HP (AU) : Wizard with a Mutation

Chapter 17: Wizard with a Mutation : Chapter 17

Disclaimer - The rights of the respective characters are with their respective owners. I don't mean to violate their intellectual property rights and thus, only my original characters are my IP. 

Wizengamot Gallery, Magical Britain [1980]

–Scott Winters–

Amidst great cheers, he saw the world around Lucious Malfoy crumble down, in an instant as the votes were counted and he had lost, not by a lot, by a single vote, but he had lost. For a bill like this, that sought to not just add a new law but also to repeal and replace multiple existing laws, they needed 2/3rd of the seats voting for the bill.

To be exact, they needed 34 votes to win. Now, he could see that Malfoy had done a lot of groundwork in preparation for this vote and he most certainly had expected 34 votes but as it turned out, reality was a lot harsher than dreams.

His eyes narrowed as he saw Lucious stand up, trembling with fury as his gaze was locked on to…Nathaniel Winters

His pupils dilated as he realised something. His uncle had voted against this bill. IT made sense since Nathaniel had a lot of holdings outside the Magical World and this bill, among many other things, would seek to control the movements or interactions of wizards with the No-Maj, a huge No-No in business.

He saw that DUmbledore had not yet left the chambers, instead talking with an assortment of light oriented families who were all smiles as they cheered the destruction of yet another bill that would have classified those born without magical parents as second class citizens, or in the case of the No-Maj, little more than animals.

He wondered if they knew that they would almost certainly face retaliation for this. That was why he had expected Lucious to glare at them, direct his killing intent at them but apparently, he was wrong. Somehow, Lucious was most angry at Nathaniel, instead of the light families.

With a no doubt supreme effort, Lucious tore his gaze away from Nathaniel's cold daring eyes and stomped out of the chambers, the rest of the Dark Faction following behind with uncertain steps.

He sighed and headed straight for the exit, knowing that he would have to establish contact with Nathaniel today. He had the address from day one but he had been hesitating to go straight to their home, it felt oddly personal and he did not feel like their relationship allowed for that.

But now? He was almost certain that the Winters family would get attacked somewhere, sometime by the Dark Faction, simply because his uncle voted against the bill. Clutching the copy of the failed bill in his hand and the identity card allotted to him at the entrance, he exited the galleria and went to the same Ministry employee who gave him the ID card, presumably to submit the ID card as well.

There was a line, and as expected, the Ministry employee was being so efficient that it beggared belief.

He was third in line when he heard a voice speak directly into his head.

'You should not have come here, Scott.'

His neck whipped around as he tried to trace the source of the transmission. 

'Don't bother. This is not the same as normal mind magic. This is something far more advanced, something otherworldly, like your powers.'

'What are you talking about, how can you speak directly into my head like that?' The voice was Nathaniel, who was somehow speaking directly into his mind. He was sure that his shields had not been breached and more capable wizards, wizards who had dedicated their life to the mind arts had not been able to breach his shields, so Nathaniel doing so was out of the question.

'I am not reading your mind if that is what you are worried about. Think of it as nothing more than a speaker and a microphone, in muggle terms.' Nathaniel snorted, even as he looked around, craning his neck to see if Nathaniel was in sight or not.

'What is this? And Why didn't you tell me anything about it? What is going on?' He hissed through the mental link, as he hastily gave his ID card to the ministry employee who quickly swiped it and allowed him to exit the Ministry.

'Not here, not like this. Come to the Winters family Manor, tomorrow morning at 8:00 Am sharp.' The voice then faded away, no matter how many times he tried to call out to Nathaniel, he did not respond.

He had half a mind to just barge into the Ministry and ask him point blank but that would not go over well. He was not that hot headed. So, stifling a sigh, he headed to the Ministry exit that would lead to the public area of London.

It was lunch time and while he was not hungry, he needed the food because he was not going to stop his training just because he was in a foreign land. Already he had missed over three days of his training which was a sin in his dictionary.

He smiled as he bit into the absolutely greasy American Cheeseburger along with fries that the McDonalds here sold. He had to travel over half an hour for this but it was so worth it, he thought to himself as he finished his first burger within seconds.

After eating three large burgers, two large orders of fries, one sandwich, and two cokes, he finally burped, feeling sated. Ah, it was awesome being a wizard. Especially one that also trained physically as well as magically.

