Huayu: I can enter the dream world to pick up attributes

Chapter 214 Chapter 214: Aunt Liu was afraid that Qianqian would know, so she played a game with Lao

Chapter 214 Chapter 214: Aunt Liu was afraid that Qianqian would know, so she played a game with Lao Wang (for subscription)

"Ah, no, I can't answer it." Aunt Liu got out of his arms and rolled onto him to grab the phone.

The white and smooth skin rubbed against Xu Ning's arm... There were two ripples between the collisions, and it took a few shakes before he regained his composure.

"Don't worry, Aunt Liu, I'll pick it up for you." He held the phone high, and Liu Xiaoli lay on top of him, out of reach.

"Ah, no, we can't let Sissy know that we're together, don't pick it up... baby, be obedient."

"Haha, baby, this is the first time you call me that." After speaking, he buried his head in Aunt Liu's embrace and rubbed it for a while.

After finishing the matter, he touched Liu Xiaoli's head and returned the phone to her, but at this time Qianqian had already hung up the phone.

Liu Xiaoli rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily and coquettishly: "You, you, you are still joking at this time, it would be too embarrassing if Qianqian heard the voice."

"If you know it, you know it, maybe Qianqian will call me Uncle Xu!" He smiled generously.


Xu Ning frowned and gasped. It turned out that Liu Xiaoli had bitten him on his chest.

Aunt Liu really bites!

"Let's see if you still dare to bully me, hum." After Liu Xiaoli finished speaking, she sat up proudly, found Qianqian's phone and called back.

At the critical moment, Xu Ning also knew how to measure. When Liu Xiaoli was chatting with Qianqian, he didn't make a sound...he just made a move!

Liu Xiaoli's whole body was numb, and she hung up the phone after only talking for two or three minutes, and then she threw herself on Xu Ning.

"Stinky boy, dare to tease me, see if I don't teach you a lesson." Aunt Liu smiled charmingly.


Slid in along the quilt.

A few seconds later, Xu Ning's key points were pinched, and he was captured in an instant, and could only be driven by Aunt Liu.

Fortunately, he has relatively strong willpower. If he were an ordinary person, he would not be able to resist Aunt Liu's damn gentle service.

Outside the window is the chirping of insects and birds, and inside the house is the beautiful spring scenery. The two passionate people enjoy the leisure time unrestrainedly.

Under Xu Ning's offensive wave after wave, Aunt Liu finally couldn't hold on anymore, and slapped the bed with her right hand...surrendered.

"Xiao Xu, I surrender."

"I really won't lie to you... Baby, let me go, I'll help you in other ways." Liu Xiaoli repeatedly begged for mercy.

Who told him to be a man who loves fragrance and cherishes jade... After a while, he stopped and asked Aunt Liu to come by herself.



In order to avoid being recognized by others, Liu Xiaoli opened the gate of the courtyard house wrapped in a silk scarf and wearing big sunglasses. After seeing no one in the alley, she trotted out the door.

And Xu Ning was still sleeping on the bed.

The past few months have been continuous high-intensity work, and it is rare to have such a leisurely time. He has no plans to get up for the time being.

Thinking of not giving Liu Yinyin some comfort for a long time, every time this little girl sees his eyes, she is almost ready to eat people.

He took out his phone and called Liu Yinyin, asking her to come to the courtyard and bring some lunch along the way.

An hour later, Liu Yinyin excitedly opened the door and walked in, bouncing towards Xu Ning's bedroom.

When she arrived at the house, she held the lunch box in her hand, looking nervously at him sleeping on the bed like a schoolboy who made a mistake.

"Yinyin, why are you so nervous?" Xu Ning sat up, looked at her authentic S-shaped figure, and said with a smile.

"No, I... just haven't been alone with you for a long time... I'm a little nervous." Liu Yinyin tilted her head and smiled.

"Come here and sit next to me."


"Think about me?"


"Let me see if it grows bigger!"

"Hey, it hasn't gotten bigger, it's still D."


Rest until four o'clock in the afternoon.

He just got up.

