HP/DxD: Raven

Chapter 80: China Flashback

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Word Count 2200

'm not very keen on visiting the US. The situation there is just... well chaotic, high crime rates, the whole woke thing, the police thing, and now Trump thing. But if there is one place i would visit its New Orleans. The birthplace of Jazz


"Haaaaaa" Harry yawned as he came out of his room. They partied quite a bit last night. He took the whole group to New Orleans. One of Harry's favourite places in the States. The music, the food, the culture. It was special.

Well compared to the rest of country that was killing each other because of skin colour, this was top tier. But there was another reason why New Orleans was special. It was one of the few places that witches still practice the Old Ways by forming Covens. The first Family Magic created in the world.

Harry was making good connections to research this in the future. A solid base is needed for anything. And more connections always help.

'The lack of a good cauldron is really slowing down my research. Should i just risk it and go now even if they are in the middle of a war? Well the last time I was there things did not end peacefully'

~ China. Two years ago. Harry is 9. Hope is 11 (looking 12. Similar to Ning Er from TDG)

Harry in all of his wisdom ditched Melinda at the tea shop. He disguised himself as a bit older. And Melinda put makeup on Hope to make her look slightly different. Apparently here people are sensitive to any form of magic. They can easily detect it. So Harry didn't use any magic whatsoever. Its amazing what kind of tricks street magicians will come up with.

The Belmont's learned from the best street magicians, thieves and showmen. Stilted boots, padding on the shoulders and chest to appear older. Precise makeup to literally become someone else. Making it easy to become the perfect bait for monsters of the night,

He and Hope were wandering around in the market looking for interesting things to buy. When all of a sudden a young man in white robes stopped in front of them. Behind him was one tall fellow and next to him was a chunky one. They both wore black robes and looked like your classic lackies.

The one in the white robes stepped in front of Hope with a suave look on his face

"Oh such rich auburn hair, skin pale as jade, lips red as cherries and deep azure eyes. This young master is enchanted by your beauty young miss. May I have the pleasure of knowing your name"

The girls around them sighed at how romantic this was and how lucky the girl is to gain the attention of a rich young master.

'Ewww' Hope hides behind Harry. She was extremely creeped out by this random guy.

Hope was only 11. She understands that she is supposed to protect Harry from danger. But he will protect her from the creeps and pedos.

Naturally seeing the girl get away from him behind another man. He got angry. He snapped his fingers and the goons behind him moved up trying to look intimidating.

"This Young Master is the heir of the Sword Sect. I deserve this young beauty much more than you peasant. Unhand her." He pointed his girly fan at Harry whose eyebrow was twitching.

'How much longer is this pansy loser going to keep talking?'

Seeing that Harry didn't respond he got angrier. "It seems this mere toad things he has the qualifications to lust after swan."


He raised his chin higher looking down at Harry. You don't understand the immensity of heaven and earth. Kowtow three times and cripple your cultivation. Do this and this young master will spare your life. Generous is it not?"

Mob #1 answered "Yes. Yes. How generous of you"

Mob #2 pointed at Harry with a smug look on his face "You bow down to the Young Masters generosity"

'Okay that's it' Harry pointed both fingers at the grunts. ' ' Sai ' ' (Bind)

Both of them froze in place and then slowly started falling towards the ground face first.

The spoiled brat didn't expect this. "How dare you! Courting Death" he slams his feet in the ground. "I will kill 9 generations of your family"

Harry started walking up to him "What are you doing" Harry didn't answer and just kept walking while the young man retreated in fear "What are you doing! You can't attack me!"

Harry used a spell to stick his feet to the ground and raised his hand "M-my Father is the Sect Leader!"


"Did you jus-" SLAP SLAP



Harry just continued to slap him repeatedly. But he got tried so uses magic to make the goons slap him,

The people in the market looked with wide eyes as this was happening. Someone dared attack the Young Master of this city. They quickly scattered. Knowing that trouble was coming.

Harry got bored from the sorry sight in front of him. But just as he was about to leave, he sensed someone coming at him from the left.

"Die for harming the Young Master" An old man wearing greenish blue robes yelled out. He was moving quite fast with a green energy formed in his palm

"Eldrrr" The young master yelled out but because his face was so swollen and bloody he could barely say the word.

Harry stood still as he calmly watched the old man punch at him. 'Hex Shield-Archive'

A hexagonal flat shield appeared in front of Harry, completely blocking the attack. But this one was yellow, a different colour than his usual translucent blue.

"Preposterous!" The elder yelled out in shock

Harry just narrowed his eyes as he broke down the spell. 'Fascinating. So it is true. The things that the cultivators call Qi, Chi or whatever. Its all Senjutsu. They are gathering power from nature, harnessing it. But not all of them are the same. The brats had no magical core inside them. But this old man has one. He is a wizard. A Wixen as some people call us.'

"Surrender boy! And your punishment will be quick" The old man got in a stance

"Do you people ever shut up?" Harry said with an annoyed look on his face 'But can they not see the difference. Or is wizarding magic just not valued as much here. Whatever, maybe they think its some sort of talent. I need more information'

The old man got angry from Harry's tone 'Humph. This junior has eyes but cannot see Mount Tai'

"Then die boy!"

