HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 922

Chapter 905 Accompany Harry Potter through the years

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However, things are not that bad.

Harry and the others were obviously a little flustered, or they were not in the mood to take care of other things, he took a sigh of relief and left.

At almost the same time, Jon walked out of the void, and magic and memory were transmitted into Snape’s body together.

The world tree unfolded in his eyes, the power of life was transmitted to Snape’s body, and then he suddenly breathed.

People have come alive.

There are no other problems, he will handle these things by himself.

[Snape’s finale·over]

Jon knocked a board in his heart and walked out from here.

The important thing now is to look at Harry.

Harry was lying on the floor of the office with a dirty carpet on his face. He used to think he was here to learn the secret of victory.

Harry finally understood that he would not survive.

His task is to calmly walk towards Death’s open arms.

On this road, he had to remove the last connection between Voldemort and life.

In this way, when he finally rushes to face Voldemort and does not use a magic wand to protect himself, the ending will be clean and thorough, and the work that should have been done as early as in Godric Valley will truly end: no one can survive, no one can survive.

He felt his heart beating violently in his chest.

How strange, he had a fear of death, yet his heart beats extremely powerfully, bravely sustaining his life.

But it had to stop, and soon it had to stop.

It won’t jump too many times.

When he stood up, crossed the castle for the last time, walked through the playground, and entered the forbidden forest, how many times could his heart beat during this period?

He lay on the floor, a tide of fear, and the drums of the funeral rang in his heart.

Does death hurt?

How many times did he think that death was imminent and escaped by chance, but never really thought about death itself.

His desire to live is always stronger than his fear of death.

But now he did not expect to run away, to get rid of Voldemort’s claws.

He knew that everything was over, and there was only one thing left: death.

It would be great if he died on the summer night when he left No. 4 Privet Road for the last time, but the noble phoenix feather wand saved him!

It would be great if he could die like Hedwig, suddenly killed unknowingly!

Or, if he could stand in front of his magic wand desperately in order to save his beloved…He was even jealous of his parents at this moment.

It takes a different kind of courage to walk calmly and calmly toward your own destruction.

He felt his fingers trembling slightly, but he tried to control, although no one could see, the portraits on the wall were empty.

Slowly, very slowly, he sat up, and at this time he felt more alive than ever before, and more clearly aware that he had a living body.

How did he never realize what a miracle he is: mind, nerves, and beating heart?

Everything will leave…At least, he will leave it all.

His breathing is slow and heavy, his mouth and throat are very dry, but his eyes are also dry.

Dumbledore’s deception was nothing.

Of course there was a bigger plan, but Harry was too stupid to see it.

He finally understands now.

He had always taken it for granted and never doubted that Dumbledore wanted him to live.

Now he knew that the length of his life was always determined by how long it took to eliminate all Horcruxes.

Dumbledore entrusted him with the task of destroying the Horcrux, and he obediently continued to weaken the bond that not only connected Voldemort’s life, but also his own life!

How succinct and simple, don’t waste more lives, and give this dangerous task to a boy who is destined to die. His death will not be a disaster, but another blow to Voldemort.

Dumbledore knew that Harry would not escape, that he would go to the end, even though that was his end, because Dumbledore had tried to understand Harry.

Isn’t it?

Voldemort knew, and Dumbledore knew that once Harry discovered that he had the power to stop him, he would not let others die for him.

The scene of Fred, Lupin, and Tonks lying in the auditorium squeezed into Harry’s mind, making him breathless for a while: Death can’t wait…

But Dumbledore overestimated him. He failed, the snake is still alive.

Even if Harry was killed, there was still a Horcrux that tied Voldemort to the world.

Of course, that means it will be easier for others to succeed.

Who would do this, he guessed… Ron and Hermione must know what needs to be done… so Dumbledore wanted him to reveal the secret to them both…

In this way, if he realizes his true destiny earlier, they can continue…

Like raindrops hitting the cold window, these thoughts smashed into that hard and undeniable fact, the fact is that he must die. I must die. The matter must end.

Ron and Hermione seemed to be far, far away, in a remote country. He felt that he had been separated from them for a long time. Don’t say goodbye, don’t explain, he has made up his mind. This is a journey where they can’t travel together, they will try to stop him, it will only waste precious time. He looked down at the deformed gold watch he got on his seventeenth birthday. Nearly half an hour had passed since Voldemort had ordered him to surrender.

Harry stood up, heart like a crazy bird, hitting his chest violently. Maybe it knows that time is running out, maybe it decides to complete the beating of a lifetime before it ends. Harry didn’t look back and closed the office door.