But at this time, Liu Yinyin was lying there with a rosy complexion and an intoxicated expression. Xu Ning put on his clothes and turned around and said, "You will go back to the villa after you rest, I may not come here tonight."

"Yeah, Ningning, go get busy first, I'll clean the room later." Liu Yinyin sat up and smiled happily.

Shortly after,
He goes out.

Driving a Mercedes-Benz and going to a five-star hotel in Xicheng to meet Wan Da's people, this time not only Vice President Lin whom I met two days ago, but also two interesting people.

Wang Jianlin and his only son Wang Sicong...Xu Ning was quite surprised that Sicong could come.

At this time, Prince Wang should still be studying in the UK, so why did he run back to China?Is it a Christmas holiday?

While driving, Xu Ning was thinking about the prince in the future, and he was talking to the air on the Internet... he felt very happy.

In fact, he also has this kind of personality, and he will go back to things he doesn't like. Xiao Wang's style is just what he wants.

Tonight, I'm going to have a good chat with Si Cong, who is about to turn 17... In the future, if there is anything I need to talk about in the entertainment industry, it is much more convenient for me to have a prince as the vanguard than him to gossip.

17 points.

The sky was getting dark and the lights were just coming on, it was so beautiful, his car just stopped at the entrance of the hotel.

Soon after getting off the bus,

Vice President Lin went to the door to greet him, and he was accompanied by a boy and a half.

It was Wang Sicong.

"Wow, Xu Ning." Wang Sicong looked at Xu Ning with admiration in his eyes.

"Haha, who is this?" Of course Xu Ning recognized him, but after all, it was the first time they met, so he had to pretend not to know him.

Mr. Lin pulled Xiao Wang and said with a smile, "This handsome guy is our Mr. Wang's son, and he is your fan."

"Hello, idol... My name is Wang Sicong! The old Wang's Wang, the big Sima's Si, and the clever little Cong."

Wang Sicong's words made Xu Ning laugh out loud. He walked over and walked in with his arms around Wang Sicong's shoulders, and said with a smile, "It's a very good name."

The two chatted while walking, and a few minutes later they arrived at a private room on the seventeenth floor. After entering the door, they found a dozen people inside.

After the dozen or so people saw him coming, they didn't see the casualness of ordinary stars, but stood up one by one.

Among these people, in terms of wealth, few are as high as Xu Ning, and even Wan Da's Wang Jianlin is not as rich as Xu Ning now.

His 7.2% Penguin shares are not a joke. Counting other assets, it adds up to a worth of nearly one billion, and he has no debts.

Nobody here is richer than him.


A group of people came over to greet them politely, and Xu Ning responded to them one by one. The atmosphere was quite harmonious.


He suddenly recognized an acquaintance.

It was Liu Xiaoli's old friend, Qianqian's godfather Chen Jinfei, who actually came to tonight's banquet?

Chen Jinfei also recognized him, and walked over with a smile, "Hello, Xiao Xu, I'm Qianqian's godfather. I often hear her talking about you. Today I saw you, you are really a good-looking talent."

Chen Jinfei was polite to him, and Xu Ning also replied politely: "Haha...Uncle Chen is more handsome than the photos that Qianqian showed me."

"Hahaha, over the top, over the top."

Actually, he hadn't seen Chen Jinfei's photo, he just said something casually... After finishing the greetings, he walked into the room.

Because he didn't know anyone except Chen Jinfei, so Vice President Lin began to introduce them one by one.

"Mr. Xu, this is our Wan Da's Mr. Wang, Si Cong's father." After Mr. Lin finished speaking, the meeting stopped.

Wang Jianlin walked over with a smile on his face, and shook hands with him, and Xu Ning also extended two hands.

"Hello, Mr. Wang."

"Hi, Mr. Xu."

"Just now I discussed some things with a few partners, please forgive me for being far away." Old Wang said with a smile.

"Mr. Wang, you're being polite. It's a shame for me, a junior, if you went to greet me...I'm sorry for coming late..."

"Haha, where..."

Xu Ning suddenly felt that what happened tonight was not easy, and Lao Wang must have other things to talk about.

