Chapter 40: Chapter 17 – Unification Part 1 (Part 1)
Reijar, the Ordo System…
The Canderous followed by the Crusader-class corvette carrying the rest of their warriors flew gracefully into the small spaceport.
Ara and the children where waiting there for them with Markus and Astoria standing at their mother's side while Corridan was in her arms still being so little he couldn't really stand yet and Grahuur was standing watch nearby. His tall presence intimidating even the warriors who were close by.
The children eagerly looked up as their father's ship descended and parked itself. The moment the landing ramp descended and Haron walked out flanked by Deera and Din the children could not help themselves and ran forward.
He knelt down and caught them both in his arms and spun them around with them squealing with excitement while he laughed and told them as he pressed kisses to both their heads.
"Oh I missed you all so much!" Haron said with slight tears in his eyes as he might not be able to do this with them soon. Markus was literally sprouting up before his eyes and Astoria was not that far behind he thought sadly, wishing he had not been away so long. With the pair still in his arms he walked over to Ara who was carrying Corridan with a smile and gently Haron kissed his wife who was glad to have him home.
Grahuur looked at him with searching eyes that Haron returned, not sure about the wookiee yet but he seemed loyal enough and they gave each other a nod of acceptance. Grahuur seeing all was well went to return to the tree-house he was building for his family in the forests that surrounded the compound finding it far more to their liking than to live within the compound.
- x -
Settling into the children's playroom Haron smiled as his two oldest children showed him their toys which he indulged for them.
"This is my space ship." Markus said with all the energy of a boy of four and he started explaining all the 'adventures' he had with his ship. Haron smiled, dearly wishing he had the imagination as his son. Markus was so bright that honestly he was astounded and wondered just where he got this from.
Astoria though came up to him with her animal toys.
"These are my pets daddy." She told him in her cute little voice which honestly brought a lump to his throat as she called him that.
These were his children he thought again, having to remind himself that this was real and not some dream as he let Astoria tell him all their names and personalities, she was as creative as her brother Haron thought with amazement and played with them both well into the afternoon.
Corridan, not wanting to be left out of the fun crawled over to him and Haron smiled and held out his arms encouragingly and he eagerly crawled his way over so he could be with his father and siblings. They all cheered as he made it over to them and Haron lay on his back with all three of his children beside him.
- x -
Later that night once the children were finally in bed Haron caught up with Luna who surprisingly was not in the least bit angry at him not being on Coruscant any more. Instead she was only too happy to tell him of her recent adventure and how that had impacted the training of her students including Lelia who was now safely tucked up in bed.
"By building up a strong bond of friendship and trust between us all and keeping our families close we can have an anchor. Someone to help us stay balanced or help us remember what is important as long as we confide in them and learn to accept ourselves. We can now cast strong force illusions and expand the abilities we can call upon too." Luna said with excitement. Haron just smiled, seeing how delighted she was to find a more steady path through the middle of the force.
"The class are advancing so fast, Lelia especially. She has a real talent for it, when she is older she will be my star pupil. Frank meanwhile is doing so well, he is such a darling." Luna said with a genuine passion for teaching it was almost infectious.
"Then this." Haron said as he poured a glass of wine for all six of them; himself, Ara, Neville, Hannah, Luna and Deera all sat around the dinner table and shared a meal for the first time in ages. "Is a celebration of not only our achievements, but that we have come so far together as more than just friends but as a family. And there is nowhere else I would rather be right now than right here with all of you." Haron told them and they all smiled as they drank to that as they enjoyed their meal.
- x -
Deera laughed as she fell back on the bed and Zara came down on top of her, she kissed her girlfriend and their mutual passion soon took over as their tongues did battle with each other. Their hands deep in each others hair and pressing their bodies together.
"You could have come for dinner you know." Deera told her girlfriend in between kisses but Zara who sat up long enough to take her top off just said.
"Your brother might have gotten used to me but I don't want him to know just what we would be doing under the table all night." Zara told her while licking her lips. Deera laughed as she sat up to take off her own jacket and top before saying.
"You are incorrigible!" Deera said but felt her resolve weakening as Zara ran her hands over her chest.
"Only for you. God's I wish we could do this more often." Zara said before finally saying what she had wanted to say. "Will you marry me?"
Deera stopped, looking up at her with shock, not able to believe she had asked that for a moment before asking.
"Are you serious?" Zara bit her lip, her nervous tick as Deera well knew before she answered.
"Yes, I have been with all kinds of people but you are the only one that I cannot get enough of. I want to be with you, to share my life with you and be with you always regardless of what any one thinks or comes our way. So...will you marry me?" Zara said and Deera with her heart thundering in her chest before with the biggest smile she had ever made she kissed Zara with all the passion she could muster and telling her only after they broke for a quick breath.
"Yes, I'll marry you."
- x -
"I hate the fact that I have to go away again to all the other houses but as Yusagi pointed out if I want their loyalty I have to prove to them that I deserve it." Haron told Ara as they prepared for bed, she too was not happy about it as she slipped out of her clothes.
"We get you back for a few days then you have to go rushing off to visit all the other houses? Seriously I had hoped the mask would have had more impact." She said as she slipped beneath the covers.
"I think we are only getting as far as we have because of it, still given that we still have to deal with whatever clans stay loyal to Vizsla and arrange an appropriate display as I go around I think we can have a few days to ourselves." Haron said as he slipped in beside her and with one arm gently pulled her against him. She didn't resist but sighed as she leant against him.
"And if we don't take advantage of the situation someone else will. You have to go but for tonight're mine." She said sliding on top of him, Haron leant up to kiss her but she pushed him down and put a finger to his mouth. " I am in charge."
He smirked knowing he was going to enjoy this as she started rocking against him.
Sundari, Mandalore…
Satine exited the hover car that brought her back to her palace, her mind still disturbed deeply by the events of Coruscant and while she still remained neutral in the war, it had come at a high price.
Almec was standing there to greet her and the stormy look on his face let her know that he was already aware of what had happened. She sighed to herself as she disembarked from the car and turned to face him but before she could utter a word, he unusually spoke first.
"I hope you are happy Duchess." He told her with anger clear in his voice which was so at odds with what she had seen in the man before that was powerless to speak as he proceeded to talk sharply to her.
