I am editing at Marvel

Chapter 350 Psychotherapy (Physical)

Chapter 350 Psychotherapy (Physical)
Hogwarts, after Leona came back, she immediately began to build an anchor with the help of Merlin.

This matter needs to be struck while the iron is hot. Voldemort is dead, and his influence is gradually dissipating, so we can't just let it go.

When Mag replied to the Ministry of Magic, Leona had already left the level.

"Do you feel that Ms. Leona seems to be a little different from the beginning." Lupine whispered to Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall nodded, and she felt it too.

Although it's a little bad to say this, Mag really thinks that Leona is a bit less human, not the kind of superman in strength, but in spirit.

When Leona watched, Professor McGonagall felt a biting cold in addition to warmth, which was the feeling she would only have when she knew Leona.

It was a feeling of being watched by dead objects, as if in Leona's eyes, everything was like ants.

Plus, Lupine and Snape sensed some hostility, unabashed hostility.

Lupine because of the werewolf virus in his body, Snape because he was once a Death Eater.

"Leona, how do you feel now?" Merlin asked, frowning.

"Very good." Leona nodded to Merlin, and finally showed a different attitude from when she looked at other people, but this attitude was not because Merlin was Merlin, but because Merlin was a legend.

Merlin touched the beard that didn't exist in the projection, waved to Leona, and motioned her to come over.

Leona stood straight, looking down at Merlin.

Then, Merlin suddenly laughed, and snapped his fingers with his right hand.

God binding technique!
An invisible rope appeared out of nowhere and directly tied Leona up.

Leona reacted violently, hot flames exploded from her body, and the two divine weapons also condensed from the void.

Merlin came behind Leona with a flicker.

Luxurious split!
The seven-colored flames directly bombarded Leona's body, and huge cracks appeared on the golden holy shield and the armor on Leona's body at the same time.

Void Exile!
Merlin didn't stop, and another spell hit Leona's body, and all of Leona's defenses disappeared in an instant.

Great power technique!Merlin's heavy blow!
Merlin used his hand as a sword, and hit Leona hard on the back of the head!
With a bang, Leona fell to the ground.

All this happened in an instant, and when Leona fell down, no one else could react.


Merlin clapped his hands and pressed the other hands, "Don't be nervous, she has a little mental problem, and it has been cured."

Gutt, Lupine swallowed, is this called mental therapy? !

Merlin raised his hand, and a force lifted Leona up, and then led her into the next room.

Leona really turned into the Goddess of Dawn just now, instead of Leona, the humanity in her body was squeezed to a limit.

Of course, the anchor built with Voldemort is not the key, but it is an introduction.

Leona herself is a god-like form formed from concepts and mysteries, and her human nature is absolutely superior, which is the result of the interference of the entire Human Federation.

If no one interferes, the goddess of dawn just now is the first expression, and Leona's human nature can only be taken out for a while.

And this time the anchor point directly stimulated the divinity that was suppressed by the Renlian, causing Leona to directly change towards believing in God.

This is why Leona will be hostile towards Lupine and Snape.

Fortunately, Merlin found that the human nature was just pushed back, not dissipated, otherwise Merlin would have to urgently send Leona back to the People's League.

A few of his spells can disintegrate Leona's defenses, and humanity also contributes a lot.

Otherwise, the time gained by God Binding and sneak attack would allow Merlin to cast a spell at most.

Lying on the bed, Leona's body was intertwined with bright and dark lights, and Merlin sat beside her and watched her. If the divinity won, he was ready to give Leona another set.

After about ten minutes, Leona gradually woke up.

"Hiss, it hurts, which guy hit me with a sap?!"

Leona touched the back of her head and jumped up from the bed.

"Who are you?" Merlin asked aloud.

Leona looked at Merlin suspiciously, "I was beaten with a sap, and you lost your memory? Could it be you who beat me!"

"..." Merlin was a little helpless, but the situation is good.

Being able to say such things, Leona should have recovered. If divinity can pretend to be like this, then what is the difference between it and humanity?

"By the way! Did you see it? Am I handsome? Did you record it for me? I'm going back to show it to my brother!" Leona continued to babble.

Merlin covered his face, it seemed that the balance hadn't been fully restored, Leona was a little bit off now, but she could adjust this by herself.

"It's all done, let's go out, they are still waiting outside." Merlin said.

Outside the lounge, Professor McGonagall and the others looked at the door with great concern. Leona losing control was scarier than anything else, and they couldn't stop it at all.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Leona asked the others back after she came out.

Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that Hogwarts could go on without turning into ashes.

For the first time, Lupine and Snape also had a common idea. If they survived, death is not terrible, and death without any meaning is the most terrible thing.

"Come on, come on, I just happen to be here, take a picture of me again, I'll use it as my avatar." Leona was like taking a stimulant, and now she couldn't stop at all.

Stretching his hands forward, the phantom flashed twice, but neither of the two divine weapons appeared.

Leona suddenly turned her head to look at Merlin, Merlin was the only one who could affect her accompanying equipment here.

"Don't worry, I can't hurt the core, just leave it there without moving it, and it will recover after a year or so," Merlin explained.

"So, it really was you who knocked the sap? What did you use to knock it?" Leona didn't seem to care about Merlin's words, or she didn't catch the point at all, and just turned around Merlin, wanting to see who knocked herself out. what a stick.

Seeing Leona like this, Professor McGonagall looked at Lupine in silence.

Sure enough, physical methods to solve mental problems are still not very reliable. This is from one extreme to the other.

"Don't turn around, I use my hands." Merlin raised his right hand and said, "If you want to learn, I will teach you when I get back."

"Just fists?"

"I also used my exclusive spell, Merlin's Heavy Blow."

"Huh~" Leona twisted her face into a ball, looking at Merlin, "So narcissistic!"

Merlin didn't want to talk to Leona for the time being.

It's like I kill people without blinking an eye, and then you ask me if my eyes are dry!
Is this really the point? !

 Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for investment, ask for rewards, ask for subscriptions, ask for everything.

(End of this chapter)

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