Otherwise, why such a big show?
after that,

After the dozen or so people present got to know Xu Ning, everyone took their seats. Wang Jianlin wanted to give him the main seat, but was resolutely refused.

Even if you are richer than Lao Wang, you still have to look at your age. Lao Wang is much older than him, and it would be a bit embarrassing to sit on his seat.

So Wang Jianlin "reluctantly" sat in the main seat, and soon after, he began to introduce his precious son first.

"Inuzi Sicong, knowing that I'm coming to see you, he insisted on coming with me, and even asked you to sign something..."

Wang Sicong immediately took out a [epoch-making] album from his backpack, and happily ran to his side.

Si Cong hesitated for a long time and didn't know what to call, Lao Wang smiled and said: "President Xu, I'm two rounds older than you, how about letting Si Cong call you Brother Ning?"

"Uncle Wang, it should be."

Wang Jianlin is 54 years old, a full 26 years older than him, so there is no problem calling him uncle.

Calling Brother Wang...he couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart, after all, he was still young, so he would call himself old.

With his father's permission, Wang Sicong shouted, "Brother Ning, please sign for me."

Xu Ning nodded, took the album and signed his name on it, Wang Sicong waved his hand excitedly after receiving the signed album, and ran back to his seat happily.

At this age, Xiao Wang is immature with a bit of youthfulness... far from the uninhibitedness later on.

Because, not long ago, he knew that his family was relatively rich, so his self-confidence had not yet fully burst out.

Coupled with seeing Xu Ning tonight who is more handsome, richer, and more talented than him, Xiao Wang's self-confidence has been suppressed a lot.

It is estimated that Wan Da will not be able to regain his sense of superiority in places other than Xu Ning until Wan Da has made a fortune.

During the banquet, everyone ate and chatted, and the food was served like water. After ten minutes, a few young beauties in Hanfu danced to add to the fun.

Three rounds of wine.

Wang Jianlin put down his chopsticks, raised his glass and said with a smile, "Mr. Xu, do you want to invest in real estate?"

Xu Ning asked in surprise: "Why did Mr. Wang say that? Isn't it about endorsement tonight?"

Wang Jianlin drank it all in one gulp, "Haha, everything about the endorsement will be done according to what you say, and I agree with everything."

After a pause, Pharaoh continued:
"If you are interested, Mr. Xu, I will tell you about the company's affairs... I can assure you that investing in real estate in the past few years will make you a steady profit."

Steady profit without loss...

Old Wang really wasn't bragging.

For the next ten years or so, the real estate market was booming. Although there were several ups and downs during the period, it was harmless.

Until 2017, many companies, including Wanda, were named and criticized by the regulatory authorities, saying that they "invested irrationally abroad and were suspected of transferring assets."

That is,

Some enterprises, under the guise of foreign investment, secretly transferred their assets abroad.

Xu Ning doesn't know whether Wanda has done this, but if he takes a stake in Wanda, he will absolutely prevent large-scale irrational investment in foreign countries.

If you can't stop it, you will withdraw the shares in advance, and exchange the shares for real money and put them in your pocket.

Hearing what Wang Jianlin said now, after some thought in his heart, he made a preliminary plan.

"Uncle Wang, please speak."

Xu Ning changed his address and said seriously.

Wang Jianlin raised his glass and smiled when he heard the joke: "Now I basically control 80% of Wanda's shares. If you are willing to invest, I will personally sell you 5%."


His first reaction was disbelief, could Lao Wang buy him so many shares?It's impossible... There must be something tricky.

If he is really willing to sell, he will definitely buy the 5% without hesitation, without blinking his eyes.

You know, 5% is worth a lot of money...

I remember that more than ten years later, Wanda’s assets at its peak were close to 9000 billion, and 5% was 450 billion.

Although this is the total assets, there will not be so many who actually get it, but... it sounds good to say it, after all, they are worth 450 billion.

"Uncle Wang, I have a question, why did you sell the shares to me?" Xu Ning raised his glass and clinked a glass with him.