"You have successfully reduced the territory you controlled to one planet from a thousand in less than a day! You have gotten us beholden to the Republic and now our world is about to starve if I cannot find some way of feeding an entire planet! Your complete lack of thought and total idiocy has created a true emergency so go and attend the opera while I do the real work of fixing your mistakes. Good evening." He told her and then walked off, leaving Satine behind with the Protectors who were looking very anxious at what had been said.
Satine wanted to go after him and try to help fine some solution to this problem but her shame at creating the issue stopped her. She instead retired to her room and got ready for bed although she doubted she would get much sleep tonight.
That was assured by a swift and brutally worded letter from the other members of the Council of Neutral Systems. She read the words with resignation as she could already guess what they said.
And she was right, due to the crisis and her recent interactions with the Republic despite many members of the Council being a part of it they felt she was no longer the person they felt comfortable leading the council. They hadn't rejected her membership but now she was a mere member rather than a leader or even a leading figure thankfully though trade options were still open so she would pass those details to Almec in the hope that they might help.
Satine honestly felt at the lowest she had felt in so many years, she had been so sure that her path was the right one, that her decisions were right and now all it had blown up in her face. She could just imagine Bo's accusing eyes glaring at her and put her head in her hands with depression hitting her.
- x -
Almec meanwhile was fuming as he considered the situation Satine had put him in, wishing dearly he had just found another planet to base himself on but now he was stuck here and facing an enormous humanitarian crisis that honestly he had no idea if he could solve.
Given his limited resources he knew however of one way that might just solve the problem if he was willing to make some very seedy alliances.
So he prepared himself to talk to the Hutts and maybe other criminal cartels across the galaxy in the hopes that he could keep Mandalore afloat.
Krownest, the New Kleyman System...A Few Days Later
The formation of five Kom'rk-class fighter transports appeared out of hyperspace before racing faster towards the surface. On the small bridge of one Ara stood with her arms folded while the towering presence of Grahuur was at her side. She was still not used to having him constantly at her side but at least he was stoic and not afraid to drink the others warriors under the table. She smirked a little as when some of the younger warriors had questioned his ability to protect her he had shown his displeasure by making sure they remembered just how fierce a warrior wookiees could be.
When they got out of the medbay that is she thought with amusement at how easily the large wookiee had handed their asses to them.
Still she turned her focus back to the task at hand, most of Vizsla's clans had defected to other houses when the news he had been excommunicated for working for the Separatists had spread, afraid of being isolated from the rest of Mandalorian society and trade. However a few clans had remained loyal to the man and annoyingly for Ara personally at least one of them was Clan Wren.
Seeing her homeworld in this life in the viewscreen ahead made her grimace, she hated that place but since regardless of her personal feelings in this life the Wrens were her family she had to deal with this herself and force her sister to finally break away from Vizsla. According to the information that they had most of Wren's warriors were away from home with Ursa so it was only a meagre force that was guarding the place.
And she had done her homework on her sister's husband, a proud Mandalorian but was not a warrior himself. He was an artist and so wasn't as likely to fight given the forces arrayed against him but just in case he did she had brought more than enough warriors to deal with the few people they had left.
Plunging down into the atmosphere the cold, icy planet did not evoke any feeling of nostalgia for the past given how much she had hated this planet. The Mountains and forests too did nothing for her and instead she focused on the target. As the much smaller Wren compound came into view she saw a group of maybe ten warriors flying towards them so she told the pilots.
"All ships deploy our people."
"Yes Duchess." They answered and underneath each transport a door opened, lowering a rack upon which twenty four warriors sat each. The warriors activated their jet-packs and launched themselves clear of their mother ships, outnumbering the defenders by nearly ten to one.
The Wren Warriors seemed to see the great numbers arrayed against them and flew away, back down towards the compound just as Ara expected them to do. Alrich was no strategist and would try to negotiate rather than fight and even if he did try she had him badly outnumbered.
Landing on the largest strip near the stronghold that wasn't a frozen lake she walked out of the ship without her helmet which was unusual but she wanted the Wrens to see just who she was. Grahuur at her side already had his large and personalised bowcaster in hand which she admitted privately to herself was a very powerful weapon in its own right.
Their feet dug into the snow the moment they left the ship and Ara sighed before walking forward, leading her warriors to the compound. It was fortunately for them not a long one but the cold was not a problem either way. Her warriors had armour with temperate regulators built in and Grahuur thankfully had his fur to keep him warm.
No ambushes in the short walk which again proved that Alrich was no warrior she thought with a slight disdain but only because he hadn't really tried to stop them so far. The sight of the compound and around fifteen warriors between her and it was nearly a relief.
One of the warriors took aim at her but quick as a flash Grahuur had his bowcaster ready and fired a bright green bolt straight at the offender who went down with a shot to the heart. The rest of them all looked in surprise at how easily one of them had been downed before a figure on the balcony above cried out.
"Stop! There will no fighting." Alrich Wren said loudly and the warriors reluctantly lowered their weapons before holstering them. Ara's warriors moved forward and disarmed them while Ara herself with the towering presence of Grahuur beside her came face to face with Alrich.
"Ara. What are you doing here? You are not part of Clan Wren any more." Alrich said and Ara just shook her head at his boldness especially when you could see Grahuur would easily break you in half with one word from her.
"Good thing I am part of House Ordo now then. As to why I am here, that reason is two fold." Ara told him sternly which made him almost step back with her intense gaze. "First is to make sure that a rogue clan is brought into line rather than continue to support a traitor, believe me if you weren't family House Ordo would have had no trouble wiping you from the face of the galaxy but since you are I came in person to give you one last chance to rejoin Mandalorian Society." Ara told him and she could see the fear in Alrich's eyes although she knew it was not for himself but rather for the second reason she had come here.
"The second reason however is a more pleasant duty, to see my niece for the first time." Ara said and strode past Alrich without a backwards glance, Grahuur kept the man from following her while she strode into the nursery which had once been hers. In the cot nearby she saw a little girl, barely a year old with slightly tanned skin and dark hair. Ara looked down at the little girl and smiled, reminded a little of her own children who unfortunately had never had the chance to get to know their cousin.
"Hello Sabine." Ara said gently and the little girl seemed to regard her with curiosity for a moment before smiling in that adorable way babies do and thrusting out her arms, begging to be picked up.
