I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 707: Voices of Aincrad: The Q&A Event

Chapter 707: Voices of Aincrad: The Q&A Event

The atmosphere in the Tokyo Studios stand was electric as the anticipation built for the Q&A session. Fans who had been drawn in by the stunning life-sized model of Kirito, the immersive VR experiences, and the exclusive merchandise were now eager to hear directly from the creators and voices behind the upcoming Sword Art Online anime. The small stage, which had been the focal point of the stand, was now fully prepared for the event, with chairs neatly arranged for the panelists and microphones ready to capture every word.

As the clock struck the hour, the lights dimmed slightly, signaling the start of the session. The murmur of the crowd hushed as the host stepped onto the stage, a beaming smile on his face. "Good afternoon, everyone!" the host began, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "Welcome to the Sword Art Online Q&A session! Today, we have an incredible panel of voice actors and animators who have worked tirelessly to bring this beloved novel to life in our very first anime production!"

A wave of applause and cheers erupted from the small audience, echoing throughout the stand reserved for the Tokyo Studios. The host gestured toward the side of the stage, where the panelists were waiting to be introduced.

"Please welcome our talented voice actors-Eto Kimi, the voice of Kirito, and Laura Addams, the voice of Asuna!"

Eto and Laura stepped onto the stage to thunderous applause. Eto, dressed in a casual yet stylish outfit, flashed a confident grin at the audience. Laura, elegant and poised, waved gracefully to the fans. Both actors took their seats, clearly energized by the warm reception. "And joining them are two key members of our animation team who have poured their hearts into this project-animator supervisor Tatsuya Nakamura and storyboard artist Yui Sakamoto!"

Tatsuya and Yui followed, receiving their own round of applause. Tatsuya, with his signature tousled hair and laid-back demeanor, gave a modest nod to the crowd. Yui, more reserved but equally passionate, offered a shy smile as she settled into her seat. The two of them had traveled from Elffire City with the special mission to answer doubts from the crowd about the anime production.

"Last but certainly not least," the host continued, "we have the branch manager of the Sakura City Studio, Amano Rio, who has overseen the production of Sword Art Online from the very beginning!"

Rio, dressed in a sharp business suit that contrasted with the more casual attire of the other panelists, walked onto the stage with an air of quiet confidence. The applause for Rio was mixed with a few murmurs of curiosity; after all, this was one of the few opportunities for fans to hear directly from someone at the managerial level.

With all the panelists seated, the host took a moment to explain the format of the session. "We'll start with a few questions that have been pre-submitted by fans, and then we'll open the floor to live questions from the audience. So, let's dive right in!"

The first question, displayed on a large screen behind the panel, was directed at Eto Kimi. "Eto, what was it like to voice Kirito, a character who is so beloved by fans of the novel?"

Eto leaned forward, his expression thoughtful. "Voicing Kirito has been an incredible experience," he began. "He's such a complex character-strong, determined, but also vulnerable in a way that makes him relatable. I really wanted to capture that balance in my performance. Knowing how much Kirito means to the fans, I felt a lot of responsibility to do him justice. It was challenging, but also very rewarding."

Laura Addams was next, with a question about her portrayal of Asuna. "Laura, Asuna is known for being both a fierce warrior and a caring friend. How did you approach bringing out those different sides of her character?"

Laura smiled warmly. "Asuna is such a dynamic character, and I loved the challenge of showing both her strength and her softer, more compassionate side. I spent a lot of time thinking about how she would react in different situations, and how her relationships with other characters, especially Kirito, would influence her actions and emotions. It was important to me to make her feel real and multidimensional."

The audience nodded appreciatively, clearly satisfied with Laura's insight into her character. Next, the focus shifted to Tatsuya Nakamura, the lead animator. "Tatsuya, what were some of the challenges you faced in animating the virtual world of Aincrad?"

Tatsuya scratched his head, a grin spreading across his face. "Animating Aincrad was both a dream and a nightmare," he admitted, prompting some laughter from the crowd. "The world of Sword Art Online is incredibly detailed, and we wanted to make sure that every aspect of it was visually stunning. The scale of Aincrad, with its towering floors and diverse environments, required a lot of creative thinking. But the biggest challenge was probably the action sequences. We wanted the battles to feel fast-paced and intense, while still being clear and easy to follow. It took a lot of late nights and countless revisions, but I think the final result is something fans will really enjoy."