When Lao Wang heard this question, he looked embarrassed and sighed heavily, "I won't hide it from you, I will tell you the truth..."

"Wanda Group is planning to set up a film company, and it needs a strong partner to develop together..."

Do you invite yourself to invest in Wanda Film and Television?This is understandable, after all, he has proved himself through several high-grossing movies.

With him joining, it is equivalent to playing free advertisements for the films produced by the film company or its theaters.

Wang Jianlin kept talking for more than ten minutes, and Xu Ning also understood what he meant. Old Wang really wanted Xu Ning to invest in Wanda Films!

Not Wanda Group! !


Wanda Group is his favorite, and it is impossible to give up shares easily, and only those companies invested by Wanda Group will attract people to buy shares together.

He lost interest in an instant.

How much is Wanda Films worth?

Seeing that Xu Ning was not moved, Wang Jianlin was a little excited... He felt that his trick of retreating into advance had worked!
At this time, the fish was about to take the bait, so Lao Wang used his prepared trump card and waited for the fish to take the bait.

"Xiao Xu, I'm going to list Wanda, but there are 2000 million employee shares that need to be cleared, accounting for about 20%. I can sell some of this part to you..."

As soon as Wang Jianling said it, Xu Ning immediately made a stop gesture: "Uncle Wang, the matter of retiring employee shares is an internal matter of your company, and I don't want to participate..."

Wang Jianlin understood what he meant.

Immediately changed the subject, rolled his eyes, and said, "In this case, I will sell you 0.5% of the shares at most, which is too little..."

What he didn't expect was that Xu Ning agreed without hesitation, Lao Wang was stunned, and thought speechlessly, "Why don't you play your cards according to the routine, don't you bargain, cut up?"

But after saying all this, Pharaoh couldn't bear to repent immediately, so he could only bite the bullet and say:
"This... Our company is currently valued at more than 50 billion. I really didn't lie to you about this. A listed company in Australia just gave us an estimate."

In other words, 0.5% of Wanda's shares would be worth 2500 million... exactly half of the endorsement fee?
Maybe so,
But there are still debts that are not clear!
At this time, Wanda's assets are at most 30 billion, and there are still more than 20 billion in liabilities, so there is no liquidity at all.

If they didn't get a loan from the bank, they might not have as much cash as Xu Ning.

"Uncle Wang, how much is the debt?"

"Ah this?!..."

Wang Jianlin was at a loss for words for a while, and he was in debt... This is too much, how can he talk about it? ?
Originally thought that Xu Ning was just a lucky young man, but after the fight, he turned out to be like an old fox.

Wang Jianlin immediately paid attention to it, and thought to himself, "This Xu Ning's worth of one billion is really not lucky, and his vision is extraordinary."

He stood up and picked up his glass, "Xiao Xu, come and have a drink first, let's talk about business matters."

Lao Wang wanted to avoid talking about shares, he felt that he would suffer a loss if he continued to talk... Sure enough, everyone is very shrewd in business.

I won't let myself suffer a little.

Xu Ning didn't bother to mention it, he smiled and said, "Mr. Wang, let's drink and talk about other things later."

After drinking until after ten o'clock in the evening, everyone finished walking to the guest rooms upstairs in the hotel. Xu Ning wanted to leave, but Lao Wang stayed behind.

The two of them got drunk and talked in the room until after twelve o'clock, which made Wang Sicong sleepy.

In the end, he and Wang Jianlin each took a step back, and Xu Ning used the endorsement fee to invest in Wanda Film Company and got 10% of the shares.

Xu Ning is quite satisfied with this point, after all, Wanda Movies in later generations also has a market value of tens of billions.

Furthermore, if I want to invest in movies in the future, I can't avoid theaters. If I have theaters in my hands, I don't have to compromise with a third party.

It is not a loss to invest in Wanda Films.

And Wang Jianlin also achieved part of his goal, pulling one of the most popular and richest stars in the entertainment industry onto his film and television warship.

finish this matter,

Seeing that it was 12:30, he called Gao Yuanyuan and asked her to pick him up.

 Thank you Xiaobai for your 100-point reward, and thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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