Husband of the Goblin Tribe

Chapter Eight – In which Ark is let out of his room for some much needed sun, and becomes a personal trainer to a lazy goblin.


“Husband awake?”

“Prima? Is that you?”

“Yes. Husband sleep too long. Miss chance eat fire meat.”

“I did?”

“Lily come, ask for fire meat. Prima give Lily.”

“Oh, that’s fine then. At least it didn’t go to waste.”

“Today Husband go outside for sun. Tie Husband hands and feet with rope.”

“Right. Okay.”

“Husband not angry?”

“Why would I be? I told you I’m not stupid. I have no idea where I am, so even if I tried to run away it would only be a matter of time before you caught me again. I also have no clothes to wear, no weapons with which to protect myself, and no supplies to rely on for survival. Even if I did somehow escape, what else is outside ready to kill me? At least I know I’m safe here. My room is big, and if I wake up early enough, I get to eat meat.”

“Prima not have fire meat right now.  Give Husband other meat for mouth.”

She grinned at me while tugging her loincloth off.

“Clean fuckhole at stream.”

“You cleaned up for me?”

“Maybe listen what say.  Husband do mouth thing with Prima?”


Prima, who had been laying next to me, rolled onto my body and sat on my face as I directed her to do. My breakfast in lieu of fire meat was instead a nice bit of green wifely goblin cunt accentuated with a tiny bit of dirt I could feel on her butt from having been sitting down on the floor next to me, and a single piece of straw which had somehow been wedged into her thigh crease as an aperitif.

It could have been way worse, so I wasn’t about to complain. My body felt a bit sore at the moment around the ribcage area, like I’d been kicked a few times, but Prima was here when I woke up, so I doubt she would have let any other goblin who showed up in my room commit any act of violence towards me. Maybe I was just sore from overdoing it last night with Berry?

Berry didn’t seem the type to be violent either, and I’m surprised she wasn’t here when I woke up. Maybe Prima dragged her back to her room like with Jewel? Fuck it, I don’t care. Time to take care of my first wife’s needs. Needs I have purposely created, of course. Can’t forget my own complicity in this long con I’m working on.

“GWOH! Husband tongue feel better than rub fuckhole.” Prima said as she got into it and began moving her hips back and forth over my mouth while my tongue flicked at every part of her snatch it could reach, playfully. It took a bit of effort in finding the right rhythm, but eventually I had and managed to make my caring goblin wife orgasm without even using my seed-stick to do it.

“So, what did you think?”

“Rather get Husband seed-stick, become stupid-think. But… lick not bad.”

I was a bit sad to find she wasn’t entirely receptive to my cunnilingus, but I’m more than happy to give her a good dicking down whenever she wants. It’s a Husband’s duty to keep his wife satisfied in bed. Especially if he expects her to have breakfast waiting for him when he wakes up. Sadly, the opportunity to pin her down didn’t avail itself.

Prima had gotten up and told me to stay. She would be back in a little bit with rope to tie my hands and feet. I took the chance to use the last of the water in the waterskin by taking a healthy sip of it and dousing my crotch with the rest. My dick was clean for the most part, but a little bit of blood and cum still caked my pubes. I’d kill for a dip in a stream or a bathtub. I’m sure I smell ripe by now, even to these goblins, and this cavern has to smell like nothing but sex to anyone with half of a functional nose. I noticed the straw bed had a nice patch of blood on it again, probably from last night with Berry, so I separated out the bloody bits carefully and moved them over to the trash-hole I had dug in a corner of the room in my spare time.

There. My bed’s made for today!

Prima returned in short order as she said she would and I immediately stood still with my legs a small distance apart and my wrists together. She tied up my feet with just enough room to take a decent sized step, but gave me a bit more freedom with my hands, which I was appreciative of. She also brought a spear with her this time, which she probably had to carry with her just in case I tried something. I couldn’t fault her for that, since I guess I’m a high commodity item, being male and all.

