Huayu: I can enter the dream world to pick up attributes

Chapter 119: Chapter 119: Dragon Star Master, Kung Fu Boot

Chapter 119: Chapter 119: Dragon Star Master, Kung Fu Boot

Shi Xingyu is 25 years old this year. He is the 32nd generation disciple of Shaolin. At the age of 12, he worshiped Zen Master Deyang, head coach of the Shaolin monk team, to practice martial arts and practice Zen.

He looks quite strong, and his martial arts should be good, but as a fledgling rookie, he was a little flustered when he met Zhou Xingchi and other bigwigs.

Hong Jinbao leaned on the seat, raised his brows, and shouted to him: "Young man, let's start and show off your kung fu."

Shi Xingyu nodded nervously, completely lacking the aggressiveness he had later on: "Okay, then shall I... perform boxing or kicking?"

Hong Jinbao smiled, and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, anything is fine."

Shi Xingyu thought about it for a while, and then performed a set of Arhat boxing. The boxing was fierce and mighty, but Zhou Xingchi stopped him when he only hit halfway.

"Stop, stop, stop fighting." Zhou Xingchi thought for a few seconds, and then said, "I think you can play the coolie."

A hammer is fixed.



There were no dinners and dinners. Zhou Xingchi returned to the meeting room after dinner at the hotel to continue discussing the plot with the screenwriter.

Hong Jinbao took Hong's family out for a drink. Xu Ning and Shi Xingyu had nowhere to go, so they sat in the restaurant and chatted for a while.

The shooting plan of "Kung Fu" has been postponed again and again due to the "pneumonia incident". Seeing that it is entering June, if it is not turned on, it will affect the release time of the film.

Because half of the scenes in this movie require special effects, it takes a lot of time.

Zhou Xingchi said that it will be launched in June.

However, Xu Ning is not too sure whether it can be turned on or not, and it depends on the control of the "pneumonia incident".

Now he couldn't go back to the capital, and could only stay in Shanghai, so he simply stayed in the hotel.

That night.

After Zhou Xingchi fell asleep, he turned on the system and entered his dreamland. This was an excellent opportunity to gain favor.

When I get to know him well in my dream, I will feel much more relaxed when I actually shoot later.

As the saying goes, do what you like.

Since Star Master's idol is Bruce Lee, Xu Ning is going to start from this point.

in a dream.

In an ice factory from the 70s, a person was punching Zhou Xingchi with his back turned.

Side kicks, high whip kicks, backspin kicks, low side kicks to high forward kicks... the movements are clean and neat, and they are as good as Bruce Lee.

Under a series of pleasing moves, the Kung Fu dream in Zhou Xingchi's body was almost ignited.

He stood there blankly: "Is this a scene from Brother Tangshan's movie?"

As a veteran dragon fan, he has watched Bruce Lee's 27 and a half movies many times. Now when he entered the ice factory, he immediately thought of "Brother Tangshan".

Not long after,

He saw the man's back clearly.


Like a person who has passed away.

"Bruce Lee!"

Zhou Xingchi shouted in surprise.

At this moment, the man took out the nunchaku again, playing it airtightly, and also let out the unique cry of Bruce Lee.

After dozens of seconds,

The man stopped moving.

Zhou Xingchi was about to go forward to talk to his idol, but Hulala poured in from the door, a dozen or so Southeast Asians with sticks in their hands.

Seeing those people surrounding his idol, Zhou Xingchi clenched his fists nervously...but he didn't dare to go forward.

"Brother Long, come on."

The person surrounded in the middle was not Bruce Lee, but Xu Ning, who was transformed into Xu Ning. He heard Zhou Xingchi say: "Slowly turn around and look over."

in an instant,

He changed his appearance.

"Ah? Are you Xu Ning?"

Xu Ning couldn't say "That's right, it's me", because this was in Zhou Xingchi's dream, and he wanted to show what a tool man should look like.

