Huayu: I can enter the dream world to pick up attributes

Chapter 143: Chapter 143: Tianlong 8 hits the show, the fairy sword starts

Chapter 143: Chapter 143: The Eight Parts of Tianlong

"Very good, it looks so good."

In fact, what kind of makeup you put on depends on the person. For a girl with good skin like Liu Yifei, it is good to do it simply and refreshingly.

There's no need to put on heavy makeup, otherwise it will lose its original taste, and it doesn't match the personality that Aunt Liu created for him.

I remember when filming "Tian Long Ba Bu", this girl often went out shopping and sightseeing without makeup.

"Hey, if you like, I'll make up for you too? Haha... I'm very good at handicrafts."

Qianqian said happily, Aunt Liu acted as if she had never heard of it in the front row, but Chen Yu, who was sitting in the last row with Yue Yunpeng, looked at Xu Ning with blinking eyes.

It looks like the girl is jealous.

"Cough...Miss Xiaoyu, what's the point of this, there will be more opportunities to be jealous in the future, don't worry."

Xiao Yueyue whispered in Chen Yu's ear, and Chen Yu was so angry that he grabbed his back.

"Hmph, Xiao Yueyue, did I treat you too well these days and dare to tease me?"

"Don't, sister, I'm joking." Xiao Yueyue quickly raised her hands in surrender.

Xu Ning and Liu Yifei heard the movement behind them, looked back at them, and said with a smile, "Xiao Yueyue, are you bullying sister Xiaoyu again?"

Chen Yu quickly complained: "Yes, he made fun of me just now, hmph...Xiao Ning, punish him to eat only one bowl of rice tonight, make him so skinny."

"Okay, listen to Miss Yu, I'll have a bowl of rice tonight." Xu Ning replied with a smile.

Qianqian also interjected: "Ah, how much can Xiao Yueyue usually eat? I can't even finish half a bowl."

Yue Yunpeng: "Two bowls for the bottom."

Yue Yunpeng is 18 years old this year, and it's normal to be able to eat. If Xu Ning hadn't given him control of his diet, this guy would have grown fatter.


After the episode, Xu Ning and the driver asked for two decks of poker cards, and the four of them played in the car and played.

From Modu to Hengdian Town, Dongyang, Zhejiang Province, it is about 350 kilometers, and it takes more than three hours to drive.

They played cards all the way, and the time passed quickly. Aunt Liu hardly said anything along the way, lying in the co-pilot's seat and sleeping all the time.

After the car arrived in Hengdian Town, the big guy stayed under the arrangement of the staff.

That night, the crew of five to sixty people booked a set at a restaurant in Hengdian Town and had a kick-off banquet.

Nine o'clock the next morning.

At the gate of Mingqing Street in Hengdian Film and Television City, the crew held a launching ceremony and invited a dozen media.

Among them, a three-person film crew came to Modu TV Station, preparing to shoot a 5-minute documentary.

In the previous life, when Immortal Sword was turned on, it didn't have this kind of treatment. This time, because of Xu Ning, the TV station's reporting standards have also been raised a few notches.

In the entire documentary, the interview and recording of Xu Ning alone lasted 2 minutes, and the footage of Liu Yifei also lasted about 30 seconds.

As soon as the opening ceremony was over, the crew entered the intense filming session, because Xu Ning's schedule is relatively tight, and he will enter the next crew in March next year.

Cai Yinong of Sugar Man specially organized the staff to hold an hour-long meeting to discuss his shooting plan.

Xu Ning was not worried about being able to finish filming Li Xiaoyao's scene in these three months, minus the seven-day Spring Festival holiday.

At this time, he was busy opening the system to view the property panel, and seeing the evaluation given to him by the system, he felt that things were different.

When he first got the system two years ago, the system gave him the evaluation of [extra actor], but now, he has already entered the ranks of [second-tier actor].

But in fact, in terms of fame alone, he hardly loses to the first-line actors in the mainland.

And as long as Tianlong Babu is finished, becoming a [first-line actor] is a certainty.

At this moment, there is still half an hour before the shooting, and he is practicing swordsmanship with a sword and an action guide.