The rope that tied my hands had a lead on it and Prima held onto it as I journeyed in the opposite direction of the shit-pit to which I was allowed while in the goblin’s cavern. It took a few minutes of traveling at my reduced walking speed, but light began to pour in eventually as I got closer to the entrance of the goblin’s cavern, and it allowed me to see some of the other goblins whom I had yet to fuck along the way.

I tried greeting them, but they just looked at me as I passed by.

When I emerged out of the entrance and into the world under the sun and sky once more, I took a deep breath of fresh air as my first act of quasi-freedom. Sitting down near the entrance was one goblin, with a poorly maintained and slightly rusted axe resting to the side of her. Was she a guard goblin or something?

Also, right outside of the cave entrance about twenty feet from the entrance was a recessed pit that looked like it was used to cook things. Was this where my fire meat came from in the morning? I thought goblins didn’t eat cooked meat? There was still warmth coming from it and I wasn’t exactly standing on top of it, so maybe it served another purpose?

I took a moment and stretched my hands upwards. I usually didn’t hold the sun in the highest regard, but right now it was a welcome sight and feeling for me.

“Do I need to do anything out here, or am I free to relax and absorb some of the sun’s rays?”

“Prima not care what Husband do with sun. When sun move from there… there," I followed her pointing a length of distance into the sky "then Husband go back to cave-hole. Husband move around, but no move past five steps from trees.”

“...or else?”

Prima nodded affirmatively at my guess. Welcome to the prison yard then, it seems.

Looking around the entrance, aside from a small clearing about the size of the inner part of a baseball field, there were only tall trees as far as the eye could see, one of them looking like it was used for target practice with all the holes in it. The cave itself looked less like a cave and more like something dug straight into a huge hill from the outside.

Basically, I had the entryway to hang out in like a dugout, and up to the outfield to move around to, allowing for a baseball metaphor to better describe what the area looked like.

I was fine with that much.

There was a nice patch of clean looking grass near to the fire pit that I couldn’t help but want to lie down in, so I decided to keep to my promise in maintaining an exercise routine, and do a little workout while I had fresh air available to me. My routine was based around the one performed by the strongest caped baldy; 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, and 100 squats. I don’t think I can do the 100 kilometer jog with my legs tied so I’d just jog in place until I felt tired.

While I was doing push-ups to start and feeling the burn around number forty two, the goblin with the axe who was lazing about by the entrance had walked over to where I was and squatted down, staring at me for a while before speaking to me.

“What Husband do?”

“Exercising.” I said with a heavy breath between push ups. “Keeping my body healthy. My big seed will remain strong if I do this regularly.”

“What exercising?”

“What you are seeing now is called push-ups. It helps make my arms strong so I can lift heavy things.”

“Husband need lift heavy thing?”

“Not at the moment.”

I had reached fifty push-ups and decided to stop there since my arms were throbbing. It would be a slow crawl to one hundred, I realized. I was really just starting out in my journey to muscle in this world.

“Done?” She asked, but it almost felt like a taunt.

“Just changing to the next exercise. Would you like to help?”

“What help Husband do?”

“Just hold the tops of my feet down with your hands. My next exercise is called a sit-up, and it needs me to lie flat on my back and then lift the top half of my body up so my face meets my knees.”

“That all?”

“Yep. It’s an important exercise for keeping my belly firm, and also for my hips, so that I can use my seed-stick well.”

“Exercise… for seed-stick?” She reached for my ankles with motivation and held them tightly. She had a pretty nice grip on her, but it was obvious where her eyes were focused now once I had mentioned my seed-stick.

“Okay, here I go. I’m going to do fifty of them.”

I leaned back and put my arms over my chest as I began the up and down routine counting out each one. She was looking at my naked crotch more than the rest of me, but what was there to expect with a horny lazy goblin who probably also wanted to get knocked up?

Well, even if she was lazy, she was diligently lazy. She kept holding my ankles until I reached the fifty count before I completely collapsed onto my back. I could feel a little bit of throbbing in my abdomen, which meant I was making progress.

