I Am Fugaku Uchiha

Chapter 75: War Plan

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He was going to look for Itsuki for information, but Itsuki's squad was ambushed and injured, so he saved him.

He didn't forget what Shikaku said about Suna village possibly attacking soon. He arrived at the Konoha camp around six o'clock in the morning, and now it is about eleven o'clock.

The country of rivers is large, and he needs to find out the location of the Suna village camp. However, what if he leaves and the Suna attacks from a different direction?

"Oh no, the northwest defense line has been breached by a large group of sand ninjas. They have made camp and are heading this way. Huh? Clan head?"

Kaito was surprised to see Fugaku in Itsuki's tent as he came to report on Itsuki, but he didn't see Itsuki's but the clan head.

Fugaku was also surprised. It seemed that he didn't need to find them, as they were already here.

"How many ninjas are heading this way?"

"About a thousand ninjas I wanted to suggest that we should retreat, but since the clan head is here, I think we should face them head-on."

Initially, Kaito was nervous, but now he took a sign of relief as he knew the clan leader here. After the Konoha battle, he felt an inexplicable confidence in him.

"How much time do we have before they reach here?" Fugaku asked after some thought.

"According to the report from the frontlines, no more than an hour."

"An hour? That's fast." Fugaku frowned.

He realized that Shikaku's judgment was not bad, but attacking with a thousand ninjas was totally overkill in the ninja war. He understood that this time was different from how he fought with his clan members.

This is war; Suna Camp will not directly attack them, and it is not like war, where soldiers fight in numbers, but a ninja war emphasizes information gathering and gaining an advantage over the enemy with said information.

But a ninja war is solely based on ninja squads fighting against enemy camp squads, where ninja squads fight continuously, and it happens fast, When some conditions meet, only then will ninjas fight like a traditional soldier war.

That means that even if he uses an A-rank ninjutsu, he can't kill many ninjas. Plus, if the combat becomes a taijutsu clash, he can't use ninjutsu either, as that would be counterproductive for his side.

Fugaku cares about his clan members and cannot afford to sacrifice them. He could slowly kill the Suna camp by himself, and what is the point of war then? Isn't it like that strategic game at all?

Thinking of this, he calmed down and asked again, "Tell me about the current situation."

Kaito felt confident about their current predicament as he knew his clan leader's formidable prowess. He had been anxious before, but now he was completely calm and composed.

He knew that his clan was in good hands, and his leader had unmatched prowess.

Before, he didn't know much about the Konoha camp situation, but now, after Kaito's brief, he has a general understanding of the situation.

Initially, at the border, there were sufficient ninjas to defend it, including his six hundred clan members, totaling almost a thousand ninjas.

However, in the last few months, there have been small conflicts, resulting in nearly a hundred ninjas dying.

To defend the border, the remaining nine hundred ninjas have been divided into two groups: one to defend and another to gather intelligence.

With this current tally, six hundred injured people need medical attention, including more than a dozen dead or injured Uchiha clan members.

This means that only about four hundred and fifty ninjas are left in this camp, excluding those ninjas scouting for information, the injured and medical ninjas, and sentries.

Fugaku shook his head helplessly; no wonder Itsuki led his squad to personally scout. Is it because they are so short on manpower?

"Summon all the ninjas in this camp who can fight and assemble them.

Send a signal and call back those who are scouting for information. We will launch a counterattack."

"Yes, sir." Kaito went to complete his orders.

Fugaku understood that there were wounded ninjas in the camp, and there were also more than ten medic ninjas who had been assigned to look after them.

Plus, there were still those who had yet to return from their scouting defense line. He couldn't rally his camp ninja quickly enough. It was too unrealistic. If they could fight, of course they had to fight.

It was better than retreating and exposing their backs to the enemy, and this place was closer to the northwest border, so the sand ninjas would attack here first.

"That would be interesting." Fugaku smirked and walked slowly out of the tent.

The ninjas assembled quickly. The Uchiha clanmen were excited to see that their clan leader had arrived.

There was open ground outside of the camp, which was convenient for gathering ninjas in one place. On the open ground, more than two hundred ninjas stood fully armed, among them Inuzuka, Hyuga, and Aburame clan members.

He looked at them and found that there were two female ninjas with Konoha forehead protectors standing in the front row. Their figures and looks were good. He felt excited at their sight.

"Don't act like you've never seen a woman before." Fugaku cursed himself.

He had kept his distance from Tsunade when he traveled with her earlier. He reminded himself that this was a war. But luckily, he spent most of the time on the way, so he could control himself.

Now there were several dozen female ninjas, and among them were two hundred ninja. He felt that he could barely control his body.

He closed his eyes to calm down for a moment as his antics puzzled them. What is the Uchiha clan head doing?

He took a deep breath and opened his eyes. He focused his gaze on a man with a scar on his face to distract himself.

"According to reliable information, there are nearly a thousand sand ninjas spotted and ready to attack. Now I will tell you about the battle plan."

Hearing this, everyone became serious, especially the scarred man, who looked even more confident.

It was just that, except for the Uchiha clanmen, everyone else thought about their plan for retreating.

"Medic ninjas, continue to treat the wounded; don't worry about anything else."

"Yes, sir."

He looked again and realized those two female ninjas must be part of a medic squad trained by Tsunade's. Tsunade really knows how to pick a medic ninja.

"Aburame, Hyuga, and Inuzuka clan members will send each other out. The rest of the clan members wait for the Shikaku team to arrive in the evening and guard the medic ninjas and wounded."

"Yes, sir."

"And Uchiha's clanmen will follow me to face the enemy."

"Yes, sir."

The Uchiha clan members stood up straight together.

Fugaku then asked loudly, "Does anyone have any questions? Ask them now. I'll give you five minutes."

"Um… Fugaku clan head, aren't we retreating?" A Hyuga clan ninja asked with a puzzled look.

He looked about thirty years old and had the unique features of the Hyuga clan: white eyes and black long hair.

According to the information, he was a member of the Hyuga branch family, named Hyuga Ryuichi.

But when he asked, Uchiha clanmen showed proud smiles. Even Fugaku shrugged: "I don't think we need to; do we?"

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