I am Succubus!

110 – A ‘Climaxing’ Showdown

The night is still young.

That was a human saying. Yet every single human in this restaurant was already down for the count, and they weren't even an hour into the orgy. The men's dicks couldn't get up anymore, and the women had knocked out from too many orgasms.

The only ones up were myself and the two succubi who had come to find me.

"Mmmh… chuu… haahh… My queen… mm!"

"You're pussy is so… delicious… shllrrp… shllluuurrp… aahh…"

One of them was on her knees, licking my pussy after replacing my human pet who was down for the count. The other succubus had been attached to my lips since I charmed her. Both of them had grown addicted to the taste of me.

Did I always have this incredible power of attraction? I knew as a succubus, my aura naturally drew creatures to me. These two were of the same race, not humans. Yet both were completely under my thumb.

"Alright, that's enough." I pushed the succubus off my lips, but she continued to get closer with her tongue hanging out like a dog. "It's time we find more cattle because I've sucked the ones here dry."

Using the sexual energy drained from the humans, I magically manifested a leather collar around each of the succubus. Their lustful and affectionate demeanor would continue for as long as there was magic in them.

"This must be how Hana created all her magic sex toys," I mused, marvelling at the versatility of succubi magic.

When I exited the sushi restaurant, the succubi followed close behind. What few humans passing by us at this time of the night gawked for only a moment before my aura took hold of them. I didn't even need to actively control it for the effects to work.

They were too few here. I wanted more.

Flying high into the sky, I ran into a flock of succubi in the air who were astonished to find me.

"There she is!"

"What do we do? Stop her?"

"Wait, why are we following Mio and Selene's orders when Saeko is our queen?"

"Idiot, because there'll be nothing left for us if she drains the city dry!"

It sounded like there was some infighting amongst them.

"Succubi are always so political. Why don't you just let me help unleash your true selves?" I asked.

Some of the lesser-willed ones were charmed instantly and came to my side.

"Ah, shit. This isn't looking good— eeek!"

I embraced the squad leader from behind and squeezed her breasts. She shuddered in my grasp, uttering a sweet moan as I pinched her nipples and kissed her neck.

"Are you sure you want to resist? Wouldn't it feel much better being with me? I could make you feel… so… good…" With each word, my hand crept closer to her crotch until I felt the nub of her clitoris.

"N-No… nnh… Please, my queen… Forgive me…" she squeaked between breaths.

"Shh… Don't fight it. Just let me love you, and I'll grant you pleasure soon," I promised with a kiss on her lips. The act sealed the deal with a charm. Her eyes full of fear glazed over with a pinkish color and softened, and she stopped struggling in my arms.

"You will… love me— aahhnn?!"

The succubus was already so wet, my tail entered her pussy without resistance. While I toyed with her, the others were hesitant to intervene or come closer for fear of falling to the same fate. A few, however, witnessing the lewd expression on their companion's face, began to lose confidence and desire something else.

"It looks like it feels good…"

"I'm jealous… I want the queen to play with me, too…"

"You know… until now, Mio's been the only one allowed to have sex with the queen… is this our chance?" 

Those with stronger wills remained defiant.

"Don't be swayed! Remember this is for the queen's sake!"

"She used to be a human! We should be able to fight her together!"

I sighed with a mixture of disappointment and betrayal.

"We'll continue this later, then I'll take extra good care of you for being a good girl." I let the succubus go, who appeared angry at her peers for ruining her fun time with me. 

The dozen on my side backed away. A smart decision, because a single, powerful blast ended our battle in the sky quickly and overwhelmingly in my favor. Two succubus, foolishly thinking they could ambush me from behind, were apprehended by my harem.

"It's no use… she didn't beat Beatrice for nothing…"

"We have to get out of here and warn Mio—"

"I don't think so." While they were weakened, I tightened my aura around them to complete the charm effect. Leather collars materialized around their necks, and their shoulders slackened and as they no longer saw me as an enemy.

 All had fallen to my sway, save for two. I flew over to them, each held by their former fellows.

