I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 52

Chapter 52:

“The formation is fully open, kill him.”

The torrent of Taoism, which was originally in a state of accumulation, slammed down directly towards Xu Daoran’s body of burning the world, and the whole strange realm was shaken violently.

But unexpectedly, the huge world-burning giant burst like a bubble in an instant.

The four were stunned for a moment, and then their hearts tightened.

No one would think that Xu Daoran just died like this, then, where is he?


Chen Jing spat out a large mouthful of blood, and then watched a hand burning with pale flames penetrated from his chest.

The four-layer Taoist barrier on his body, two spells, and a defensive magic weapon, are like paper.

There is no doubt that this blow was done by Xu Daoran.

Of course, no one would show their huge real body as a target when the enemy obviously has crushing firepower. After Xu Daoran confirmed that it was difficult for him to escape, he concealed and killed one or two people.

And directly abandoning the huge shell of the real body, the core of ordinary people escapes, and takes the opportunity to assassinate.

It seemed that he succeeded, and Chen Jing, the weakest of the four, was almost instantly killed by a single blow.

“I…” Chen Jing’s eyes widened, the next moment, his body was directly burned into coke, but this did not kill him, on the contrary, his body was broken like quicksand, forming a sand lock Firmly bound Xu Daoran’s body.

“What? I was fooled!” Xu Daoran was shocked.

The sand lock on his body seems to be weak, but it is difficult to break free, and at this time, the torrent of Taoism of the formation has turned its direction and came straight to him.


The torrent of Taoism hit Xu Daoran directly, and this time, he could no longer escape.

Somewhere in the strange realm, there is an hourglass, which is full of crystal fine sand. At this time, the hourglass itself cracked several cracks, and a large piece of glass shattered, allowing the fine sand in the hourglass to flow out quickly.

The fine sand flowed to the ground and piled up strangely, reaching the height of a person.

It wasn’t until the hourglass bottomed out that Chen Jing’s body finally condensed. As soon as he took shape, he immediately covered his chest with his hands, and then looked at the hourglass. Seeing that the hourglass was only broken into a small piece, he breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s good if it’s not broken, it’s good if it’s not broken, it’s not broken, I’m still Tianhe.”

After a while, Chen Jingcai raised his head and looked at Xu Daoran, who was drowned by the torrent of Taoism, with pleasure in his eyes.

“In order to kill you, my natal magic weapon was broken. All the cinnabar that I have accumulated over the past 20 years has been exhausted. Xu Daoran, you can die without regrets.”

Xu Daoran’s attack just now didn’t come back in vain. Chen Jing was really killed once, but he majored in the technique of surrogate death.

That’s why he was so obsessed with Gu Qingan, if he could master that sword, coupled with his surrogate death technique, he would save his life and output, and would be directly invincible.

Thinking of a bright future, he closed his eyes and meditated to regain his strength.

At this time, his eyes opened, and a panic appeared.

“how is this possible?!”

A flame burned from the bottom of his heart, and he was about to be reduced to ashes again.


The hourglass was completely shattered, and a spiritual force rose up, extinguishing the flame.

But although Chen Jing survived, his face was ugly as if his family had died.

“I…I…” He Aba Aba couldn’t say a complete sentence.

In this world, there is one more sad star palace cultivator.

Chapter 65 Chapter 64

At this moment, Blood Rakshasa appeared in front of him in a flash, first stunned, and then burst into a smile.

Chen Jing’s face sank, “What are you laughing at?”

“It’s nothing, I remember happy things.” Blood Rakshasa smiled.

Chen Jing was about to have a seizure, but Blood Rakshasa didn’t say much, and threw a fiery red orb at him.

He said casually, “Chen Jing, you are too injured to stay here in this strange environment to cultivate and obliterate the remnants of Xu Daoran.”

Even if Divine Will dies, it does not necessarily mean the end, but there will be a part of it that is extremely strong and stable, and is difficult to destroy in a short period of time.

It’s just death, you can’t even cross this, what kind of power is it?

If there is a long time, or there is another opportunity, Xu Daoran can even be reborn from this bead. Although such rebirth will lose almost all memory, it is also a kind of self-continuation after all.

Chen Jing took the orb, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes, and he nodded.

“I understand.”

Blood Rakshasa smiled and beheaded a god, she was in a good mood.

In the entire Quan’an County, including the newly returned Qingqinan, there are only three gods, and now there are only two, and they have to suppress Youquan, and their strength is suppressed.

“Next, it’s time to counterattack.”

Go straight to Jinghu City, destroy the star gate, and completely liberate Youquan. The Quan’an County, the core and most populous county in Pingzhou, will be centered on it and capture the land of a state.

When she was thinking about it, tens of thousands of monsters appeared in the strange realm. Different from the miscellaneous soldiers placed outside to lure the enemy, the monsters here are all elites, their scales are shining with cold light, and their claws are extremely sharp. , strangely shaped, very strange.

In addition, on a corpse as big as a mountain, made of corpses, nearly a thousand monks of the six sects are controlling the army of demons through Taoism, slowly rushing out of the strange realm.

It is worth mentioning that these monks also include the people of Youquanmen, who are sitting on a corpse alone and control some demons.

The soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, and there is a lot to do.

The world is in your hands.

Thinking of this, a sense of pride sprouted from the bottom of her heart.

In Xiangshan County, in the quiet jungle, an army is slowly advancing, with a small flying boat the size of a house floating above its head, responsible for reconnaissance and storage of some supplies.

This army is the crusade army organized by Heihe City.