“Husband do more… exercise?”

“Yep. Next is squats.”

“Need help Husband?”

“Not for this. Would you like to do some with me?”

“What squats do?”

“They make your legs strong.”

I demonstrated a squat and she watched as my dick flopped while moving from a standing position to bent knees and back up again. I was fairly confident in my leg strength, so the squats were the easiest of all the exercises for me to do. After that, I had tried to jog in place, but found I couldn’t bring my knees up high due to the ropes. I guess I’ll have to do that one back inside the cave.

I had worked up a bit of a sweat thanks to being outside in the sun, but other than that, I was feeling good.

“Husband done exercise?”

“Yep. As long as I do this each day, slowly increasing how many I do, I will stay strong and healthy.”

“Not just seed-stick?”

“Not just my seed-stick. My whole body. It’s not an overnight thing, either. It may take a moon’s worth of time or more before you can see the results take shape on my body, but yes, it will make all of me strong.”

“Think Husband be strong good. Also make Husband dangerous.”

“I guess. But I’m just doing it so that I can do my job at night as your Husband properly. What is it you do for the goblin tribe?”

“Tree-chopper. Guard goblin-home and chop tree..”

“Oh? Are you responsible for keeping that fire-pit full of burning wood?”


“Then I should say thank you.”

“Why thank?”

“As a human, I can only eat fire meat. Raw meat makes me sick, so without you keeping the fire pit going, I might be sick even now.”

“Husband not worry. Keep fire pit burning morning and night. But… not fire meat taste like shit?”

“Maybe my human tongue just can’t appreciate how good raw meat is?”

I looked around and didn’t see Prima anywhere. I didn’t doubt she was watching me from somewhere though. I decided to just lay down in the grass and enjoy the remaining time I had outside for the next few days.

“What Husband do now?”

“Being lazy. Want to be lazy with me?”

“Husband… Pick me tonight?”

“Is there a reason why I should pick you over another goblin?”

“Me strong! Have the strongest ones when Husband give big seed!”

They all seem to say the same thing. Is it like a pick-up line? I’m a free-use Husband, aren’t I? Is there any need to try and charm me with such succulent words which I will paraphrase as I’ll have your extremely healthy progeny?

“Hmm. How about this… If you can do the same exercises I did, and that’s fifty of each, I will pick you. Think of it as a challenge. If you’re strong enough to do them, then wouldn’t your strong ones be the strongest?”

“Do exercise… Husband pick?”

“I will.”

“What if fail?”

“Then, you get a penalty. Until you can do all the exercises, you won’t be picked.”

“Easy challenge!” She boasted, slapping her chest. “Husband watch, yes?”

“Yep. Let’s see, I will only ask you to do half of what I did, to make it fair.”

“No. I do same many as Husband!”

“Okay. Then it’s fifty of each. Can you count to fifty?”

“I can count to this many!” She held out her hands and showed all her digits.

“Okay. It’s a few times that, but I will count for you.”

“Me start now!”

She got on the ground and assumed a fairly good push up posture.

“Like this?”

“That’s right. I’ll show you once more, then it’s your turn.”

I got down next to her and did one to refresh her memory.

“Okay, start now, Husband count.”

I sat down on the grass and watched as she did her best. She made it to twenty-three before collapsing.

“Not think hard. Look easy! Me strong, so why not do all?”

“Relax. When I started doing it, six was all I could do the first time.”

I held up six fingers to show her how many.


“Only six. Want to try sit-ups now?”

“Why? Already lost challenge.”

“Maybe, but you can still practice, can’t you? Try each day to do more. Become the strongest goblin in the tribe and make me proud to give you a very strong one!”

“No. Guardian strongest goblin in tribe.”

“Prima is the strongest?”

The lazy goblin guard nodded. I guess it makes sense, the alpha goblin would get the first go at the human’s best big seed, wouldn’t they?