"Must be tiring following Mio and Selene's orders when they aren't here themselves and send you instead. You don't have to protect them; tell me where they're hiding. I'd like to pay them a visit," I said, lifting their chins by my fingers.

Their eyes screwed shut trying to fight the charm, but it was a hopeless battle against me.

"They— Hana, Selene, and Mio… are all at… Yumi's apartment," one said.

"Yumi's place? What for?" I asked.

"To prepare a secret weapon against you," the other answered.

They were then let go to join the rest of my army.

What secret weapon could they possibly be trying to create? It didn't matter. I had the only weapon that did matter.

"Come." I summoned the Blade of the First Temptress into my hand. It shown gloriously under the moonlight and was brimming with power from all the sexual energy within it. "The ones who bring those four to their knees before me may spend the rest of the week by my side."

The succubi roared with joy and flew in the direction of Yumi's condominium.

Now it would only be a matter of time before all of them were under my sway. Then for the rest of the night, I should treat myself to the entire city.

My sword hummed with anticipation.

I leisurely made my way towards Yumi's place, taking a mental note of all the locations that smelled of quality lust to revisit later. However, my daydream was interrupted by a trail of defeated succubi leading up to the apartment complex.

"Should've known they wouldn't stand a chance against succubi of your caliber," I said of Yumi and Selene.

The two of them were in their succubus forms and outfits in front of the condominium. Selene stood in front of a fountain on her third cigarette, as two buds were crushed on the floor by her feet. Yumi was beside her with something in her hands, like not the 'secret weapon' that was described.

"Ara, ara~ Saeko, you have to take your medicine. Otherwise you might find yourself carrying an unexpected guest," Yumi warned with a matronly smile.

She threw me a small vial, but I tossed it back instead of breaking it out of politeness.

"Sorry, Yumi. Won't be needing it after all. I used to think fighting against my nature was the right thing to do, but I never thought letting it run wild would feel so good," I said, ishing the sword at them.

"The last time we truly fought, you had your friends at your back. They won't be helping you this time." Selene flicked her cigarette away and cracked her neck.

"Are you going against me, too? Even though you swore to serve me after I became queen?" I asked Selene.

"As far as I'm concerned, stopping you is serving you." She clenched her fists, causing all the muscles in her defined body to swell.

Magic from the sword filled my body, granting me a surge of strength I didn't know existed. Selene wouldn't let that continue. She struck the first blow, but putting the sword between us blocked the impact. A powerful gale shook the trees behind me, ripping leaves and birds off their branches.

"You know, Hatsumi and I are siblings. Wouldn't you like a taste of her through me?" I suggested with an impish smile.

"Forgive me, my queen. I may be loyal to you, but my love for Hatsumi is pure and true!" 

An uppercut sent me rocketing into the sky. She was just as strong as I remembered. But…

As soon as Selene appeared above me to deliver another smackdown, I fired a concentrated blast into her chest. The space between us exploded. She put some distance away from me to give her wound time to heal.

Yumi was down below providing her support.

I abandoned the fight in the sky against Selene and dove straight for Yumi instead. As I was within striking range, she didn't so much as flinch and merely smiled at me.

A single question crossed my mind— Can I really hurt someone as gentle as Yumi?

"Damn it!"

Not wanting to hurt Yumi, I veered off to the side to avoid her.

"Saeko!" she cried out for me as I crashed into a tree.

"Wait! She's still not herself!" Selene warned, holding Yumi back.

I got to my feet, clutching my head. The impact hardly hurt, but left me wondering why I couldn't commit to taking her out. My charm also wasn't affecting either of them as much as I'd like.

"Hmph. I understand, my queen. Let us continue this battle without Yumi," she said.

"You're underestimating me, aren't you?" I asked her.

"Not at all. I've wanted a real rematch with you for a while now."

Selene nodded to Yumi, who pursed her lips and flew back to her condo. The two of us took to the skies again, where our battles lit up the night like fireworks. There was no way we weren't drawing attention, but the massive auras of two greater succubus kept the more curious humans away.