Inside the flying boat, Ji Yiyun was following the captain’s order and inputting spiritual power into the large boiler magic weapon in front of him. After a while, the green light on the boiler turned on, and a large thick ‘whiteboard’ appeared.

Ji Yiyun skillfully took out the ‘white board’ with a clip, and cut it into small pieces of equal size using a special tool.

She sighed inwardly, “Why does my mother come here to cook?”

In this world, through Taoism and special recipes, a military ration that occupies a very small area and is adequately nutritious can be produced. A copper coin-sized piece and a bottle of water can meet the needs of a day.

The only downside is that it needs to be controlled by a monk, but even the weakest monks in the spiritual realm can do it, and it is easy to make.

Ji Yiyun alone can satisfy the logistics of the 2,000-strong crusade army below.

Since Dacheng realized the production line of flying boats and the miniaturization of military rations, coupled with a large number of warriors in the army, the logistics pressure of Dacheng army has been greatly reduced, the mobility has increased sharply, and the response speed is extremely fast.

In just a few days, troops can be dispatched, and they have already entered Xiangshan County.

Ji Yiyun sighed with emotion, “In the past 100 years, the imperial court has invested countless manpower and material resources in the transportation of instruments such as flying boats, and the technology has also progressed rapidly. I remember that the technology of flying boats has improved even more than ten years later, and even the giant flying boats that can transport millions of people. have been developed.”

“However, what’s the use of such a big flying boat?”

Ji Yiyun scatters his thoughts, but his hands are not stopped, and while cooking, he draws out his energy and pays attention to Feizhou’s Daoist light curtain.

At this moment, a picture appeared on the light curtain of Taoism, and a huge smoldering black pit appeared in front of her, all of which were the corpses of carbonized demons, and some who were lucky enough to survive and were eating the corpses of the same kind. demon.

Ji Yiyun was shocked, “This is the bombardment of the main guns of the aerospace battleship.” She had seen such traces many times in her previous life, and was extremely impressed.

“Moreover, it looks like it’s completely crushing. It only used the firepower of the space battleship to completely destroy the demon army.”

Watching the soldiers below easily kill the remaining demons, because they don’t talk about martial arts, more than a dozen people went up together without any casualties.

Ji Yiyun couldn’t help but wonder, “This time it seems… it’s going well.”

In the secret realm of Youquan, Gu Qingan woke up.

I don’t know why, even though I just woke up, I didn’t feel the slightest bit of tiredness. Instead, I felt full of energy and the speed of thinking in my brain was running extremely fast.

“I remember that I seemed to be stunned by the huge amount of energy when I was swallowing the secluded spring…”

“By the way, the entrance is a trick!”

Gu Qingan lowered his mind and sensed the entrance space.

Then, she saw the sea, a sea filled with silver mind power, too much mind power even rose into clouds and rained down, just like a real natural ecology.

She suppressed her joy and glanced at the system interface.

[Entrance development degree: 90%]

Although it is still not full, Gu Qingan is even more happy. With such a big tonic as Youquan, it is not difficult to upgrade at all. The upper limit is naturally the higher the better.

The secluded spring is so big, I only eat a little.

After calming down a bit, she focused her attention on the Heavenly Skeleton Demon Domain again. It was the Heavenly Skeleton Demon Domain that devoured Youquan and fed it back to her. Then she got such a big benefit. What about the Heavenly Skeleton Demon Domain that devoured Youquan directly?

With anticipation, she sank her mind into that barren world.

And this time, even if she was mentally prepared, she couldn’t help but be astonished.

“Ah, this?”

The scope of the entire Heavenly Skeleton Demon Territory has been expanded by more than ten times, enough to accommodate a village, and the desert is no longer as barren as before. Some purple grass with jagged edges.

But it wasn’t these changes that moved Gu Qingan.

“How…how did you become so big?”

Like a villa-sized egg of chaos floating in the small pond, it seems that it was affected by the previous devouring the core of the demon and the expansion of the demon domain, and the egg of chaos also expanded proportionally.

[Monster name: Chaos Egg]

[Level: Weird (Growing Stage)]

[Talent Ability: Dusk Electron Light Cannon]

A huge eye grew out of the center of the six bright yellow eyes, and the rank reached the peak of the strange level. Although it did not reach the terrifying level, at this time, it gave Gu Qingan the same feeling that he had encountered in Nanping Town before. That’s just about as close.

Obviously, the demons cultivated in the Heavenly Skeleton Demon Realm are stronger than the wild ones.

Moreover, the innate ability derived from it was obviously affected by Gu Qing’an’s Dusk True Qi.

“Yes, the future is promising.” Although he didn’t know if he could understand it, Gu Qingan encouraged him.

The Chaos Egg blinked its seven eyes, conveying a feeling of satisfaction and joy.

After sorting out the harvest and turning back to the real world, Gu Qingxin is sure.

“Next, let’s directly attack the innate.”

She turned her eyes to the dark and deep world outside the light film.

Eyes full of longing.

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss will stare into you.

When Gu Qingan stared at the abyss, the abyss trembled in fear.

Chapter 66 Chapter 65

Gu Qingan sat cross-legged against the light film. Beside her, outside the light film, dark cracks were constantly opening and closing.

Because the secluded spring was too large and too monotonous, Gu Qingan did not see any major changes in the scenery in front of him.

But if someone can observe the entire Quiet Spring space, it will be found that its edges are shrinking.

Crack clap.

The sound of space cutting and shattering was too strong, and even through the isolation of the light film, it sounded in Gu Qingan’s ears.

As the Heavenly Skeleton Demon Territory continued to eat, surging energy gradually poured into Gu Qingan’s body.

Expanded her porch.


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