Husband of the Goblin Tribe

Chapter Three – In which Ark gives a name to his first wife, and tells her his own name, too.

“What are your names?”

I had felt the inclination to ask the first one who was the only one between them that seemed to be both conscious and able to answer my question.

“Know goblin by what goblin do. Me Guardian, she Stone-seeker.”

“So you don’t have proper names?”

“What proper name?”

I did my best to explain how humans had names picked out by their parents ahead of time, not being named later for what they are known for doing. Most times the names a human held some kind of personal importance attached to them.

“Goblins not have name like human.”

“Is this why you call me Husband then?”

“Why else call you Husband? You make big seed and give to goblin to make strong ones. What Husband do.”

Thinking of goblin society as a caste-based society that naturally gave way to their individual naming scheme, or lack thereof, began making perfect sense.

“Would it bother you if I gave you a name that’s easier for me to remember?”

“What name give me?”


“Prima? What mean Prima?”

“Well, in Human language, it means first. To me, you were my first.”


I nodded.

“Before last night, I had never um… given big seed to a female.”

“Husband give me name of first big-seed? Name important to Husband?”

I scratched my head. “Something like that. Maybe it’s just because I’m human, but giving names to important and memorable things is something I can’t help but do as one.”

“What Husband name?”

“My name is Ark.”

“Husband… Ark?”


“Husband keep human name secret. No tell other goblins. Husband is Husband, big safe be Husband only.”

“Uh, yeah, sure.”

Did she not want me to tell the other goblin female my real name? I guess I’m glad I told her first then. Maybe she knows something I don’t? But what about Prima? Since I’ve given her a name now, does it put her at risk somehow? Should I not call her that openly?

She walked over by the legs of the one she called Stone-seeker squatting down and touching the still wet pool of blood made when we fucked.

“Much blood. Good omen.”


“Can I ask something about the whole big seed thing?”

“What want know?”

“How long before…” I used my hand to make the motion of a pregnant belly. She caught it instantly.

“Three moons.”

A goblin pregnancy is only three months!? That explains so much about why there are always subjugation quests for them. In the time it takes for one human birth, these creatures can have three litters worth of their own kind.

“Is that for goblin females only… or for human female who get goblin seed?”

“Three moons, all. Not know more.”

I nodded.

That kind of toll on the body cannot be healthy for any human women caught by goblins, that’s for damn sure.

“Thanks. That’s all I wanted to know.”

After taking a few breaths, I put my hand on the ground and helped myself up.

“Husband no rest more?”

“I’m good. But are you sure she’s okay?” I asked again, pointing at the goblin female I had done in by way of doggy-style.

“She fine. Eye open. Head stupid-think.”

I moved over to her front and squatted down, looking into her eyes. I reached out and gently touched her hair, stroking her head.

“I enjoyed it also. Rest well.”

I stood back up and walked over to the goblin in charge of me. My crotch was a bloody mess, and I really wanted to wash my dick clean, but there wasn’t exactly a towel handy.

“Can I ask a question?”

“What ask now?”

“I’m not asking for my things back, but there is one item I would like to have access to again if I’m to stay healthy. It’s a water canteen that was in my pack…”

I described the canteen and explained about sexual hygiene and how if they wanted me to keep giving them big seed that I had to keep it clean. I didn’t want to create some kind of goblin venereal disease epidemic here.

“...Prima look. Not know which goblin take.”

I nodded.

“It doesn’t even have to be the canteen. I just need a way to wash my uh…”

I pointed down at my bloody crotch.


“Yeah. As long as it’s clean, I can give big seed all the time.”

“What mean give big seed all time?”

“Well, as a human, as long as I get to eat cooked meat or have fresh fruits and vegetables, get sunlight every few days, and keep my seed-stick clean, I can pretty much give big seed without any problems. Unless you don’t want to get big seed anymore?”

“Get more big seed? Strong ones made with big seed. Waste big seed bad.”

I reached up and rubbed my neck.

“Oh. So I won’t be giving you big seed anymore?”

She walked over to me and got all up in my personal space real quickly.

“Husband… want to waste big seed with Prima?”

