Hunter of the Perished World

Chapter 31

[31] White Witch (1)

Carl took a slow breath, downloading all the data for evidence. First of all, whatever the truth is, Carl and Gin have to make their own choices. Carl told Jean everything to get help.

“You’re going after the prototype, right?”

“Even if it’s artificially constructed, it’s evil. I hope so.”

Both Gene and Carl didn’t talk about Leona anymore.

“Are you confident in hunting?”

Carl couldn’t believe how Jean would hunt the devil with her overwhelmingly defeated memories.

“Well…. I don’t know if it’s been too long, but we’ll see.”

“I want to help, but I have to get back to Moscow. It’s more important to report this incident to Command and impose sanctions on the Central Asian Army. If they find out Busan Fortress has collapsed, the Central Asian Army will be on the move.”

Even a demon is only one. Central Command should also be prepared before the Central Asian Army prepares for war. Carl had more important missions than escaping the prototype.

“Hunt down the prototype.”

“I have to hunt demons anyway, so why are you asking?”

“We need material evidence. There is enough data but…. And I don’t just want him to be captured, I want him hunted as soon as possible. I don’t want Wargrave’s taint running around the world.”

“At what cost?”

Jean says, “Carl speaks boldly.

“I’ll give you enough chips for one Fortress.”

“Can I accept that it’s over half a million?”

“There will be more.”

“No matter how high up you are, I don’t think you have the discretion to pay for that chip.”

Jean asked, “Don’t worry about Carl.”

“… Carl is the pseudonym for the Undercover mission, and my real name is Charlotte De Kaltz. Demon hunter, do you know the meaning of this name?”

“Oh, I know. That global sense of naming….”

Jean smiles as if she’s not praying.

“The descendants of Calz.”

Gene found it awkward to even pronounce the name after a long time. Charlotte is surprised again that she didn’t think Gin would understand even this.

“…… It continues to amaze me.”

“If my client is a candidate for Wargrave Commander, I don’t need a warrant.”

The Undercover was a dangerous operation, probably because it was worth the effort. As such, Wargrave’s commanders are not the only ones with lineage.

The role has been determined.

Gene hunts prototypes and Charlotte heads to Wargrave Central Command in Moscow. Charlotte asked Gin one last time.

“All demon-hunters… Are they all as old as you?”

“It’s not just that.”

“Yes… Is that so?”

“I’ve been delayed a lot. I think the troops of SMCP Fortress will begin South Korea soon. Maybe they’re after you and the prototype. Isn’t it enough to sweat your way through development?”

Only then did Charlotte regain her sense of reality. We don’t have a lot of time to talk right now. The BMCP has been destroyed, and if we detect any abnormalities in the Portress of Seoul to the north, we will deploy troops immediately.

To capture Lieutenant Undercover Carl and the prototype.

“I’ll go first. I hope to see you in Moscow!”

I want Gene to be okay, and I want him to be okay. Charlotte ran out of the fortress like the wind, and Jean was about to leave an empty fortress.

The obvious hits Jean’s brain.

The Devil is back.


Gene is nervous about the strange senses that fill his whole body. It’s like a beating heart that I thought was dead a long time ago.

“The power station… Where was it…”

Gene roams the bunker to absorb the blue chips used to maintain the portless.

Eventually, Gene lived as a scavenger for as long as he lived as a hunter.

‘There is a saying that even rolling in the dog poop is good.’

‘The fact that you’re alive is enough.’

‘Whatever it takes, whatever it takes to survive. because the world is worse than this, more terrified than this, and more atrocities are happening than this. Actually, it’s nothing like this.’


‘There’s nothing more valuable than surviving.’

‘Though we are not thankful that we can face the sun and the moon every day, let’s be thankful.’

The girl’s mother said, “Why does she get to live like a fool without leaving her father?” She has never been unreasonable in her life.

Sometimes, she doubts whether she’s a witch or not. She was beaten to death by her angry husband and was thrown into the city at night. There were many reasons, but I got sick and didn’t have any visitors. It was mostly irrelevant whether he spoke back or lost his chips in gambling.

Anyway, when she was driven out into the wilderness at night, she wandered around the city without a care until the dawn break when her husband fell asleep.

As it became more frequent, people wondered.

Why don’t the monsters roaming the wilderness touch her? Why walk through the ruins of the most dangerous night and come back without a whiff?

No one knew why, just guessed. Rumor has it she’s a witch. No one knew what a witch was, and no one was hesitant to call someone a witch.

Of course, the bowl was also given to Leona. But in this case, it was a little more subtle.

Leona did not get along with all the children in the alley, but she did have some friends. You left with them on a treasure hunt like never before. It was a long walk and a ruin that I had wandered around many times.

One day,

Only Leona came back after five people left.

Leona told me that the children had drowned in a sudden sinkhole phenomenon, and that the grown-ups didn’t go looking for the bodies because they were grown-ups.

Actually, Leona is a liar.

At that time, my friends didn’t die in the sinkhole.

Leona and her friends have been spotted by a swarm of monster rats roaming a rotten drainage tunnel in the ruins. Hundreds of rats bite at you, leaving you not even a piece of bone.

But not one mouse came near Leona.

It’s as if you’re afraid, as if you’re admiring it, as if you’re admiring it.

