HP: Dance of the Veela

Chapter 46: Chapter 20 The Future of Mandalore (Part 1)

Derelict Ship, Deep Space…

The total silence of the ship was only broken by the smallest of sounds from Maul and Savage as they drifted in space. The darkness itself was broken suddenly by the search lights of a ship hovering just above it. The new ship descended and docked with the small escape craft, once the outer hatch had a hard seal a black blade of energy with a white aura around it started cutting through the door. The thin material was no match for the blade and was sliced through easily leaving a glowing circle as it was superheated until it was kicked free from the rest of the door, creating a hole large enough for three men and a woman in Mandalorian Armour to step through.

They had hand held torches as they looked around the small escape vessel, there wasn't much to see but the apparent leader of the group who was holding the lightsaber in his hand till he shut it down and holstered it before coming up to Maul.

He was intrigued by the strange patterns on his skin not to mention the matching ones of the other one. He took a hold of his chin and moved his head around a little before letting go. He looked down and saw the broken end of what looked like a lightsaber which he carefully picked up. Turning back to the red and black one the man in Mandalorian armour, known as Pre Vizsla stared at him.

"What are you?" He asked, knowing they couldn't answer but he couldn't help himself. His curiosity had been peaked since these two were no Jedi and yet they had the weapons of one.

"Should we rub them out?" Bo-Katan said behind him with rifle already prepared to do just that but Pre Vizsla shook his head.

"No." he told her. "I want to hear their story. If they're an enemy of the Jedi, then they're a friend of mine. Load them up." He ordered and returned to their ship while Bo-Katan and the two men lifted the pair of brothers out of the escape craft and into their own ship.

Bo-Katan, while loyal to her leader and would follow his orders looked uneasily at the two before carrying out Pre's commands.

A short while later the Death Watch cut the pod loose and with their two other ships made the jump to lightspeed, Pre now in the cockpit of his own ship removed his helmet and turned back to look at the brothers, his expression curious and interested in what they might be.

- x -

Death Watch Camp, Unknown Location…

The three ships returned as fast as possible with Maul regaining consciousness briefly before slipping back into sleep. Pre watched as his ships came in to land at the camp which was small and contained all his remaining forty warriors and the only other remaining ship.

The fact he and his true warriors were having to live in tents like refugees was almost enough to get Pre seething but he held his temper and sent both the two mystery warriors they had found the medical droid. They had little in terms of supplies and cybernetic parts were very expensive but they fitted a replacement arm for the taller one with yellow markings while the medical droid made adjustments to the red one so its strange mechanical legs were something more normal.

Maul was the first to stir, the increase of warmth and oxygen making it easier to rise and looked around with suspicion on his face, almost scowling until he saw his brother on the bed next to him, still unconscious.

"Savage." Maul said and tried to get up but had not regained his strength yet and fell back on the bed, unable to get up.

The entrance to the tent parted and Pre entered with Bo-Katan and another of his men at their side. Pre hadn't bothered with his helmet and Bo removed hers as soon as they were in front of Maul.

"You're not Jedi. So, what are you?" Pre asked, stroking his chin as he studied them and awaited Maul's answer. Maul was not pleased by being in this position and Bo with a smugness born of rather foolish confidence pulled out her blaster and pointed it straight at Savage's head.

Maul committed her face to memory and vowed to make her pay for that later but with his own strength diminished by being nearly dead he could only relax back into the bed and answer the man's questions despite the fact he was short on breath.

"We...are...Sith." Maul said with a breath between each word and Pre clearly knew what the Sith were from his history lessons as a child and more recent history with Count Dooku.

"Do you serve Count Dooku?" Pre asked wondering if these were some of his servants. The mention of the old man that had taken his place as apprentice instantly enraged Maul who snarled as he gave his response.

"I serve no-one!" He said and Pre was now confused as he knew the Sith's rule of two and asked.

"I thought there could only be two Sith. A master and an apprentice." Pre said while studying him. Not sure of what this was just yet.

"We are...brothers." Maul said, suddenly out of breath again. "The true lords of the Sith." Maul added with venom to his voice as he considered the betrayal he had suffered at the hands of his former master.

"What happened to your ship?" Pre asked, now intrigued even more and seeing they were probably another Sith faction and if that were the case perhaps this was the chance, he had been dreaming of...to change his situation. Maul's answer only made that hope grow.

"Destroyed by Jedi." Maul said with hate in his eyes. This only made Pre even more eager to form an alliance with them and he quickly asked.

"Do you know which Jedi?"

"Kenobi!" Maul growled out, his hatred of the man clear with every single note, something that delighted Pre. He smirked as he turned to Bo-Katan who nodded before turning back to Maul and asked him.

"And what do you seek now, Sith?" Pre asked with an almost excited look in his eyes as he could hardly believe his luck.

"Fortune and Power." Maul said.

Pre was now eager to make an alliance with these two and said to the droid before leaving the tent.

"Fix this one's legs and do what you can for the other."

- x -

After Maul's legs were finally repaired and he had recovered enough of his strength he got to his feet and walked to Pre's tent. Behind him a guard watched his every step and as Maul stopped for a moment the Death Watch Guard shoved him forward before threatening with his blaster.

"Go on." The guard ordered and Maul again was having to work very hard not to lash out and kill the fool with the force and continued walking forward until he entered the tent.

Pre Vizsla stood in the tent with a number of his warriors around him including the orange haired one that had threatened Savage before. Pre however dominated the room and gestured to the table.

"In time for tea." Pre said. "Come join me." He offered but Maul knew it was a demand not an offer and knew when the time came, he would make Pre rue the day he had crossed them, even if he had rescued them.

Pre sat down and Maul joined him before Pre poured.

"Made with the florets of the Cassius Tree, it's good for your health." Pre said, with a smile trying to break the ice while handing Maul a cup which he took and sipped from, half expecting it to be poison but it was actually rather nice. Maul then took a closer look at the helmet Pre wore and saw the markings it had.

"Your mark?" Maul asked, wondering just which group he and Savage had fallen in with.

"The sign of House Vizsla, I am Pre Vizsla, we are the Death Watch. Descendants of the true warrior faith all Mandalorians once knew." Pre said, getting up and looking at the far wall almost like he was giving a speech. The pride in his voice was unmistakable but he turned and walked away from the table as he continued speaking.