“I mean, if you aren’t busy doing something else and it’s okay with you, I’d like that, yeah.”

This was simple ingratiation. Keep your warden happy, and you’re safe.

“Husband… give big seed again now?”

My erection was more of an answer than the nod I had given to that question.

She looked down at the goblin I just fucked silly.

“Husband do same? From behind?”


“Husband no trick Prima and try escape after?”

“I’ll lay down next to you when it’s over. I won’t go anywhere.”

She then immediately squatted down, hocked up a hefty wad of spit onto my dick and stroked it with one hand, cleaning some of the bloody funk off with her bare hand.

“Husband seed-stick wet. Prima ready.”

She climbed onto her hands and knees on the straw bed next to the other goblin, and I slid myself into her from behind. There was little to no resistance going into her this time. And while I pounded away at her cunt as best I could, careful not to be too rough, I had the first logical thought since I was captured enter into my mind.

The only thing that will never betray a man, is his muscles. If I was going to be fucking these horny goblin women, I needed to develop a stamina-based exercise regimen, and quick.

As I grabbed onto her hips and did my best to churn her guts to hell and back, I tried to put it out of my mind that what I was doing right now was tantamount to creating more goblins that would likely kill humans in the future. But as it came down to it being them or me, I was aware that I was a selfish bastard who wanted to live.

I had to fuck goblin pussy to live, and I was determined to live no matter what, at least until I found a foolproof chance of escape. I just had to be smart, and play the long con until then. I might be these goblin females' Husband for now, but I know my limitations. A wife is a woman held above all other women, and I just had to groom Prima to understand that so that I wouldn't easily be killed just in case I did do something she considered stupid.

Filling her belly with my seed, I gently helped her down onto the hay bed and laid down beside her. I rolled her onto her side and held her from behind, pulling her into a hug. I was fatigued from fucking, but I wasn’t sleepy quiet yet. I just turned my mind off and kept our bodies pressed together and warm for now. Gently stroking her hair, groping her full chest, and calling her name softly…


~~** Interlude | Prima **~~

Ever since receiving Husband's big seed, I've felt strange.

Aside from the first few moments that Husband resisted my touch as he lay bound last night, nothing at all has happened the way the Great Protector said it would. Husband was supposed to be fearful, angry, furious, desperate, and anything but calm when it came to him giving us big seed. He was supposed to hate us, seek to flee at the first chance he could find, strike us down as soon as he could move hand or foot on his own, yet none of that came to be.

Husband even now is holding me from behind, as if to protect me. Husband has kept to his promise and hasn’t moved at all from his bed. He has been completely obedient and it has left me with more questions than answers. Husband even gave me a name. Prima–which in the words of humans meant first-seed. He seemed to think it was important that I have a name with which to call me by that wasn’t what I have always been known as to my tribe–Guardian.

So, to Husband I am Prima now. A strange sounding name to a goblin like myself, yet it feels as if it has always been my name, only missing before now. My fuckhole still quivers from the wasted seed he delivered inside of me. I had been taken from behind, my strength stolen from my legs as I was blinded by the pleasure of the wasted big seed put inside of me, and I didn’t want to get up from this bed anytime soon. I wished to stay here with Husband holding onto me, pressed up against me as his hand rubbed my milkies.

None of this should be happening!

He had also asked for a thing that belonged to him before our tribe looted his belongings. Something called a kan-tin, a… container which only held stream-water for drinking, similar to a waterskin. He said it was necessary to keep his seed-stick healthy, but I wasn’t sure whether to believe it or not. Husband seems healthy now, though he would rather eat fire meat instead of bloody meat fresh from the kill. I don’t know how he will stay healthy eating it though…

Is there a chance that the Great Protector is wrong about this human?

I know it is a blasphemous thought for me as the goblin tribe’s guardian to have, but it was still a thought I had nonetheless. I do not doubt the Great Protector who saved us when all the goblin menfolk were killed when I was only a strong one of not many moons back then, but I am a strong one no longer. The Great Protector promised us the chance to regrow our tribe when we became able to take big seed and make strong ones on our own, and now we were given our Husband, though human, who has seeded me and another so far.