Ara was only too happy to oblige and picked up her little niece. The little girl snuggled into her and Ara was amazed at how trusting Sabine was but gently held her and hummed a little tune for her.
Alrich was allowed into the room by Grahuur and looked in terror as his precious daughter was being held by her. His worry was unnecessary though Ara thought as she cradled the little girl. She would never hurt her own niece but since she needed to bring the errant clans into line and get her sister to stop being silly in supporting Vizsla she made a decision.
"I think that Sabine might like to meet her cousins. If Ursa wants her daughter back then she had best come to Reijar in person, make sure that she knows that and do not fear. I would never hurt my own little niece." Ara told him sweetly and Alrich visibly paled before her eyes.
"NO! YOU CAN'T!" He yelled but as he tried to run forward to try and stop her only for Grahuur to grab him by the throat and hoist him up as Ara walked right past him with Sabine in her arms. The wookiee let him go to follow his mistress and the other warriors back to the ships. The sight of the clan's future Countess in the arms of Ara nearly sent Wren's few remaining warriors into a panic but none risked a fight with the little girl right in the centre of it.
Ara returned to the ship which immediately took off the moment she and the other warriors were aboard. Grahuur gave her a look at what she had just done but she reassured him.
"She is my family so no harm will befall her, I only seek to make the other clans realise that supporting Vizsla will have consequences especially my idiotic sister. Vizsla is a traitor to his own people and I will not stand for it." She told him and he seemed unsure but accepted that as the five ships made the jump to light-speed for the return journey to Reijar.
- x -
Vizsla Camp, Unknown Location…
Pre Vizsla was in a very dark mood as he saw his support dwindle to a fraction of what it had been. The information he had exposed about Satine had the required effect but the rest of his people would not remove her, fearing a Republic invasion.
He sneered at their cowardice especially as he had an alliance with the Separatists to support them as long as he was crowned their leader! However Dooku was not taking his calls and it did not take a genius to figure out that he had been abandoned by the Sith Lord. He dearly wished to bash Dooku's head in but he had even greater problems as more than half of the clans that followed him had deserted the moment he was excommunicated by the other houses.
Excommunicated Pre thought with anger, the sheer nerve of them he fumed! He was trying to bring their people back to their true path and restore his family to their rightful place as their leader! They were content to waste away in peace he thought with disgust.
He saw Bo Katan studying him and honestly if she wasn't so useful he probably would have taken his anger out on her but he was distracted by one of his few remaining loyal warriors.
"Sir, we have an emergency priority message coming in from Krownest for Countess Wren." He told him and Pre frowned before barking out.
"Then get her here then. Why bother me with this?" He fumed and the warrior ran off to fetch the woman in question who at least had stayed loyal to him he thought. She knew her place he thought with satisfaction.
Ursa came in quickly to hear whatever the emergency was with her home, a hologram of her husband Alrich appeared looking very frightened.
"Ursa! Thank the force! I need you home right away!" He said quickly, so fast in fact that it was hard to follow what he was saying.
"Alrich, slow down. What's happening?" Ursa asked wondering just what had her normally calm husband in such a state. Alrich seemed to listen to her a little as he slowed down after taking a deep breath.
"Ara came here to Krownest with Ordo Warriors at her back!" Alrich said trying to get to the point but Ursa merely frowned.
"Ara?! She has no place coming in our family's home after she deserted her family and refusing to do her duty!" Ursa said with anger but Alrich interrupted her with the real emergency before she could go any further.
"SHE TOOK SABINE!" Alrich shouted trying to get a word in.
The atmosphere in the tent suddenly became instantly more tense as Ursa was rendered speechless and then horrified at what her husband was telling her.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HER?" Ursa yelled at her husband who only yelled back.
"How could I when she outnumbered us ten to one and with a super strong wookiee as a bodyguard!?" Alrich shouted with anger. "She said if we want her back then you have to go to Reijar and get her yourself!"
Ursa with a cold feeling of terror in her gut at her daughter being taken as a hostage suddenly cut the link and said as she exited the tent.
"I am sorry your grace but I have to go!" Ursa said, her walk swiftly turning to a run as she made her way to her ships, her own warriors following her before taking off at a rapid pace.
Pre watched with horror throughout the day as other clan leaders in the camp were contacted by their own families who presumably had similar stories of other members of their family being taken as hostages. One by one they all left the camp in a constant exodus until finally he had only his very own warriors.
Death Watch was in the space of a day reduced to forty warriors and four ships.
Pre honestly could not contain his temper and Bo Katan and the other warriors quickly gave him space as he smashed up the empty tents in a fury.
Reijar, the Ordo System…
A few short hours later the ship belonging to Clan Wren exited hyperspace near Reijar and sped quickly down towards the surface. The sight of the warships in orbit did nothing to deter Ursa from going down with her warriors and fighting all the way to the surface if she had too. But the sight of fighters appearing all around them made her pause, ARC-170 heavy fighters alongside Fang-class interceptors in large numbers. Ursa gritted her teeth as a transmission from them came through.
"You will proceed to the following co-ordinates immediately and land, fail to do so and we will shoot you down." A cold male voice said and Ursa with a feeling of powerlessness told the pilot.
"Do what he says."
The pilots looked at her with a bit of hesitation before doing as she told them. The ship descended into a landing area near the compound that she presumed must belong to House Ordo and it was she thought with surprise, a considerable sized fortress. Easily the size of a town or small city on its own, on a moon that had three cities already. The ship landed and she saw a large number of Ordo Warriors present. Far too many to fight and win she thought with a grimace and so she walked out of the ship with her head held high.
Her warriors tried to form a shield around her but she dismissed it with a flick of her hand and stood forward, facing the much larger number of Ordo warriors. They too parted though as a person that honestly Ursa could have strangled with her bare hands appeared.
Her sister.
Ara she thought with annoyance was looking even better than ever, taller than her by a little and just as beautiful as their mother who she greatly resembled. Ursa herself took after their father and it had been a sticking point between them for years. Walking straight up to her though Ursa could not help herself as her anger got the better of her and she threw a punch straight at her estranged sister.
However with a speed that honestly defied the eyes Ara caught her arm and with strength that would have matched the enormous wookiee she had at her side Ara bent her arm behind her back and forced her to her knees, Wren warriors looked ready to intervene but Ordo's own people raised their weapons to deter them.