"Now my people and I live in exile because we will not abandon our heritage. Our people were warriors, strong, feared...now they're ruled by the New Mandalorians who think being a pacifist is a good thing. They have given away our honour and tradition...for peace." Pre said with disgust as he paced around the tent.

Maul was only half listening to him as he looked around the tent and saw the warriors standing there, even with his years in exile he knew the situation with the Mandalorians was far more complicated than that and in fact many were still warriors. Pre Vizsla was merely using this as his rallying call to seize power, Maul realised with a plan forming in his mind and his own enjoyment of the situation growing.

This was a golden opportunity to take power for himself and build an army of his own so that at last he could take vengeance on his old master and gain power for himself. Meanwhile Pre was continuing with his diatribe.

"Duchess Satine and her corrupt leadership are crushing our souls." Pre said, picking up his helmet and pressing it against his forehead like some kind of comfort blanket. "Destroying our identity." Pre said with his anger coming back and slamming it down the table. "All the while other Mandalorian houses sit back and do nothing, clinging to peace like frightened children...refusing to take up arms again even to help me remove her from power...to scared of the Republic. That is our struggle." He said with a snarl.

"If they are weak..., why do you wait?" Maul asked, now curious about the situation in Mandalorian Space. Pre was clearly ambitious and Maul now recalled from all the catching up he had done with the current state of the galaxy that the other Houses had excommunicated Vizsla for collaborating with the Separatists who were despised by the Mandalorians and they were in fact waiting for Satine to fail so they could swoop in and pick up the pieces after she fell.

He was almost smirking although he hid it. The other house leaders were clearly wiser and smarter than Vizsla and they would never accept him as their leader whatever claim he had to the Mandalorian throne especially if it was largely in his head. But Maul thought he might prove useful just yet.

"The Duchess has powerful allies, including your Jedi friend Kenobi." Pre said to answer Maul's earlier question. The mention of his most hated enemy made Maul almost seethe with rage. "He is also responsible for our exile as is the Republic's little puppet Ordo." Pre told him with hatred. "Perhaps fortune brought us together." Pre suggested and Maul who inside was now grinning with an almost sadistic glee rise while managing to look stoic.

"It is the will of the force."

- x -

Maul was standing with Pre as he considered his plans. The Death Watch had skilled warriors that could be counted on and apparently more lived on Mandalore itself in hiding but they would take too long to rally. So, with a conflict with the Republic and Jedi likely they would need to form a larger and more powerful force much faster to stand a chance of success.

"We can assemble an army, beginning with the Black Sun." Maul said, his mind already going through all the Underworld knowledge he had that was likely to still be in date.

"They're a crime syndicate. Hardly a force to rally with." Pre said dismissively which honestly Maul found ridiculous for a supposed leader. Pre was so narrow minded he didn't even seem to understand the logistics of war but from what Savage had discovered after speaking with Bo-Katan Pre's deputy it was usually her that dealt with that. Something she was skilled enough at that Maul was actually considering keeping her alive after they were done. Still Maul would be able to use his greater intelligence and experience to make the most of this alliance.

"They can provide us with the resources we need to sustain a war...without the scrutiny of the Republic." Maul said, adding the last part with more emphasis as for this plan to work they had to make sure the Republic and the Jedi knew nothing till they had taken Mandalore and entrenched themselves.

Pre seemed to think this over before smirking and Maul seeing that playing with Pre was going to be child's play added.

"But we will need more warriors and skilled people for our army. While highly skilled and capable your Death Watch is not large enough to take Mandalore let alone force the other houses to submit to your rule. Have you any thought on where we might recruit more warriors?" Maul asked, knowing that despite his rather limited vision Pre probably knew Mandalorian society better than he did.

Pre seemed to think hard for a moment before nodding with a sinister smirk came onto his face.

"Yes, we are the not the only outcasts from Mandalorian society who want to return to the old ways. It will take some time, but I think we can recruit them to our cause." Pre said and Maul nodded.

"Good, while we are doing that though we must look into expanding our forces through other means. I have some thoughts on who we might recruit and how we might acquire additional resources. But first we shall recruit the Black Sun to our cause, not only will their supplies be useful to us but more so their information." Maul said, crime syndicates would give him a great deal of information to plan his campaign with.

A Few Days Later…

Maul stood in the camp with his growing forces, with the subjugation of the Black Sun and their acquisition of their supplies, meaning that at least they were now well provisioned...and the unexpected arrival of the Pyke Syndicate who had joined them rather than oppose them he was finding a better position to plan his assault from.

Still, he would need a larger army to take and hold Mandalore. Pre Vizsla was currently working on his recruitment of Mandalorian mercenaries to bolster their forces but he would need to work on multiple fronts. Maul was glad that Pre was such a fool but it did force him to take a more active hand in gathering their forces so he would need to send out teams to get more.

He had already dispatched Savage on the first one.

- x -

Nightbrother Settlement, Dathomir…

The transport Death Watch had given Savage was fast enough to get him there and the sight of his former home put a frown on Savage's face as he considered the Nightsisters were gone but at least the brothers were still alive.

The settlement though had fallen into some disrepair as they had no guidance from the Nightsisters anymore and Mother Talzin had apparently abandoned them. Something that infuriated Savage but he did not show it, his brother would have his head if he did.

Landing in the village he saw the thin but strong forms of his clan coming out to greet him. While the Mandalorian pilots looked on with concern he left the ship and disembarked. The brothers came up to him looking at him with awe.

"Brothers." Savage said imperiously. "I have been sent to make you an offer, an opportunity has presented itself for us to find a new beginning and gain power for ourselves. Our leader Darth Maul is assembling an army so we can take the power the witches denied us. Come with me and learn to use the powers we have been denied by the sisters and take the galaxy for ourselves." Savage said and walked back into the ship to wait for those that had the will to try and gain power.

Slowly they came, first one then a few more until twenty of so of the brothers stood in the passenger compartment as the ship took off and left the planet. None of them looked back to the Nightbrothers that had chosen to stay behind or the little girl with gray hair and skin not to mention night-sister tattoos on her face who frowned at the ship as it flew away.