The rats have not even touched Leona. Leona couldn’t tell the difference between her friends who didn’t even have any blood left, and her furry, undamaged self.

But as much as I knew I was different, So I kept it a secret. Being excluded means being excluded from others, and being excluded is the way to death.

Leona lied. And I thought she wouldn’t be any different.

At that time, Leona lost all of her friends, and only those who hated her were left in the alley. The children spread the rumor that Leona was a witch just like her mother. The rumor that Leona had forgotten the hearts of the children she had gone to play with and dumped them somewhere spread, and Leona became naturally alone.

About the time Leona’s mother died, fortunate or unfortunate, when those words came and went public.

And Leona left the alley right after she killed her father that day.

‘I am a demon-hunter.’

Leona is running, recalling Jean’s words.

“Get her! Get her!”

After Leona, a group of people are chasing her.

If you’re something other than a human, if you’re a demon.

Jean, the Demon Hunter, will have to kill Leona. Leona had no idea what Jean was referring to.

Gene headed to BMCP for reassurance.

Actually it’s more like a warning. Maybe he told me to run before I could be sure. But Leona had no idea why the great Demon Hunter was giving the Devil the time to flee.

But Leona didn’t run away. But now Leona is running, because she didn’t run away.

Certainly flies are attracted to vulnerable targets as children.

The hunter, who appears to be a guardian, disappears somewhere. So the robber came to rob the rest of Leona alone.

And those robbers were survivors of the neck. This was how those who did not have a good position in the new home would end up like this.

They were surprised at first.

I was surprised that Leona, who killed her father, was still alive a few years later.

And then I remembered the story of the wandering witch.

Unfortunately, shortly after Leona left, the alley collapsed under a monster attack.

The robbers tried to kill Leona because they came here to do something horrible. And then Leona stabbed one of them and was running with power.

“Get it! Get it! A witch! Leona in the alley!”

“What, what?”

Those who didn’t know the details avoided, but those who understood the words Leona in the alley were chasing after Leona, who was speeding away.

Leona didn’t say it wasn’t me, and she didn’t know what to do.

They’re deaf anyway. There is no convincing or excusing.

‘Damn, I should have been out of town.’

The distance was getting narrower because there was a difference between running for adults and running for children. The nature of the free city has allowed few to be interested in this pursuit, but as survivors of the alley join the pursuit, more and more people have followed Leona.

To them, Leona destroyed her home and killed her family and friends. It is important that they believe that, whether it is true or not.

“I can’t go, bitch!”

However, as he stepped into the relatively narrow alleyway, a large man blocked the alleyway and blocked Leona’s body.

must be selected.

“Why are you fucking with me, you motherfuckers!”

Leona puts her hand in her arms and pulls out a silver revolver like lightning. I’ve never fired a gun before. But I was so sick of asking Gin.

‘Point the gun at the enemy and pull the trigger.’

Leona runs, pulling the trigger towards the big one.

‘Even a child can do it.’


The trigger is pulled and the gun fires.



And instead, Leona screams.

“What, what!”

Everyone was surprised by the sudden noise, and Leona was even more surprised by the resistance she felt on her wrists. Low-caliber revolvers are not particularly strong, but they can be embarrassing when they’re not ready.

I didn’t tell you this! ‘

Leona grabs her belly and leaps over the fallen man, with a throbbing wrist. It was a shot while running, but it was a good thing I got hit accidentally.

“Hey, that one! What’s that?”

“The Witch uses the Devil’s weapon!”

The pursuers stop walking scared because they don’t know what the flaming metal is in Leona’s hands. I don’t know the gun.

That means we don’t even know that this weapon has a ammunition limit. People are scared and can’t stop chasing after Leona. Leona quickly makes her way out of the square through the loosened chase.

‘We have to get out of here.’

Let’s get out of the city. And let’s hope Gene finds himself.

But what if Gene finds himself?

I don’t know if I’m going to kill myself. Leona was confused whether she could wait for Gene.

I don’t know, just run! ‘

Leona runs and runs, holding back her spirit from her throat. It was hard to cross the rubbish wall, and I had no choice but to make it to the front door. Trying to get rid of people and get out of the pity entrance.


Leona’s shout at her from the entrance has become as hard as a stone.

“Oh my…. Shit.”

Five sentries at the entrance point their bows at Leona. The man who commands them is looking down at Leona on the rubbish wall.

“I’m the compassionate sheriff.”

With his hat on, he slowly steps down from the rubbish wall and approaches Leona.

“I don’t know, I don’t care about the situation in the alley. This is a pity, and silver in the alley has nothing to do with it.”

“… Then why are you blocking the front?”

“That thing you have, that’s a gun, right?”

“What are you going to do?”

“Told you. I’m a merciful sheriff. You can’t watch a kid with a dangerous object like that get installed.”

“I’m out of here. So fuck off. He’s not coming back.”

Leona points the revolver’s gun at the sheriff.

“You don’t seem to understand me…”

The sheriff frowned.

“Dangerous weapons can also be used to protect us.”

Leona frowns at the fluttering sheriff’s words. Leona doesn’t hesitate.



You aim and shoot properly this time, but you’re still unfamiliar with the gunshot, and the bullet hits the sheriff in the shoulder.

“What the fuck, just tell me you want it. That’s disgusting and bullshit.”

Leona spits and chews.

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