I am editing at Marvel

Chapter 392 Lanruo Temple

Chapter 392 Lanruo Temple

"Master, come quickly, there is a broken hut here, you can take a rest!"

"Come on, come on, go slowly."

One clear and one thick voice can be clearly heard even under the wind and snow. From this point, it can be seen that the two speakers have strong skills, at least they are people who have practiced martial arts all year round.

Squeak, the already dilapidated door of the hut has collapsed. The door has been beaten by wind and rain, and it has long been unable to assume its own responsibilities.

A gust of cold wind blew snowflakes into the hut, and two monks in thin clothes walked in one after the other.

"Master, take a break, I'll light the fire!"

The little monk Shifang looked around and found a few pieces of firewood that hadn't been wet scattered in the corner of the hut, which might have been left by the nearby villagers.

Tear~ Soon, a bonfire burned in the middle of the house, and the warm light barely raised the temperature in the dilapidated hut.

Bai Yun took a piece of cloth and cleaned up the dust in the hut, picked up some of the original structure of the house that fell on the ground, and stuffed them back into the hole.

Although the size is definitely not suitable, and the repair effect is not very good, but no matter what, the snowflakes blowing in from the outside are always a little less.

"Master, what day do you think this is? It snowed heavily in June, and we didn't bring thick clothes when we came out. We almost died of cold."

Shi Fang sat on the ground, put his luggage aside, approached the campfire with his hands, and shook comfortably.

"Snow in June, there must be great grievances." Zen Master Baiyun sighed, and did not say the second half of the sentence.

"Master, do you mean that Fu Tianchou was wronged for assassinating the emperor?" Shi Fang asked curiously.

At that time, Bai Yun tapped Shi Fang's head lightly with his hand, "Recite the Heart Sutra, calm down, and remember to find some firewood to make up for the consumption after the snow is gone."

Shi Fang stuck out his tongue. Master always did this. Whenever he talked about something, he changed the subject and didn't answer directly.

In the middle of the night, the wind was strong, and the snow-pressed thatched hut creaked, and the thatch on the roof was also drawn into the wind, and more and more parts were exposed to the wind.

Shi Fang put his arms around the bonfire, trying to protect the only fire source from extinguishing.

But people are just people after all, how can they block all the wind?

Under the flickering firelight, the shadows in ten directions swayed around, and sometimes even joined together, which was a bit scary at first glance.

At this moment, Baiyun took off the pannier, which contained a golden Buddha.

Nowadays, the righteous ways are declining and the evil ways are rampant. The golden Buddha in Baiyun's hands is the last support for those who are still fighting in the capital on behalf of their Buddhist temple.

Facing the back basket directly to himself, Baiyun and the Golden Buddha looked at each other through the back basket. Afterwards, Baiyun slowly lowered his head and began to read scriptures.

A faint golden light radiated from the Golden Buddha towards the surroundings. Under the light, the wind and snow in the sky decreased by ninety-nine percent, and the bonfire became much more stable.

Bai Yun raised his head to look at the sky, there was no surprise in his eyes, the Golden Buddha could not affect the natural celestial phenomena, so this time the wind and snow really had something in it.

"Let's go." Bai Yun said as he put the basket back on his body and picked up his cane.

Shi Fang ran to Bai Yun's side in three steps and two steps, and looked back at the bonfire regretfully, "Master, where are we going?"

"There must be a way for a car to reach the mountain, just walk..."

Bai Yun said very freely, there is a slow-moving halo above him and Shifang, sheltering from the wind and snow.

On the other side, on the small road leading to the top of the mountain, a team of men and horses in thin clothes marched against the wind and snow, and the horses pulling the carts in the team kept snorting from the cold.

"Hurry up! There is an abandoned temple on this mountain, you will be safe there!"

The leader continued to cheer up, but the effect was minimal. The heavy snow was so unbelievable that everyone was unprepared, and now they were too cold to use their strength.

Wow, a carriage slipped directly on the ice, the horse neighed and fell down, and the cart on it also slid down, the rope dragged the horse's neck, and a long snow trail was drawn on the road.

The few people who were pushing the cart at the back also fell to the ground when they were out of reach. Seeing that they were about to be crushed by the fast-sliding cart, the leader let out a sigh of relief.

The figure shuttled among the snowflakes, arrived behind the cart after a few ups and downs, grabbed one with one hand and threw it to the side, and then jumped up, wiping the accelerated slide of the cart to get out of danger.

With a bang, the cart crashed into the rocks below the mountain road, the horses pulling the cart lost their breath, and half of their bodies were smashed into a pulp.

Looking up at the snowstorm that was still expanding, the leader waved his hand, "Tie all the goods to the surrounding trees, and follow me up the mountain to avoid the snow!"

The goods are very valuable, but the lives of the people in the team are even more important. These people are all related to the leader, and at worst they are from the same village, and they have been together for so long, so they are all quite reliable.

In this chaotic year, this group of brothers is the foundation for the leaders to settle down.

After tying the loads of goods to the thick tree, the team had horses on horseback, and those without legs galloped all the way towards the temple that the leader on the mountain said.

Not long after they left, the dead horse was pulled out from under the stone with a swipe, and was dragged to the depths of the forest by a black shadow.

When the horse's legs collided, the snowflakes accumulated on a stone tablet were knocked off, revealing three large characters.

Lanruo Temple!
The door of the dilapidated temple was pushed open with a bang, the door shaft broke directly, and the entire door flew inside.

"Crack! What are you doing!" The leader patted the anxious guy, "The door is gone, you are responsible for standing here to block the wind later!"

"Ah?!" The reckless man opened his mouth and rubbed his body. He would be frozen to death standing here in this weather.

"Ah what, why don't you hurry up and pick up the door and install it!" The leader was a little helpless.

"Wait, wait, get out of the way and bring the horse in."

A few minutes later, the caravan ignited the fire with the tinder they brought with them and the rotting tables and chairs in the main hall of the temple.

"It's much more comfortable..." The reckless man leaned on the kneeling horse and sighed a long time.

"Brother Xie, the weather is a bit weird, maybe behind the scenes..."

"I know, but I definitely can't rush out right now. Let the brothers be more vigilant, double the number of night watchmen, pick a few stronger horses, and feed the beans brought over. When the snow is a little lighter, I will take them People search to find their way out."

While Brother Xie was arranging, his eyes kept observing in the main hall. He had heard about this temple from hunters when he walked around here before.

According to those hunters, this is an ominous place. It is said that dozens of monks who lived in this temple disappeared overnight without leaving any traces.

It is precisely because of that legend that this place has been abandoned until now. There is no serious person, not even beggars dare to come to this place.

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(End of this chapter)

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