- x -

Trandosha, the Mid Rim…

Maul and Bo-Katan flew down to land, Bo clearly not comfortable around the Sith at all but Maul cared not for her comfort only as long as she was loyal and obeyed orders.

The think jungles and forests made finding a place to land outside one of the Trandoshan cities tricky but a clearing had been prepared for them by the ones Maul was coming to visit in hopes of bringing some much-needed muscle to his new Shadow Collective.

Finding the spot Maul noticed three other ships were present already and smiled, sensing no threat from the Trandoshans that were standing down there...only hunger for the hunt and their greed for credits.

Perfect for his purposes.

The ship landed in the clearing and with Bo-Katan following him reluctantly out of the ship where vicious looking Trandoshans were waiting for them.

"Welcome to Trandoshan Lord Maul. We are most intrigued by your offer." The leader of the Warmakers, a clan of Trandoshan mercenaries hissed out.

"Indeed, sanctuary with Mandalorian space to conduct our business without the scrutiny of the Republic and Jedi." The Trandoshan in charge of the Blackscale Clan who specialised in raiding the Wookiee home world Kashyyyk for Wookiee slaves to sell on the black market. The chief of the Zssik Clan nodded at their side, they might be rival slavers but the war and the Republic stationing forces on Kashyyyk for its protection had made business impossible for them. They needed somewhere they could store their...wares till they were ready for sale and neutral space where the Jedi and Republic wouldn't go to hide in.

Both of which Maul was more than willing to provide.

Seeing they were already on board with his plans he prepared himself for the next part of his plans, acquiring the credits he needed for the next stage of his plans.

- x -

Castell, the Colonies Region…

The planet Castell had become a haven for the underworld for centuries as well as for the Commerce Guild who would often move dirty money through its shadowport.

So, if you were looking for hired muscle then this was the perfect place to go and that was part of the reason Maul had come here with the Death Watch and the forces he had gathered so far.

The Commerce Guild Base here was a storehouse for much of their dirtier money, millions of credits worth that they would never admit to having and it was heavily fortified as such but never had the banked-on a Sith with Mandalorians at his command along with Pyke ships to swiftly come in and steal their ill-gotten gains.

Maul stood with Savage and their newly armed Nightbrother guard while they and the Death Watch charged the flimsy battle-droids that guarded the place. It was almost laughably easy to break through Maul thought with boredom and they breached the defences and forced their way inside.

It was laughably to seize the facility and even better he saw a stockpile of equipment and ammunition piled around the facility. Better still was the hanger of old AT-PT walkers that the Commerce Guild had been using for extra security. While they were hardly the best vehicles for a ground battle, they should still give his forces some extra firepower.

The Commerce Guild base personnel though provided some relief from his boredom as he tortured them for useful information but had little of any real use. Eventually he became so bored that he went with some of his Nightbrothers to gather mercenaries to their side.

The common hideout for mercenaries looking for work was a rowdy bar and Maul was only too glad to find so many hired guns here to bolster their fighting force. They signed on so quickly for the rates he was offering.

He failed to notice however one of the mercenaries that had refused his offer sneak away to her VCX-100 light freighter and leave the planet very quickly. She was a human woman with blonde hair and green eyes, while the rates he was offering had been good she had other loyalties...family loyalties.

- x -

Reijar, Ordo System…

On a quick visit home Haron was taking the rare opportunity to observe Luna training her students and to learn a few new skills himself.

"The point is to trust in the force to lift you and keep you lifted as you wrap your body within it." Luna said with a kind but firm voice which Harry found quite strange as it lacked her normal airy tones but she clearly knew what she was doing as he was able to levitate himself with the force under her guidance. Around him Hannah, Neville and the other more advanced students were doing the same with smiles on their faces, flying around with childish glee on their faces.

Haron with regret let his feet return to the ground and told her.

"You are an amazing teacher; I can think of no one better to create this new group." Haron told her with pride and she smiled brightly before saying.

"A teacher is only as good as their students. I was blessed with his group." Luna said but Haron put a hand on her shoulder and spoke.

"Then the reverse is also true. The students are only as good as their teacher and let me tell you that this wouldn't be possible without you." Haron said with a proud smile.

Luna hid her emotions well but Haron could tell she took a lot of comfort from that.

"She's the best teacher in the world!" Lelia and Markus called out together with their bright childish smiles.

Everyone smiled at their enthusiasm but they were interrupted by the sight of Ara coming down the path with Grahuur and more surprisingly Vysa looking rather harried for some reason.

Ara however prevented him from asking any questions or greeting them by coming right up to him and grabbing him by the scruff of then neck and telling him with anger on her beautiful face.

"You got me pregnant again!" She snarled in his face which he was intimidated by completely but the sound his wife being pregnant with their fourth child was enough to make him smile and pick her up so he could spin her around while and while tried to punch his chest she soon was hanging on to his shoulders with a small smile on her face.

"While we did not plan this don't think for a second that I am not excited about this." Haron said while Grahuur smirked alongside the rest, sure his mistress was safe with her mate. Vysa lost her look of worry for a moment and told them.

"Do I have to give you two the basics of using protection?" Vysa said with a smirk but Ara sighed with annoyance.

"It rarely works with us. We use it but we conceive anyway." Ara snapped at Vysa who was still not used to her. Luna smiled.

"It is the will of the force. But since you are not here to train and I can tell you were rather unsettled when you came here...what do you need to say?" Luna said to Vysa who she hadn't really gotten to know, while taking a moment to study her properly.

The woman was certainly reasonably strong in the force although its channelling was limited somehow, perhaps with more training she could open herself up properly to the force but that was a matter for the future Luna thought turning back to the matter at hand.

Vysa frowned before turning back to Haron and telling him.

"We have a serious problem."

- x -

Zara and Deera were both working on reverse engineering the Iokath technology which was proving harder than they had hoped in some areas but still the work was progressing.

"I think if we can increase the density..." Zara started saying but Deera without even looking up said dismissively.

"It won't work, too dense and the energy transfer is thrown off."

Zara however looked annoyed at the dismissal and was not ready to let go of the point.

"But if we don't the heat transfer will rupture the components."

"If they can't carry energy, they aren't worth installing." Deera said, too caught up in her work to even notice Zara's tone. Zara, very quickly became fed up of this and got up from her seat to pull the data pad Deera was working on out of her hands to finally get her full attention.

