HP: I was doing all sorts of things at Hogwarts

Chapter 223 Fishing

After finishing talking to Dumbledore, Avro felt a little headache. She was not sure about Slughorn's character, so she had to get in touch with him first.

Harry understood what Aphra was thinking, and he said, "Professor Slughorn seems quite willing to contact me."

The two of them walked down the stairs, the ends of Avro's wizard robe flying with her steps, and Harry lowered his head and stared.

"Yes, I heard that he specially recruited you to take advanced classes. How have you been studying recently?"

Avro didn't know when she took out a green apple in her hand, and she tossed it carelessly.

Harry's eyes followed her movements again, "Malfoy is also improving his classes."

Avro looked at Harry and threw the green apple to him, "Eat some and shut your mouth."

"I'm afraid it can't be blocked," Harry complained.

Avro seems to be improving in every subject.

Thinking of this, Harry tilted his head and asked Aphra.

"Do you have any notes or anything like that for your Potions class? If I study better, I'm afraid I can make Slughorn happier, right?"

He did find an old notebook, and he wanted to know what Avro's notebook looked like.

"Notes? I have a lot of these," she continued, facing Harry's sticky gaze. "I also have the notes left by Ced and Percy's notes."

Harry looked away for a second, and Aphra smiled slightly, it was quite fun to tease children.

"Okay, I'll give it to you another day," Avro raised her chin and walked downstairs faster, "Just try your best to make Slughorn happy."

That was a strange thing to say, Harry thought.

"By the way, there's one more thing," Harry quickly called to Avro, who turned back to look at him, "Slughorn is having a party in two weeks."

"Banquet?" Avro thought of this matter. Recently, she was only worried about Draco, but she forgot about the invitation from Slughorn.

"I know." Avro nodded.

"You also need a companion, that is, everyone needs a companion..." Harry continued.

"Oh..." This is probably Harry's true purpose, "So?"

"Shall we go together?" Harry added, "Let's talk to Slughorn more then."

"No problem." Avro rolled her eyes and agreed readily.


When Aphra was about to deliver notes to Harry, she ran into Professor Slughorn.

Slughorn smiled broadly, "Miss Greengrass, how are you doing?"

"Everything went well," Avro said politely to him, "Where are you going, Professor?"

Slughorn was holding a lot of things, including several glass bottles that looked precarious.

"Go get ready for class and give potions improvement lessons to the sixth graders of Gryffindor and Slytherin."

Slughorn seemed to think of something and asked again, his eyes still shining, "I heard that Miss Greengrass and Harry have a very good relationship, right?"

Avro tilted her head and quickly admitted, "Well, we have a good relationship."

Slughorn seemed to want to say something else, so he chatted with Aphra for a few words.

Avro was very polite and took half of the items from Slughorn's hand, "Professor, let me help you take them to the classroom."

"Sorry to trouble you, Aphra...can I call you that?" Slughorn became happy, and the two of them walked to the Potions classroom.

"Of course, Professor, I feel very friendly every time I see you," Avro smiled. "I remember that you are also a Slytherin graduate. What a coincidence."

Avro wanted to talk about other topics, but unfortunately she didn't listen to Slughorn's words in the carriage at that time, and she didn't know where to start now.

So she decided to bring the topic to Slughorn's area of ​​expertise. Of course, it was impossible to talk about dark magic directly, right?

"Professor, what potions do they need to learn in this class?"

Arriving in the classroom, Aphra placed the small bottles in her arms on the table one by one.

Slughorn was rummaging around in the classroom looking for potions such as cauldrons needed for teaching.

"Love potion?" Avro tilted her head and guessed when she saw Slughorn put a piece of information on the table.

"Ah, yes," Slughorn laughed, "Aphro is really good at learning potions. I need to make a love potion before they come to class to serve as a sample for this class."

Avro suddenly felt that she was here to strike.

Slughorn is really smart, he wants to get close to her and ask her for help.

"I happen to have no classes, Professor." Avro held her forehead and offered to help.

"It's still difficult to make a love potion," Slughorn immediately encouraged Avro, "But I saw your last school year... no, all your grades since you entered school. I think you must be fine."

Avro smiled and looked very willing.

When she started making the potion, she gave up all distracting thoughts and stopped talking.

Slughorn nodded imperceptibly but said nothing.

Avro was extremely focused and didn't dare to be distracted.

It wasn't until the spiraling steam and liquid above the crucible turned to the luster of mother-of-pearl that she let out a breath.

Just go through it once and take it easy.

Avro looked up at Slughorn, who seemed to be in a daze.

"Professor, I've made it."

Slughorn came back to his senses and put a smile on his face again, "This is really a perfect love potion."

"Counting the time, they will come to class soon. I want to hand this note to Harry." Avro put three thick notebooks on the table, "Professor, please pass it on to me."

"Leave it to Harry?" Slughorn repeated.

"Yes." Avro was a little confused, what? Any questions?

"The way you looked just now reminds me of an outstanding student of mine," Slughorn said with great nostalgia. "Her name is Lily Evans, and of course, she is Harry's mother."

Avro turned around and quietly twitched the corner of her mouth, showing her speechlessness.

looks like?

"She was so lively, brave and kind."

These three words... which word is related to me? Avro was lost in thought.

"Professor, her son is just like her," Avro said, "Harry and her mother are exactly the same mold. You will like him very much."

Avro didn't know that Avro was just talking nonsense. After all, she had never met Lily Evans.

But all she had to do was lead Slughorn's mind to Harry.

"She knows a lot of creative spells," Slughorn continued. "Although I am the Potions Professor, I communicate with many students in other subjects."