"Ah Xing, hurry up, leave this to me." Before Xu Ning finished speaking, two burly men ran towards Zhou Xingchi.

Before he could resist,

Zhou Xingchi was arrested.

"Hmph, Huangpiboy, if you want to save your brother, just kneel down and kowtow to us obediently." A tool man with a baseball bat said arrogantly.

"Fart your mother, if you don't let Ah Xing go, see if I don't beat you until hemiplegia." After speaking, Xu Ning played with the nunchaku again.

Zhou Xingchi was trapped on the side, very worried... because the tall, thin foreigner next to him was holding a knife and gesticulating beside him.

Such a real dream scene,
Anyone will be afraid.

Just at this time,

Surrounded by the crowd, Xu Ning actually had a trace of Bruce Lee again.

Zhou Xingchi shook his head desperately, trying to get rid of this illusion, but he still saw Bruce Lee's appearance from Xu Ning.


Bruce Lee seems to be Xu Ning, Xu Ning is Bruce Lee, and Zhou Xingchi can no longer tell the difference.

Seeing that the negotiations were fruitless, more than a dozen big men began to besiege them. Xu Ning used both hands and feet, flying up and down with nunchucks, and people fell to the ground in pain non-stop.

After everyone was dealt with, Xu Ning walked slowly holding the nunchaku with both hands.

The person holding the knife who was standing next to Zhou Xingchi fought with each other, and the knife fell to the ground with a "slap".

Xu Ning changed back to Bruce Lee again, he pointed to the door, and the man ran out as if fleeing: "A Xing, are you okay?"

Zhou Xingchi looked at the person in front of him, and was so excited that he couldn't speak: "Long~Brother Long, I can finally see you."

Xu Ning changed his appearance to Bruce Lee at the last moment to prevent embarrassment... Because Zhou Xingchi may not be excited when he sees Xu Ning saving him in his dream.

But if Bruce Lee,

It's completely different.

"Wu Chi" Zhou Xingchi will definitely be very excited when he meets his idol, and he will also have a good impression of Xu Ning.

During the fight just now, he sometimes turned into Bruce Lee, and sometimes turned into himself. Zhou Xingchi saw everything in his eyes, and he was so stupid that he couldn't tell the difference.

Finally, before exiting the dreamland.

He erased most of Zhou Xingchi's dream memories, making him only vaguely remember some.

In this way, he can subconsciously have a good impression of Xu Ning, which is beneficial to Xu Ning's subsequent filming work.

Get it all done.

He asked Zhou Xingchi to teach him some directing skills before exiting the dreamland contentedly.

Gather enough wool.

The next day.

When Zhou Xingchi saw Xu Ning again, he was obviously more enthusiastic than yesterday: "Xiao Xu, let's have some food together... By the way, I heard Mr. Wang say that you are very good at kung fu!"

"Master Xing won the award. I have only practiced three-legged cat kung fu for a few years to keep fit." Xu Ning sat down carelessly.

"I admire people who know kung fu the most. After dinner, you must teach me a few hands. Just Bruce Lee's nunchaku, have you practiced it?"


Zhou Xingchi still can't forget the dream of last night, no wonder there are many scenes in his movies that pay tribute to Bruce Lee.

Xu Ning had practiced the nunchaku and played it well. After breakfast, he was dragged downstairs by Zhou Xingchi to practice.


Early July.

Chedun Town Film and Television Base.

The "Pig Cage Walled City" that the crew spent 1500 million Hong Kong dollars to build was finally completed, and the opening ceremony was also chosen on this day.

nine in the morning.

The film and television base was crowded with people, including the leaders of the local town government, representatives of the Columbia company, the two Huayi brothers, and dozens of media outlets.

Hong Jiaban, Feng Xiaogang, Yuan Hua, Yuan Qiu, Liang Xiaolong, Huang Shengyi and others all attended the scene, and the opening ceremony of "Kung Fu" officially began.

(End of this chapter)

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