He smiled as he thought of the fact that just a single session of his heavy duty training would almost creatine erase all these calories, without any side effects on his body. Ah, the wonders of extremely high metabolism. Though, considering that for most of human history, wizards as well as humans had to hunt for food since it was always in scarcity, he sobered up as he would have been a goner in that time period, or would have had to establish himself as a cruel warlord who hoarded all the food.

"Thank you," He said to the doorman as he exited the chain and came out to inhale the fresh-ish air of London. Well, it certainly beats LA with its brown smog.

He had located a patch of forest nearby that would be perfect for his training, provided he cleaned up afterward, which took more time than it took to train. It was remote as well as hidden away under large trees, along with having no discernible path meant that he could train there remotely.

With a sigh, he headed into an alley, ignoring the three people who were tailing him, No-Maj thieves and twirled on the spot, disappearing with a crack, and reappearing right in the middle of the clearing he had created the other day.

He cracked his knuckles and patted his semi bloated belly, ready to do this.

Seeing that the enchantments be cast yesterday to isolate this whole space were fine, he snapped his fingers, and a single beam of light was emitted from the back of his head, hitting a specific spot in the enchantments that acted as a diffuser, that dispersed his lasers across the sphere of enchantments that he had created. 

It was difficult to modulate the output because his lasers would always burn through most magic but that was once again, a training in and of itself.

Whipping out his wand, he closed his eyes and imagined his opponent to be Charles, the most accomplished ArchMage he had ever fought against, and with a chain combo spell, began the training.

The spells harmlessly splashed against his lasers as he cast spell after spell at the imaginary opponent all the while maintaining his laser output, so as to not burn down the whole isolation sphere.

It was good training.


–Lucius Malfoy–

"So, Lucious, I've been informed of your defeat." He trembled, prostrating at the Dark lord's feet as he had come to this meeting he dreaded the most. Even in his own house, he was not safe.

Getting his teeth, he sought to defend his actions, to tell the Dark Lord it was not his fault but the second he opened his mouth, "Crucio!" Pain wracked his entire body as his vision swam, his nerves lighting up on fire as the worst kind of pain assaulted his mind and body.

After what felt like an eternity, the pain stopped, "I told you Lucious. The civilised way will not work, not with the sheep being led around by Dumbledore. We have to take what is rightfully ours and if in the process, some blood is spilled, so be it."

His blood chilled at the casual disregard of pure blood being spilled in this fight. Isn't that what they were fighting for? To save their culture? Their noble dogma? The pureblood families?

At that moment, as he was face down into the ground, prostrating at the Dark Lord's feet, even with his trembling body, he realised that his father was right. His father predicted something like this would happen. His father warned him before his death that the Dark Lord was not what he seemed, that they would stand to lose far more pure blood through the Dark Lord's actions than they did through the filthy muggles.

"So, Lucious," His attention was brought back to the present, and with that, the pain came as well, "Why did you lose? I thought you had all the votes you needed and some."

He grit his teeth, the teachings from his father holding him back from implicating any more pure blooded families but the pain at the moment telling him that if he didn't do something, he was going to leave with more than some temporary pain spasms.

"The Winters Family." So, he spat out, he threw them under the bus. Even though Nathaniel did betray him, he did not want his family line to be erased, which is what he feared would happen.

"Hmm, Nathaniel Winters. They are but a minor family. Why would they not heed your advice, Lucious?" The voice was soft, whisper-like but he knew it contained unbound bloodlust.

"M-My Lord, they have businesses with the muggles. They make their income, primarily from muggle fishing. Also, they are highly respected within the Grey Faction, his vote turned the tide of the Grey Faction my Lord."

"Hmm. I see. Prepare the men, Lucious. I think the world has forgotten that the Dark Lord still exists. It is time to instill my fear in lesser men, once again. Gather everyone. By tomorrow night, the Winters Family shall be no more."

He closed his eyes in defeat, silently mourning the Winters Family and more importantly, the loss of yet another pureblooded family to the monster in front of him.

Yet, he couldn't show that to the monster. When he opened his eyes, all that was left was anger and cold determination, as he stood up, nodded at the Dark Lord, and left the room with trembling limbs.

He knew that the Dark Lord drew a perverse pleasure from seeing him, Lord Malfoy, the rightful owner of the Manor, walk away with an injured body with nobody to help him.

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Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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