I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1667

Chapter 1667: Predator

Chapter 1667 Snatchers

He remembered that when he became “Tomi”, many of his peers knelt down to him and crowned himself. At that time, he killed another “Tomi” who had existed for a long time, and at the same time, he was also besieged by other “Tomi”. Survive! His name – Bone! At that time, it became a word in the mouth of the same kind!

But in that world, “Hitomi” is not the ruler. They may be the rulers of some small tribes in that world, but in the big tribe, “Hitomi” will never be the only one! In the “high cliff” where he is, there are nearly forty “Tomi”!

It stands to reason that in such a situation, even if the number of “Tomi” is large, as a top combat power, it is almost the same as the so-called “ruler”, but in fact this is not the case. When “Tomi” has its own absolute status, They will lose their lives at any time, and at a certain time they will suddenly turn into fly ash, be absorbed by the ground, or die by being pulled out of the ‘stones” in their bodies by tentacles that suddenly appear.

“Hitomi” will be on guard for any abnormality around them at every moment!

The historical bones of that world do not know that the language they speak was taught by a fellow named Aben, word by word, word by word, to teach the former “Hitomi”, and then it has been passed on until the end. Today’s bones learn such a language.

Every word they know is spoken through the mouths of other people of the same kind, but there is one accident, that is “breeding”!

This word originates from a legend that they are actually stocked by a powerful being who lives in that world. In order to have the energy to move freely at any time, he keeps them in that dark world, where countless similar Fighting inside, more and stronger beings are constantly being born, but these ‘stones” that exist in the body will be taken away by the one who needs it at any time!

According to the wise man, the so-called “breeding” is just like the “pupils” who need a more convenient life. They will raise some “dragons”, “Kiren” and other similar species in their own homes, and take away their body when necessary. Stone!

This legend made them very angry, and there were also “Tomi” who summoned other “Tomi” to resist the “breeding” that existed, but all ended in failure, and those who resisted “Tomi”, the consequence was that they were killed by some strangers. But “Hitomi”, who is stronger than them, took the stone from his body!

And the last time he resisted, he was fortunate enough to see it. He was glad that he did not participate, so he saw the “Tomi” who had fought with him kneeling and being pinched by a tall giant called “Tiger” one by one. Explosion, and its savage way to remove the stones from their bodies!

The “Hitomi” who chose to resist that time only saw the existing “Hitomi”, and I couldn’t even see the shadow!

In that world, the hierarchy between all beings is extremely strict, and every word that the strong says to the weak cannot be violated. Just like a program, the instructions issued according to human behavior must be strictly implemented!

That is no exception, he could not even imagine the scene where the weak disobeyed his orders!

He really couldn’t figure it out, his brows were clenched and he couldn’t open it. He was stronger than those three weird guys, but why didn’t they obey him?

But soon, he seemed to think of something, the doubt on his face slowly disappeared, and turned into a smile, only to hear him mutter: “This world… is so wonderful.”

When he was still in the original world, he had no prepared knowledge of the size. He only knew that in that world, it would take him dozens of breaths to complete a tour!

But now, he sees the colors that the world doesn’t have, the things that don’t exist, and the green strips on the street are all fascinated. Even if the battle is affected and it becomes miserable, it is still difficult for him to remove his eyes!

There are also the dazzling round things in the sky. Although the light emanating from it made his body a little weak, he still likes this kind of light, just because he has never seen these things before! In his eyes, the world was so beautiful and boundless!

At the same time…he also encountered better smelling and better looking…food!

In the past, there were more foods that he hated to eat in this world, and his instinctive need to live made him like new things, but at the same time made it difficult for him to let go of everything he had seen before, and his environment had undergone tremendous changes. , but the living habits can’t be reflected. In order to keep himself alive, he needs to reserve more, because in this “new world”, he is not the only one!

The cake is big, but if too many people want it, it’s not enough, he must get more before the “cake” is robbed!

So, he didn’t go after those three people, just watched their backs disappear in front of his eyes and shook his head, he opened his mouth slightly and muttered: “There should be more here…”

After muttering, he looked at the fellow of the same ethnic group standing opposite him. That guy was very angry. The originally scarlet eyes became even more scarlet, so he wanted to eat him alive. The reason for this is because in that The world’s resources are too scarce, “Tomi” has a huge demand for food, and the existence of “Tomi” can only fully satisfy a few “Tomi”, so most of the time, they are hungry. He was holding his stomach, and the energy of his body would be taken away by the earth at any time, and this time, the boy Aben said that they could eat and drink outside, but the object was not the same kind as them, but those who Zombies with different colors from them!

Although they didn’t understand why, but after they came up, they found that in addition to their silver counterparts, there were many other species different from them, such as those with dark purple bodies!

All in all, such an opportunity is too rare. Along the way, he saw the same kind of people who came out of that world like him eating frantically. If they were not eating, then it must be on the way to eat, and it would not stop for a moment. , In addition, the ground in this place will not absorb their energy, which allows them to be active for a long time in this “world” with a little energy, but even so, they have been severely squeezed by that world. Store energy in a frenzy! Even if the mobility stored in the body has begun to overflow!

As for the silver armored corpse on the opposite side, it didn’t take long to come out. After seeing so many “food” that can be enjoyed at will, of course, the first thing to do is to take them down, but suddenly someone else came to share it, and this moment touched Hit the opponent’s bottom line!

Even the bones are from this angle, except that he is now a predator.

(end of this chapter)

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