I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1703

Chapter 1703: His Gift 2

Chapter 1703 The gift he prepared 2


After the laughter, Yang Xiangfeng’s tone became serious, and then he said word by word: “You think I will admit defeat? Oh, by the way, don’t you think it’s strange? Hey, don’t be curious, everything here is prepared for you. Yes! I’ve waited too long for this day, Corpse King! Hahaha! I’m sorry to tell you that the battle has just begun! Your opponent! It’s me! Remember my name, Yang! Xiang! Feng!”

With Yang Xiangfeng’s words, his emotions seemed a little crazy, and at the same time, his tone was also a little hoarse, just like the state when his body had not fully recovered when he was recovering from a serious illness. During the battle, the Corpse King also watched with cold eyes.

He was still holding something in his hand. It seemed to be a remote control, and his fingers slid on it. Yang Xiangfeng looked up at the sky, and the others at the scene also looked up. Dozens of drones flew out of the inside of A, circling in the air, the cameras above quickly turned on, and the flashing red light represented that these drones were recording everything that happened here.

After doing this, Yang Xiangfeng threw away the remote control in his hand. His eyes stayed on the corpse king for a second or two, but soon he looked at Su Sigui strangely. The two looked at each other for a while. , Yang Xiangfeng suddenly nodded, and within the time they looked at each other, the two reached some kind of deal.

Su Sigui sighed in his heart, maybe in the last life, there was another person standing in a different position than himself and agreed to someone’s request.

Yang Xiangfeng’s gaze was still on her body, until she finally nodded to him, the other party looked away with confidence and looked at the Corpse King.

“…Come on. Hehe…”

His tone became serious, and just after he finished speaking, he saw his arms crossed downwards, and as soon as the black armor touched, purple light appeared on the surface of the exoskeleton battle suit with a ‘swoosh”, and it flowed slowly!

His fists began to pinch, feeling the majestic power given to him by the battle suit. At this moment, his only feeling was that he had become a god! Possessing a **** who smashes everything! However, while possessing this powerful strength, his body is also under tremendous pressure!

I seem to be carrying a mountain on my back, but it doesn’t matter!

“Hum~huh… Enjoy!”

His voice became even more hoarse. Looking at the corpse king, he couldn’t see his expression due to the mask blocking, but he could feel the murderousness emanating from him!

“Come on! Do your best and show me how powerful you are…!”

He almost roared these words, the voice fell on his knees, and the whole person shot into the sky like a cannonball, pulling up a large afterimage! The sky is also dark!

The power of the eighth-order new human burst out, and with the blessing of the first-generation Yaoshen armor, he jumped to a height of 100 meters in an instant, and the light circulating on the battle clothes became brighter at this moment. For a time, his figure became the focus in the air!


The purple color circulating on the battle suit is getting brighter and more eye-catching, and people gradually feel the oppressive feeling from him! Then, he began to dive down, and the surrounding air was stirred, forming a strong air pressure and squeezing it to the ground together! Some heavy objects on the ground began to float slowly without being affected by gravity, and they shattered directly under the hedge!

Soon, he came to the corpse king, raised one leg and slashed at the opponent!


Under the strong pressure of the air, the surrounding temperature rises rapidly, and the Xiangquan Square, which has changed into a different appearance, is like hell. The dead zombies begin to dance, which is accompanied by their limbs under the heat of the high temperature. Dancing!

This amazing blow pulled a long white fog wall from the air to the ground, and then, like the sound of a meteorite hitting the ground, the earth was truly torn apart, and a long abyss divided the entire Sanctuary City into two parts. Several parts!

The strong shaking caused flash floods to erupt in the mountains in the distance, and the wind and sand danced wildly, making people unable to open their eyes at all.

He didn’t know if he hit the opponent with this kick, but he didn’t see the reaction he wanted from the opponent. Withdrawing his leg, he swung the other foot and swept the other foot out. Quickly followed by the next blow!

Every punch and every kick of his burst out with enough power to destroy the world, and the surging sand can’t stop the purple light emanating from Yaoshen Armor!

He pulled out pieces of afterimages and danced in the wind and sand, and the purple spores also became violent under his crazy offensive, constantly blocking his every attack, but at this moment, under the blessing of Yao Shenjia , he has the combat power of the ninth-order existence, his fists, his legs, shattered the composition made of purple spores again and again, he tensed his nerves, and tried again and again to use his power on the On this corpse king!

Their speed is so fast that they can’t be seen. Under the continuous explosion of the powerful force beyond people’s cognition, within a radius of more than ten kilometers centered on Xiangquan Square, no lumps can be seen. Those that collapsed The building, whether it is the remnants of the walls or the steel bars inside, was twisted into particles in the violent sandstorm. From a distance, it seems that this place has become a desert that is being ravaged by sandstorms!

In this area, those who can still survive are no longer within the range of normal people, but there are still three people alive, but they have no chance to see the whole process of this battle. The wind and sandstorm that were twisted into powder, they couldn’t raise their heads at all, they could only cover their mouths and noses with their clothes, lowered their heads, and didn’t dare to look up at all.

Guitou Zai has no idea how many times he has fainted. He thought he was dead countless times, but he opened his eyes countless times to see the things in front of him. Occasionally, when he raised his head, he only saw a black “curtain” cover He lived with him and Brother Shi, but he didn’t have the strength to check where he was, he just wanted to close his eyes again and have a good sleep!

The battle on the other side is still going on, but in any case, the power Yang Xiangfeng has at this time is not his own. Every attack consumes a lot of his physical strength, and his body will soon reach the limit, but he will As if he couldn’t feel tired, one punch missed in the past, and the steel armor quickly turned into a sharp cone. With his low roar, the next punch slammed out again!


The gust of wind from this punch blew away the surrounding sand and dust, but before he had time to check if he had hit the target, he stepped down with a single step! He quickly raised his arms to block, only to hear a dull sound of “dong”, his body like a flying blade slashed the ground and rushed out of Sanctuary City!

(end of this chapter)

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