Huayu: I can enter the dream world to pick up attributes

Chapter 252 Chapter 252: Director Chen, who recites poems, goodbye Yan Danchen (2 more 8000 words)

Chapter 252: Chen Dao, who recites poems, goodbye Yan Danchen (two more 252 words)
There are a total of 12 teams in this campaign, 7 of which will be eliminated in the first round, and the remaining 5 teams will advance to the second round.


very competative.

The first two teams to play were from Little RB and Ying Jiang, and they showed their creativity non-stop as soon as they came on stage, and the PPT passed like a revolving lantern.

The two plans pay more attention to internationalization and modernization, but they are a little bit less effortful in embodying Chinese elements.

No wonder,
It is impossible for a foreigner to understand Chinese culture better than a Chinese director, so the scores of these two teams are not very high.

It is estimated that the first round will be eliminated.

The third person to appear was Chen Kai. He was wearing a black suit, a white shirt with the collar open, no tie, and shiny hair.

It looks casual and confident.

According to media reports a few days ago, director Chen Da has full confidence in the post of chief director of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

He spent a month at home, writing creative copywriting by hand, thinking that with his serious attitude and international influence, he would definitely be favored by the officials of the organizing committee.

Director Chen Da got up and bowed, then stepped onto the podium with confident steps, showing a smile that everything was under control, and said:

"On July 2001, 7, I had just finished working on the set. After learning the news of Beijing's successful bid for the Olympic Games, I was very emotional and immediately thought of a poem by Du Fu."

When Brother Chen Kai said this, Xu Ning might not be the only one in the audience, wanting to rush up and pull him down...

Stop reciting poems, Director Chen Da.

The first two teams were talking about creativity, wishing they could come up with all their proposals, but you were lucky enough to chat about ancient poetry.

When he recited the first line of the poem, Xu Ning almost laughed out loud, but fortunately he drank a sip of water to hold back.

At this time,
Several officials of the Olympic Organizing Committee have already begun to frown, and the boss sitting in the middle is obviously a little impatient.

Director Chen Da didn't see this scene, because he had already talked about the emotional part, and his voice became more and more high-pitched:
"Suddenly outside the sword, it was rumored that Jibei was received, and the first time I heard tears filled my clothes.

But looking at the worries of his wife, he is crazy about poems and books.

Singing in the daytime must be indulging in wine, youth is a good company to return home.


After reciting the song "Wen Guanjun Takes Henan and Hebei", Brother Chen Kai took a deep breath, and found that there was no one cheering, and he felt lost.

After adjusting the mood, start to talk about creativity.

But the creativity is also very illusory, not talking about specific, practical, and conceptual things.

Therefore, no matter what he said, he couldn't talk about the ideas that the organizing committee wanted.

Coupled with the inexplicable poem just now... the label of "unreliable and idealized" has been pasted on his forehead.

When Chen Kaige spent 10 minutes talking about his ideas and Xu Ning and his group were about to go on stage, the boss sitting in the middle made an exception and wanted to make some comments.

He adjusted his glasses and said, "Xiao Chen, what we want is a specific creative plan, not a poet."

"Om..." Brother Chen Kai was stunned for a moment, why, isn't the poem I recited nice?Or is my creativity not good enough?


He didn't dare to say a word, he could only thank the boss for his comment, then walked back to his seat and sat down in despair, and then the whole scene seemed to be listless.

Brother Chen Kai's heart was broken, "Why, for the gods and demons... I wrote the copy by hand, why can't I see my feelings!!"

It is undeniable that director Chen Da has Olympic feelings. He definitely hopes that my country will host the Olympic Games, but his plan is like a castle floating in the air, and it cannot be transformed and implemented immediately.

It was the turn of Xu Ning, Zhang Yimou and Feng Xiaogang. Before coming, Zhang Yimou was appointed as the keynote speaker.

Because no matter in terms of qualifications, contacts or works, Zhang Yimou is better than Feng Xiaogang.

And Xu Ning is a junior, and it is even more impossible to compete with these two for the position of the keynote speaker.

The three stood up together, Zhang Yimou walked onto the podium, while Xu Ning and Feng Xiaogang picked up the manuscripts they had prepared in advance and handed them to several officials of the organizing committee.

Thanks to Xu Ning's outstanding temperament and appearance, several big bosses smiled and nodded to say thank you after receiving the documents he handed over.

After everyone quieted down, Zhang Yimou began to present the team's ideas without any bells and whistles, just dry stuff.

"Good morning, leaders... Our team consists of me, Feng Xiaogang and Xu Ning. The following is our specific creative plan..."

From the establishment of the director group and working group, to the recruitment of volunteers and performers, to the overall coordination of various units and departments, as well as specific methods for athletes to enter the arena, the lighting of the Olympic flame, the countdown to the opening ceremony, promotional songs, promotional documentaries, The specific program of the party...

Zhang Yimou gave a detailed, executable, safe, and highly operable perfect plan.