Harry pointed his hand at the man. "Bakudō #61. Rikujōkōrō" (Six Pillar Prison)

As soon as he called out the spell. Six yellow light beams struck the Elder. Trapping him in place. "What is this technique. I can not feel any Qi from it. Unhand me little devil!"

Harry snorted "Yeah right. Bakudō #63. Sajō Sabaku" (Binding Light Chain). As another security measure.

"You will not get away with this! Once the sect leader hears about this you will wishing you are dead" The Elder spat out in anger

"Ths rith. Fter wl kll ou!" (Thats right, Father will kill you!) the spoiled brat mumbled out

Harry then maliciously smiled. "Oh really? Then its better that he doesn't hear about it then?"

"Huh" "Hh?" The elder and the little brat were surprised.

"Hope wasn't the edge of this mountain top near here?"

Hope just smiled "Yep, just two kilometres north."

Harry turned to the cultivators who now had pale faces as Harry lifted them with his magic. "Why don't we go for a little bungie jumping boys. But without the rope"

Five minutes later Harry just threw them off the cliff


~ Back to the Present


Harry stopped reminiscing about the old days. "Yeah. Its better that I don't go there right now. That's just asking for trouble. War does bring opportunities, but as an outsider, all i would be is an easy target. I'll let things settle down over there. The Jade Emperors Court and the Daoists will handle everything soon anyway,"


Harry hears a melody in his head.

"Ohh. My alarm went off. The Gu Ritual is finished." Harry quickly made his way to the Vivariums. Where he keeps his insects and poisonous animals. Near them there was a sealed off area with lots of wards. Just in case whatever monster he creates tries to escape.

"Open fucking Sesame" Harry lifted off the lid.

"Ahhhh. It faled." he said in a sad tone. All of the creatures in the jar were dead.

 Harry's Gu Rituals failed. "Man what rotten luck. Well it is a 60% failure rate, so i didn't expect much. But I really wanted the first one to work. What a waste of resources. Guess I can recycle and feed the carcases to the other insects and animals to increase their own poison before I use them."

Just as he was about to float out the parts he noticed something move inside.

Harry immediately jumped back and spell circles appeared above him and on his hands. 'I scanned that jar. There was nothing alive in it'

Harry got closer and saw what was digging itself out from the body parts. A scorpion. A little green scorpion.

'That.. thing isn't alive... No fucking way.'

Harry didn't make a Gu, a super insect as he planned. But he did create something he never meant to. Something he didn't know that was even possible.

He made an Ayakashi. A Vengeful Spirit. It is said that the first Yokai are born from the emotions of human, especially the powerful emotions of fear, yearning or hate. But there are other ways for a Yokai to come into being. From the violence of natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, windstorms or volcanic eruptions. After coming to exitance they generally fall into three categories.

If they gain intelligence they become a full Yokai. Mischievous or malevolent it doesn't matter, they are capable of thinking and making choices. so they are a Yokai.

If they do not gain intelligence they remain wild beasts filled with ominous energy from powerful negative emotions. Becoming an Ayakashi.

Some become Yurei (Ghosts) but those are special cases.

In this case, the insects that consumed each other during the Gu Ritual had a lot of hate for each other so none of them survived. But the emotions during the ritual, the fear, hate and desire to feed, was enough for an Ayakashi to be born.

Harry looked at the small dark green scorpion that looked extremely venomous. He used the little control he had over his soul to imprint on the creature. And now it would follow all of his commands.

He moved it left and right. Made it jump and even dance.

"Aren't you the cutest little poison murder machine. Don't worry little guy. I'll keep feeding you my magic and various things to make you even more dangerous. And soon I will make sure you have plenty of fellow Ayakashi.

If I remember correctly, Sirzechs's Knight, Souji Okita did some rituals that allowed him to become a host for Yokai and Ayakashi insects. An Aburame in the DxD world. Apparently each of his Yokai is at the beginning of Mid-Class at the bare minimum and some are all the way to peak High-Class and he has hundreds and hundreds of them.

Lets see if you guys can grow up to become a mini insect army. Muhahhahaahaha"

~ On the balcony in the Mansion

"Ummm. What's wrong with him" Dora pointed at Harry from the balcony. The boy was laughing like a maniac.

Hope sat down without even bothering to look too much at him. Harry was not exactly improving his image with the new family members with his actions "Just forget about him. He does that sometimes. Ignore it for long enough and you will get used to it"

"He looks like a cartoon villain. Like the ones I saw on TV" Astoria perked up on the balcony rail and giggled

"All I see is madness" Daphne commented dryly " Then again, if he wasn't like that he probably wouldn't have so many achievements at such a young age"

"Oh no he is definitely insane" Hope didn't even bother to defend him "Even I stay out of his way when he gets like this. Because its more than likely he will do something that will probably get him killed"

"Umm like that?" Dora pointed at Harry who now had his wand on the little scorpion

"Engorgio!" the spell hit the scorpion and it started to grow until it became as big as a cow.

"""Kyaaaa!!""" Daphne, Astoria and Dora quickly ran away. Hope just watched as she facepalmed "Not again"

"HARRY!!!" Melinda's voice was heard from the first floor. "Did you make another world ending experiment!"

" I here by name you Se-" 'NOPE! Stupid moron. I almost named it Serket after the Egyptian goddess. Damn you my beautiful brain. Wait I got it'

"From now on your name shall be Edward. Edward Scissorhands"

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