HP – Shadow Monarch!

Chapter 60 – Half of Year.

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]
Third Person POV




Months had passed since the events at the Whomping Willow, it was the end of winter and there had been a few snowy days, but not many. The snow covered a thin layer and soon disappeared with the sunny days.

Now that spring had begun, students were still talking about events that happened months ago, after all, rumors had been circulating around the school since then, that Potter and the others had been put in the infirmary once again by Snape and they were not doing well at all.

But what was curious was that no one from Gryffindor tried to take revenge on Snape, they were angry at him, but no one had the courage to get involved with him anymore, after all, no one at the school really managed to do anything against him, all their attempts turned out quite failed.

Snape was the topic of the year, he was mysterious, hardly seen talking to anyone, the closest people to him were Lucinda, Pandora, Clarisse—who people sometimes saw them talking—and Andromeda who appeared talking animatedly with Snape in the Hogwarts corridors.

Outside of classes, almost no one could find Snape, he always seemed to be doing something, but no one knew what, and there were rumors that he might leave the school. No one knew exactly why he had so many privileges unlike all the other students, and got out of situations with no punishment while filling the infirmary with students.

Snape continued to be a mystery among the whispers of the students, however, everything seemed much calmer than the first months, no one had messed with Snape and this made him no longer the subject of a big event, just some rumors where even he would be going to the Whomping Willow a few times according to the students.

This calm continued until today, where Nurse Penelope was organizing the infirmary calmly with a smile, after all, there was not a single bed occupied by a student. This was a relief for someone who cared about the well-being of the students and everything seemed ordinary, she looked at the sign she had put up at the beginning of the term, more than 6 months ago, and thought about removing it, after all, the rule of the infirmary was not to speak Snape's name and he hadn't done anything in the last months, maybe it would be like this until the end of the year.

Her thoughts were interrupted when rapid footsteps began to emerge from the corridor, as a group of students carrying some other unconscious students started to come towards her, they were wearing Slytherin robes.

"What happened?!" She asked seeing the students quite injured with physical damage.

"Snape!! He attacked us!!" Exclaimed one of the students with a black eye while carrying another injured student.

Penelope looked at the sign she was thinking about removing and sighed, seeing that she would still need it. "Alright, but don't say that name anymore, it's a rule of the infirmary!" She warned with a stern tone, while the students felt a bit lost before starting the treatment.

Lily Evans was thoughtful at that moment, she saw a Ravenclaw girl being intimidated by a group of Slytherin students, she heard Snape's name as they blocked her path, the girl with almost platinum blonde hair did not seem to have any fear in her eyes.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Lily quickly intervened as she passed by, grabbing her wand preparing to help that lone Ravenclaw girl.

The students were surprised by her outburst, while they quickly looked scoffing seeing that it was just a fifth-year girl. "What do we have here, a Gryffindor..." One of the Slytherins mocked.

"You better stop this madness, Slytherins..." She spoke defiantly while the students who were in the seventh year, wanted to laugh.

"Hey, she's Lily Potter, a mudblood! She was friends with Snape too." They spoke and everyone seemed to finally have found a better prey.

"That's right, we've been trying to get back at that half-blood for months, now we have two of his acquaintances." A student mocked.

"You shouldn't think like that..." Pandora suddenly spoke drawing everyone's attention while Lily looked angry, she appeared so calm. "After all, he is coming..." She spoke enigmatically.

"What do you mean?!" One of the Slytherin students raised an eyebrow to that.

As the Slytherin students and Lily looked at Pandora, she pointed behind them, while their gazes went in that direction, and there was none other than Snape himself standing there staring at the whole group.

"From what I've heard... you were trying to get back at me, going after Pandora?" Snape spoke calmly, staring at them with unfriendly eyes.

Lily was more surprised than the Slytherin students, while Pandora remained calm and in the next moment, a fight ensued that Lily had never seen before.

The students drew their wands, but Snape was already upon them, and what followed was a scene of Snape beating those older students using just his fists.

Lily covered her mouth in disbelief at what she was seeing, she certainly had heard about what happened to Lupin and the others, becoming extremely angry with Snape and even the school that did nothing about it, even though Minerva had asked her to forget the matter.

But it was surreal to see it in person as all the students in the next moment were all on the ground groaning in pain without even being able to use magic against Snape.

Pandora cracked a small smile beside a stunned Lily and Severus took his eyes off the fallen students around him to look forward.

This made Lily instinctively raise her wand against him, but Snape didn't even pay attention to her as he walked forward. "Are you alright?" He asked Pandora, who maintained the same smile.

"Yes, the Wrackspurts told me you would appear at the right moment and that I don't have to worry about anything," she said in a cheerful and sweet tone, unlike Lily who remained paralyzed by her side, but saw that Snape completely ignored her.