"Hey." Deera said with surprise as the pad was yanked from her hands. Zara stood over her with the pad in hand.

"It seems I finally have your attention! Why won't you even consider my ideas?" Zara said crossly. Deera herself now irritated at the interruption stood up so she was face to face with her wife.

"Because they won't work. The density increasing means they lose their ability to carry energy current." She told Zara shortly but Zara didn't accept that.

"Then we need to find a way to fix that otherwise this whole exercise is pointless. A bit like talking to you." Zara said which only inflamed Deera.

"Excuse me!?" Deera said with anger making her face flush.

"No, I don't." Zara said with her own face flushed too.

They seemed to run out of words after that and just stood there glaring at each other for a moment before Deera blinked and suddenly asking.

"Is this our first argument?" She asked with her breath shallow. Zara seemed to realise she was right and spoke.

"I guess so, we really are a married couple now." Zara said with a small smile. "We're a right mix, aren't we?"

That was when a light went on in Deera's head and she suddenly realised just where they were going wrong.

"You are right about the density." Deera said with her mind rushing through the possibilities which surprised. "What we need is to find the right element or compound to merge it with to increase the rate of energy transference." Deera said before going over and giving her wife a kiss straight on the lips, saying when she stopped so they could breathe. "You are amazing."

"We need to argue more often...if it gets you to admit that." Zara said with a suggestive smirk.

They would likely have done more private things had a knock at the door distracted them.

"Countess Ordo." Din said from the other side and the pair were thankful to have locked the door rather than have the young boy see something he shouldn't. "There is an emergency, Mandalore itself is danger."

That made the pair instantly break apart and ready themselves for what they assumed was a crisis meeting.

Death Camp, Unknown Location…

Maul was standing in the centre of the growing camp with a sense of accomplishment that he allowed himself only for a moment as gathering the army was a fairly simple part of his plans and there were many more stages in the campaign to come.

Their army was growing as mercenaries from Shlangii and Castell were drafted to their banner and a basic fleet was now assembled from the different factions including many pirate captains from the Pontonese, a pirate fleet that haunted the galaxy and the raiders known as the Blaze, a group of pirates who preyed on under defended worlds around the Outer and Mid Rim. They were eager for safe haven in Mandalorian Space so they could expand their raiding across the rest of the galaxy.

Combined with what they already had it was a considerable force.

However, Pre Vizsla was about to prove if he was a truly useful pawn or not. Maul and Savage watched as he greeted a pair of very vicious individuals who would add some useful skilled fighters to their forces.

"Vizsla. Who would have thought a stuck-up prick like you would come crawling to us for help?" A tall and scarred forty-year-old human male said. He sneered which revealed several false teeth and a completely shaved head. He was Forcus Hemdarc, the leader of the Mandalorian force known as Terror Brigade. Dressed in an orange jumpsuit with beskar plates painted white he looked to Maul's eyes ridiculous but Forcus and his warriors had a reputation for ruthlessness and not caring what they had to do to get paid.

"If the chance of getting revenge on those that exiled us is possible though, count me and my warriors in." Chop'aa Notimo said with a vicious grin made all the more intimidating by the large scars that covered much of his face and ruined eye, leader of the Dar'Manda a fellow group of Mandalorian exiles that had until now worked as mercenaries and gunrunners for the Separatists. Their armour was a pinkish red lined with gold and a black bodysuit underneath.

"That's right, you help us retake Mandalore and all of our space will follow. You will get everything you desire." Pre said with a vicious sneer.

Maul just shook his head; he was completely hopeless so easy to predict. Taking over from Pre would be ridiculously easy.

Bo-Katan meanwhile was fuming as were many other members of Death Watch as yet more criminals were recruited, she honestly was feeling so revolted by all this as she saw the deals Maul and Pre were making, letting the criminals run free in their space. She honestly was sick to her stomach as she could see the chaos that had killed her parents coming back again and worse the sight of the Terror Brigade and Dar'Manda...the latter especially as they had tried to slaughter her entire family!

Bo-Katan was really starting to wonder if being here was ever the right decision, her guilt over what she had helped bring about...the excommunication of her sister and of all the problems on her home world. All the tiny steps which had seemed acceptable at the time had led her here and it was terrifying as she looked at what was going to hit Mandalore now.

Unless, she thought quietly to herself...she did something about it.

- x -

Reijar, Ordo System…

"You're sure?" Ijaa's hologram said as Vysa reported what she had seen.

"Yes, I'm not dumb." Vysa said at the perceived insult, frowning as she continued to brief the other house leaders who likewise where there in holographic form. Haron gave her a look that told her to get serious and she sighed before repeating what she knew.

"So far Maul and his brother Savage alongside Death Watch have managed to get the Black Sun, Pyke Syndicate, a bunch of Nightbrothers, The Blaze Raiders, Warstalkers, Blackscale Clan, Zssik Clan, Pontonese pirates, mercenaries from Castell and Shlangii not to mention the Terror Brigade and Dar'Manda to form this new 'Shadow Collective'. Word has it he is going after the Hutts next with the express purpose of conquering Mandalore. Offering some of them free use of Mandalorian space in return especially if they help suppress all the houses and ruling over it all." Vysa told them, irritated at having to explain this yet again. The house leaders looked shocked and a few even a little fearful.

Haron meanwhile was now hiding his own fears about this situation behind a calm mask. This was exactly what he had feared might happen that Vizsla would find someone else to back him but never had he imagined it would be Maul and this cartel of criminals!

"The criminals are bad enough but...Terror Brigade...the Dar'Manda? Clearly any sense of our ways has deserted him." Sarek said with a furious look on his face.

"It will be like the old days again!" Sel'ban said with worry. The days when criminals and insurgents had run riot around their space. The Ma'Gards and Eliza Kane looked deeply unsettled and/or furious about this given they had lost family members due to that time of chaos. The rest of the House leaders themselves were angry about this situation...but especially about Terror Brigade and the Dar'Manda.

They were the worst of all Mandalorians, so bad many had fled their space after stealing armour and equipment. Contrary to what some believed, it was not their way to kill all their criminals. They had prisons for law breakers or especially dangerous criminals, that was what the Terror Brigade was, escaped criminals who were trained to in their ways.

