HP: The Stellar Witch [OFC]

Chapter 52: Chapter 52

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Lys took out her book and began practicing the tracking charm, casting spell after spell at the small bird in the corner of the window. Though she felt something, the unclear magical effects left her unsatisfied, prompting her to head to the library with Grrbing.

During the Christmas holidays, even the Ravenclaws weren't quite so studious, yet Lys appeared at her usual spot right on schedule, much to Madam Pince's annoyance.

The librarian had planned to use the quiet Christmas period to reorganize the Restricted Section - it was covered in dust, and one of the shelves had collapsed.

This child had disrupted her plans, though she was always quiet when reading. Perhaps she wouldn't be a disturbance. After some observation, Madam Pince decided to proceed with the cleaning - after all, there would be even less time once term started again.

Lys placed Grrbing on the table to rest while she searched through several books for a suitable tracking spell. Only then did she understand how frustrating it must have been for her mother to search for the contract spell - this spell was harmful, that spell's requirements were too high, or the effects weren't ideal.

But it made sense - if there was a perfectly suitable spell, it would be easy to find and mentioned in every relevant book.

Lys continued to search patiently, knowing there must be something relatively suitable. The contract she'd had the Diagon Alley pet shop owner create was copied from an owl messenger contract, which was why Grrbing could sense her location but not vice versa.

Taking out paper and quill, Lys was engrossed in copying when she suddenly heard someone call out, "Stalis Black."

Lys didn't think much of it. "Who's calling me? Wait a moment, let me finish copying this line." When she looked up, there was no one there.

Sunbeams streamed through the windows, illuminating dust motes that occasionally danced in the air before settling back into stillness.

Lys glanced around, quickly grabbed Grrbing and tucked him into her clothes. "Is anyone there? Madam Pince?" She cautiously walked toward the librarian's usual spot with her wand raised, but found no one - the library was silent except for her own breathing.

Lys decided to return to her table to collect her notes and leave.

As she picked up the parchment, she heard her name called again, the sigh in the voice making her hair stand on end.

"Who - who's calling me?" She started to move toward the sound but hesitated.

She suddenly remembered what Madam Pince had said last year - don't go near there without a teacher's signed permission slip.

But if permission would make it accessible, surely it couldn't be that dangerous?

Lys touched Grrbing through her clothes for reassurance, then bravely approached the dusty area. The air was thick with dust, and even without direct sunlight, the tilted bookshelves were visibly shrouded in a gloomy haze.

As she held her breath and squeezed through, Lys felt a chill on the back of her neck. There were sounds of breathing, groaning, and silent screams.

Having a vague understanding of 'sensations', Lys found the place deeply unsettling and wanted to retreat, but then she spotted what appeared to be Madam Pince lying behind two bookshelves.

She threw a book near the librarian to test for a reaction, but there was none. Growing nervous, Lys pulled a large, thick book from a nearby shelf to use as a shield. It was coverless, dirty, and had an odd smell, but she had no time to be picky. She crouched beside Madam Pince and used her wand to move the two books covering the librarian's face.

Lys gasped sharply, choking on the dusty air. "Help! Someone help! Madam Pince is injured!" One of the books must have been magical.

Hidden between its pages were rings of sharp teeth, and the cover faintly showed something about pets. It had torn a large wound in Madam Pince's neck. The other book lay heavily nearby, soaked with blood.

Her movement disturbed the fanged book, which suddenly lunged at her. Lys used the thick book she was holding to slam it hard against the ground.

Even after being hit once or twice, it could still fly up. Lys struck it mercilessly until several pages scattered and it fell to the ground, dazed and unable to find its target.

She pressed the thick book on top of it, and feeling it might slip away, she sat on the book herself.

She patted her stomach to check on Grrbing, making sure he was still there. Lys began to consider her options. She couldn't move - the book was surprisingly strong, and would certainly break free and bite if she wasn't keeping it down.

But Madam Pince needed help urgently - she'd lost so much blood!

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