Huayu: I can enter the dream world to pick up attributes

CH 3 003

CH 3 003

The first sentence: "Come here, I'll tell you."

According to the plot, at this time the secret agent should approach the prisoner's mouth and listen to his secrets.

The second sentence: "Trick, trick... your mother's fart."

Then the weak prisoner bit off the spy's ear and laughed loudly. The spy had to cover his ears and scream in pain.

The third sentence: "If you want me to betray the organization, I tell you, it will never... be... impossible."

after that,

The captured young student should show the fearless spirit of going to death bravely, and deter these damned spies.

The spy leader saw that he was stubborn, so he took out the pistol hanging in front of his crotch angrily, and "bangbang" twice and killed him.

At this point, the entire shooting process ended smoothly.


Just when Xiaote was about to speak his lines, he fainted.

This time it was really dizzy.

"He's suffering from heat stroke. Hurry up and carry him out." When Deputy Director Zhou realized something was wrong, he immediately called the extras to carry him out.

You don't have to act in a play, but you can't die.

Although the director was very angry at this time, he didn't say much. He was also afraid of death... After all, there would be a lawsuit at that time.

Seeing the person being carried out, the director had a bloody expression on his face, and coldly called out to Deputy Director Zhou, with an unhappy expression on his face: "I'll give you 5 minutes, immediately, start again, and find someone."

Deputy director Zhou was sweating profusely, and nodded in agreement.

But it's already past four o'clock in the afternoon, where can I find someone?

You can only kill the mouse by blindly touching the cat.

He thought of dozens of group performers outside, so he ran outside to pick someone.

When Xu Ning was filming just now, he stood by the side as a tool man, witnessed the filming process with his own eyes, and had his own understanding of the inner world of the characters.

This scene is not difficult to say, as long as it shows the image of a young student who is generous to die.

For the little special just now, it should be easy to deal with.

But the weather is so damn hot, that little special drank some wine last night, and he has not sobered up until now, and passed out directly from the heat.

The opportunity came so suddenly.

"If I come to act in this scene, I must be better than him." Xu Ning thought confidently.

Just when he was thinking this way, the assistant director rushed to the group performers and shouted anxiously: "Who can take on the play just now, sign up now, 100 yuan."

"I I I..."

"Director, I can act."

There was a lot of chatter and chaos, no matter what ghosts and monsters came to sign up, even a few female extras shouted at the top of their voices.

Xu Ning and Bao Qiang also raised their hands. This kind of drama with lines is something that many ensemble actors dream of doing.

This role is positioned as a young student who was caught by a secret agent in the process of sending a letter to the organization.

The key to selecting candidates is that the image and temperament must conform to the characteristics of the characters. Those 50-[-]-year-old group performers are not considered at all.

Deputy director Zhou glanced around, and finally his eyes fell on Wang Baoqiang, who jumped up happily, but the director shook his head again, and turned his eyes to Xu Ning beside him.

Bright eyes.

Xu Ning himself is a college student, and his image and temperament are all in line, especially his handsome and sunny appearance, which makes people feel very good.

"It's just you, tall one, come here." The assistant director pointed to Xu Ning.

Xu Ning nodded, walked through the crowd to the assistant director under the envious eyes of Bao Qiang and other extras.

"Fuck, it's good to be handsome." One of the extras cursed and looked at Xu Ning's back enviously.

"That's right, now acting is all about appearances, and people with strength like us are not welcome at all." Another extra performer who had just left the crew for half a month complained.

When Wang Baoqiang heard the two talking, the corners of his mouth twitched: "A capable person... I am also a capable person, but unfortunately I am not as handsome as Brother Ning."

under the tent.

"Director, someone is here."

Sitting there, the director looked Xu Ning up and down, and nodded: "The image is not bad, you go and talk to him about the play."

Xu Ning was pulled aside by Deputy Director Zhou: "Don't talk nonsense, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, young man, do you have confidence?"

