I am Succubus!

94 – Manga Cafe Fun

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I texted Hatsumi that Mio and I stayed late after school for Culture Day work, and we would be sleeping over at Hitomi's place. Then I sent a strongly worded text to Selene that she was not to touch a single hair on my sister. Lately, that succubus has been trying to get closer to Hatsumi, but knowing her, she's too obsessed with me to notice another person's feelings.

My sister didn't break up with Kotaro for nothing after all.

Mio soared ahead, stretching out her wings and making nose dives like she was egging me on to chase her. I'd gotten the hang of flying for a while now, but she would always be a lot more experienced than me.

The city below was a carnival of light shows. As winter approached and the days grew shorter, people turned on more lights than usual as if to ward off the night. I used to fall asleep with the sun still peeking over the horizon during the summer, now the sun was long gone by the time people got off work.

Even though I was going out with Mio tonight, thinking back to the resetting week continued to carve a hole in my chest. I still missed what we had back then.

"Huh… What the?" I took my eyes off Mio for one minute and she was gone.

"On your six!"

Mio tackled me from above, locking her arms around my chest and incapacitating me from flying. We were both in free fall.

"What are you doing? We're going to hit the ground at this rate! Arrggh…" I couldn't so much as wriggle out of her grasp.

"I'm not letting go until you tell me what's been eating you. Because I know for sure it ain't my mouth you're thinking about," she shouted as our hair whipped from the winds.

Did she know what was bothering me? More importantly, this fall wouldn't kill me, but it was going to hurt a lot.

"It's… It's because of last week!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

With that, Mio unfurled her wings. My face was only a foot away from scraping the sidewalk. She nimbly dodged past obstacles and narrowly avoided slamming into folks walking by.

"Kyaa!" A girl nearby had her dress kicked up by the gust of our descent and gave me an eyeful of her underwear.

Thanks to our invisibility, no one saw us. But that didn't make my heart race any slower. One wrong slip and someone was going to eat a concussion and two succubus to the head.

We landed inside an alleyway and transformed back into our human form and clothing.

"What happened last week?" Mio asked.

"I don't know if you will…" I swallowed what I was about to say. She would believe me. She did back then, why wouldn't she now? What I really needed was to stop being a coward and just be out with it. "Let's find somewhere better to talk."

We hit up a manga cafe called MangaLoo. There were many around the city that had different themes and atmosphere. One looked like a nightlife clubbing experience without the loud music. Dark rooms, thin walls, posters plastered over each other, and flashing neon lights advertised the latest comics and anime.

Those kinds of places usually attract seedier occupants. I opted instead to choose a manga cafe that was closer to a library cafe than anything. The dark maple wood walls of each room were built up to the low ceiling and had soundproof insulation. They had several types of booths. Some were as small as office cubicles fit for a single occupant, and others were just large enough to be furnished with a reclining mini sofa that doubled as a bed.

"This is so cool!" Mio exclaimed, eyes sparkling at the number of manga available to be read. "Why don't we come to these places more often?"

"Because we live in a house," I said, paying for an 8-hour package just in case.

The cashier awkwardly took my money and handed me a keycard. He probably wasn't used to seeing girls come to a manga cafe. These places, while not specifically targeted towards one particular demographic, were typically used by men under 40.

For some folks, manga cafes were the preferred living arrangements over a house or apartment since it was cheap. Well, cheap as long as you were a working person.

I'd read stories online about how some women living in manga cafes prostituted themselves to pay for their stay. Maybe the cashier thought we were as such, but I clearly showed I had money to spend.

"What kind of booth did ya get?" Mio asked eagerly.

"Medium booth. But that's not saying much. Every room is designed with one person in mind, so it'll still be cramped with both of us," I answered.

"Hmmm… That means we can't bring someone in for a threesome?" she inquired a little too loudly as we walked past a table full of boys reading manga.

If we weren't drawing enough attention, now we really did sound like prostitutes…

And in a place full of young men this was getting to be a recipe for disaster. Or… pleasure. Oh, god. Did I subconsciously choose a manga cafe for that very reason?

"W-We're not bringing anyone else into the room…" I grumbled, keeping my head low to avoid attention.

Our booth was at the end of the hallway. The occupant across from our booth was about to exit his but paused when he saw us to make room.

"Sorry." He reflexively bowed his head apologetically for almost walking into us.

Mio put two fingers up to her mouth and stuck her tongue out, making the universal gesture of eating pussy. The man blushed. I shoved Mio in and shut the door behind us.

"Kahaha! He probably thinks we're about to get all hot and steamy in here. I bet we will after a while, huh?" She bumped my waist with a thrusting motion.

I heaved a sigh.

On second thought, bringing her to a manga cafe was the wrong idea. People were going to get annoyed by her lack of an indoor voice.