"Nice to see you too sis." Ara said with a smug smile on her face that only got Ursa more angry.
"Where is my daughter bitch!?" She yelled but Ara only raised an eyebrow as if unfazed.
"Playing with her cousins, while I try to get some sense into your head before you bring ruin down on Krownest by following that ass-hole." She told her stubborn older sister who struggled but was unable to break free. "And remember you could never best me hand to hand and I've gotten a lot better since I left." Ara warned her before letting her go.
Ursa fell forward and glared at her younger sister who honestly had always been far too aristocratic and was smirking at her.
"He is our duke! You should have been honoured to marry him." Ursa said with anger at the loss of face they had suffered due to that. Ara's face twisted with disgust.
"That creep tried to screw me before we were even engaged whether I wanted to or not and I most assuredly did not." Ara told her with burning eyes. "He openly betrays his own people by siding with the same arsehole that orders attacks on Mandalorian colonies and would be quite content to be his puppet leader! Honestly if you can defend that then you are honestly a fucking moron!" Ara told her and Ursa found herself eager to argue but to be honest she could hardly deny what her sister was saying.
"We need a strong leader of Mandalore. Pre..." She started to say but Ara interrupted her.
"Pre is a tool! A prideful son of bitch that will only bring ruin to us! While he has been sucking at the Sith's cock for a tiny bit of power we have been doing the real work of building up the people and to be honest if I didn't want to deprive Sabine of her mother then you would have been shot down while I raised her myself! Be grateful that I do have some loyalty to family because you never had any to me!" Ara told her sharply and walked off followed by her Wookiee who created a truly intimidating presence.
Ursa looked around and saw plenty of looks of disgust being aimed her way by the Ordo warriors which given their numbers and their reputation for being tough made her feel very exposed. She got up and told her warriors to wait there before going into the compound.
The knowledge that Ara had been prepared to shoot her down was alarming but the fact her daughter was nearby didn't let her dwell on it. She followed Ara until they finally reached some kind of play room which had a two way mirror observation window.
Her breath was stolen by the sight of her daughter, bring a smile of relief to her face as she saw her brilliant little girl sitting there playing with three other children, two older children helping her with blocks and the fact the girl looked so much like a younger Ara only made her realise these were her nephews and niece she was seeing for the first time.
Ursa knew they were family but she wasn't sure if she could accept them as that yet. She turned to Ara who was looking at the children with a smile on her face and asked bitterly.
"So what happens now?" Ursa asked knowing there was no way she was going to simply be able to take her daughter and leave. Ara turned to face her and the smile disappeared.
"You find another house to serve, not mine since I know your pride won't allow it but you leave Vizsla and join with a new house. Be a part of society because if you don't then this girl will never have the right to wear the armour nor the boy you're carrying." Ara said calmly.
Ursa froze with fear and shock, how the hell did Ara know she was pregnant again? She hadn't even told Alrich yet or that she was having a boy?
Honestly she had always been a little afraid of her younger sister, she always seemed to know just what was going on or what you were thinking. Never had anyone ever lied to her without getting caught. And now Ursa was starting to realise that if anything her time away had only made Ara more capable and dangerous. So much so that Ursa decided to take her advice for the first time.
"I will swear us to House Farr but don't expect any play dates any time soon." Ursa said with a scowl but Ara only smiled which just riled her up more since she knew her little sister had gotten what she wanted. She even said.
"I expected as much."
- x -
With the clans of Vizsla now dealt with and Sabine now back on her way back to Krownest with her mother there was the matter of Deera and Zara who regardless of Deera's rank and position decided to not only get married but do so in a quick wedding with only close friends and invited family. As Neville, Luna, Hannah, Ara and the children waited inside with Zara and the registrar, Haron stood with Deera outside. All had forgone any formal wear and were getting married in their armour.
Haron meanwhile as Deera's brother was taking the role of father of the bride and giving Deera away. Honestly he was unable to believe this was actually happening, that his little sister was getting married. He turned to her with a serious face, worried she was in over her head but not going to treat her like a child.
"Are you sure about this?" He asked her and with a smile she told him.
"More sure than I have ever been in my whole life about anything. I love her and she loves me."
Haron smiled a little, seeing how deeply his little sister cared for Zara and promised to himself not to interfere but also swearing that if Zara hurt Deera there wouldn't be a hole deep enough for her to hide in.
However just before they could open the door and walk inside a guard came to them, followed by a familiar blonde.
"Vysa? A little warning you were coming would be nice." Haron said with a surprise as their other sister appeared. She was he noticed feeling more nervous than she was trying to look.
"I just thought I might...visit." She said and he and Deera studied her for a moment before she finally admitted the reason for her visit.
"I just wanted to see where my mother came from and...learn a bit more about...our family." Vysa admitted with some reluctance but they could both feel that her desire was genuine.
"Well then, you arrived just in time to be a guest at my wedding." Deera said with a small smile for her sister who blinked and honestly said.
"Shit I didn't mean to intrude." Vysa said, feeling very self-conscious that she had burst in at such a moment but Deera, not letting her flee grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to her left side while Haron held her right with a smile.
"Come on then." Haron said before opening the door and dragging a very self-conscious Vysa through the door, Haron and Deera made their appearance and despite the surprise of Vysa being there they all accepted it and watched as accompanied by her siblings walked up to Zara who was honestly more starstruck than she had ever been before at the sight of her wife-to-be coming towards her.
As the registrar gave the couple their vows everyone looked on with happiness as Deera had at last found her happiness. Luna who was sitting with Lelia and Din and the last free woman there was smiling too. She did wish sometimes for a partner of her own but so far she had found no-one that really got to her on that level.
As the vows were finished and Deera and Zara formally became a couple, all of them applauded even Vysa awkwardly. While the married couple disappeared to celebrate their wedding night Vysa found herself being presented to the rest of Ordo's inner circle.
"Vysa, this is Neville, Hannah, Luna and my wife Ara. Then we have our ward Din." He told her, each of them shaking her hand while she nervously looked around, wishing for a moment that she had chosen another time to get curious about her family and culture.
