I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 Chasing The Monster (For Collection)

Just after finishing, I heard Qingyue’s cell phone ringing in the study.

While answering the phone, Chu Feng walked out of the study: “Are you all in place? Well, I’ll be there soon.

Remember to wait until I arrive before taking action, otherwise, I will not be responsible for the accident. ”

Chu Feng hung up the phone and saw that Li Meiqi was looking at him in the living room.

Chu Feng asked, “I’m going to find that monster, can you be here alone?”

Although Li Maggie wanted to go with her, she knew that not only would she not be able to help, but she might even cause trouble for Chu Feng.

I had no choice but to say, “Yes, I feel very safe here.”

Chu Feng smiled. In fact, he didn’t arrange any formation here.

Maggie Li felt safe here because she trusted Chu Feng so much in her heart, which was a psychological illusion.

As long as Chu Feng is there, it must be a very safe place.

And Chu Feng’s home is obviously also in this ranks.

Chu Feng said: “Well, you can watch TV. If you’re tired, go to sleep. I’ll go first.”

After explaining, Chu Feng grabbed the peach wood sword and went out again.

When Chu Feng arrived, he saw that Mike had summoned more than 50 police officers and more than 20 police dogs.

Those police dogs sat on the ground, sticking out their tongues and exhaling “haha”, but they didn’t run around and bark, and it looked like they were well-trained.

Mike trotted towards Chu Feng: “Master Chu Feng, you are finally here, we are all ready.”

“Well.” Chu Feng asked: “Have the police dogs smelled the odor on the corpse?”


“Alright then, let’s go.”

With Chu Feng’s order, everyone started.

The surrounding houses also looked here curiously.

I don’t understand why these cops want to listen to an Asian guy.

The environment of the wealthy area is very good.

There are sports plazas and forest parks nearby.

Behind the forest park, there is a hill.

On weekends, rich people organize hunting on the hills.

At this time, all those police dogs were heading towards Forest Park.

Chu Feng also followed Sergeant Mike, behind those police officers and police dogs.

The old beautiful park is not like the domestic park.

Domestic parks are always carefully maintained, and everything is neat and regular.

Laomei’s parks are just laissez-faire, and many places look like wilderness.

At the beginning, Chu Feng and others still have a way to go.

But the further you go, the more like entering a real forest.

There was no way around except for a few trees and bushes.

A group of people walked through the woods, and after walking for a while, they came to the bottom of the low mountain.

Both Chu Feng and Sergeant Mike looked up, and Sergeant Mike said, “Did that monster hide on the mountain?”

Chu Feng didn’t say anything. In fact, at first, he didn’t have much confidence in whether these police dogs could find the monster.

But now, things seem to be a little brighter.

Chu Feng said: “Go up and take a look first, and tell your people to be careful, this monster should be very powerful.”

Sheriff Mike nodded again and again and shouted: “Everyone, be careful, if you encounter monsters, don’t show yourselves.”

The police responded and continued to lead the police dog up the mountain.

There is a trail on the mountain, and everyone follows the trail all the way up the mountain.

After a while, more than two dozen police dogs surrounded a cave, barking nonstop.

Chu Feng’s expression changed: “Could it be that the monster is hiding in there?”

Mike asked, “What now?”

Chu Feng said: “Let your people go around and check to see if there is any other exit from this cave.”

“Okay.” Mike immediately ordered the following.

Soon, a team of police officers led police dogs and took a detour to check.

After more than ten minutes, they came back and found no other exit. This cave is the only exit.

Chu Feng said: “That’s easy to do, throw tear gas in it and force that thing out.”

Chu Feng originally wanted to use smoke to smoke that thing out.

Fortunately, I remember that there are more advanced police tear gas, which is almost embarrassing.

Chu Feng secretly exhaled.

“it is good.”

Mike agreed and ordered, “Remove all the police dogs, prepare ten tear gas, and throw them in.”

Tear gas contains a large amount of tear gas, which can cause intense fire-like irritation to the eyes, facial skin, and respiratory tract of creatures.

This stuff is much more powerful than smoke.

In a closed space, as long as it is a living thing, it can’t stand it.

unless you don’t breathe.

But even if you don’t breathe, your eyes can’t stand it.

Chu Feng threw the tear gas, and let someone break some branches nearby and keep fanning the hole to prevent the smoke from escaping.

This trick is really useful. After a while, a large number of insects, snakes, insects and other things rushed out.

Then, a hoarse sneeze came out.


Seeing that many old irons support this book, Lao Li is very moved and will continue to write more exciting stories to repay everyone…*

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