It will be four more days before the signs begin to show that there is a strong one in my belly, though I am already certain the big seed was successful. I will soon begin the next generation of our tribe and the others will follow after me. But my fuckhole still quakes! It begs me even now to ask Husband for more big seed. Big seed which belongs to the others but is wasted with me. I cannot be selfish here. Husband is to be shared by all of us. He cannot be treated as a thing to be taken by me alone.

I had to get up. I had to carefully lift Husband’s arm in order to climb out from underneath it.

The cave was dark now, the torch had burnt away, and I knew now that Husband could not see me leave. I felt bad leaving him alone in the darkness, however there was much to do. My first task was to bring Stone-seeker back to her cave-hole, to see how she was doing. Now that I had also been on the receiving end of the seed-stick from behind, my legs felt like reeds in the wind with each step I took as I forcibly dragged her out of Husband’s cave-hole.

Reaching her cave hole took longer and much more energy to do than I had expected it to.

“Stone-seeker, are you awake?”

“I am. My legs are weak, I cannot even lift them.”

“Husband is good, isn’t he?”

“I did not think his seed-stick would make me feel like that. Husband’s big seed stole the strength in my body, and my eyes saw the sun at mid-day. I was blinded but I didn’t wish for it to stop, either.”

“Yes. There was much blood to be found, a good omen. We will both give birth to many strong ones from Husband’s big seed.”

“Why have you brought me back to my room? You wish to trade for a shiny stone?”

“Not for a stone. Husband was looking for a thing he used to own. It is called a kan-tin, it is round and flat and water is kept in it.”

“All that I took from Husband’s things was the shiny white stone. Now it is my greatest treasure, more than even my shiny yellow stone. You are collecting Husband’s things to return them?”

“No. He doesn’t care for his other things. Only for the kan-tin. He says it is needed for the health of his seed-stick.”

“If you find who has it, I am willing to help you get it for him.”

“You wish for him to waste seed with you again?”

“Am I wrong to want it?”

“No. I also feel the same.”

“Only my legs fail me for now, Guardian. My fuckhole will not forget how good it felt. I may be head-sick.”

“You are not head-sick. Husband’s seed-stick left me feeling the same. It will pass after more rest.”

“I wish it would… I also wish it would not.”

“Husband showed care with you after. It is possible he may wish to waste seed with you as well. I will tell Husband that you are resting so the big seed may take.”

“I will have many strong ones from Husband’s big seed.”

I left her room, where she lay alone in peace and suffering, knowing what I also know, wanting what I also want. I must now think of which goblin to send to his room next. But first, I needed to leave goblin-home. I needed to get a face-full of fresh wind and sun before I returned to Husband’s side again, wanting to crawl back under his arm once more, only to feel unwilling to leave again.

Many goblins were outside of goblin-home. Some have gone to hunt, others less useful do their tasks, such as dragging branches on the ground, keeping the tracks leading to goblin-home a secret from those who dwell in the forest, like the black-claws, as the great protector ordered. Most do nothing but sit and talk and argue near the fire pit, but all topics right now are of Husband.

It was natural for it to be this way, not much else was of importance to the goblin tribe at the moment than our new Husband. I feel superior over the others, not only as their Guardian, but also knowing I have received Husband’s big seed more than once. I must be careful not to let it make me stupid-think.

I walked into the forest, until I found the one I was looking for. It is the runt of our tribe.

After some talking, and her thinking that I was trying to coerce one of her treasures from her for the chance to be with Husband tonight, I got mad that she was being stupid with me. Husband so far has had me and Stone-seeker. We are both big goblins, sturdy, strong, with big milkies. What will he do with a runt goblin that has small milkies? Will he also give her big seed knowing she is the weakest and might not even have strong ones?

“Runt be with Husband? Yes! I will come tonight!”

She agreed quickly when I gave her the choice of being chosen as the next to go to Husband or wait until she was the last goblin to receive big seed. There might not even be big seed for her by that point, since there are many goblins in goblin-home waiting their turn to be with Husband.

Perhaps she is not that stupid after all, since she has managed to live this long as a runt…

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