“Well, I believe in you. Maybe you aren’t the strongest now, but if you keep working at it maybe you’ll be as strong as Prima soon enough?”

“What Husband think?”

I smiled at her in response.

“Want to try doing sit-ups now?”

“Husband hold feet?”

“Of course.”

So, I held her ankles as she tried her hand at sit-ups, to which she did much better at them than push-ups. She made it to thirty one this time before stopping.

“Not bad. I’m proud of you.”

“Not hear Husband say fifty.”

“Yeah, but you were more than halfway there!”

“Half? Belly and sides sore.” She sounded dejected.

“Want to rest for a little bit before trying out some squats?”

“No. Husband not need take rest. Me do now!”

I helped her to her feet.

“I’ll do them together with you, how about that? Shall we begin?”

“Me ready.”

We both began doing squats together and for the first twenty she had kept up pretty well. But after that she began to slow down, and on her twenty-ninth squat she fell flat on her blue-green ass. I decided not to rub salt in the wound so I finished my thirtieth and then sat down next to her, patting her leg.

For the record, goblins who exercise most definitely sweat.

“Don’t be disappointed. For the first time being able to do so many, you really are strong.”

“Me stupid. Stupid take challenge no can win. Now not get chosen long time.”

“You’re really bummed about it, aren’t you?”

“All goblins want Husband big seed. Longer wait, less big seed Husband have give. Not want small seed.”

“Small seed?”

“Small seed. Make weak ones. Not live long.”

“But… I don’t have small seed?”


“Your Husband only has big seed. It will be many many many many many moons before Husband’s big seed becomes small seed.”

“How many moons?”

“More than the number of all the exercises I did today.”

“Not what hear from old one. First three big seed are best. After, it become little seed.”

“I don’t know who told you that, but as long as I get exercise, have fire meat to eat, and fresh water to drink, along with a little sunlight here and there, I’ll always have enough big seed for everyone here.”


“Really. So, keep practicing and I’m sure you’ll be picked soon enough. Can I tell you a secret?”

“What secret?”

“I like a woman who can keep up with me while I give her big seed. Only Prima has managed to do it so far. Jewel, Lily, and Berry couldn’t.”

“Me hear Jewel and Lily. Stone-seeker and Runt. Who Berry? Goblin Husband pick last night? Ugly Scar?

“That’s right.”

“No surprise. Ugly Scar not strong.”

“Maybe she’s not physically strong, but she has to be at least a little bit strong in some way to survive whatever gave her that scar?”

“What Husband mean?”

“Get scar from bad hunt. Almost die.”

“See. Maybe in Berry’s case, she’s strong because she is too stupid to know how to die.”

“GWAHAHA! Husband say most stupid thing ever hear!”

I laughed along with her, not truly meaning to insult Berry. I was trying to motivate this lazy goblin instead.

“Done laughing like stupid-head?”

Standing over and looking down at us was Prima.

“Prima, come, sit in my lap for a moment before you make me go back inside.”

She sighed, but didn’t say no. She sat in my lap and I pressed my face into her chest, rubbing my cheeks against her plump tits that looked quite delicious in the sunlight.

“What Husband do?” I heard the lazy goblin guard ask my alpha wife.

“Who know what Husband do? Husband like touch milkies, make seed-stick grow strong.”

She wasn’t wrong about that. There’s not a man alive that doesn’t like a nice pair of tits. Even if they are a leg man at their core, it’s undeniable that a woman’s tits hold a man’s hopes and dreams inside of them. My dreams just have a green tint to them now, that’s all.

“Okay, I’m good.”

When Prima climbed off of me, I was fully erect again. I had done this on purpose so as to keep my cock, which was now raring to go, fresh in the mind of the lazy goblin so that she would work hard at exercising in order to obtain my big seed. Truth be told, working out alone is boring. I was hoping to gain an exercise companion through the lazy guard known as Tree-chopper, but I had no idea if it would work. I got up and let Prima lead me back inside the cave again, once more returning to the breeding room I now called home…

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