"You're my big sister like Deera aren't you?" Lelia said, coming up to them. The brave six year old smiling at Vysa who was at a loss in how to deal with her youngest sibling who was smiling that young toothy grin at her, not having any experience with children. Vysa with an encouraging look from Haron knelt down so they were on the same level and said.
"Yeah, I guess I am." She said with a nervous smile only to be surprised when Lelia threw her arms around her and gave her a hug. Not sure what to do Vysa just put an arm around her and hugged her awkwardly.
Markus and Astoria wandered up too, not sure of this woman that looked so much like their aunt and was apparently although neither of them had seen her before now. Ara walked up to them and with Corridan in her arms prevented them from walking any closer with a concerned look on her face. Not sure if she could be trusted just yet.
- x -
Neville and Hannah later that night after putting Frank to bed discussed it as they prepared for bed themselves.
"She seems nice enough." Hannah said with a shrug, not sure of this new woman that had crept into their lives. Neville being a little more cynical than her just said.
"I still don't trust her, could just be hoping for a place to hide after a crime for all we know." Neville suggested to his wife who was now stripping down and lay on the bed suggestively.
"Maybe but she's Harry's problem. Now come here." She said with a suggestive smirk on her face and with her finger made a beckoning movement and Neville, eager for a night's pleasure with his wife did not need any encouragement.
- x -
Ara meanwhile was with her children, watching the newcomer with suspicion. Vysa likewise was sitting there watching her with fear, not used to having such a stern and powerful gaze levelled against her.
"I understand you want to know about your family." Ara said eventually. "That's fine but I won't tolerate any threat to my children. Do you understand?" Ara asked her coldly.
"You're a bitch. But yeah I understand." Vysa said with a sarcastic voice but quiet enough that the children didn't hear her swearing. Ara studied her both with her eyes and with the force. Seeing she was at least being honest she nodded and they both waited in silence while the children played before putting them to bed, unaware of the tension between the two women.
When Haron finally came back it was a blessed relief from all the tension and he came over and kissed his wife and children before taking Vysa out of the room.
"Your wife is scary." Vysa said with a frown on her face but Haron only smiled before telling her.
"Ara is one of the most bad-ass women I have ever known, in good company with yourself and Deera." He said with a glint in his eye knowing he had been lucky with the women in his life so far. Vysa did he felt take some pride in being called that. "But you will never find a more loving mother, stronger warrior, smarter administrator, caring wife and loyal friend. Once you spend time with her, she will get used to you." He reassured her but she looked unconvinced.
"Yeah, I am not sure about that." She said with a disbelieving voice before they arrived in a room filled with holoprojectors and she promptly changed the subject, not wanting to think about the uphill battle she was likely facing there. "So what the fuck is this place?" Vysa asked.
"A teaching room we use for the younger children but if you want to learn your heritage this is the best place to do it. So are you ready?" Haron asked her and she looked at him with annoyance.
"Yeah just get on with it." She said and Haron kept on smiling before activating the room.
The lights dimmed and a holographic environment was created around them. An image of a man in Neo-Crusader style armour appeared, fighting with a large blaster repeater against different alien species.
"Since you're new to this we will start at the beginning with the man that started us on the road to where we are now...Canderous Ordo, our ancestor." Haron said as she looked at the man just cutting through those he was fighting like wheat with awe. "He came from a world named Ordo, a barren world that had little to its name but the hard people that came from there like him. During the Mandalorian Wars Canderous proved himself a capable warrior with a mind for tactics and leadership, riding his Basilisk War Droid into battle." Haron told her as the images changed, showing the man in question riding his war droid into battle against the Republic and cutting them down.
Vysa stared at the holograms with amazement as Haron continued.
"He fought for his Mandalore till the Battle of Malachor 5 where he and the rest of our people were beaten by the forces of Revan and Meetra Surik." Haron told her showing holographic recreations of those events. "He was forced to watch as all their weapons, droids and ships were smashed before he wandered the galaxy, seeking work as a mercenary."
They both watched as the now armour-less Canderous acted as hired muscle for crime syndicates before finally arriving on Taris.
"While working for the Exchange though, he met up with Revan again. Together they escaped the destruction of Taris. Then he accompanied him to all the other worlds in search of the Star Forge to stop the Sith from taking over the galaxy." Haron explained as the image showed Canderous meeting and joining forces with Revan as they travelled across the galaxy, fighting all kinds of enemies till finally together they defeated the Sith at the Battle of the Star Forge.
Vysa, Haron noticed was looking a little surprised that she had such an important ancestor but Haron knew they were only getting started.
"After this he followed Revan for a while till they parted company for the last time, but before he did that Revan gave him the Mask of the Mandalore and told him that he must restore the Mandalorian people for the wars to come." Haron told them as a recreation of the event appeared before them. "And that is what he did."
"He travelled the galaxy and unified all the Mandalorians who were lost and displaced by the war. Forming new clans and houses that exist even to this day. He led them against the Sith before taking his people and delved into unknown space where he found this world and others and settled his people here. He founded this moon as his family's future home before going on to unite much of the Mandalorian people before his death." Haron explained, the hologram showing the founding of the very compound they were standing in now.
"But our legacy continued. Throughout the centuries that followed House Ordo prospered, rising in numbers and in power. We served the Sith as mercenaries before finally aiding the Order of Revan and becoming involved in the Galactic War that followed the Cold War. They joined the resistance against the Eternal Empire before becoming a part of the government of Mandalore the Avenger and the Eternal Alliance, fighting alongside the Jedi and the Republic in the Third Galactic War." Haron told him.
She listened wide eyed as he showed her the different people House Ordo had produced throughout the centuries all the way to the present day. Finally closing down the teaching room's history program Haron turned to Vysa who was looking a little stunned at the family history she was a part of. Haron guided her out of the room and asked her.
"Any other questions?"
She seemed to take a moment to organise her thoughts before telling him.
"Yeah only about a million."
Haron smiled as he led her down towards the yard.
"Then I will answer them as best I can. I will be leaving to visit all the Mandalorian houses soon, come with me and any other questions you might have I will do my best to answer them." Haron offered.
Vysa was shocked and finding it hard to believe that he would want her along when he met the other houses.
"Won't they ask know about me? Won't that cause you problems?" She asked confused and he just smiled.