"Alright then, tell me if anyone bothers you," he said, and she nodded quickly.

"Great, now I have a little Transfiguration test to take right now," Snape said and began to walk down the corridor away from them.

Lily was paralyzed, not understanding anything as Snape turned the corner, "You can say how he's different... But he's a good person and I like him much more now than before," Pandora spoke next to Lily, pulling her out of her thoughts.

She had always been conflicted when thinking about her old friend, he had hurt her and she had cut ties with him, he even tried to mend their relationship, asking for forgiveness, but he had changed suddenly a few months ago and acted as if she was just the wind, while his words calling her a traitor in Diagon Alley still echoed in her mind.

'He protected that girl...' Lily murmured, after all, it didn't seem that Snape had come here for her, but rather for the girl he talks to, she sighed with a conflicted heart and was going to ask about Snape to that girl, but as soon as she turned, the girl had disappeared, leaving just her and a bunch of students groaning on the ground, beginning to leave there.

'Is he really the Snape from before... What happened to you...?' she murmured, losing herself in the corridors of the school as well.

Meanwhile, Snape entered a specific room, with a woman alone in it and none other than Minerva McGonagall. She had scheduled the time to do a written exam with Snape, before the practical test.

Snape did not greet her as she looked at him intensely, in that event of Lupin's transformation, she could do nothing, after all, it was her students who would go to Azkaban if Snape proved his point in the end. She had no choice but to remain silent.

After months, they were so close to each other, while even Minerva had no desire to speak with him, after all, Snape always got on her nerves and always managed to win their arguments in some way, so she simply moved her wand and sheets appeared in front of Snape, as he calmly began to fill them out.

Snape finished 5 seconds later, tossing the sheets to the professor while raising an eyebrow at her, after all, he had 2 hours to complete all those questions. "Are you sure about this, Mr. Snape? You still have plenty of time..." she said, not believing that he could be taking all this seriously.

"Be sure that I am," Snape responded dryly, and Minerva frowned, beginning to mark the correct answers on his test.

She soon corrected all the questions with a stunned look, after all, he had aced the entire written test with answers written and perfectly elaborated, even though Snape was not in her class.

"Can we move to the practical exam? I have some things to do." Snape's words pulled her from her thoughts, and she nodded, a bit lost.

"Yes. I want you to do exactly what you did in the first class of the year, modify a feather into something made of iron, like a needle or even those knives you made, they must become pure iron." She requested, and Snape nodded, seeing a feather on a table in the middle of the classroom and used his wand to create two weapons by splitting the feather in half.

"You... are authorized to continue the subject until the end of the year..." She said at the end, though not so surprised by the second test, and responded dryly, wondering how such a talented student could be so antagonistic to her after everything, unlike other students who just give her compliments and whom he seems to respect.

"Thank you, I'm leaving." He said, and left.

Snape appeared in Professor Slughorn's room and handed him three more vials of his potion; he had sold a lot of them in the last few months, making Snape increasingly wealthy, combined with other potions sold on the black market.

After the potions, he went to train in his area, while continuing to perfect the spell he finally created after some effort. He created a new space-time magic in half a year, something never seen before, given that there are only a few space magics in this world, so it was worth it for him to combine wizarding knowledge with Muggle knowledge, yielding good results, so that he wouldn't end up in a new dimension with some error while traveling through space.

After training his magic, he proceeded to create more potions, while heading to the Slytherin dormitory.

Meanwhile, the students who had just returned from the infirmary after spending the entire day there were not at all happy, feeling angry about everything that had happened to them.

"That damn Snape!!"

"How can he just show up like that!!"

"We didn't even have a chance again."

"This is the third time he's beaten me this year... why can I never get back at that damn guy!"

The students complained openly in the common room while the other Slytherin students listened in silence to their discussion, surprised, knowing that Snape had begun to act against his own house again after months.

"Move!" They were suddenly interrupted by an authoritative voice, and already angry at someone interrupting their venting in the middle of the place, they looked to see who was there, swallowing hard, as it was Bellatrix Black herself. This made them quickly clear a path for her, as she was going to sit in front of the fireplace to read one of her dark books.

The students said nothing until the door suddenly opened and Snape himself appeared, heading to his dormitory. "It's that damn Snape!" They exclaimed, almost grabbing their wands, until one student stopped a peer at that moment.

"Wait!! I have a perfect idea..." He said with a sadistic tone, after all, Bellatrix was here and it might be the chance to finally get back at Snape. This was Lucas Nott, who once got beaten up by Bellatrix trying to turn her against him, and now he finally saw an opportunity.


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