I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1729

Chapter 1729: Toying With My Fate

Chapter 1729 Playing with my fate

“Mom~” The child named Fino reluctantly called his mother, but the other party ignored it and turned his face to Tang Ye.

“Sorry Mr. Pillay.”

“It’s fine.” Tang Ye waved his hand indifferently, he didn’t care whether the grocery store was doing well or not.

Fino’s mother looked apologetic, and finally pulled Fino away from here, and Fino was still very unwilling, but he couldn’t beat his mother, so he could only be dragged away, and when he came, he shouted to Tang Ye: “Pi Mr. Lai, please keep it for me, I’ll buy it in the afternoon!”

Tang Ye agreed with a smile and watched the mother and son walk away. He looked back at what Fino liked. On the second floor behind the display glass, there was a robot that was completely assembled with gears. It seems that many joints can move and are full of artistic flavor. Tang Ye quickly got into trouble because he didn’t know how much this thing should sell for.

“Alas, I hope Mr. Pillay told the little guy about the price before.”

There were still many students passing by the door of the shop on the street, most of them knew Tang Ye, and he had to stand at the door of the shop and smiled at every child who greeted him.

“Mr. Pillay good morning.”

“Good morning.”

“Mr. Pillay, my stationery box is broken, I need to buy a new one.”


“This is it.”

“Do you know its price?”

“Didn’t you say it was two hundred and thirty pesos?”


“Come on, this is money, please keep it.”

“Welcome next time.”

“Mr. Pillay, my stationery box is also rotten, and I need to buy a new one.”

“Choose for yourself.”

“this one.”

“Two hundred and thirty pesos.”

“Mr. Pillay, shouldn’t this be more expensive?”


After sending off one child after another, it took Tang Ye a few minutes to send the last child away. After watching her go out, Tang Ye finally breathed a sigh of relief. He complained a little, why the price of the stationery box can’t be the same?

The last child who bought a stationery box walked out of the garden and waved at Tang Ye as he ran. Tang Ye also waved his hand casually until the other party disappeared and shook his head helplessly. The number of children going to school on the street has decreased a lot. It should be almost time for class.

Just as Tang Ye was about to return to the store, he suddenly saw another child appearing in the distance, and his appearance was somewhat familiar to Tang Ye, it was Delia!

After seeing the appearance of the other party, Tang Ye retracted the foot he had just raised, watching Deria approaching him little by little.

She lowered her head the whole time, holding the lunch box in her hand, shaking it, she could see that there was nothing in the lunch box at all, and the gap on the schoolbag from yesterday was now sewn with a layer of black cloth, which seemed to shiver even more.

I don’t know if it was because she kept her head down, or because she didn’t want to pay attention to Tang Ye, she just passed by the door of the shop without saying a word, as if she never knew Tang Ye.

Tang Ye looked at her and saw the back from the front of the body. At this time, he found that there was a red mark on Deria’s neck, like it was strangled?


Tang Ye suddenly called out to the other party, and Derrya heard someone calling her, so she also looked back. After seeing Tang Ye’s face, her expressionless face became confused, and then changed from confusion to confusion. became suspicious.

“Mr. Pillay…how do you know my name?”

“Huh?” Tang Ye was startled by Daria’s question, but he quickly reacted with a mysterious expression on his face, and pretended to be mysterious and said, “Guess what?”

“…What’s the matter?” Deria still had doubts on her face, but fortunately she didn’t ask Tang Ye why she knew her name.

Tang Ye walked out of the garden, took a few steps to Deria’s side, pressed her shoulder to make her turn slightly, and saw the red mark on her neck clearly, some parts were already blue.

“On your neck… Did they bully you again?”


Deria hurriedly raised her hand and touched her neck, as if she had only discovered the mark on her neck now.

“If it’s the ones from yesterday, I can help you out.” Tang Ye intended to win Deria’s favor as Lu Xiaojie instructed, but this seemed to backfire.

After hearing Tang Ye’s words, Deria ducked Tang Ye’s hand with her head lowered, and lowered her head again and again.

“Sorry, Mr. Pillai!” After saying such a sentence, she trotted away from here, and Tang Ye clearly saw the tears dripping from her eyes.

Tang Ye’s brows furrowed. Maybe he should see what’s going on. If it really was what the children did to Deria yesterday, he could solve this problem in a normal way. The best way is to differentiate into several Dao avatar, threaten him with the appearance of a gangster, so that those little brats should not dare to do anything to Deria.

However, what puzzled him was that Deria didn’t feel like a child who would cry when he was bullied. Could it be that he was moved to cry by himself?

shook his head, Tang Ye felt that the possibility would be extremely low.

At this time, there were not many people on the street. Not far away, sanitation workers in blue overalls were most seen, or office workers in suits hurried past from time to time.

Without the children who went to school, his grocery store became deserted again, but Tang Ye didn’t care, he returned to the store to open the music box and continued to read the historical novel.

But unfortunately, this novel looks long, and it came to the finale after Tang Ye kept flipping through it. He had some aftertastes, but in order to pass the time, he started flipping through other books, but he still had the stamina after reading the novel, and let Tang Ye Ye couldn’t read other books for a while, and could only sit on the chair behind the counter and listen to music from the music box.

After the morning, there was never a single customer in the grocery store. The inner world seemed to be non-existent and never appeared, which made Tang Ye even more bored. Suddenly, he thought of something and picked up the medicine bottle that had mold growing there yesterday. Went out, came to the pharmacy opposite, went straight to the door of the pharmacy, and walked in.

“Hello, what do you need, see for yourself.”

In the pharmacy, a man in a mink coat asked listlessly, his tone was very perfunctory, it was not hard to guess that his “Renyitang” business was also not optimistic.

“Excuse me, do you have this medicine here?”

Tang Ye took out the medicine bottle in his hand and handed it to the man, who flipped his hair up, took the medicine in Tang Ye’s hand, and looked at it carefully. After a while, he returned it. , and asked, “How much do you want?”

“Uh…a bottle?”


“Hey… I want as much as you have here!”



“Still not.”

“Sir, I hope you know what’s going to happen to me!”

(end of this chapter)

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