I am editing at Marvel

Chapter 352 Dawn

Chapter 352 Dawn
Leona, who turned into a concept, felt the gathering of the power of faith faster than Merlin. These powers of faith are not the product of those praying at this moment, but the accumulation of ignorance, fear, etc. on the planet over the years. The power of faith accumulated by factors.

Only this kind of power of faith that relies on nothingness will explode immediately after some kind of "mystery" appears.

Leona's Law pulsates slightly, and under the blessing of this power, the star burns more intensely, and the stellar wind emitted from the star also suddenly gathers in front of Leona, igniting all the power of faith that surges , while blocking, added a lot of nutrients by the way.

Merlin on the astronomy tower was relieved after confirming that the plan was proceeding normally. Now the earth has entered the eternal night, but it is not completely dark, and the stars are still hanging in the sky.

And without the occlusion of starlight, these starlights are a little brighter and more attractive than before.

Merlin's staff pointed at the sky, and mana sprayed out from the top of the staff like a tassel, and then after entering the atmosphere, under the joint pull of gravity and spiritual force, it scattered to the entire planet like falling fireworks.

A meteor shower covering the entire globe was formed.

The stars dimmed!

Merlin spun the staff, and all the tassels that reached the predetermined position spun up, temporarily constructing a sky that isolated all starlight.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were extremely dark, and only the artificial light was still on, dispelling the fear from the darkness for the intelligent life on this planet.

A round of tomorrow is rising!
Leona pulled the law, spreading the power evenly to every corner of the planet.

In the dark sky, a dark red light appeared. This light is so inconspicuous, but it is real.

After everything was ready, Leona waved her hand.

The spectacle appeared, and all areas began to "sunrise" at the same time. Even the polar nights at the two poles can clearly see the rising of the sun at this time.

"I've lived for so many years, and this is the first time I've seen this kind of scene. Can it be explained by existing science?" A member of the Arctic scientific expedition team looked at the sun rising slowly on the horizon and sighed.

"I don't know, but this life is worth it. I have seen everything." Another member sighed.

All the equipment in the monitoring station has been turned on. After summarizing the impact, they found that the same scene can be seen in every direction. This makes people wonder if light really travels in a straight line?

The International Wizarding Organization also gave up the planned hidden plan, not only because everyone felt that this plan could not be successful, but also because the wizards who witnessed this scene were thinking about one thing, that is, in the face of this mighty power, wizards and Is there a difference between muggles?
As the sunrise continued, orange light replaced the original dull red light and became the dominant color in the sky.

"The sun is shining brightly at the first sunrise, and thousands of mountains are like fire."

The members of the scientific expedition looked at the wonders that they might not see in their entire lives, and blurted out poems. It is true that when they look at any mountain now, they can feel the mountain burning in a trance.

Finally, after a few minutes of sighing, the sunrise came to an end, and the dawn brought by the dawn sprinkled the earth and fell on every living being.

Leona seized the opportunity and stirred up the causal line of collective human consciousness just like her brother did.

Having an anchor point is completely different from not having an anchor point. What the eyes can observe is completely different from what they normally see in the past.

In Leona's eyes, the earth is now like balls of wool that contain various powers, rules, and concepts.

After carefully grabbing the wool representing the vampire meme virus, Leona pulled hard, bringing the thread to the scorching sun, and the raging flames flowed down the wool, igniting all the molds in the image. due to virus.

After burning for a while, as the lines in her hand loosened, Leona seemed to feel something was wrong.

The line seemed to be wrapped around something at the other end.

Leona looked into the void, and the other end she pointed to was the port inserted into the timeline.

As the movement continued, Leona found that the thread in her hand was getting heavier and heavier, and multiple opposite forces were transmitted from other points in time.

There was no other way, Leona had no choice but to give up exploring the deeper areas, and waved her fingers twice at the two ends of the wool, temporarily cutting off the influence of other directions on this side.

After doing all this, Leona went all out to eliminate the meme virus, and the related immune energy also sprinkled along the sunlight.

Half an hour later, the pale-faced Leona reunited at the top of the Astronomy Tower.

"It's okay." Merlin stretched out his hand to support Leona. This ritual was a great mental test for Leona, and he wasn't even sure if Leona could handle it.

"It's okay, Professor McGonagall, it should have been cleared, you can take the teacher to check again." Leona turned to McGonagall and said.

"Okay." McGrath hurried away with Fudge, and she was going to check Fudge first to see how the effect was.

After the outsiders left, Leona spread out her hands, one by one light spots danced in her hands.

"This is the feeling that I felt something wrong when I was removing the virus. I have a hunch that Principal Dumbledore may be at one end of the force, but I can't tell the difference."

Leona said softly, even if she has all kinds of support now, she can only be regarded as a pseudo-legendary, and in many respects, she is still far behind Merlin.

You can see that Merlin's phantom spell can affect the entire planet, and after casting this super-large spell, the phantom doesn't mean to dissipate at all.

He really deserves to be a master who has studied in the legendary realm for so long.

"I see, I will tell the difference. Next, you have to rest well. If you feel uncomfortable, please tell me in time." Merlin took the light point and said.

"Okay, hey, by the way, why didn't you see anyone from the plague department this time?" Leona asked curiously.

Check for memetic viruses, the pox department is the only professional.

"Because other places have also found something wrong. Traces of memetic viruses have been found on Biochemical and Conan, and even Hokage, which was just connected to it not long ago."

Merlin was also surprised when he knew this.

There are no people like Dumbledore in those places. If the situation gets worse, it might fall even faster than here.

So the members of the Plague Department rushed to other worlds in a hurry. It was okay to connect through the multi-world portal, which was convenient in the past.

Hokage's side is not so good, but Kenan's clone is there, which is good news.

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(End of this chapter)

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