I am A Villain

Chapter 609 - Abandoned warrior

Carrying a nuclear bomb that could completely flatten the area across the Pacific Ocean.

The global detection system of the undead bird also got the news almost immediately

Eventually, the nuclear bomb was intercepted and shot down halfway.

A huge glowing mushroom cloud blooms over the Pacific Ocean.


Everyone on the battlefield was covered by this dazzling light

Half of the sky is completely lit

“Damn something”

Yang looked at the horror of the distant sky.

In such a horrible situation, even a fool can see that the coalition forces used nuclear weapons.

In front of humanity’s most powerful weapon, everything seems too small.

Yang stared at the fire in the distance for two seconds, and then was directly blasted into the ground by a broken figure!

“Don’t look around.”

The crystal effect on Bruce’s hand quickly spawned, striking at the sun blasted into the ground.


For the news that the military is using nuclear weapons, Bruce did not move at all.

At the beginning of this battle, the use of nuclear weapons was an inevitable thing. Only the difference between coming early and coming late, Bruce was not surprised.

His existence is to greet all coalition weapons that may break the sky, including nuclear bombs

“Don’t look around!”

Bruce’s movement only stagnate for a moment, and Yang quickly countered.


The fast break of the two of them raised their hands and thrown their feet, all accompanied by the crazy collapse of the surrounding area, and the air was filled with wild shock waves all the time.

Until now, Yang has not figured out what form Bruce actually exists. He has a way of thinking similar to biology, but the entire limb does not belong to the category of biology at all, and it is not any transformation of mechanical structure. In short, it is extremely strange. He devoured so much explosive energy before, and after a blast, he opened a big gap in his chest, but this did not kill him, so he was destined to be unable to get Bruce for a while.

What has to be admitted is that the fact that the nuclear bomb was intercepted in the Pacific Ocean has indeed affected Yang’s psychological state to some extent.

He did n’t want to see the Weirs stepping through the wormhole and into the earth, but if he was bombed here by coalition nuclear bombs now, then everything would be meaningless.

Yang does not expect any reasonable moves by the coalition forces. The use of nuclear bombs is also an inevitable thing for Yang. He just did not expect that the coalition forces would adopt such a decisive approach when the trend of improvement in the entire battle situation just appeared.

“A bunch of dog stuff.”

Yang spit.

After he punched Bruce out a few tens of meters, he glanced at a few people on the other side of the battlefield.

“See? Your reinforcements have never cared about your life and death. What are you still struggling with?”

With a terrifying energy connection on Will’s body, his entire world was condescending, and he watched with a playful look at Barnes, immobilized by countless energy weapons on the ground.

At this time, the equipment on the armed people on the entire battlefield formed a layered layer of connected domain field. This domain field has a completely opposite way of operation to the energy rules in Barnes. The key is that they are not pure The energy is suppressed, but covered with countless tiny material factors.

A thick layer of the entire ground rock layer was cut off by this field.

The scarlet energy movement in Barnes was constantly suppressed, and he could not even sustain his own energy broken arm.

Click, click

Countless material factors are constantly destroying his limbs.


The cracks on his forehead were constantly expanding.

After all, the undead bird suppressed Barnes.

Whether it is Barnes or Yang, or a man in black, their existence is not a secret to the undead bird.

Before the outbreak of the Blue Ocean incident, the undead bird had already counted all the forces that might stand on its opposite side. In addition to all the military power estimates of the coalition forces, Barnes, a superhuman being free from the official edge Category creatures.

They cannot be unprepared.

Barnes may never know how his adoptive parents died.

But the undead bird knows.

It was not only Barnes himself who obtained this gift of physical evolution in the explosion, but the undead bird also obtained the results of that experiment.

Wick is the result of the undead bird combining related technologies.

To put it bluntly, Barnes and Wick, the two people’s body energy structure is the product of the same scientific principle.

The difference is that Wick has the entire army of Undead birds as his backing, and Barnes has nothing.

He was only himself, and the planned coalition, which was supposed to support him, had just dropped a nuclear bomb here.

Just like Wick said.

The human coalition forces in the rear never cared about their lives.

Although Barnes knew very well that the war was so cruel, a kind of mournful emotion came out of his heart.

But he can’t retreat now, nor can he retreat.

Before coming to this battlefield, the man named Zhou Wen showed him the picture after the successful arrival of the Undead Bird in an incredible way.

Barnes has always known that the canopy is fully operational and horrible things will happen after tearing the wormhole, but his imagination is still far from enough, which is really more terrible than he expected.

So he came with the determination to die.

But before he died, he needed to see the sky be destroyed.


On this ruined ground.

A scarlet figure gradually spreads and expands from a star fire, and completely evolves into a huge fire in Liaoyuan!

Barnes hardly suppressed the field with countless material factors. His body was constantly crushed, but after the smashing, the disordered scarlet energy quickly intertwined to replace the biological limb that should have been eliminated!

“Boom !!!”

This area began to spread countless undercurrents like magma.

The ground is fragmented.

The explosion covered up everyone’s vision.

When everyone comes back to God again.

Above the sky, the scarlet figure covered with fissures and resembling a demon was holding Wick’s throat in his hand.

The next scene is also taken for granted.

The man covered with blue energy was torn into pieces by two or three hits.

The leaked blue energy is absorbed by scarlet people


Yang looked at Barnes running away.

The corner of the mouth is slightly picked.

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