Without Yumi to support her as the fight continued, it was obvious who was stronger. Selene was in shambles. Bits of burnt clothes barely clung to her body, and her red skin was charred.

"You sure you want to keep going?" I frowned at the succubus who once toyed with us like children, now barely keeping a steady breath. The sword gave me near limitless energy, and Selene was clearly running low.

"Now you fight just like Hatsumi when Beatrice turned her. She was a natural, perfecting her powers in a matter of hours. But can you finish it?" Selene sneered.

She launched at me, channeling every last bit of magic into her fist. In the same way, I put a large amount of magic into the Blade and met her blow head on. My sword made contact first, then her fist collided with me square in the jaws.

A beam of energy consumed Selene whole and illuminated behind her. At the same time, I was knocked away by her sheer physical strength.

Only one remained standing. I watched as she fell into the fountain unconscious, a crispy mess floating above the surface of the water. As I turned to head up to finish the rest, they had come out themselves.

"Sorry we kept ya waiting!" Hana waved.

"I don't wanna give that bitch too much credit, but kudos to her for lasting as long as she did against you." Mio had her arms folded as she floated down.

Hana and Mio finally showed themselves, but I didn't see the secret weapon I was warned about. 

"If a greater succubus couldn't hold a candle to me, what hope do you two have? Why resist anyway? You two benefit the most from all the chaos and anarchy from my reign," I reasoned.

Neither of them had any intentions of backing down. They seemed more emboldened than anything.

"Naaahh. Besides, I ain't interested in a fucking a dom. I'm the top in this relationship, remember that! Guess this is what they call a bump in the road, right? Hey! This is kind of our first fight in a relationship!" Mio laughed.

I clicked my tongue. "Whatever your secret weapon is won't work on me."

"Uwahaha! That's where you're wrong, and you don't even know what it is." Hana smirked. "Enough stalling around.  It's time for me to unleash my greatest invention yet. Behold, my noble phantasm— Gates of Babylon!"

An army of vibrators and dildos appeared from portals behind Hana's back, buzzing to life and levitating on their own.

"This is your secret weapon?!"

"Attack!" she ordered.

The swarm of sex toys fired right at me. No matter how many I blasted away, more returned in their place like the head of a hydra. One managed to slip past my defenses and nestled itself between my breasts like it wanted a boobjob.

"Hana, damn it! Why do you always have to be so meddlesome?!" I screamed, smacking it off of me.

More of them mobbed me in seconds, penetrating my ass, pussy, mouth, and every inch of skin on my body. The sudden shocks of pleasure electrified my senses as it all writhed at max vibrate settings. I came crashing to the ground as my energy was slowly sapped away from me.

"Mmh… mmrpph!" I couldn't pull the sex toys out of me if I wanted to.

If magic was what they wanted, then they could have it. Throwing caution to the wind, I exerted volatile magic from my aura and short-circuited any electronics within the area. As the dildos and vibrators fell around me, I got to my feet and looked my former allies in the eyes.

"Uwah?! My… My entire collection!" Hana wailed.

They tensed up as I strengthened my aura around them, but the one surprised was me.

"Tch. How come none of you are affected?" I glared.

"Come on, we've been around each other's auras for so long! It's like the more spicy food I eat, the less spicy it gets. Me more so than others on the account of how many times we already fucked! Kahahaha!" Mio cackled.

My sword wasn't as bright as it previously was. Even after being drained to such an extent, I still had some energy left. But exhaustion was quickly growing on me…

"What's it gonna be, pal? We taking this the easy way or the hard way?" she asked, cracking her knuckles.

"Have you already forgotten that I'm the greater succubus? Moreover, the queen? What are you going to do now that I defeated your secret weapon?" I growled.

"Ugh. Now you're sounding just like Bea. Booorrriiinnnggg!" She snapped her finger and from the condo building came Kana. "Sorry, but Hana's dildos weren't the ace up our sleeves. This is."

He was somehow back to being a boy, hair and all. 

My mind winced with pain as I recalled all the memories from before today.