There are a lot of special effects shots in the movie Xianjian, but director Li Guoli knew that Xu Ning knew kung fu, so he planned to let him show it more.

Actual fighting + special effects are more interesting than just posing with special effects... Why were those puppet shows in the previous life so ugly?
It's because the little fresh meats don't even know how to pose, so they can only use special effects to make up the number. The key is that the special effects are also very bad.

Most of the money is spent on salary and publicity, and it would be nice to have 35% of the money left for production.

In the era of 2003, actors' remuneration was not so outrageous, and the crew could still spend most of the money on filming.

"Sword 1" is tentatively scheduled for 34 episodes, Xu Ning's salary is 6 per episode, a total of 204 million, which is still a friendship price.

But after paying taxes, only 140 million is left.

This time the contract was not taken from the company, but was signed in Xu Ning's personal name, so the tax rate is relatively high.

At this time, Liu Yifei's salary is 2 per episode, Peng Yuyan's salary is only 5000 per episode, and the two of them add up to only 80.


After practicing swordsmanship, Li Guoli shouted with a loudspeaker: "All groups report on their preparations, and the first scene will start filming immediately."

"The props group is ready!"

"The cast is ready!"


3 minutes passed.

Filming officially begins.

The first shot was of Li Xiaoyao going to the street to buy groceries, and the first shot was of two girls, Zhang Xinyu and Zeng Zhiqiao.

Both of them like Li Xiaoyao, who is foolish, but how could Li Xiaoyao, who is playful, only like them two?
Zeng Zhiqiao plays Ding Xiulan, Li Xiaoyao's number one fan girl, and Zhang Xinyu plays Ding Xianglan, the number two fan girl.

At this time, Ding Xianglan was sitting on the side of the street cleaning up small green vegetables, and the extras beside her were walking around in ancient costumes.

Ding Xianglan: "Usually, Brother Xiaoyao will come at this time."

Ding Xiulan was sitting next to her with a bamboo basket of vegetables: "I'm still thinking about that happy life, forget it, I saw her with another woman yesterday."

Ding Xianglan: "What? Another one?"

Ding Xiulan: "Besides, that girl is only five years old. You are so pure, you should be matched with Xiaohu. He is sincere to you... It's fine for a woman to have money, and it doesn't matter if she doesn't need a man."

Xiulan, you are dishonest, you want to get rid of your competitors...and then throw yourself into Li Xiaoyao's arms, right?

As soon as the two talked, Li Xiaoyao, played by Xu Ning, came on stage. He ran through the crowd and came to the two of them.

He didn't say a few words as soon as he came up, he put his hands on the shoulders of Xianglan and Xiulan, and said with a smile:

"Don't be angry, I will make you my concubine from now on, and you will be my lowly maid, how about it?"


"Zeng Zhiqiao, the speech is over, don't be shy all the time, this is acting, not for real."


The scene on the first day was not difficult, Xu Ning handled it with ease, and went through all the scenes in one go.

That night,

After filming, Xu Ning took Liu Yifei, An Yixuan, Peng Yuyan, Zhang Xinyu and others to Hengdian Town for a hot pot meal.

On the street, I met wave after wave of group performers who came out to drink and eat. When they saw Xu Ning, they just gathered together to discuss.

They didn't come over to talk like meeting fans at the airport. These people film here on weekdays and have met too many celebrities, so they no longer have the intention of chasing them.

At this time in Hengdian, there were tens of thousands of ensemble performers, and most of them, young people who were not bad, came with the dream of becoming a star.

But most people have the mentality of muddling along, and it's a day to be able to spend a day. There are many such people in the barbecue restaurant where Xu Ning and the others work.

At this time, the Zhejiang Provincial Economic Satellite TV channel was broadcasting on the TV, and the screen was the eleventh episode of "Tianlong Babu".

Duan Yu and Wang Yuyan were trapped in the small mill by Morongfu, Wang Yuyan's shirtless and charming appearance caused many people in the barbecue shop to cheer.

"Wo Cao, look quickly, isn't this Wang Yuyan and Duan Yu?" an extra performer looked at Xu Ning and his table and shouted in surprise.


Dozens of people in the store looked over.

(End of this chapter)

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