Husband of the Goblin Tribe

Chapter Sixteen – In which Ark has trouble understanding Prima’s heart as a tsundere goblin maiden who can only be honest with her body.

As much as I would have loved to spend the night with Berry and my cute and bitey daughter, Diana, as Husband to the goblin tribe, I did have a duty to fill. As such, I returned to my room, at which time Prima had come to see me. The situation between us was still messy, I knew. I had spoken first, to let her know that I was fine with picking two goblins tonight as originally promised, however she refused to allow it. This complicated things because I then had to admit that I basically promised to give big seed to Bone-taker and Mushroom-picker tonight.

She put a stop to that immediately.

I wasn’t being quarantined from the other goblins, but she wasn’t leaving me to my own devices in the breeding cave either. Prima had decided to stick around, going so far as to bring me some additional food, some kind of amphibian or reptile meat, thankfully cooked, and had even put some kind of psychological pressure on me by simply sitting next to me while at the same time kind of giving me a cold shoulder too.

Now, I’m fully aware that the whole business over the last few days was a bit much, but I had my own strong feelings on the matter, and if I’m going to play the long con by accepting the role of Husband to a tribe of female goblins, I’d like to not be a piece of shit who just fucks them and contributes nothing else. Lily, Berry, Jewel, even the lazy guard Tree-chopper along with Prima have shown me that these girls are intelligent beings, capable of much more than perhaps even they are aware they can be, so I want to at least advance the level of civilization here if this is going to be my new life for the foreseeable future.

Plus, it’s not like I hate Prima. I fully understand her hands were tied as the Guardian of the tribe. I was just being petty because I felt it should be a natural thing to want to help others in need, especially when all of these girls were essentially sister-wives to me and wanted to have my goblin babies. Of course to them I’m probably only a novel shared Husband–easily replaced, but I wanted better for them. I wanted them to want better for themselves!

But the look on Prima’s face did hold worry. It was probably about the great human magic of spite I cast on her, or that she believed I had, anyway. Was she afraid I would try to negatively affect the pregnancies of any of the goblins I gave big seed to? I’m not that kind of petty. Kids are innocent, even if they are goblins. I could only imagine other adventurers hearing me say such a thing aloud… I’d probably wind up with a knife in my back in a dark alley.

I finished my meal, offered Prima my thanks once again, and laid down on the straw bed while Prima remained sitting upright next to me.

“The night’s going to be long, and if you aren’t going to let me do what I’m here to do, then do you want to waste big seed with me?”

She turned her head to look at me, as if I had asked the most bizarre question in the world to her.

Without so much as saying a word, she put herself on all fours in a doggy style with her goblin-hole facing me, and didn’t move. Was she interested? Her cunt looked clean, aside from a little bit of dirt and a piece or two of straw stuck to her ass cheeks, so I got up, dusted off my main wife’s derriere and got on all fours myself, shoving my face directly into her snatch.

She let herself be eaten out by me, adjusting herself a few times for balance while I worked on the sweet spots around her clitoral area. She seriously didn’t say a single word to me the whole time, not even after she came and I mounted her from behind afterwards. She accepted me into her with ease and let me go to pound-town as I saw fit. I scooped her up and reached around the front of her body to grope her chest while I slid in and out of her, even giving her a few playful bites around her shoulders and neck. She moaned a little, giving up only that much simply because her body was being pleasured by my cock. Honestly, I wondered if goblin women weren’t a bit more sensitive than human women, because by no measure did I think I was a silver medalist at fucking.

I had thrust as deep as I could when I finally came inside of her. Then all the strength she had in enduring sex with me had flowed out of her, and I had to hold on and gently lay her down onto the hay-bed.

As it turns out, goblins cried.

Prima cried.

I was probably a bastard for doing it, but I also did it because I wanted her to know that I wasn’t going to refuse her because of the whole incident. If she wanted to present herself to fuck, we were going to fuck. Berry might be the first of the goblin tribe to have my child, but Prima was the one who had taken my first time and in the end, the one who fed me and protected me, and I did her wrong.

So what else could I do to make even the most basic act of reconciliation but hold on to her preciously?

Of course, that also meant my hand gently placed itself over her belly and rubbed the firm bump she now had. I wasn’t a mind reader, and was aware we might not get anywhere without talking to each other properly, but she was still a woman I had to take care of.

We had plenty more sex. Some she initiated, the rest she let me initiate. All of it quiet sex when it came to words, but she opened herself to being vocal as she needed while I pleased her with my seed-stick throughout the evening… night… whenever it was. One thing that remained constant was that she wanted me to keep holding her hands and intertwining our fingers as I continued to waste my big seed inside of her.

And of course as she lay spent after each round, I kissed her growing belly a number of times and pulled her as close to me in a hug as possible. Eventually, she decided to speak to me, using my name which she bid me to keep hidden from the others.


“It’s okay, Prima.” I said to her, stroking her cheek. She probably had enough time to think about what she wanted to say to me, but I wanted to reassure her before she did.

She reached up and grabbed my wrist, bringing it back down to put on her belly.

“Say it again.”

And so I did.