Avro narrowed her eyes, yes, yes, including Voldemort.

"Lily sounds really good." Avro smiled.

"Yes, but you are not inferior," Slughorn said with bright eyes, "You are the best student in your class, right?"

Avro didn't want to be modest, so she just smiled.

"I'm also very interested. You also discovered a lot of creative spells, right?" Slughorn's tone was filled with expectation.

Avro was stunned. If Slughorn talked about this, she wouldn't be sleepy anymore.

She just wanted to talk to Slughorn about something other than potions.

but not now.

Avro smiled politely and frowned slightly, "Well... I think so, Professor." She pretended to be a little reluctant, "I think class is about to start, I have to leave first."


There were footsteps outside the door, and Slughorn had to stop the topic. He looked very regretful.

"Then let's talk some other time." Slughorn could only say.

Avro smiled apologetically and hurriedly left the classroom.


A lot of people came to the small banquet hosted by Slughorn, and Aphra casually wore a short black skirt.

Harry's eyes moved down to her body, "You look really good in what you wear today."

"Are you sure?" Harry quickly asked a serious question in order not to show his infatuation.

"No," Avro glanced at him, "That's weird."

Since last chatting with Slughorn in the Potions classroom, Slughorn had found new ways to talk to her.

But without exception, she declined with various excuses.

It was not until this party that Avro arrived.

As soon as she entered the door holding Harry's hand, Slughorn cast his eyes on the two of them.

"Oh, here you are, what a perfect match." Slughorn beamed.

Harry also beamed after hearing his words.

Avro blocked Harry slightly, which was not okay, otherwise Harry would have been taken down by Slughorn before Slughorn could take him down.

"Let's go have a drink nearby," Avro looked at Harry with a smile, and secretly stretched out her hand to squeeze his waist.

In Slughorn's eyes, this was just a young couple in love flirting.

Avro quickly pulled Harry away and pointed at Harry.

They were standing in the corner, with a glass of red wine on the table next to them. Avro glanced at them without paying much attention.

"Don't forget about serious things," Avro warned.

"Okay, tell me your plan." Harry looked serious, showing a serious expression.

Avro nodded her chin, "Actually, I don't have any plan, I just need you to keep praising me."

"It's not difficult." Harry scratched his head, "I'm good at boasting."

Avro pretended to believe it.

Avro and Harry were standing in the corner, the light couldn't illuminate the place, only the shadows were dim.

"When he can no longer hold himself back, whoever takes the initiative will lose." Avro said seriously.

Is that so? Harry blinked, ah, whoever takes the initiative loses?

While Harry was still confused, a wizard came over and raised his glass to Avro.

"Miss, would you like to have a drink with me?"

Avro was originally glancing at Slughorn with her peripheral vision, but her sight was inexplicably blocked. She frowned slightly, but it didn't show on her face.

"Fuck it." Avro picked up the wine on the table, clinked the glasses with him slightly, and then took a sip without even moving her eyebrows, "Goodbye."


The wizard was confused. He didn't know whether he should drink the wine in his hand or not, and he didn't know whether he should leave.

Avro waved her hand, "If nothing happens, please leave first, thank you."

"..." The wizard walked away angrily, and Harry quietly raised the corners of his mouth.

Professor Slughorn was surrounded by a group of people, but he didn't seem that interested in talking to them.

Slughorn glanced here from time to time, and Aphra and Harry just pretended not to notice at all.

"I'm a little dizzy, why don't we go back first."

Avro supported her head and said to Harry, her tone a bit coquettish, and Harry thought she drank too much.

Um? But aren't they going to ask Professor Slughorn about that?

Aphra had already put her arm around Harry's arm and leaned lazily on his shoulder, which made Harry feel a little overwhelmed.

"Let's go, let's go." Avro whispered.

Harry hugged her and the two of them walked out the door.

When Slughorn saw this, he couldn't hold it in any longer. He quickly left the students behind and followed Harry and Aphra out of the banquet hall.

"I want to take a rest here." Avro narrowed her eyes and the two of them entered the small room on the side.

"Are you two leaving now?" Professor Slughorn stood at the door, holding his hand anxiously.

Avro tilted her head and rested her head completely on Harry's shoulder.

"Hello, Professor." Aphra said, taking Harry's hand and playing with his fingers.

Slughorn looked at the two of them with a smile. Harry was made a little shy, but Aphra was completely unaware.

"We talked about creative spells in our last Potions class," Slughorn closed the door and asked cautiously, "Can I see that spell?"

Avro raised her eyelids and took a few breaths, "What spell? Avada Kedavra?"

Slughorn's expression changed and he could only laugh awkwardly, "Are you kidding...Haha."

Harry had no choice but to come to the rescue, "She might be a little drunk. In fact, the spells she cast are always so profound and powerful."

"Ah, yes," Slughorn said with great interest, not being offended by Avro's attitude at all, "So you've seen her before?"

"I've seen it," Harry laughed, "when we met Barty Crouch Jr. on a path on a Muggle street."

Slughorn gasped, "Ah, you two students?"

"Yes, we didn't see where he was at all at the time, but Aphra used one of her spells to resist the killing curse."

Slughorn's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Yeah, I'm not kidding, it's the Killing Curse," Harry repeated.

Slughorn seemed to be studying her, deciding whether to believe it or not.

"So, she is a very brave and smart witch." Slughorn said dryly.

"Yeah," Harry turned his head and glanced at Aphra. She seemed to be unconscious, so Harry had to step in on his own, "I think she is not afraid of facing Voldemort, and neither am I."

"Shh-" Slughorn quickly glanced around.

There were only three people in the room, which forced him to answer, but also kept him from worrying about being overheard.

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