massive buttock of the Cheonhwa-geom rolled its way out, its slender neck, and dancing eye caught with rotten flesh, all filled with faded colors and decaying signals.

“You, Cheon-”


The majestic sound of a bell drowned out Toun-gung’s words.

As his cheek scraped past, it went *thud*, and a person’s body crumbled like meat.

Yet Toun-gung couldn’t look back to check whether his disciple or junior had survived.

Before long, brilliant starlight filled his vision.


The Moonlight Sword pierced right into Toun-gung’s eyes.

Along with the inconsequential words spoken now, the most heinous killings crafted by people, the Qi shredded apart his brain.

If there’s an afterlife, Toun-gung’s journey wouldn’t be boring at all.

His disciples and master would quickly arrive, and they’d all be reunited.

But what a girl, indeed!

But did you see that ample chest? Wow, had I known she’d be like that, I would’ve tied her up at the inn and taken a shot!

Hah! You guys didn’t see her flaunting that iron plate—if that had been a bed, whoosh, I’d be dead!

Silly talk like that perhaps hinted a bit of camaraderie, but most likely, the Sapa would be heading straight towards hell.

Of course, Qing had no way of knowing about the afterlife.

Knowing nothing about the world, even when living on her homeland, and while living amidst the Central Plains, she remained clueless.

Though perhaps she was more foolish than others.

Yet, the world one knows is limited to what one sees. People can only grasp what they’ve looked upon, and thus, the world they know is just that small.

In the same manner, onlookers, enemies, and soldiers now caught sight of the Cheonhwa-geom.

In their world, the towering figure of the Cheonhwa-geom stood tall.

The lone woman drenched in others’ blood stood among the sea of gazes, her martial robe clinging to her body, revealing dramatic curves.

A cruel yet alluring hue.

The unmistakable sound of someone gulping down saliva echoed in the silence. *Ah*, a sigh tinged with heat.

Only then did a resounding voice follow.

“Well then, next!”

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