Yui Sakamoto, the storyboard artist, was then asked about her role in the project. "Yui, how did you approach the storyboarding process for an anime as ambitious as Sword Art Online?" Yui adjusted her glasses, her voice soft but clear. "To be honest, it wasn't difficult at all because most of the work was done by our director, we just had to follow his instructions. However, I worked closely with the director to ensure that each scene captured the right mood and pacing. It was important to us that the story flowed naturally, while also highlighting the key moments that fans would be looking forward to. There were times when we had to make tough decisions about what to include and what to simplify, but in the end, I think we managed to stay true to the spirit of the original work."

The audience responded with a round of applause, clearly impressed by the dedication and thoughtfulness that Yui brought to her work.

Finally, it was Amano Rio's turn to address a question. "Rio, as the branch manager overseeing the production, what was your vision for Sword Art Online as Tokyo Studios' debut anime?"

Rio leaned back in his chair, a contemplative look on his face. "When we first decided to adapt Sword Art Online, we knew we were taking on something special. The novel has a dedicated fanbase, and we wanted to create an anime that would not only meet their expectations but exceed them. My vision was to create a series that was visually stunning, emotionally engaging, and true to the source material. I worked closely with every department to ensure that our team had the resources and support they needed to bring this world to life. This is our debut anime, so we wanted to make a strong impression-not just for the fans, but for the future of Tokyo Studios as well."

The crowd erupted in applause, clearly appreciative of Rio's leadership and commitment to

the project.

With the pre-submitted questions answered, the host opened the floor to the audience. Hands shot up across the room, and the first live question was directed at Eto. "Eto, do you think Kirito's relationship with Asuna will be as important in the anime as it is in the novel?" Eto smiled, glancing at Laura before responding. "Absolutely. Kirito and Asuna's relationship is central to the story, and it's something we really focused on in the recording sessions. Their bond is what drives a lot of the plot, and I think fans will be pleased with how it develops on screen."

Another fan asked Yui about the challenges of adapting specific scenes from the novel. "Yui, were there any scenes that were particularly difficult to storyboard?"

Yui nodded. "Definitely. One of the toughest scenes was the first boss battle in Aincrad. It was a pivotal moment in the story, and we wanted to make sure it was as impactful as possible. Balancing the action with the emotional weight of the scene took a lot of trial and error, but I'm really proud of how it turned out."

A journalist suddenly stood up and asked a question to Rio, "Amano-san, some people are commenting that your studio is going against tradition by setting its headquarters away from Sakura City. How do you respond to these allegations?"

Rio didn't even flint when she heard the provocative question, Ryoko and she already expected these kinds of questions when they had a meeting about the upcoming anime


She just smiled calmly before answering the question, "There is no set-up rule that makes it obligatory that every studio has to base its headquarters in Sakura City. We deeply respect and admire Sakura City's rich traditions and history. After all, it was here that anime was born and became famous worldwide. Our goal was never to undermine this city's traditions, we simply wanted to build a company where our employees could produce high-quality animes, just like every other animation studio. Another reason is that my boss didn't want to move out of Elffire City." She ended her explanation with a giggle.

The crowd laughed as well when they heard that.

Just like that, Rio masterfully defused the trick question like the professional she was.

The questions continued, with fans eager to learn more about the production process, the voice actors' experiences, and the vision behind the anime. Throughout the session, the panelists engaged warmly with the audience, sharing stories, insights, and even a few behind-the-scenes anecdotes that had everyone laughing.

As the Q&A session began to wind down, the host thanked the panelists for their time and the fans for their enthusiastic participation. "This has been an incredible opportunity to hear from the talented people behind Sword Art Online," the host said, beaming at the crowd. "And we can't wait for you all to experience the anime when it premieres!"

The room erupted in one final round of applause as the panelists stood and waved to the audience. The energy in the room was palpable, the excitement for the upcoming anime now at an all-time high.

As the panelists exited the stage, the fans began to disperse, many heading toward the merchandise section or the VR stations for one last experience before leaving the Tokyo Studios stand. The Q&A session had only heightened their anticipation, and now, the countdown to the anime's release seemed even more unbearable.

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