"If it was going too then they aren't worth being allies with in the first place." Haron said with a smile. "I am not going to ignore or hide you, you are my sister and a member of this family. If anyone has a problem with that...well in your colourful language...fuck them." Haron told her with a smile.
Vysa honestly was shocked and even felt herself tearing up a little although she would never admit it. She couldn't believe he was willing to jeopardise his chance at becoming Mandalore...over her? She thought with disbelief, no one had ever taken that kind of risk on her behalf before and honestly she was more touched than she could ever put into words.
She only managed to punch him in the shoulder but smiled while she was doing it. He just kept smiling that same stupid grin which only made her feel even more emotional.
Republic Military Command, Coruscant…
The Republic Military Command Centre which for now was still located in the Senate Building till the new headquarters could be finished was in a state of complete chaos.
It seemed like what had been a certain victory was now almost flipped into a growing sense of defeat as not only had all present campaigns stalled but the Separatists had mounted an enormous multi pronged assault on the Republic. A massive wave of droids washed over Republic worlds without end it seemed.
Worse with Duke Ordo gone no-one was really directing the Republic's military strategy any more and Senators were using political capital to instigate campaigns for their own benefit which stretched the clone army even further.
"I know the situation is grim but we are deploying more Jedi to lead on the front lines. So the situation should begin stabilizing soon." Mace Windu said in the command conference but the senators who had included themselves in the meeting scoffed while Admiral Tarkin said with a cold dismissal.
"Yet it doesn't seem to be having much of an effect. Need I remind everyone present that of the different fronts the Jedi have been leading all but a few are collapsing. I think that Duke Ordo was right to selective over just who gets a military position." Admiral Tarkin said with a glance of dismissal. Ki-Adi-Mundi who was attending the meeting with his senior colleague on the Council took immediate offence.
"The Jedi Order have been serving the Republic for thousands of years! We are quite capable of defending it in this war." He said with arrogance to Tarkin who coldly dismissed his statement.
"The results say otherwise, many previously promising campaigns are being lost over the Jedi's inability to lead and conduct this war in a competent manner. Perhaps your order is becoming obsolete and outdated in the current age. Now gentlemen if you excuse me I must attend to a struggle on Haalgar." Tarkin said and walked out the room with his head held high, leaving the Jedi standing there with proverbial egg on their faces and many senators talking among themselves about what Tarkin said.
- x -
The Jedi Temple, Coruscant…
Yoda grimaced as notifications of more Jedi casualties came in from the different fronts, stabbing at his heart over yet more Jedi being lost in this war and not just knights and masters but padawans whose careers had been so full of promise and now it was snuffed out before their time.
He wanted to pull as many back from the front lines as possible and in fact had done so but the Council was fighting his decision leaving him feeling very old and that the Jedi Order was dooming itself with its own pride.
So much potential...squandered Yoda thought sadly.
Which made his efforts to prepare for the worst all the more important he thought, doing his best to reassure himself that he was doing what he could to safeguard the Order's future. Master Sabla was doing her best to copy the different holocrons in the vault but it was slow going and his secret group was currently on the planet Hoth which was isolated and remote enough to easily hide a Jedi Sanctuary if not the most comfortable place Yoda thought knowing how cold that planet was.
But he was starting to believe it was not enough, hence why he had a request to make of the latest member of the Returned as they were becoming known.
He found her in the Room of a Thousand Fountains, meditating in the peaceful setting. Yoda smiled as he made his way towards her. She seemed to sense him and opened her quite enchanting blue eyes and smiled at the sight of her saviour.
"Master Yoda." She said with her smooth and almost musical accent. He nodded kindly at the younger woman who was strangely in a way even older than he was.
"Master Morne. Hope prepared you are for your trip? Hmm? To go home?" Yoda asked her and she smiled sadly.
"Home. The Ossus I knew was lost a long time ago Master Yoda but to see if it has started to recover from the Cron Disaster is worth a trip no matter what I find. Not to mention if it has begun to recover then perhaps it might be usable as a Jedi Sanctuary again. Either way, we won't know until we go there." Celeste said with a hopeful look in her eye.
Yoda smiled, he had found a team of Jedi to go with her to Ossus in secret and see if it was suitable to be a home to the Jedi Order again.
Keller Major, the Outer Rim…
The planet of Keller Major was a vital transport link in moving military equipment and supplies around the battlefields of the Outer Rim and was a position that the Republic could not afford to lose given the current situation especially. To that end the Republic had sent the one general they had who they could count on to deliver victory.
Anakin was as usual leading his troops from the front. His blue lightsaber blazing away as it cut through droids left, right and centre while Ahsoka at his side could barely keep up with her master as he cut his way through the battlefield. Behind them Rex led the clones as they fought the droids with his usual calm and unbreakable confidence.
However a potential problem appeared as the leader of the attack appeared before them.
"Ventress." Anakin said with irritation at the woman's presence. The Dathomiri woman smirked at his anger and said with a smirk as the droids advanced around them.
"Skywalker and his brat. Oh I am going to enjoy this." She said with a smirk while Anakin told Ahsoka.
"Take care of the droids snips. I will handle her." Ahsoka looked like she was going to argue but looking around at the situation she nodded reluctantly and said.
"Yes master." Before going back to cutting down droids.
"Got her so well trained haven't you. It's almost cute, by the way nice armour. Not that it will help you." Asajj said with a cruel smirk, taking a moment to admire his new armour before leaping forward with her twin red lightsabers already lit. Anakin rather than meet her head on though like he might have done before leapt slightly to the side so the strike missed easily before force pushing Ventress hard to the right.
Her eyes widened at the change to their routine and even more so as she was blasted straight off her feet and into a group of B2 droids, she felt the pain in her right arm as it was at best bruised from the hard impact. Staggering to her feet quickly she was met with a blue lightsaber straight in her face which she barely managed to block as Skywalker was on her so fast she could barely keep up with him. She could feel the light and dark sides of the force surging like a storm inside him which was directing all its fury at her. She tried to grab him in a force choke but she felt his own force wall resist the attack in a way she had never seen before.
Sweat was running down her face from the effort and was struggling to understand just how in the hell Skywalker had become so much more powerful in such a short space of time. She was actually becoming scared as she felt the blade of his lightsaber nearly take her head off if she had not managed to step back at the precise moment.
