I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 64

Chapter 64 Brain Disabled Parents (For Collection)

Chu Feng was almost laughed at by such a brain-dead parent.

I saw him striding over, reaching in with his hand, and exerting a little force, these parents, who were originally surrounded by them, just felt that they couldn’t help themselves, and gave way to the side.

Chu Feng, who is at the fourth level of the Thunder Prison Refinement Technique, is only limited in strength compared to that Frankenstein. How can these ordinary people resist.

These guys were instantly furious and looked at Chu Feng angrily.

It turned out that the anger in Chu Feng’s eyes was even more intense than theirs, and those eyes that were as sharp as they were about to kill made them feel chills.

Soon, someone dared not look at Chu Feng again and turned their heads away.

Chu Feng walked into the crowd and saw Scarlett-John with tears in his eyes, and his heart ached: “Scarlett, it’s alright.”

Scarlett looked up and saw Chu Feng, she felt that she had found the backbone, and she jumped into Chu Feng’s arms and cried, “Uncle Chu, they bullied me.”

Originally, Melanie Sloan had also been protecting Scarlett.

But Melanie Sloan is a woman and has limited strength. How can she be an opponent of so many people.

Although these parents were still reasonable and didn’t do it directly, they also scared Scarlett-Johnson enough.

“It’s alright, Uncle Chu is here, no one dares to bully you anymore.” Chu Feng patted Scarlett on the back, then rubbed her hair again.

“Yeah.” Scarlett replied, with Chu Feng by her side, she suddenly felt a full sense of security and was no longer afraid.

Melanie Sloan was relieved to see Chu Feng appear.

Like Scarlett, she also has strong confidence in Chu Feng.

Comforting Scarlett, Chu Feng was about to settle accounts with those brainless parents, but the brainless parents jumped out first.

A middle-aged white woman with glasses on her face shouted to Chu Feng, “Who are you? Do you know what you are doing?

You let her go, this person is a murderer, she killed my son…”

Chu Feng was furious when he heard it, and looked at the white woman even more sharply, seeing what she said behind her, and couldn’t say anything more.

Then Chu Feng said, “You said she killed your son, did you see it?”

The white woman said: “I didn’t see it, but some students saw it.

At first, her face was wrong and her face was full of horror, but at that moment, something suddenly ignited on her body.

Immediately after, she returned to normal.

Not long after that, my son died.

So, she should have died, she didn’t, my son died, and my son was killed by her. ”

Chu Feng also took it.

It is said that domestic parents feel distressed about their children, and they are indiscriminate. I didn’t expect that there are such mentally disabled parents here in Laomei.

Chu Feng’s face froze and said: “According to you, Scarlett deserves to die? There is something to kill her, she can’t even protect herself?

I’ve seen stupid people, but I’ve never seen someone as stupid and ignorant as you. ”

The white woman was furious, but she hadn’t yet figured out how to respond.

Chu Feng looked at Sergeant Mike again and said, “Sergeant Mike, slandering a person is a murderer. How long will the sentence be?”

Sheriff Mike still has something to ask Chu Feng, and naturally he is on Chu Feng’s side: “This kind of thing, I said it doesn’t count, it depends on how the judge decides.

However, there are many such cases.

In the end, it is basically 1 to 3 years in prison, and there is also a large amount of compensation to compensate the victim. ”

“Very good.” Chu Feng nodded and said to Melanie Sloan, “Ms. Sloan, I believe you have a lawyer you are familiar with, and understand what to do.”

Melanie Sloan nodded knowingly: “I see, I will entrust my lawyer in a moment to sue Ms. Susan for defaming Scarlett.”

The white woman, Susan, was startled.

She is also a highly educated person, and she lost her mind for a while because of her son’s death.

Now that I think about it, my actions just now have really constituted a crime of slander.

Susan’s face turned even paler, and she hurriedly said: “No. Ms. Sloan, Miss Johnson, I was wrong just now, I apologize to you, I am very sorry.

Please forgive me for the offense I just took on the reason I lost my son. ”

Chu Feng said: “Losing your son is not a reason or excuse for you to slander, wrong and bully others.

Also, I gave her the things to protect Scarlett. If you want someone to settle the bill, you should also come to me.

Are you going to settle the bill with me? I am always welcome. ”

Looking at Chu Feng’s icy eyes, Susan shuddered: “No, no. I apologize again for my irrationality just now.

Please forgive my mistakes. ”

When the other parents next to him heard Chu Feng’s words, their eyes lit up.

They were surrounding Scarlett-John just now, didn’t they just want to find out where that thing that could protect her came from?

Knowing now, their eyes suddenly became hot.

Chu Feng didn’t notice the abnormality of these parents for a while. Seeing that the white woman really didn’t dare, he looked at Scarlett-John and said, “You are a victim, what do you say?”


Scarlett (grieved face): Ask for votes for comfort! *

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