What was happening? Had I always been like this? No. This has to be a trick. Succubus magic, illusions, dreams… The Kana before me is just a figment of my imagination and their tricks.

"Saeko, this isn't you!" Kana shouted, eyes and voice filled with the anguish of betrayal. "I thought we could be together, but if this is who you are from now on… then… then I'd rather just be with Mio alone!"

A sharp pain pricked at my heart, and all the blood in my veins turned to ice.

Mio took Kana's hands and held each other in an embrace.

"Face it, kid." She sneered at me. "It's over between us. Kana and I are gonna get hitched without you."

They started making out right in front of my eyes, appearing so in love with one another. Where was I in this picture? Shouldn't I belong?

The more I thought about it, the greater the pain in both my chest and head. My sword slipped away from my grasp, clattering to the ground. A hot, stinging sensation tickled my eyes.

"No… wait… Why do I care?" I asked myself, wiping the tears streaming down my face. "As the queen, I can force people to love me instead… I don't… need…"

"Hana, finish it!" someone shouted.

The pink-haired trickster appeared before me with her hand crackling with insane magical energy.

"For my dildo collection— SPIRIT BOMB!"

My vision lit up like fireworks as a world-shattering explosion sent me flying.

The next thing I knew, I was lying in the mountains and surrounded by trees. My clothes had all been burnt away, and I could hardly lift a finger.

Mio flew into sight. She carried Kana, whose appearance had turned back into a girl and was an illusion all along, in her arms. They descended to the ground to face me.

"Are you two here to gloat?" I asked, coughing and barely able to stay conscious. "I thought you would have… wanted to go wild in the city…"

They laid down next to me, each grabbing a hand and intertwining our fingers. A starry sky blinked down at us as we stared at the blanket of night.

"Yeah. Could've been fun," Mio chuckled. "Thing is, I know Saeko wouldn't forgive herself if she screwed the entire city down to the last squirrel. The cocky you is riot, but I like the other you that gets flustered from a kiss, and begs like a bitch in heat in bed." 

"And I had a feeling 'Queen' Saeko would wring me dry like a wet towel in her vision of the world. I'd rather us be together like normal," Kana said.

This peaceful moment was so pleasant, I wanted to stay here forever. My consciousness ddin't feel the same way. Most of my energy had been drained. All that remained was a small reservoir in the Blade.

Using what little strength I had left, I gripped their hands as tightly as I could.

"You two… won't be gone when I wake up… will you?"

Mio and Kana glanced at each other with a knowing look, then smiled.

"Just go to sleep already!" they said together.

I woke up the next morning in the bed of Yumi's penthouse, back to my senses and more ashamed than I'd ever been in my life

"Kuuuuhhh… I can't believe I did and said all that… I'm so freaking embarrassed…"

A number of succubi that had fallen victim to my assault last night slept soundly on the floor around us. Mio and Kana were the only ones next to me, just now waking up from my stirring.

"Nnnnnnhh!" She stretched her limbs and threw her arms around me. "If it's any consolation, I had fun!" 

I covered my face with a pillow and sighed into it.

"Can we forget last night ever happened?" I groaned.

"As if anyone can forget the chaos you did last night," Kana said.

Mio ripped the pillow from my hands and tossed it across the room. Without anything to cover my face, she leaned down for a passionate kiss.

"You got a lot to make up for." She winked. "But for now… I need to recharge."

"After expending so much energy last night… I kind of need to," I agreed.

We turned to Kana who had pitched a tent between his legs underneath the bed sheet.

"Hold on… Why does it seem like I'm the one getting punished from this! Stop, don't pull on the sheets! I just woke up— aaaahhhnn!"

Freebie chapter in celebration of Thanksgiving! This isn't to mean IaS is coming back in its entirety, but I'll occasionally release chapters. Next one will maybe be for Christmas.

For only $5 you can read up to chapter 126: I am Succubus! | Patreon

Subscribe now to find out why Saeko has to travel to the other world, Elza! Genre shift to isekai maybe?!

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