The same with the Dar'Manda who were what remained of a house and its clans after a failed attempt to overthrow House Kryze over a century ago. They made their living largely as mercenaries and gun runners with occasional forays into slave taking.

Haron couldn't care less about Satine but this was something he could not ignore...he had to respond and fast before they got any stronger or managed to entrench themselves.

"Rally our forces." Haron said loudly, to make sure they all heard him. The house leaders and his inner circle all looked at him with surprise.

"Which ones?" Harlan asked and Haron said with gritted teeth.

"All of them, rally everything we can as fast as we can. We cannot let Maul and his scum get a foothold in our space. We can handle the criminals and the rest of the exiles but only if we act quickly." Haron said with a sense of foreboding about this.

"What about these Sith brothers? I respect you of course, but how are we going to deal with them?" Ceta asked and Haron felt a headache coming on as he considered the danger they represented. While he was fairly confident, he might be able to deal with one of them there was no chance of him taking them both on by himself and none of the others had the experience he did in fighting force wielders with lightsabers and if Maul escaped then their secret was out. He thought for a moment and then he saw a possible way to not only deal with the Sith but also get the threat of Republic invasion off their backs for good.

"I know of a Jedi who has a history with these two. I think I can get them here and if we say the Jedi were supervising the liberation of Mandalore, perhaps we can get rid of their threatened invasion at the same time. So, I will get us the Jedi to deal with the Sith brothers while the rest of you rally your forces. This is going to be biggest battle we have fought in for years...we'll need warriors, the Sky-Troopers, whatever Basilisks and ground vehicles we can get our hands on and the ships to fight and carry them with. Whatever you have do get it done." Haron said, taking charge without even thinking about it and while many of them didn't like the idea of asking the Jedi for help they knew this situation was too dire to argue.

They were short on time and this was essential for their future...the future of all Mandalore...maybe even the future of the wider galaxy could be decided in the next few days.

Republic Military Docks, Coruscant…

The flight deck of the Resolute was the largest open space on the ship and today it was being put to a much more enjoyable activity at least for the men of the 501st.

"Gentlemen." Anakin said with pride as the clones stood to attention right in front of him. Admiral Pellaeon at his side who was also smiling. "Your bravery on Umbara not just in the face of the enemy but even a rogue general won us the day and did yourselves and your brothers proud. So today in honour of your achievement in saving the Republic and for your exceptional loyalty, by order of Republic Military Command I am delighted to be one to give you all the Medal of Valour." Anakin said with pride.

Rex looked uncomfortable at the honour as Anakin, Ahsoka and Admiral Pellaeon walked over to each of them and pinned the medals on their chests. Some of the clones looked glad of their achievement while others took it stoically and a few looked ready to reject it as none of them felt they deserved it, but it was not over yet.

"Fives, Rex stand forward." Anakin then said with a smile, knowing he was going to really enjoy the next part. The two clones looked surprised but did as they were told. Once standing in front of their men and before and Anakin and Pellaeon both of whom were smiling, turning to the Admiral, Anakin nodded letting him do the honours for Fives.

"Fives." Pellaeon said, addressing him by his name rather than his number. "Your actions in capturing the enemy fighters saved the lives of many clones and ensured a victory from what might have been a costly defeat. In honour of your achievement, I am pleased to present you with the Medallion of Honour. For your outstanding service to the Republic, you will also receive a promotion to the rank of Captain." Pellaeon said before taking the gold medallion with its scarlet ribbon and placing it around the surprised Fives' neck. The other clones all looked at him with smug looks, glad for him.

Rex too smiled for Fives; glad his achievement had been recognised although the promotion had been a surprise. But for Rex at least, Anakin had a greater surprise.

"Captain Rex." Anakin said to bring the attention back to them. When he had it, Anakin kept talking. "Without your clear and incredible loyalty to the Republic the Umbara Campaign would have ended in certain failure. Your bravery in the face of adversity and quick thinking saved potentially tens of thousands of lives. In honour of your extraordinary efforts and achievements, I am truly honoured to not only promote you to the rank of Commander and present you with the Chancellor's Service Medal." Anakin said and before Rex could object Anakin put the gold medal with a blue and silver silk ribbon around Rex's neck and placed the command marking on his chest.

Ahsoka and the rest of the men all smiled brightly at the promotion of the much-admired Rex who would now have effective command of the unit under Skywalker and Admiral Pellaeon.

"Sir…I." Rex said, not able to believe that this was happening before he managed to speak. "I don't deserve this, the men that died…this belongs to them." Rex said, not wanting any glory or even recognition for what he had done. He was a soldier and it was his duty, that was all he needed and wanted.

"Yes, it does, but you are the one that led them." Pellaeon said with a smile, liking the man for his dedication and humility. "You are the one that stood up first and questioned Krell. Men like you who can truly be trusted with the responsibility of command are hard to find."

"The Admiral is right Rex." Anakin added with a smile, grateful that he had an Admiral that actually saw Rex as a man and not just another clone. "You stood up for your men and saved all their lives. You led them in their darkest hour and pulled them through, if any one deserves to be promoted or that medal…it's you." Anakin said putting a hand on Rex's shoulder. At his side Ahsoka was beaming from ear to ear for her friend.

Seeing all them were against him and seeing with a slight turning of his head that his brothers too were all for it too. Feeling very much like he was being ganged up on Rex swallowed and nodded before saluted his commanding officer, the Admiral and Ahsoka. They saluted back as did the men while Rex felt very much that he was out of his depth.

- x -

The Jedi Temple, Coruscant…

With so many experienced masters and knights still on the front lines of the war it fell those that remained to teach the younger generation that would one day be key members of the Jedi Order and continue its mission to protect the Republic. And with the return of the Sith it had become much more necessary than usual to demonstrate proper lightsaber and duelling techniques to the younglings.

So today they would get to see two Battlemasters fight.

Cin Drallig stood looking as regal as possible in his robes while on the other side of the duelling circle Minisa Anari stood with a smile on her face as she wore her usual black leather outfit. The audience that had gathered was excited to see two highly skilled duellists going at it in a competition of skill. Master Teras Sinube sat with a group of younglings and told them all.

