HP : The Chronicles

Chapter 146: Chapter 146 : Rumblings at Hogwarts



"Too well, Harry?" Severus asked, bringing Harry back from his reminiscing.

"Excuse me?" Harry asked before he remembered what he had been talking about. "Ah, yes; too well. I'm almost expecting something to happen any moment now."

"Paranoid much?" Severus asked, trying to lighten the atmosphere. If he admitted so himself, he had done his fair share of jumping when a shadow moved while he was on patrol. He had even cursed one.

"Says the man who threw a blasting curse on a suit of armour." Harry commented dryly. And then did the mistake to tell you, Severus thought rolling his eyes.

"It was an honest mistake." He defended himself.

"And a lucky happenstance that Peeves was already destroying a classroom nearby." Severus nodded, conceding to the green eyed wizard's logic; it had saved him a lot of explaining. "I'm just getting sick of waiting for yet another madman to strike."

"Technically, the last two years we were waiting for the same madman." Severus reminded him.

"So we should take variety as a nice change? More madmen instead of the same one every year?" Harry asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"That didn't come out as I intended it to." Severus admitted smirking.

"I hope so." Harry stated, humour colouring his voice.

The next day came and with it, the first Quidittch practice of the new school year. Oliver, as usually, was in a frenzy; it was his last year at Hogwarts, as he reminded his players, and he was adamant that he should go with a bang. He wanted to make this year's Cup not only stay in Gryffindor -where it's rightful place was, as he put it- but be won in such a way that left the rest of the Houses grovelling. His passion was so obvious, that Harry found himself agreeing. His only wish was that he could use his Firebolt; not that he had complaints about his old broom but -by goblins' gold!- he had designed the Firebolt! It was just different.

It was only on the sixteenth of that month when something of a completely different nature claimed his attention; he was sitting at the Common Room peacefully, reading the latest issue of Transfiguration Weekly, when a crying Lavender Brown made her entrance in the room. She was muttering and half-wailing and Harry couldn't help but wonder what had happened. Neville threw a disturbed glance at him and they both concealed their laughter the best they could, waiting for the girl to explain. As subtlety had never been one of Lavender's strongest points, he soon had his curiosity sated; her pet bunny had died. Sad, okay, he agreed, he would probably not be above shedding tears if Hedwig died, but wailing in the middle of a crowded room? Talk about a drama queen!

But Lavender and her tendency to overreact soon faded to the background as his attention was captured by Ron and Hermione who had gotten into a fight of how Ron was easily fooled by shady predictions of the future something the red head had countered with stating Hermione was far too cold hearted and stuck only to what was written in books. And that wasn't the only fight he remembered those two having since the term had started.

"Oh, another fight." A voice, Ginny's voice, sounded from his left. The girl had seated herself onto an armchair, reading her Defence textbook.

"They've been doing an awful lot of that lately, haven't they?"

"That would be an understatement." Ginny snorted as she looked at her brother and Hermione who were now glaring at each other as Adrian tried to calm them down. "I wonder when they'll realize they actually fancy each other." She mused as she returned to her book. Harry felt his eyebrow rise on its on accord.

"You think that's their real issue?"

"You don't?" She asked nonchalantly, not even bothering to look at him. That was an interesting perspective, he admitted, looking at a bemused Neville who simply nodded in agreement. And thinking back, maybe Ginny was right.

"Huh." He simply mumbled and went back to his reading. Who knew?

The Halloween weekend was approaching and Adrian was getting more and more gloomy as the days passed; their parents, in lieu of the latest events, had decided not to sign the forms necessary and as, a result, Harry and Adrian would be forced to remain in the school that day.

"Oh, come on, Adrian!" Harry exclaimed after he saw his brother plopping down on the couch next to him. "It's not like we've never been to Hogsmeade before!"

"Not with the rest of the school, we haven't!" Adrian countered as Harry rolled his eyes; when his brother was determined to sulk, he would sulk and there was no way around it.

"Well, I'm going to the library." Harry stated as he stood up from the couch and closed the Herbology book he had borrowed for his essay. "Want to come along?"

"Bloody hell, no!" Adrian grumbled, his scowl never receding.



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