Seeing this duel was going nothing like she had expected and worse that the brat and the clones were now advancing on their position she called out to her droids.
"Shoot him now."
The B2s all turned and started shooting at Skywalker who leapt backwards and began to deflect the blaster fire while the brat came up with the clones behind her to protect Skywalker. Asajj used this as an opportunity to escape and ran for her ship knowing her master was not going to be pleased about this.
- x -
Anakin saw Ventress escape much to his own frustration but also the retreat of the Separatists which made him sigh in relief. This was the second campaign in a week and he was not sure when he and his forces were going to get an opportunity to rest. With all the fighting across the galaxy he had no idea just where they were being sent next.
"Master, are you okay?" Ahsoka asked seeing the dark look cross his face before he made an effort to smile and told her.
"Fine snips. Just wondering where we are going to be sent next." Anakin said with a slight weariness in his voice. A beeping on his comm link seemed almost like fate was answering his question and with a tired sigh.
"Speaking of which." Anakin said before activating it and a hologram of the Chancellor appeared before him and Ahsoka.
"Anakin, I assume you have managed to drive off the Separatists on Keller Major?" Palpatine asked and Anakin nodded.
"Indeed, they are in full retreat."
"Excellent, as always of course." Palpatine said with a smile but then told him. "Unfortunately I have just discovered a large Separatist taskforce led by none other than Nute Gunray himself is heading towards Naboo with the intention of invading again. I have diverted Master Kenobi and his 212th Attack Battlion and four Victory-class Star Destroyers but it will not be enough so I need you to take what forces you have and go join its defence. Senator Amidala has already returned home to help co-ordinate defences." Palpatine said.
The mention of Padmé being there was enough to get Anakin on it straight away but he managed to avoid rushing off and told the Chancellor.
"We will depart for Naboo immediately Chancellor." Anakin said and Palpatine nodded before closing the transmission. Anakin turned to Ahsoka and Rex and told them.
"No time to rest we need to get to Naboo straight away."
"Yes sir, but the men need some down time soon. Even we clones get tired sir." Rex said and Anakin nodded.
"I know the feeling Rex but we are needed at Naboo."
"Yes General." Rex said tired but Ahsoka was more vocal about her own worries.
"Master, the clones are getting real tired. They really need some down time!" Ahsoka said and Anakin nodded sadly.
"I know Ahsoka but we all do but until this Separatist push is blunted that isn't going to happen." Anakin told her. "At least they can rest on the way to Naboo, in the meantime though we're going to craft you some force armour." He told her.
Ahsoka blinked before suddenly becoming excited.
"Really like yours?" She asked him, having loved the force armour her master had crafted with Master Tuwan and now her master offering to help her craft her own.
"It will be shaped to your requirements but it might be like mine, we'll see." Anakin said before walking with her to the gunship that would return them to the Resolute.
- x -
As the ships raced towards Naboo, Anakin and Ahsoka both sat cross-legged in the middle of an empty room with a pile of materials and cloth between them.
"Now, first thing you need to remember is that with the Force anything is possible. You have to let go of what you believe is possible and let the force guide you to where you need to be. Now close your eyes and let the force flow through you. Let the image of the armour form in your mind." Anakin told her, now being the mentor rather than the student, guiding Ahsoka as Tuwan had guided him.
The force began to build in the room as with his guidance Ahsoka let the force flow from her to the materials in front of her.
"Let all your emotions and thoughts flow free, hold nothing back so the armour can be truly be yours and in tune with the person you are." Anakin told her gently. The two sat there for hours as the materials were shaped by the force between them. Ahsoka had never delved so deeply into the force before and the incredible sensations and sheer power of it was both humbling and awe inspiring as she considered just how small they all were compared to the force and how much about it they still had to learn.
Finally though, just as over half a day had passed they opened their eyes and Ahsoka saw just what she had created.
It was a clearly a combat outfit that was tight fitting but flexible enough that Ahsoka would be able to move easily, it had a tunic without sleeves in dark orange and crimson with golden trimmings as were the leggings that came with it. Gauntlets and boots which rose to her knees with similar colours lay next to them but had grey armour plates covering them.
Ahsoka was wide eyed as she picked up what she had created and looked at them with awe as she felt the force inside them. She quickly changed into the new outfit and smiled with amazement as she felt in heighten her connection to the force and how well it fitted her yet was so comfortable.
"I guess you are a fan of Satele Shan?" Anakin asked with amusement as he realised that despite some differences in colour Ahsoka's force armour greatly resembled the outfit that the legendary Grand Master was known for wearing. Ahsoka blushed a little before saying.
"When I was a youngling in the temple she was one of my favourites. I always dreamed I could be like her."
Anakin smiled, never having known that about her but was glad to. Ahsoka had quickly become one of the most important figures in his life and he was glad to have her with him and share with her all he knew. Checking the chrono he saw that they still had a few hours before their arrival on Naboo he told her.
"Let's get something to eat and then we'll do some sparring to see how well that new armour of yours handles." He told her and she smiled, eager to test it out.
Reijar, Ordo System…
Haron sighed as he prepared himself to welcome Duke Ijaa Yusagi who would soon be joining him for the expedition to visit all the other houses. All the clans were sending a group of their warriors to bolster the procession and to impress them with Ordo's power a small squadron so ships would be used rather than just one.
He knew the importance of this but it was still annoying to have to leave home once again when he had only just got back and he was going to miss more of his children growing up. That infuriated him more than anything. He wanted to punch the wall with frustration but restrained himself so he didn't end up breaking his hand.
While he waited for the older Duke to arrive Haron went to check the notifications from his stock portfolio. All his investments were doing well he saw with satisfaction especially those that benefited from military contracts like Incom and Koensayr. Incom especially was doing very well as Republic Special Forces were starting to use the U-Wing while orders for the ARC-170 and the Z-95 Headhunter were rising with the need to increase and replace equipment during the rising war.
He read into Incom's notifications and saw they were apparently with the increased capital starting a new project that would apparently combine the best elements of the two other fighter designs, so far not much about it had been done yet it was only known as the 'X' project.
Haron smiled as he saw profits rising but also sent a request to Ordo's own design team for a possible conversion of the U-Wing. While it was a very decent gunship it might be useful in another capacity if the aft compartment was converted and a hatch put in the front for the pilots. This way the aft compartment could be turned into a bomb bay if a ventral door was put in underneath it to drop them through.