"Now pay attention to the way they stand, how they hold themselves and how they manage fighting against each other. There is much to learn if one takes their time and observes carefully." He instructed to them all and they were only half listening but enough managed to heed his words.

Cin Drallig was looking to Lexia who was holding his robe and looked herself very intrigued at what was going to happen while Bene watched from Minisa's side, not really sure if she was supposed to cheer for anyone but was interested to see just how her current and former teachers faired against each other.

The two masters walked forward and activated their lightsabers, Cin Drallig's green blade appeared while the sapphire blue blade of Minisa's did the same. They both observed the formal fencing salute with their lit lightsabers and then put themselves in the ready positions. Cin put himself in the formal one handed, blade at the side stance of Form 2 fighting while Minisa fell into the overhead position favoured by Form 3 users like Kenobi.

The pair didn't move for a moment but then Cin lunged forward with a probing jab that was meant to make her jump back or bat it away so he close move closer and press his attack only for Minisa in the blink of an eye to roll forward underneath it and swipe at Cin with her own lightsaber but he managed to jump in time to avoid it.

Minisa however used the precious seconds this bought her to get to her feet and in another surprising twist started using a combination of Forms 2 and 6 together to attack Cin. She would lunge and parry with him before using the force in the push/pull and slash techniques and then just as Cin was starting to resort into Form 3 for his own defence Minisa surprised him yet again by switching to Form 4 to feint and switch around Cin Drallig, never stopping and becoming almost a blur of motion as she darted around him at a terrific speed that he was having a hard time matching.

The Jedi watching were amazed, Cin Drallig was one of the greatest swordsmen the order had produced and even Masters Yoda and Windu held his skills in high regard but Minisa already had him on the back foot and just as he was about to regain some ground, she would switch to a different form of lightsaber fighting and send him right back into being defensive again. Many awed looks graced the faces of the padawans and younglings at the skill on display.

Then as time went on, they started to see Minisa was slowing down slightly, she was tense as if she was having to concentrate to maintain her assault. The Jedi watching wondered if she had expended her energy and if so then Cin was surely going to take the upper hand any moment now.

Cin did notice her sudden weakness and felt assured of his own conservational style, it was winning this duel for him and he began to use Form 5 to overwhelm her defence and end this duel. For a moment Minisa looked done for and Bene along with those that had been almost cheering for her felt deflated while those that had been on Cin's side during the engagement smiled, sure of his victory.

However just as it looked certain the duel was about to end, Minisa's face suddenly became completely serious and any tension vanished as did her apparent weakness, matching Cin move for move. The crowd was stunned as none of them had realised that Minisa had been faking this entire time, to lure Cin into a false sense of security and it had worked as the old master seemed stunned and unprepared when she switched to another form, one that few had seen.

Suddenly her strikes began stronger and far more unpredictable as launched almost staggering attacks against Cin in quick bursts while using the force to make small leaps around him that was so fast you could barely keep up with her. Those who were trying to see just what style she had switched too found this hard as they were seemingly unconnected and you could never tell just what Minisa would do next or where she would attack from. There was little momentum in her strikes but they were launched with great strength and speed that was almost overwhelming Cin the moment she started.

The senior and more skilled lightsaber experts present eventually realised to their shock and disbelief that Minisa was using the last and most difficult form of lightsaber fighting…Form 7 also known as Juyo. Given she was only just coming up to her thirtieth birthday this was astonishing for one so young.

Cin…they all realised was doomed.

He struggled on, trying his best to hold off the overwhelming assault Minisa was unleashing on him but he had no time to recover and find his footing before he found Minisa was standing there with her blade only the tiniest part of an inch from his throat. A smile on her face as she had proven that not only was she a true battlemaster, but a prodigy of lightsaber fighting who had been studying all the forms since she was only eight years old even if she had only practiced from twelve or so on.

Something she had never stopped doing, ever.

Cin, beaten to his own surprise had no choice but to deactivate his lightsaber and surrender. With that, the duel was over and Minisa deactivated her own weapon and returned it to her belt. She gave him the traditional bow of respect which he returned albeit with some reluctance.

"Master that was amazing!" Bene said with awe on her face as Minisa came back over. A number of other Jedi especially the younger ones too were looking at her with the same awe they would the most famous masters of the Order if they happened to appear at the door. Minisa just smiled and told her apprentice.

"It is merely a matter of practice and concentration Bene. Train hard and master not only your body but your mind as well and all forms can be learned." Minisa said with an encouraging smile.

- x -

Anakin returned to the Temple with Ahsoka, unfortunately missing the duel between Minisa and Cin Drallig and unfortunately Tuwan was teaching some of their new allies in using their full emotions and discovering their own personal codes so he was too busy to speak with them today.

Obi-Wan however was there to greet them, talking with Bao-Dur, another of the Returned who had stayed at the Temple and spent his days upgrading the Temple's technology and defences.

"Anakin, Ahsoka. I trust Rex and the others were happy about their rewards for their service on Umbara?" Obi-Wan asked with a pleasant smile and Anakin smirked alongside Ahsoka who answered.

"Rex was his usual self but I think they all deserved it." Ahsoka said brightly, glad for their bravery to be properly recognised. Anakin and Obi-Wan nodded while Bao-Dur in his soothing voice said.

"It is a shame I rarely get to meet some of these clones as I really would like to work on some of their weapons and vehicles but I am content here for now." He told them with a small smile.

"Indeed, Master Bao-Dur was just telling me how he and Master Paratus had been upgrading the training droids and the remotes with special programs and improvements to use in event the Temple ever comes under attack." Obi-Wan said, knowing that while hopefully they would never be needed but given the hostile nature of the galaxy it was far better to have them in case they were ever needed.

"Master Kenobi! Master Skywalker!" A voice said and they all turned to see a young padawan running up to them, seemingly out of breath. "There is an urgent call for you from Reijar, Duke Ordo is being very insistent."

That brought them all up short as none of them had any idea just what could be so important that Haron would communicate with them like this. However, their curiosity made them part with Bao-Dur who quite happily returned to his work while they went to Obi-Wan's room to hear just what had Duke Ordo reaching out to them so suddenly.

Arriving in the bland and simple room that Obi-Wan kept in the Temple they closed the door and a hologram of Duke Ordo appeared, he was they all noticed looking very tense.