As soon as we put our stuff on a modular shelf on the wall behind the computer, Mio made herself comfortable by laying spread eagle on the floor mat. It was large enough to accommodate both of us lying side by side, but stretching our arms out was a hard no.

"Alright, we're here now. What's up?" she asked.

I sat against the wall across from her, wondering how I should bring it up. Behind me in the adjacent booth, someone was probably sleeping or reading manga, oblivious to the fact that there were two succubus in here.

"My head is kind of a mess right now. It feels like I spent half a year with you that didn't actually happen. I don't mean the half year that I spent with you since we first met. What I mean is… something happened that only Hatsumi and I remember. Everyone else forgot, and I'm starting to forget, too."

Mio digested my words without so much as a peep.

"So what you're telling me is… you want me to fuck your frustration away?" she asked.

"Ahhh! Why are we back to this?" I buried my face into my hands. 

In a sudden shift of movement, Mio sat up next to me. Our shoulders touched, her warmth drifted into my being and comforted me.

"You've always been sort of a baby. You know that?" Mio remarked.

"Sorry for being a baby…"

"But! You always come through in the end, just like you did with whatever you were going through, right? One day, we'll probably forget how we met and that's okay. All that matters is we're still together. That's kind of the way things go." Her casual nonchalance made my worries almost not existent.

Having Mio with me was like an anchor that kept my grounded to reality. She did more for me than she could ever know.

"Uu… Now it feels like I'm the one overreacting…" I lifted my head to see her grinning at me and my face turned hot.

"You're pushing your luck for making feel all these weird feelings, but… I don't hate it," she said, leaning her head against mine.

My heart skipped a beat. Mio had said that before when we were stuck in that loop. Tears began to well around the corner of my eyes. I didn't know what to make of these conflicted emotions.

A pair of hands wiped them away.

"Aw, shit. I didn't mean to make you cry. What'd I say about you being a baby?" Mio sighed.

I shook my head. "When I was down, that's what you said to me to make me feel better."

"For real? Heh. I say some pretty cool stuff sometimes when I need to. What'd I say next?" she asked.

"Erm… You didn't say anything else… You kissed me right after…" I blushed hard.

Then Mio leaned in to do exactly what I should have expected her to do. She grabbed my face and kissed me.

"Shhh!" Someone from the other booth shushed us.

"Oi! I'm having a moment here!" Mio growled.

"SHHHHHHH!" It was much louder this time.

She banged the wall once and yelled, "I'm making out with my girlfriend! If you shush me one more time, I'm coming in there to fistfuck your ass!"

The adjacent booth's occupant didn't shush us anymore after that for fear of getting a fist up their ass.

"Damn mood-kill. I'm going to take a shower. When I get back, wanna hit up the buffet in here?" she asked, wiping the drool from her lips.

"This place is pretty high end with a snack bar and cafe, but you won't be able to order a full course meal though. We'd have to leave the manga cafe for that," I said.

She regarded me with confusion.

"What? I'm talking about all the virgins in this building. A lot of 'em are probably reading doujins and watching hentai in their room. We should go in for a snack." Mio rubbed her hands and licked her lips.

I put a hand to my face.

"I should have known that's what you meant."

"Anyway. I'm gonna go check out the showers. It's free to us because ya booked us a whole eight hours, yeah? When I get back, let's get our hots on with a nightlong threesome action!"

Left with nothing to do while Mio went to shower, I stuck my head out of our booth. Most of the doors to the other booths were closed, which meant there was likely an occupant in each of them. I could read some manga, but we had the whole night ahead of us.


I was getting hungry. In a different sense.

It felt so weird staring at each of the doors, wondering which one I should knock on. No doubt whoever answered it, I could get a quick snack out of with a blowjob or quickie. I was a succubus making a random selection, with a cover over each plate of food and unsure what I'd get.

I smacked my cheeks with both hands and knocked on the booth across from mine.

"Eh?" a confused voice uttered from inside. Whoever they were likely didn't expect to be bothered. The door slid open to a man in his mid-20s, glasses fogged up in the middle of eating cup ramen. "Uhm… I'm…Are you… one of… those? I'm sorry, I can't pay you…"

"Then it's your lucky day. Do you want to… do it for free?" I asked shyly.

The man's eyes went wide. He slurped up the rest of his noodles and swallowed hard.

"If… If that's okay!" he scooted to make room for me to go in. Identical to the one Mio and I had, the spaciousness of the booth allowed me to sit next to him comfortably if not a tad cramped.

"My name's Saeko. What's yours?"

"K-Kazuya," he stammered.

