I am editing at Marvel

Chapter 301 The World Begins to Change

Chapter 301 The World Begins to Change
After the battle on the frontal battlefield was over, the Plague Department of the Heavenly Court was still busy. After the timeline was unraveled, it was obvious that the activity of the memetic virus in the infected person's body had decreased significantly.

This is inconsistent with the initial prediction of the Plague Department. According to Asgard's report, when the memetic virus officially spreads, it should be less affected by the original spread point, but this time is obviously different. The impact of Gula's departure cannot be said to be small.

However, in line with the prediction of the Plague Department, Dracula left the real dimension, not to mention leaving the earth, and the meme virus still exists.

Also, as time went by, the citizens of SUPP felt that something was wrong.

Although there is no news spread on the surface, the difference between receiving the purification of the Earth Defense Network outdoors and receiving purification at home is relatively easy to feel.

This also created a problem, that is, the number of people staying at home has decreased a lot, and the time for the whole world to comment on waking up has also moved upwards.

There are more people getting up early, and an obvious impact is that the business of the breakfast shop is getting better.

"Boss, here's some mixed powder, and another egg and meatloaf soup, help me beat it out."


The owner of the breakfast shop had a cheerful face. He was very lucky recently. He also had twins, and his wife did not suffer too much pain during the natural delivery.

And after the expenses increased, the business suddenly came alive for some reason, busy every day but happy in my heart, it was all money.

"Wife, take the children to bask in the sun, remember to wear sun protection clothes." The boss shouted to the back kitchen.

"Got it, got it." The wife came out from behind pushing two small carts. There were two porcelain dolls lying on the carts, and the children hadn't woken up yet.

In such a noisy environment, they still bit their thumbs and slept very soundly.

When the sunlight mixed with the purification particles fell, the child turned over very hard, turning the front side of the body out.

For children, the meme virus is as if it does not exist. After all, let alone the culture of vampires, they don't even know those three words.

Feeling comfortable outside the house is not only the environment, but their undegenerated innate perception is still playing a role, and because the information they receive is too little compared to adults, this feeling of purifying particles remains in their little minds was deeply impressed.

So as long as they have a choice, they will love to stay outside the house, and they will start making noises as soon as they enter the house, unless they are very sleepy and fall asleep directly.

"Let me tell you, I had a dream yesterday. In the dream, I seemed to be on the sun, and I saw a bird with three legs flying over my head. I thought I might be the reincarnation of some powerful person. To wake up."

A customer in the store joked to his friend.

"Come on, the officials have refuted the rumors. 90.00% of the reincarnation is fake, and the remaining [-]% is only possible if the person like Principal Li is there."

The companion rolled his eyes and said.

"However, when you talk about dreaming, I also had a dream recently. It was a very clear dream. In the dream, there was a beautiful woman who couldn't see clearly, but was radiating light all over her body." The companion said with a mouthful of powder.

"Yo, I've had a dream, how about I introduce you to someone who is so old." The guest teased.

"Don't talk nonsense, let me tell you, it's definitely not a dream, I have self-knowledge, if that kind of beauty is my wife, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep at night." The companion continued to recall, "Besides, there is something really wrong with her. There is a kind, a kind of temperament that is difficult to understand but really exists."

"Good guy, you've already made a dream, why don't you interpret it?" The guest didn't really believe it anyway, since dreams, everything you do is the result of your brain's reorganization of information.

"You guys want to interpret your dreams. I recommend the Fengshui shop next to me. It's very good, but unfortunately it hasn't opened for a long time." The boss interjected casually.

"Next to you?" The guest paused, "Is that the one with the sign that says it's ten or ten?"

"That's right, I asked before my wife gave birth, and Lin Daochang immediately said it was twins. You see, be sure." The boss enthusiastically pulled Lin Zhengying away from the guests.

"No need, I don't really believe in this. Signs like this are gimmicks." The guest waved his hand, "It's the same as those titles in the browser, attracting traffic."

"It's not necessarily a mystery." The companion lowered his voice mysteriously, "Think about it, there are staff cracking down on illegal superstitions everywhere now, the Feng Shui master from Hong Kong who is said to be very spiritual has been arrested, and the signboard is gone. Not all the people in that store are there, and the signs are all kept, maybe it’s really a bit clever.”

"This little brother is right. It's definitely right to ask Mr. Lin Daochang for this kind of thing. I have opened a powder store here for more than ten years. I have never heard of a dispute. Moreover, when the store was just closed, there was still a lot of trouble. There are customers squatting at the door waiting, it is really clever."

What the boss said is also exaggerated. When people are in a good mood, they will always unconsciously beautify the past things in their memory.

"No, no, no." Suddenly a familiar voice sounded.

The boss turned his head and saw that Lin Zhengying had walked into the shop wearing ordinary clothes.

Lin Zhengying felt a little embarrassed. At that time, in order not to violate the rules when opening a shop, most of the time, he usually used some psychological knowledge to fool around like other Feng Shui masters.

"Hey! Lin Daochang, rare guest, wait a moment, it's still the same old way." The boss was even happier when he saw the neighbor he hadn't seen for a long time.

Lin Zhengying smiled, and found a table in the shop to sit down. The shop was relatively empty, and most of the customers sat on the small tables outside the shop to eat.

"Lin Daochang, your fat rice rolls." The boss walked up to Lin Zhengying with a bowl of noodles, and put the noodles on the table.

The powder piled full of ingredients shook twice and almost fell off.

Just these fat sausages are enough for a dish, so what do the chefs of Lanzhou Ramen think, as we all know that the cow bought by the chain store is still grazing.

"Boss, you... really won't lose money?" Lin Zhengying said with a wry smile.

The boss smiled, showing the cunning of a small businessman.

"Lin Daochang, are you planning to continue opening the store when you come back?" the boss turned his head and asked.

"Let's see." Lin Zhengying took out a pair of chopsticks from the chopstick holder and said.

He is no longer the ambassador of Asgard. He has been replaced by a legend. After all, the current situation is a bit unstable.

But Lin Zhengying is not at a loss, his merits and qualifications are well established.

 Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for favorites, ask for rewards, ask for subscriptions, ask for everything.

(End of this chapter)

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