Looking at the deputy director Zhou in his 30s, Xu Ning felt emotional. To be able to take the position of assistant director at this age shows that he is very capable. From what he said, it can be seen that he is a very capable person.

Both of them are smart people, Xu Ning didn't talk nonsense, nodded and said, "No problem, just wait for this day."

Deputy Director Zhou patted him on the shoulder and encouraged him: "You have a good image, and there is a future in this line of work. Let me tell you about this scene without talking nonsense..."

Zhou Huaqiang was actually very flustered, but he still had to pretend to be relaxed, otherwise he would put too much pressure on Xu Ning, and he was afraid that the young man would not be able to bear it.

After Xu Ning went to familiarize himself with the script, he lay weakly on the chair, thinking that he had been admitted to the Beijing Academy of Drama from a small county town, and climbed from a odd job in the crew to the position of assistant director. He had suffered too much along the way.

Now that I made a mistake as an assistant director for the first time, why is my fate so unfair... Will my 30 years of hard work be in vain?

Zhou Huaqiang knew that the director was not good at anything. If he couldn't complete the filming of this episode today, once the director reported to the company, his future would be difficult.

Zhou Huaqiang was very anxious.

But he can only pin his hopes on this young man.

Because there was simply no other suitable person on set.

Shaking people from the outside is also unrealistic. The director only gave him a few minutes, and he couldn't shake people at all.

He looked at Xu Ning, feeling extremely nervous, and could only shout in his heart: "Come on, young man."

A few minutes later, Xu Ning was ready and performed it in front of the assistant director. The other party nodded in satisfaction and took him to see the director.

If this character is to be played well, the most important thing is to interpret the fearless spirit of patriotic youths who sacrifice their lives generously and are not afraid of death.

Xu Ning, who was deeply educated in patriotism in his past and present lives, naturally has no problem, and he also has the blessing of the system.

At this point, the properties panel displays:

Language acting skills - line skills (2.1/beginner)

The 0.8 attribute of the line skills has been improved, so that he can speak this line with ease, and there will be no scenes where he can't speak.

Under the awning, after seeing Xu Ning's live performance, the director nodded expressionlessly, indicating that the assistant director could shoot.

After 10 minutes, hit the board.

Xu Ning began to devote himself to the performance.

In a dark basement.

The young student he played was beaten to a bloody mess, but he had a pair of clear and resolute eyes.

It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul, but Xu Ning can show the fearful side of the young students and the spirit of death rather than surrender with just one look.

Although the acting skills are entry-level and a little exaggerated, it is enough to deal with this divine drama.

But just when Xu Ning was about to say his lines, he still clicked because of nervousness.

After all, this is the first time he has performed in front of the camera combined in his past and present lives.

It is impossible to say not to be nervous.

But the second time, he stabilized his mind.

The soul in his 40s has encountered many storms and waves, and he quickly adapted to the scene in front of him.

Beaten mercilessly with a whip...

Being splashed with cold water...

Being caught by a spy...

Three lines...

At last……

"Bangbang" two gunshots.

Xu Ning spit out blood from his mouth, and slowly lowered his head, but his eyes were full of determination.


"The acting was good." The assistant director ran over and said in a huff.

"Guaranteed one." The director yelled over the intercom.

In the third filming, Xu Ning performed better than the previous two, understanding the characters and controlling facial expressions and inner scenes more easily.

After the filming was completed, Deputy Director Zhou pulled Xu Ning excitedly and kept praising him... If Xu Ning hadn't come to the rescue, the assistant director would have suffered a lot today.

"Xiao Xu, your performance is very good. After the filming is over, I will have a few words with you if you stay." Deputy Director Zhou said, patting Xu Ning on the shoulder.

Xu Ning replied with a smile: "Thank you Director Zhou for your compliment, I will wait for you after a while."

After leaving the dark prison, Xu Ning walked to the sink to wash off the stains on his body, and Baoqiang ran over at this time.

"Brother Ning, when did you become so powerful? That expression is really good, and the lines are also good."

(End of this chapter)

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