I Am a Big Player

Chapter 715

Chapter 687 Set makeup poster

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The prop group entered the dressing room and pulled a big box. This time the notice said that the boss was wearing a full set of outfits. As a result, most of the prop group left other stars behind…

Chen Da and Liu Erbao had just finished their makeup and were looking for a prop group, but it turned out that the prop group had all gone to the big boss to join in the fun…

The two have a toothache, but what else can be said, both of them know very well that after the incident in the no man’s land, Ren He has long been a myth in this Qinghe film and television…

When other celebrities saw Chen Da and Liu Erbao, the two queen teams didn’t say anything, so they didn’t dare to say anything. m.slk.tw

As for the props group, five or six people helped Ren He put on the armor. Ren He was a little bit dumbfounded when he saw so many people around him, but they also went. This armor was indeed better than he performed on Director Li’s side. The armor of Jinwuwei was more delicate, but it was more cumbersome when worn.

The props group took a look at the big boss with a yellow face and asked carefully: “This set of armor is 50 catties, big boss, are you okay with it?”

Ren He was stunned, 50 catties? ! Who can wear this Nima except himself?

If you really want Ji Junhui to wear this thing to film, let alone filming, you must kneel after walking two steps!

“Hiss!” Ren He took a breath: “Does Director Zhang know about this?”

“I know,” said the person in charge of the props group: “Director Zhang must know that this is what he told us to order.”


Ren He suddenly felt that Ji Junhui’s allergies on his face were probably caused by Zhang Ming… Don’t look at this old man’s good looks, but a person who is really kind and simple in heart can be famous in the entertainment industry. To get what it is now? !

Of course, it was a bit too much to think of Zhang Ming this way, but Ren He felt that even if Ji Junhui didn’t have a problem on his face, in the end, it was very likely that he would eventually switch to himself because he couldn’t wear this armor.

The key is that the intention of this armor is also obvious. Okay, Zhang Ming knows that he is the foundation of the knight, making it clear that only he can wear it in the entire crew!

Even if the entire entertainment industry is looking for people again, it is estimated that people who can put on free movement are not suitable for this role.

The staff of the props group looked at the big boss’s volatile expression, and thought they did something wrong…

The head of the props group held back for a long time and suddenly plucked up the courage to ask: “Big boss, why would you remember to encircle the poachers?”

Ren He calmly said: “In order to protect the yak.”

A group of people in the props group suddenly looked confused. They thought that the big boss might be an undercover agent and other mysterious reasons, but they never thought of such a straightforward and simple reason…

Just to protect the yak, did you take care of all the litters? This is really a golden yak!

Just wearing this armor, it took another half an hour to put it on. The staff in the props group were all out of breath, but saw that the big boss was wearing more than 50 catties of props. .

Ren He picked up the exquisite golden hoop from the table, and he calmly carried it on his head. Ren He was thinking in his heart, if it was himself, would he take this golden hoop?

The answer is yes.

When I was in New York, I had such a choice. If I didn’t go to the piano solo concert and step forward with the sniper rifle, then Yang Xi would be in danger.

If you pick up a sniper rifle, you will inevitably face powerful national machinery such as the CIA, the National Security Agency, and the FBI, and you will also face the consequences of being wanted globally.

In order to get rid of the wanted, he spent more than 20 billion to buy shares of American Airlines. Up to now, American Airlines is still immortal, and his money has also lost 10%.

But does he regret it? He does not regret it.

The First World War in the Netherlands was also to prove that I was not the only way to solve problems by spending money.

So if he were Monkey King, he would also wear this golden hoop. As long as Yang Xi was still in danger, he would always protect her from the wind and rain.

It was the moment when they brought the golden hoop, the staff of the props group seemed to see the Monkey King who was willing to bring the shackles for love in the script.

Inexplicably shocked in my heart, he stopped talking.

Maybe this is why Zhang Dao wants the big boss to play Monkey King? They are also not clear.

When Ren He walked out of the dressing room, there were already people standing outside. Ren He walked outside with a heavy golden hoop in his right hand, and everyone backed silently.

The silent but calm figure wore a golden armor and holy clothes and a golden hoop on his head. It looked like it could be an enemy of the world, even if it destroyed the Huaguo Mountain, even if it smashed the Heavenly Court, it would not hesitate.

This may be what Monkey King was like.

Zhang Ming smiled happily in front of the crowd. He took the lead and applauded: “Thanks to the big boss for supporting the work!”

Ren He’s face turned dark at the time: “You are deep enough.”

Zhang Ming, of course, knew that Ren He was referring to the weight of the armor. He smiled cheerfully: “Big boss, you are also considerate of my old man’s painstaking efforts. It’s not easy to find a suitable actor, and I think you’re talented. He is the most suitable person for this role. I saw the big boss your set makeup look today, and then I changed someone else to play the golden basin, which I think is anxious to wash my hands.”

Haha, this is so typical that it’s cheap and good.

At this moment, Xia Yuting looked at Ren He’s dress in the crowd. This is the hero she wants, but this hero is not hers.

In fact, Xia Yuting herself knows exactly where she is from Yang Xi. Not to mention the length of the relationship, Xia Yuting knows very well that she has left her shadow in her heart because of her miracle, but Yang Xi is not.

So from the beginning, she had already lost to Yang Xi, so Xia Yuting didn’t fight for it, because she knew she couldn’t get it.

But if feelings can be controlled by control, then love is not so sacred. There are too many regrets in the world every day, so there is no shortage of her.

Everyone completed the set-up photos needed for publicity. When refining these photos later, they suddenly discovered that among all the characters, only the two set-up photos, Zixia and Monkey King, gave people the most eye-catching feeling. The others… I always feel a little bit worse.

Therefore, in the promotional poster of Dingzhuangzhao, Monkey King and Fairy Zixia stand in the middle, and on both sides are Zhizun Bao, Er Dang Jia, Bai Jingjing and others.

When Zhang Ming sent the set-up promotional poster to the TQ group of the crew, Xia Yuting subconsciously ordered the save and sent it to the assistant elder sister: “Sister, can you print it out for me in private?”

The assistant elder sister looked at her and sighed: “The crew will also print it out in two days. Why are you in a hurry for a day or two.”

Xia Yuting was silent.

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