"About time, listen I don't have much time to explain but I know where Darth Maul is." Haron told them and all of them blinked.

"Well, where is he?" Anakin asked with a frown, knowing that the Sith Assassin was the one responsible for too many Jedi deaths already including the man who had killed Qui-Gon, the man who had saved him from slavery.

"On his way to Mandalore." Haron said with folded arms.

That statement stunned all of them and Haron sighed before telling them.

"He's assembled an army of criminals including Death Watch and is planning to invade and take the planet for himself." Haron told them hoping to get to the point. "My people might have been willing to allow Satine to run the planet into ruin but we will not accept an outsider spreading rot and corruption through our space." Haron said before turning to Kenobi who was looking troubled at the danger to the woman he loved even if they could never say it.

"What I am offering you is Maul and his brother on a plate, me and my people are rallying our forces to deal with the rest of his syndicate but I can't deal with those two on my own. But this is your chance to catch them, do with them what you will. Maybe even find out just who his former master is." Haron said, hinting to the fact that Maul might be able to unmask the Sith mastermind that threatened them all was a huge opportunity.

"What are we waiting? Let's go!" Ahsoka said with eagerness to track down and slay these monsters once and for all. However, both Anakin and Obi-Wan looked uneasy.

"Ahsoka, you realise since this is not Senate sanctioned, we won't be able to take the Clones with us and will be all alone if something goes wrong." Obi-Wan told her, making she understood that this mission if they chose to take it could lead them to them being abandoned if they were captured.

Ahsoka did look a little worried at that as they had never really gone behind the Council or the Republic's backs like this before. Anakin however, ever the bold one spoke up.

"But this kind of opportunity might never come again. We need to take it." He urged them and at Anakin's urging Ahsoka was back on board but Obi-Wan was not. Anakin noticed and said to his former master. "Obi-Wan, if Maul conquers Mandalore…what do you think will happen to Satine? Especially if Maul finds out how much she means to you." Anakin implored Obi-Wan knowing that she was to him what Padme was for Anakin.

The mention of Satine being in danger was enough to make Obi-Wan alarmed and he frowned deeply before nodding. Haron nodded, relief clear on his face before telling them.

"My forces are gathering in the Graavis System, meet up with us there. Hopefully we can get there in time." Haron said and all them nodded before the hologram cut off.

Death Watch Camp, Unknown Location…

Pre was standing with Maul and his brother looking very proud of himself and almost buzzing with anticipation as at last Mandalore was withing his grasp, the chance of revenge on all those that had wronged him…turned their backs on him was at hand.

He saw the group assembled and smirked knowing victory was assured, given all they had managed to bring together and the complete collapse of Mandalore's infrastructure it wouldn't even be necessary to fake being heroes. They can just conquer the planet.

He was however surprised as a group of very heavily armed Mandalorians entered the camp, all the others looked at the outsiders with suspicion but Pre allowed them to approach. The apparent leader who was wielding a very large but powerful looking blaster cannon stood in front of him.

"Cousin." The man said and the familiar voice made Pre start with surprise before asking.

"Paz?" Pre asked him with confusion, having not seen his cousin in many years as he had run off to join the Children of the Watch. He was shocked to see him here and asked. "Just what are you doing here, after all this time?" Pre was genuinely confused at why his cousin would come back now of all moments?

"Because this is a chance to at last restore our people to their true way." Paz said, frustration coming into his voice. "Not all of the Watch agree but myself and those with me do. You on the throne of Mandalore will see our people return to their rightful path. We will fight with you to ensure that happens." Paz said and Pre saw some very well armed warriors behind him. Pre was secretly thrilled as it gave him some well-honed fighters to call on to deal with the criminals after Pre didn't need them anymore.

Stormfront, Graavis System…

A growing fleet was forming around the Lucrehulk that served as the flagship from the Mandalorians and their command centre for their first major military action in centuries.

Haron stood on the command deck as he watched ships coming in, heavy cruisers, corvettes, starfighters, captured Separatist ships and whatever else they could manage to pull together in such a short time was being assembled here.

He was wondering how they were going to work together as one he worried that although they were all more or less trained in the same tactics and used similar equipment, they wouldn't be able to fight as one. He had confidence in their leadership and their skills but could they work together? He pondered; he had no real time to test it before hand so it would happen for the first time in the heat of battle.

Vysa who had joined them for this assault stood alongside with Ara and Grahuur present too. He would rather she not be here given she was pregnant but she would never allow anything else and he wasn't going to force the issue. Deera and Zara too were with him while Luna, Hannah and Neville held down the fort at home. With the Jedi around they didn't want to risk bring Luna's students into the battle just yet.

The other houses leaders too were arriving slowly, joining him on the bridge while they waited for the Jedi who he could sense where on the way. Just as Duchess Eliza arrived with her trademark smirk though another ship arrived without any one else.

"Its markings are unknown sir. Should we take it out?" The gunnery officer on the bridge said, looking to him for the others for guidance. The others all stared, wondering just what he was going to do and before he could order them to do just that he felt a tremor in the force which made him stay his hand and frowned under his helmet before saying.

"No let them land, I will meet them in the hanger bay." Haron said before walking out of the room without any explanation to the others who looked shocked. Din however ran up to him.

"Duke Ordo, is this wise?" He asked, Haron was amazed as the boy seemed to be growing like a weed and had become a gangly teenager in the blink of an eye. He wasn't tall enough to wear his pure beskar suit just yet although that time would come soon, so for this battle…Din's very first he had been loaned some armour in his size. The boy was standing proudly in it as he felt more a warrior than ever which only made Haron smile wider.

Proud of the boy, knowing he was worthy of it.

"Wise? Perhaps not but in life many things we do are not wise, I have always trusted my instincts and I am willing to see if this proves useful or not." Haron told Din. It was perhaps foolish but he was sure in the force that whoever this might be was important.

A ride in the lift later he was on the hanger deck with warriors and support personnel moving around starfighters, shuttles and landing craft in preparation for the assault. Some looked up as he came past, walking purposefully with Din and his guards across the hanger deck. The unknown transport landed on the deck and Haron stopped, his hands always close to his weapons if they were needed.

