
Chapter 6: Ep 6: Chapter 2.2

With that, Hui now had a new ride. It was about then, that she suddenly discovered the meddler had a higher position than a plain old captain and really was just a slimy old meddler, it having nothing to do with his position, why he always walked up and down the lines harassing the children, and no one could stop him, since, well, he was the boss.

Finally night fell and tent's arose, and the meddler, who was still very much poking fun at Hui, as he had all day, had successfully stolen back 3 jerkies, and lost 6. He decided he wasn't done with her yet and brought her with him to his own dinner. Having other soldiers set up his personal tent. 

Hui quickly found out he was actually at equal standing to the two other men leading the operation, which allowed him to do what he pleased, with slight limits. Sitting down at the fire with the other two captains, he had a bowl of rice, topped with meat and broth, along with some cabbage on the side handed to him, which made Hui's mouth water, unable to keep her eyes away from the food, as it traveled from the bowl, by the meddler's chopsticks, to his mouth. The meddler noticed her stare and immediately started playing with her, making the food go in several circles, before it finally landed in his mouth.

"Want some?" he finally asked, offering a large chunk of white meat. Hui nodded vigorously. "Too bad." He immediately ate it and watched her face completely change into that of one of utter loss and dejection.

However, their playing was immediately interrupted by the spoilt sport across the fire, where the two other leaders ate together. A thin man, who was hunched over, with stringy hair, next to the one who spoke, a large and broad man, his voice deep and stiff. "Don't play too much with the stock."

The meddler immediately looked aggrieved, tilting his head to the side. "I know, I know, geez, stop being so meddlesome, I can have fun sometimes, am I right?" Who says who is meddlesome? Commented Hui in her mind. "I'm just messing around, since this trip is boring anyway." The meddler shrugged, uncaring for the large man's judgemental stare.

Hui, who was now denoted a 'thing to relieve boredom': "..."

She decided to take advantage of his distraction and had claimed the food on the end of the chopsticks currently waving in the air above her mouth. The meddler looked down to see his fish caught, and immediately burst out laughing, before fiercely punching the chopsticks deeper into her mouth. However, Hui was ready for this and had let go moments prior, to avoid getting completely skewered through the skull with chopsticks. Seeing his move unsuccessful, the meddler immediately threw the chopsticks away and got new ones.

Hui's eyes glistened. Was the meddler a secret neat freak?

However, her question was soon confirmed when after entering his personal tent, she was immediately stripped of all her clothing and dumped into the bath with him. She would be embarrassed, except that he was naked too, and she wasn't developed at all, so she really had nothing to hide in the first place. However, trying not to push away the nobby hands that sought to scrub her entire body ended up taking up all her will power, until she finally turned tables by getting a high seat above him as he finished up.

"Big bro, your scars look so cool, how did you get so many? I need references." She made sure to comment, as she lazily tossed her feet. She needed to find a way to get back to her brothers.

"Heehee, it takes a lot of effort to get this much, trust me." Responded the meddler, lazily rubbing his nose in pride, as he sat in the warm water, enjoying the feeling of getting clean.

After waiting for forever for him to finish, she finally got bored, and gazing at his shoulders, immediately noticed they were way tenser than necessary and got distracted, trying to loosen them. 

"Eh? What are you doing little one?" The meddler was confused as her fingers jabbed into his muscles, when suddenly, after one last jab of pain, his muscle immediately relaxed. For a moment, he got scared, and almost tensed up again, it had been so long since his muscles weren't bunched up, when the wave of euphoria from how comfortable it felt to lay so relaxed washed over him. He immediately felt sleepiness coming, as Hui moved down his arms, and other parts of his back, relieving the stress of years and years from each muscle and tendon. He could feel his eyes closing.

"Wow, little one, you're a master at this." Complemented the meddler for the first time.

"Thank you, Big bro!" squealed Hui back, before she finally finished up and began to dry his hair. When was he ever going to finish???

"You know, you're rather useful, maybe I'll keep you around for another day or two."

Hui: please don't.

"Sure! I like big bro!" 

However, to her surprise, he really did keep her around. The meddler never dismissed her, merely dressed himself up and, dressing her in a simple white cloth, which she tied so that it covered her, pulled her into bed with himself.

He must really underestimate five year olds, commented Hui to herself, before the comfort of a bed, way more comfortable than anything she'd laid in in this life swallowed her up. However, her willpower was stronger, and soon he was snoring heavy enough to cause earth tremors, and she slowly moved her hands up, holding the knife he kept under his pillow, to place it on his neck. No one would know it was her, no one would believe a child could do it anyway. Only, when she looked up, his eye was open, staring straight at her. She had no chance if he was awake. Not with his level of cultivation. She tried to keep the fear out of her eyes, as his hand slid up, pulling the knife away from his neck. However, instead of getting angry at her or killing her, he merely smiled, as if he found it hilarious.

"Well, well, aren't you a dangerous little one." He cast the blade away and rolled over to lean over her. "You act so innocent, but you really are a depraved soul, huh?"

She just smiled. "I only learn from my big bro." 

Loud laughing erupted, as his entire spine shook with mirth, shaking the bed. "Oh man, you're a funny little one, only…" His eyes got dangerous. "You'd best remain on the funny side of things." With that, he quickly laid back down, drawing her in close to himself, and she quickly fell asleep in the warmth of a large embrace and a soft bed. 

Hui had to admit it. She preferred the bed of a murderer to the ground at this point.

The meddler had just brought her into bed on a whim, just like he'd done everything with her so far, and didn't' expect that not she was so comfortable with him that she'd literally fall asleep the moment they were both in bed, but she'd actually tried to murder him within moments of him falling asleep. What was this kid? If he wasn't a light sleeper, he'd be a gonner! And how much did she actually believe of his, did she think he was a nice big bro? There was no way. But a smile couldn't help but pass over the meddler's face, as he fell back asleep again. Whatever, He could always throw her out to the dogs tomorrow and, thinking of her tearful face then, he finally fell asleep, to have dreams of murder, and carnage and burning, dreams he'd grown to love, lest he hate them and fall into insanity.

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