These are the results of the three people's labor over the past few months, and a large part of the ideas come from Xu Ning.

When Zhang Yimou spoke one-third of the time, several officials of the organizing committee sitting in the audience kept nodding to record.

Seeing this scene, Feng Xiaogang clenched his fists excitedly, his heart beating crazily and fast.

How long has it been like this?
Feng Xiaogang felt like a primary school student waiting for the test results. No, he couldn't be called a primary school student anymore. Primary school students probably didn't care about grades.

He feels that he is now a senior high school graduate waiting for the results of the college entrance examination, and he especially hopes that he can pass the exam and make up for the regret of not going to college.

Yes, of all the people here, only Feng Xiaogang has never been to college.

He really wants to use this opportunity to prove himself.

Even as a deputy!
It's better than not coming at all.

Because as long as he is a deputy, he will have the opportunity to contact the big bosses at the national level, and he loves the opportunity to show his face in front of the big bosses!

At this moment, Feng Xiaogang's heart was already on fire, and he was clenching his teeth to cheer Zhang Yimou:
"Old Zhang, please be more fluent in your speech, don't be a jerk... Alas, I think I have suffered a lot from the bottom up to this day, so I must take this opportunity..."

Because he has already recognized that with his two brushes alone, it is impossible to handle such a big project as the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

People have self-knowledge.

"Even if Lao Zhang is the chief director, it doesn't matter if I'm the assistant director. Anyway, there's Xu Ning as the assistant, hehe... When the media compares, they won't compare me alone."

Thinking of this, Feng Xiaogang felt relieved:

"Grandma, the ranking of directors is a der, money and power are the real things, I'm a mother, I don't care if others compare me with Zhang, idiot."

Shortly after,
After Zhang Yimou finished his speech, the leaders of the organizing committee in the audience began to discuss with each other. After a few tens of seconds, they each wrote down their scores on the scoring sheet in front of them.

This time,
The bosses didn't comment.

But everyone also knows that the plan of Xu Ning and the trio is very good, more than a hundred times better than that of the previous brother Chen Kai.

It can also be seen from the expressions of several members of the organizing committee that the members of the organizing committee are very satisfied with Zhang Yimou's speech.

In the next eight groups that have not been mentioned yet, Alexander... Li An walked up to the podium anxiously, and began to talk about his plan.

Different from the previous four groups of speakers, Li An appeared to be very elegant in every move, and he spoke slowly, looking down at the manuscript slightly.

Xu Ning listened carefully to his proposal.

The whole scheme highlights the application of Chinese elements, and the concept explained is very good. It should get high marks in the Chinese culture project.

But as I said before, it is not enough to have a concept, but to have a specific and executable plan, which is exactly what Ang Lee's team lacks.

The organizing committee gave him the same opinion at the end: the plan highlights Chinese elements, but it is too illusory to implement.

However, these comments were all written on paper, and they were not spoken out on the spot, otherwise it would affect the performance of the subsequent teams.

After this,
Tian Zhuangzhuang, Jiang Wen, Spielberg and others came on stage one by lasted until after one o'clock in the noon.

in the afternoon,

The organizing committee then announced the five teams that had advanced. Xu Ning's group was on the list, and the other four were Ang Lee, Spielberg, Chen Weiya, and Zhang Jigang.

The latter two directors mainly achieved high marks in technique and dance. In their previous lives, they were designated as assistant directors by the organizing committee.

The time for the second round of plan presentation is just half a month later, and the time is very tight.

Xu Ning, Zhang Yimou, and Feng Xiaogang came out of the conference center and returned to the company without stopping to continue the discussion.

The three of them continued to change the plan until after five o'clock in the afternoon. Lao Mouzi and Feng pants were so tired that they had to stop and rest.

at this time,

Manager Liu of the company knocked on the door and walked in: "Report to Mr. Xu, "Bright Sword" will be released the day after tomorrow, do you want to arrange a press conference?"

Xu Ning thought for a while, and said, "You are in charge of the arrangements. Anyway, it will be broadcast on CCTV. If there is no press conference, it may not affect the ratings."

"It's Mr. Xu, I'll arrange it right away."

After Manager Liu left, Zhang Yimou said, "Xiao Xu, your business is getting bigger and bigger, and you can even be on CCTV."

Feng Xiaogang took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "This is called a hero born a teenager. The two of us have been together for so many years, and the sum of money we earn is not more than one-tenth of Xu Ning."

"Haha, I was just lucky. I happened to earn some money and then invested in several industries."

"This is the vision, you deserve to make money."

"Yes, yes, I must go out to have a big meal today, and let Xiao Xu bleed a little, otherwise my heart will cry with envy."

"Walking, the two restaurants in the capital can pick and eat whatever they want." Xu Ning opened the door with a smile, and took the lead to go out.

After ten days,

Ushered in the second round of opening ceremony program presentation, this time, the final result was not announced on the same day.