By the looks of the opened notebook on the desk and tabs of digital textbooks on the computer screen, he must be a college student studying for exams. A plastic bag of eaten snacks and canned coffee were evidence that he'd been here for some time. Buried deeper underneath were balled up tissue paper. I didn't have to guess to know what those were.

A pencil between the notebook pages had the Tsukiji University seal on it.

"You go to Tsukiji University?"

"Y-Yeah… I'm a third year student," Kazuya answered. "You're from the high school? I recognize the uniform."

"You got me. I'm actually thinking about going to the university. Isn't there a library at the campus or dorm you live in to study at? How come you're studying here?" I asked, genuinely curious about university life at Tsukiji.

"All the tables and study rooms at the library were taken. My roommate kicked me out because he brought his girlfriend over…" He scratched his head in embarrassment.

Living in the dorms with Mio would probably be similar. If we became roommates, it was more than likely we'd share whoever was brought over.

The college boy squirmed uncomfortably where he sat. Chances were he wasn't used to this sort of attention. Today really was his lucky day.

I scooted closer and rubbed his inner thigh.

"Hehe. Do you get jealous every time your roommate has his girlfriend over?" I smiled, pressing my body up against his.

"I-I do. Whenever I get back, it smells like sweat. I know exactly what they'd been doing." He kept his trembling hands to his side. I wouldn't have minded if he touched me a little, but he was so timid that I was afraid to stimulate him.

Kazuya wore light sweatpants, so the outlines of his erection showed clearly underneath. It felt nice to rub it over his pants, too. He decided to lay down at my suggestion, allowing me to pull his pants down to reveal a cute, uncircumsized penis. I pulled the skin back, and fortunately, he was hygienic enough to have washed underneath. It did have the delicious scent of someone having recently masturbated.

"I'm… embarrassed about that. My parents never got me circumcised…" he said, covering his face.

"I don't mind. I heard it feels better when you're uncut, so…" At last, I put his throbbing dick into my mouth.

Kazuya moaned and twitched as I polished his knob with my tongue. He wasn't the biggest by any means, but it didn't need to be. Sucking him off granted me my own kind of pleasure by wringing the lust from his rod.

The wet sounds of slurping and licking filled the booth. If someone in the adjacent booth pressed their ear to the wall, they could definitely hear what we were doing. Soundproof insulation only dulled so much noise.

"I'm cumming…" he warned.

"Ish okay… leh it inshide my mouf… shllrrp… shlrrrrpp!" I sucked harder, massaging his balls with one hand and stroking the base of his cock with the other. Hot cum fired into my mouth. Each time it throbbed, more squirted out.

I swallowed it all, feeling the sexual energy course through me.

"That was… amazing," he said.

"Do you want to do more?" I asked, licking my lips.

"I really should get back to studying. If… If you're still here later… can we?" he asked timidly.

No promises, but I did understand where he was coming from. I didn't want to bother a guy deep in his studies, especially for something as important as college exams. It was also admirable of him to refuse me, which was why I didn't push the matter.

After all, there was more outside. 

As I left, another young man in the adjacent booth who likely heard us opened his door. His hands helplessly covered his bulging crotch.

"I, uh… overheard… You're doing it for free?" he asked.

I had one hand on my door. I could ignore him and go back inside. But the succubus side of me who just had appetizers was now hungry for an entree.

Licking my lips, I followed him into his booth. He was chubbier than the last guy, but his belly wasn't the only thing that was big. A bulbous and girthy cock sprung up to my face when I pulled his pants down. No getting to know each other, no small talk, just right to the fun and that was perfectly fine with me.

I licked it all over, causing him to squirm and gasp. Once my saliva had sufficiently lubricated the shaft, I pulled my underwear down and shook my ass at him.

"Do you want to put it in?" I teased him.

"Is it really okay? I don't have a condom," he said.

"It's okay, I won't get pregnant," I assured him.

That was all he needed to hear. His cock plunged into my pussy with a wet squish, and what followed was the constant sound of clapping meat. We weren't being subtle or quiet at all anymore. He fucked me like a jackhammer pounding into asphalt.

"Ahh~ I'm having sex with a stranger in a manga cafe… mmm— aahh!" My voice erupted with moans of pleasure. The occupants in the other booths were going to hear at this rate. But I didn't care, his dick was so good, stirring up my pussy.

If Kazuya in the other room was trying to study, he was probably regretting it now.

"I'm going to creampie you!" he declared, as if laying claim to me by challenging the other occupants.

"Ahh— yes, keep fucking me…!" I pleaded.

The stranger came so much, his ejaculate dripped down my thighs. But I hadn't orgasmed and wasn't satisfied yet. To my delight, he hadn't either. He hugged me from behind, groping my breasts and pinching my nipples. His hips began to pick up speed again when the door suddenly slid open.

Mio stood there with an impish grin. "You horny cunt, having fun without me?"

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