“It’s okay.”

She growled… or snarled. One of the two. Then she cried some more, quietly, in my arms.

When the morning came, she hadn’t left early as she usually did. So I greeted her with a bit of soft rubbing between her legs. There was no sudden explosive growth of her belly or anything. Whatever happened with Berry was simply some kind of fluke. Prima accepted my touch until she came again, and then rolled over to stare into my eyes..

She still didn’t make it a point of talking further than the two lines she said last night. But she eventually got up and with only the slightest of wobbling at first, left my room wordlessly.

I was let out for sun a few hours later. Prima had brought me another leg of whatever I ate last night before that, and bound me up with ropes once I finished eating. I enjoyed some of the sun’s rays, noting that it was much earlier in the morning than I thought it would be when I came outside. She deposited me in the care of Tree-chopper the lazy guard only to disappear quickly after.

It was a nice morning. Not too brisk for being stark naked, so I started doing a few warm up exercises like stretches, a light jogging in place, modified jumping jacks and found a body appeared from behind me, throwing her arms around me and reaching down to run a hand over my flapping cock in the wind.

It was Jewel.

Well, she’s pretty sexually aggressive, so a little harassment from her isn’t all bad.

She had a bow and a quiver of arrows slung around her shoulder, and she said she was off to hunt something. So any magic I wanted to use would have to wait until she returned. That was fine with me, as I was about to get started on exercises anyway. I gave Jewel a playful swat on the butt and sent her on her way.

Tree-chopper had wanted to work out with me again as it was, since she had been doing the three exercises I showed her daily while I was on strike. She had improved a bit, though push ups were still her weakness. I had offered to show her a few variations on them, maybe to help her find one she was more comfortable using, but she preferred to do them the same way I did. We talked while taking turns doing sit ups, and she mentioned having visited Berry’s to see the new addition I made for her and Diana.

She wasn’t the only goblin to visit Berry’s cave-hole. Word had spread quickly throughout the cave, and all of the goblins who had visited thought the room was something amazing. Berry had already filled the shelves within the bedroom with many things, and according to the lazy guard, she had left the cave early this morning with Diana to go hunting.

Hunting, to the goblin tribe, isn’t just hunting prey. It’s a catch-all term used to mean going into the forest to do something. Essentially, since there are wild beasts in the forest, more often than not if one can be caught or killed easily, then it was, and so securing any kind of food supply naturally became hunting. I suspect Berry was either gathering food for herself through foraging, for trading with other goblins, or perhaps even trying to show Diana how to be a real goblin while out there and teaching her how to use poisons to secure a kill.

Hopefully Diana was being a good goblin as well. I had a lot of faith in Berry giving her all to raise our daughter for some reason.

One of the goblins I had yet to meet, or one who might have been there when I picked Berry that night, I admit to not remembering what each of the others looked like, and certainly not what they do around here, had come to greet me.


“Hello.” I greeted her. She had cinnamon hair which fell gingerly over her shoulders and long bangs as well. I wondered immediately if she had any carpet to match the drapes. But I would wonder that of any redhead.

“Husband, know this?”

She had something bundled up in her hand and when she opened them, I saw, of all things, a pair of my underwear! Just seeing an intact pair made me really want to have them, or at least a loincloth at this point.

“Sure. They are something like my loincloth. Want me to show you how to wear them?”

She was eager to find out.

“Ah, wait. I can’t show you because of the ropes around my ankles. Oh! I can put them on you instead.”

“Me wear?” she asked curiously.

“Yeah, your feet go into them through these holes and then you pull them up. For me they are supposed to cover my seed-stick, for you they would cover your fuckhole.”

She nodded as I unfurled them and opened them wide as I guided her dirty feet into each hole meant for a leg to pass through and then pulled them up her body to her slender waist. Now, the thing is, there’s no elastic band around the waist and as a goblin her waist was slimmer than mine, so the result was that they just slid off and fell down.

She was a bit let down to find out that was what they were for, so she offered to give them to me in exchange for being picked soon. I was quite happy to receive them with those as the only terms.

“Husband, when pick next goblin give big seed?”

“I don’t know for sure, but soon. Prima was probably giving me one day to rest and make big seed again since I hadn't eaten in days and she would want to make sure it's big seed that I'm giving.” I said, not actually knowing if that was the reason or not, but it was accepted by this goblin easily enough.

“Hunt together Jewel. Talk first time get Husband big seed. My turn, want same. Make legs bend like reeds all day. Not be… gentle.”

“You’re sure that’s what you want?”

“What want when pick.” her mouth opened to show her razor sharp teeth.

After agreeing, she meandered off before I could find out more about her. Lazy guard was happy to fill in the blanks for me, though. She was the resident Fish-catcher of the goblin tribe. She did most of her hunting in the stream a fair distance away, and mostly traded fishbones with Bone-taker.

“I kind of wish I knew which goblin picked vegetables.”

A bit more conversation with Tree-chopper at least revealed there was one who did hunt for fruit, which I hoped to god also meant vegetables. Though, a ripe apple that didn’t have worms crawling through it would be nice, too...

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