The ramp lowered and out came a group of people in Mandalorian armour, Haron wondered just who they were as they all had completely dark blue armour, that particular colour was not connected to any one group. Haron had no idea at first just who these warriors belonged too until their apparent leader disembarked and all became clear.

The leader was female, the armour showed that, her armour had a bronze finish and some rusty red colouring teamed with a green kilt, dark green pants and a fur coat of some kind but her helmet stood out most of all. It had a golden finish with somewhat elaborate decoration and design not to mention five distinctive small horns on the top.

"Haron Ordo." The woman said while Haron's guards glared at the woman's and Din himself looked at her strangely. As if partly in awe. "I-". She started to say but Haron now knew just who they were and put a hand up to stop her.

"The Armourer, I have heard of you and your Tribe. Children of the Watch, extremists who uphold the most ancient of our traditions including that one must never remove their mask or they cease to be Mandalorian. I know who and what you are." Haron said coldly, religious zealots he thought with annoyance. Just what he needed right now. Din looked at them with confusion as he was not familiar with many of their most ancient rituals and customs yet.

"It is the Way." The Armourer said simply and Haron wanted to roll his eyes knowing that trying to reason with her was not going to get him anywhere.

"What is it you want?" Haron asked, trying to get to the point and the Armourer if she took offence at his attitude didn't show it and went straight to the matter at hand.

"Some of our own have broken from the Tribe to aid Vizsla in conquering Mandalore, largely because their leader happens to be cousin to Pre Vizsla, they disgrace Mandalore by bringing these criminals here and for that reason alone we will fight with you before we leave." The Armourer said simply.

Haron frowned at how presumptuous the woman was and told her.

"Why should I accept your help when I don't trust you? By your own admission some of your own people are helping Vizsla bring this nightmare down on our world. How can I be sure of your integrity?" Haron asked keenly.

Her guards didn't take kindly to that nor did his and they plus Din all the aggressive stance in response. The Armourer he could sense was glad surprisingly and told him.

"If you become the Mandalore, if you succeed in this mission our people will be all the stronger for it. We have watched your struggles and accomplishments and no one else has truly stood a chance of bringing back our people to the true way until now. You can count on my people wanting that rather than the chaos having a Sith sitting on Mandalore's throne would bring." The Armourer said plainly.

Haron could sense she was indeed sincere in that at least. She wanted their people reunited albeit not for the same reason as him. He didn't want to trust them but if what he had heard was true, they were exceptional warriors and he needed the best for this assault. That made his decision and he nodded reluctantly while the others all looked at him in surprise.

"For this battle then, we will fight side by side. But I will be watching you." Haron said with an edge of warning. The Armourer nodded in agreement, able to accept that. Haron held out his hand and the Armourer took it, shaking to seal their agreement.

- x -

The Jedi Shuttle arrived at the same moment Haron was meeting with the Armourer, from the cockpit Obi-Wan, Anakin and Ahsoka all looked out at the fairly sized fleet the Mandalorians had assembled. Anakin and Ahsoka were impressed at the variety of ships present while Obi-Wan was concerned at them having such a fighting force at their disposal given their aggression towards the Jedi.

Anakin piloted their shuttle towards the Stormfront, guiding the shuttle into the familiar looking hanger and setting it down with ease. He was again impressed to see the large number of landers and starfighters the Mandalorians had assembled and noticed some familiar designs like the ARC-170 around but some he had never seen before. However, he did see Haron standing not too far away with a group and soon departed the ship.

Stepping out onto the hanger deck was in some ways like when he had barged into their meeting on Graavis as he, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka all left the shuttle and walked towards Haron, feeling the suspicious looks being sent their way but Haron welcomed them warmly.

"Anakin, Ahsoka, General Kenobi thank you for coming on such short notice. Myself and my people will appreciate it once Maul and his brother are dealt with." Haron said with a genuine smile, glad those he could trust were here. Anakin nodded and shook his hand.

A short ride back to the bridge later they all stood with the Armourer and the Jedi in the briefing room. The other house leaders looked at the Jedi with suspicion as they didn't trust them at all given the rough history between their two groups but it was the Armourer strangely that they trusted the least.

She was a zealot, a complete fanatic that could bring a lot of trouble to their culture. Haron needing to get the meeting back on track spoke.

"We now have our taskforce and the next course of action is to go to Mandalore and liberate it from Maul's forces or if we are lucky hit them before or while they are invading the planet." He said before a hologram of the world in question appeared. "The focus of any invasion will be Sundari, the centre of government so that is where the battle will be." Haron said.

"Do we know exactly what sort of resistance to expect?" Duke N'Val asked and turned to Vysa who nodded before answering the question.

"A small fleet of Pontonese and Blaze ships have come over to Maul's banner, usual corvettes, light freighters and starfighters with modified bulk freighters acting as makeshift warships." Vysa said, her contacts having fed her this information. "They have managed to acquire some AT-PT walkers and the fighter transports but not much else in the way of armed vehicles but they are well equipped with blasters, rockets and other weapons. Also, they have plenty of supplies now the Hutts have been threatened into helping them.

"Wonder how long that will last?" Ceta Farr said with a shake of the head that they all agreed with. If you force a hutt to help you, then expect to find a knife in your back soon after.

"I know that Maul and Savage are dangerous but do we really need the Jedi here?" Lila Kast asked with distaste aimed at the Jedi who all frowned but Ijaa spoke.

"Have you ever faced a force user?" He asked plainly and the outspoken duchess found herself unable to answer as Ijaa made his point. "Of course not, most of us haven't and one of the few ways to defeat one is with another force user. The Jedi and us might have had our issues in the past but the Sith will cause us much worse problems in the future if we don't handle them swiftly." Ijaa said shutting the duchess down while Haron nodded gratefully to Ijaa before adding his own opinion.

"The Jedi here today are some of the strongest their order has ever produced. While not one of us Anakin has a warrior's spirit as does Ahsoka and Obi-Wan Kenobi remains the only one who has ever bested Maul and Savage in the past. They are the best allies we could hope for in this fight."

"Just as well then." Ara said sternly. "That we get back onto the subject at hand. We do have little time."

"Less than you think." Harlan said with worry, drawing their attention as he had just received a data burst from Mandalore. "They've already started their invasion."

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