Or alternatively they could put in two forward missile/torpedo launchers connected to a magazine at the back. Both would give their forces a dedicated bomber which could move in space and atmosphere at considerable speed and with good protection. However to produce the amount of parts the hidden and public shipyards were going to need to get them ready within two years Haron was going to have to order the use of the factories on Iokath. Hostile droids were still very high in number around there which was why they hadn't been willing to do it before now but with the Skytroopers now being constructed along with the worker droids they had the means to defend the workers and clear out those areas. This would also be a big help in getting the Dreadnaughts refitted into usable condition.
He shut down the terminal and making sure his armour was in order he left the room to head down to the landing strip where the other Duke was soon to arrive.
Seeing the procession standing there to greet Ijaa Haron caught the eyes of the different leaders present, many from his own clans like Lom Caldera and Jor Vortena who was leading their new warriors from Zakuul. They looked the part of Mandalorians at least Haron thought with a smile, wearing their armour well. It was even partly beskar as an asteroid with a small vein of it had been discovered in the Zakuul system. Not a huge load but enough to give at least some of their warriors good quality armour even if it wasn't the best. He had a team of experts tracking the asteroid in the hopes they might find more but he was doubtful.
Giving each of the unit leaders from each of the clans a nod of greeting he was rewarded with looks of awe when two of the new Basilisk war droids lumbered into view to form part of the honour guard.
Looking at them Haron was proud of the work the scientists had done, making a mental note to ensure they were duly rewarded for their hard work. The droids not only carried all the equipment the old ones like the heavy armour, mechanical claws, shock-wave generator rods, rapid fire laser cannons, thrusters for flight and strong sensor clusters but his engineers had added micro-missile/grenade launchers and a deployable defence shield.
The assembled warriors look looked at them in awe and Haron smiled at their enjoyment, they would he hoped be a good way to impress the other houses.
The honour guard came to attention as the gunship carrying the duke descended and landed on the field. The landing ramp dropped and Duke Ijaa Yusagi stepped out followed by a group of his warriors in their Samurai themed armour. Haron and his warriors bowed to greet them, Ijaa and his warriors bowed in return.
"Welcome Duke Yusagi, thank you for your offer to accompany us on our journey." Haron told him as the man approached, both wearing their helmets as was the custom. Ijaa took his off and Haron did the same before Ijaa spoke.
"My role here Duke Ordo is to see for myself if you are the one to lead us. I and the others will have tasks or tests for you to perform so you can prove yourself to us. It will not be easy nor will that mask get you half as far as you expect." Ijaa said, Haron despite the words was not fazed and told Duke Ijaa.
"I was already expecting that, you might be more aware of all the other houses and their practices than I but I am not that ignorant. Just as I know you expect me to carry out your house's tradition of creating a beskad albeit without actual beskar since it is so rare." Haron told him.
Ijaa looked at him without anger but with judgemental eyes, assessing his worth and commitment before nodding in acceptance.
"Then perhaps you might succeed. What material are you going to make your blade out of?" He asked him sternly.
"Since I have faced lightsaber wielding opponents in the past and well may need to in the future, I have decided to create my beskad sword out of phrik as a substitute to beskar." Haron told him and Ijaa looked surprised but intrigued as phrik was very expensive but perhaps even more durable than beskar itself. It was also relatively easy to shape into what shape you wanted and more accessible.
"Then I will enjoy watching you complete the process, if I might ask though just what ship will we be travelling in? If it is to be in the transports we will need many of them for such a number of people." He said looking at over the warriors although his eyes were drawn to the Basilisks. He smiled a little at that.
"Since this will be a long journey and we have no real idea of just what tasks might have to be completed we will be taking one of the best ships House Ordo has. Allow me to show you since it is waiting in orbit." Haron said as he walked over to his ship, smirking as he knew Ijaa would not be expecting this.
The transport took off, followed shortly after by other transports carrying the rest of the procession led by Haron's own ship.
Haron standing in the cockpit of the ship saw the large Lucrehulk in the distance, flanked by two of the Dreadnaughts and four Crusader-class corvettes. The Lucrehulk had the dark green paint job that identified it as House Ordo's and was in fact the first they had captured during the Separatist raids.
The transports flew into its enormous hanger bay were lines of other transports sat alongside ARC-170s, Fang-class Interceptors and Y-Wings. A freshly built sister ship to the Ordo's Revenge, the Star Chaser was sat in there too in case a cloaking device was needed.
Mandalorian personnel milled around all the ships to ensure they were maintained and ready to go.
As they disembarked from their transports Ijaa looked around having never been inside one of these massive ships before and nodded in approval.
"Good, showing what you and your family have taken is a statement of strength. They will take you more seriously now." Ijaa said with a neutral voice.
Din and Vysa who had been already aboard preparing for their departure walked up to them. Din, being well trained in protocol by now bowed in greeting while Vysa who was still unsure if she should come awkwardly did the same.
"Duke Yusagi, allow me to introduce my ward Din Djarin who you have already met and my half sister Vysa Mortegsen." Haron said with pride. Din quietly received a slight bow in turn from the old duke before Ijaa turned to Vysa with questioning eyes.
"I was unaware you had another sister. I was aware only of the other two." Ijaa said and Vysa's eyes widened with nerves as she considered just what the hell she was supposed to say before Haron did what she had not expected and told the unvarnished truth.
"She is the daughter of my father's mistress." He said sadly before reaching over and taking her hand to give it a slight squeeze in reassurance. "My father was as you know broke many of the tenets of our people and banished Vysa's mother from our home before she was born to try and cover his shame. We only learned of each other recently but I already consider her a member of my family and will be honoured when she is ready to do the same." Haron said with a kind smile that Vysa thankfully returned while looking at the Duke with worried eyes. Normally she wouldn't care what he thought but was worried that Haron might suffer if he did not like what he heard.
Ijaa after considering them all for a moment however nodded in approval.
"Then you are both far better people than he was and young Din is lucky to have you. This journey promises to be an educational one." He told him. "Now let us create your sword."
Haron nodded while both Vysa and Din looked a little proud of themselves and relaxed as the stern Duke gave them his unofficial blessing.