According to reliable sources,
The final list is estimated to be announced before the Spring Festival of 2006. After all, it is a major event to determine the director team for the opening ceremony, and it will take repeated discussions.

The big rock in Xu Ning and Lao Mouzi's hearts can finally be settled safely, and they can be busy with their own affairs for the next three months or so.

After Lao Mouzi went back, he immediately started preparing for "The Golden Armor in the City", while Feng Kuozi was preparing for "The Banquet".

The movie styles of these two people are becoming more and more similar to those of real mothers. They are all court ethics dramas with big scenes.

The launch time of "Night Banquet" has been confirmed, and it will be on October 10th, the last day of the National Day holiday.

It seems that it is going to impact the summer vacation of 2006.

However, the speed of "The Golden Flower" is relatively slow, and it is estimated that it will not start until next year.

at the same time,

Xu Ning is busy cooperating with the promotion of "Lotus Lantern", because in a few days, this TV series will premiere on CCTV 8.

At the press conference, Jiao Enjun, Yan Danchen and others saw Xu Ning again, and their attitudes obviously changed a lot.

After more than a year, his status in the circle has risen again, so everyone has become extra enthusiastic.

Especially Yan Danchen.

Before that, she had a one-night stand with Xu Ning. After seeing Xu Ning again, she instantly recalled the crazy time in the car.

Suddenly feel sore all over.

I couldn't help but want to be taught a lesson by Xu Ning again by pressing on the car seat.

At the end of the press conference, she quietly walked behind Xu Ning and stabbed him in the waist: "Hey, is there something going on later?"

"Sister Chen, can we have dinner together later?"

"Okay, okay, that's exactly what I mean." After speaking, Yan Danchen asked in a low voice, "Is there anyone else?"

"Of course, Brother Jun, Bajie, Bataizi, and Xiaotiangou are all here. We haven't seen each other for a long time. We should get together." Xu Ning grinned.

He knew what Yan Danchen was thinking, and he definitely wanted to date him alone, but it was too inconvenient.

It's better to go with a group of people, and the paparazzi can't say anything if they take pictures. After all, this is a crew dinner.

When Yan Danchen heard the news, he felt lost for a moment, but soon returned to normal, and followed Xu Ning happily.

After more than an hour, everyone came to a Japanese grocery store for dinner, and the money for the dinner was paid by the crew.

While eating at the restaurant, I met a lot of fans, many of them came to him for autographs, and two girls actually went to a nearby store to buy albums and asked him to autograph them.

"Welcome everyone to watch CCTV 8 on time at [-]:[-]pm the day after tomorrow. The new drama "Lotus Lantern" we participated in will meet you all."

Facing the fans, Xu Ning made a promotion.

"Brother Ning, I will definitely pull the whole family to support you. I have been waiting for the Lotus Lantern for more than a year, ahaha..."

"Brother Ning, I must watch your drama, I love you."


The actors who came out to eat with Xu Ning, including Jiao Enjun, have almost never encountered such treatment.

What they didn't expect was that Xu Ning was willing to have dinner with him. This is a top-tier star! !

Over the years of working in the industry, almost none of the first-line stars they have seen is so approachable.

Being able to have dinner with Xu Ning now, everyone feels warm in their hearts and has a feeling of being respected.

The actors of Ba Taizi and Xiao Tiangou kept toasting to Xu Ning.

Drank until two o'clock in the afternoon.

Everyone returned home happily.

"Dan Chen, you didn't drink, how about helping me drive the car home?" Xu Ning was slightly drunk, his face was a little rosy.

"Okay, I just have nothing to do in the afternoon, so I'll take you home and I'll go back." Yan Danchen said excitedly.

Xu Ning thanked him, handed him the key, and then said to Jiao Enjun: "Brother Jun, which hotel are you staying in, I will take you there.

Jiao Enjun said a few polite words, then said no more, and after saying goodbye to everyone, he followed Xu Ning into the nanny car.

"Goodbye everyone, we will meet again when we have a chance."

Xu Ning rolled down the car window and waved to Chen Chuang, Xie Ning, Liu Guanxiang and others, who watched the car leave.

Chen Chuang sighed: "Xu Ning deserves to be so angry, he is so kind, he doesn't have any celebrity pretensions."

Xie Ning rubbed his belly and laughed, "That's right, an outstanding person like Xu Ning can be successful no matter what line of work he is in."


the other side,
Xu Ning sent Jiao Enjun back to the room, then went downstairs and sat back in the car with Yan Danchen.

Miss Yan sat in the driver's seat, turned around and looked at him with a smile: "Xiao Ning, are you going to where I live? I'm the only one in my house."

Xu Ning shook his head: "No."

Yan Danchen was very sad, his eyebrows drooped instantly, and he asked aggrievedly, "Why don't you go?"

Xu Ning pinched her face, laughed and said, "Go to my place, my yard is relatively spacious and convenient for driving."

 Thanks everyone for voting!
(End of this chapter)

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