The castle is empty. He walked alone, feeling like a ghost, as if he was dead. The portraits in those frames are still empty, and the whole school is a weird silence. It seems that all the remaining lives are concentrated in the auditorium, where the dead and mourners are crowded.

Harry put the invisibility cloak on him, walked down one floor, and finally followed the marble staircase to the hall. Perhaps, in a small corner of his heart, he hoped that someone would feel him, see him, and stop him, but the invisibility cloak was as perfect as ever, and he walked to the door easily.

Suddenly, Neville almost hit him. Neville moved into a corpse from the playground with another person. Harry looked down and felt like he had been hit again: Colin Creevey. He was not old enough, he must have sneaked back like Malfoy, Crabbe, and Gore. He looked so young when he died.

“Listen to me, Neville, I can move him alone.” Oliver Wood said, carrying Colin on his shoulders like a firefighter and walking into the auditorium.

Neville leaned on the door frame for a while and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. He looked like an old man. Then he walked down the steps again, looking for other bodies in the dark.

Harry glanced at the entrance of the auditorium one last time. People walked up and down, comforting each other, drinking, and kneeling beside the dead, but he couldn’t see the one he loved, no Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and the rest of the Weasley family, nor Luna. He felt willing to spend all the remaining time in exchange for one last look at them, but if that were the case, would he still have the perseverance to look away? It’s better this way.

He walked down the steps and into the dark outside. It was almost four in the morning, and the deathly silent playground seemed to hold his breath, waiting to see if he would do what he had to do.

Harry walked towards Neville, who was leaning over to look at the other body.


“Oh my God, Harry, you almost scared me to death!”

Harry had taken off the invisibility cloak. This idea came up suddenly, because he wanted to make sure nothing went wrong.

“Where are you going alone?” Neville asked suspiciously.

“This is also part of the plan,” Harry said. “I’m going to do something. Listen to me-Neville -”

“Harry!” Neville suddenly looked scared and said, “Harry, don’t you want to hand over yourself?”

“No,” Harry lied casually, “Of course it’s not… it’s something else. But I may be missing for a while. Neville, do you know Voldemort’s snake? He has a very big snake… called As Nagini…”

“Yes, I’ve heard…what’s the matter?”

“It must be killed. Ron and Hermione know, but in case they—”

This possibility was so terrible that he couldn’t breathe for a while and couldn’t continue talking. But he cheered up again: it was vital, he had to keep his head as cool as Dumbledore, to make sure that someone replaced him, and that someone else would carry on the task. When Dumbledore died, he knew that there were still three people who knew about Horcrux, and now Neville would replace Harry, so that three people still knew the story.

“In case they are—very busy—and you have a chance—”

“Kill the snake?”

“Kill the snake.” Harry repeated.

“Okay, Harry. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Thank you, Neville.”

Just as Harry turned to leave, Neville grabbed his wrist.

“We’ll all fight, Harry. Did you know?”

“know me-”

The feeling of suffocation made the second half of the sentence choke in his throat, and he couldn’t continue. Neville didn’t seem to notice Harry’s anomaly. He patted Harry on the shoulder, released him, and walked away to look for other bodies.

Harry put the invisibility cloak on him again and continued on. Someone was moving not far away, bending over to look at a figure lying on the ground. When they were a few steps apart, Harry recognized that it was Ginny.

He stopped abruptly. Ginny leaned over to comfort a girl who whispered her mother.

“It’s okay,” Ginny said, “It doesn’t matter. We’ll take you in now.”

“But I want to go home,” the girl whispered, “I don’t want to fight anymore!”

“I know,” Ginny said, her voice choked. “It will pass.”

Waves of chill passed over Harry’s skin. He wanted to shout at the night, he wanted Ginny to know that he was here, and he wanted Ginny to know where he was going. He wanted to be stopped, dragged back, sent home…

However, he is at home now. Hogwarts was the first home he knew, the best home. Abandoned boys like him, Voldemort and Snape have all found a home here…

Ginny knelt beside the injured girl and grabbed her hand. Harry forced himself to go forward with great perseverance. He seemed to see Ginny looking around as he passed by, wondering if she felt someone walking by, but Harry didn’t speak or look back.

Hagrid’s cabin emerged in the darkness. There is no light, and I can’t hear the sound of Yaya scratching and barking at the door to express welcome. Having visited Hagrid so many times, the shiny copper pots on the fire, rock cakes, giant grubs, and Hagrid’s huge, shaggy face, Ron spit out a slug, Hermione helped Hagrid Save Norbert…

Harry continued to walk forward, and now he was at the edge of the forest. He stopped.

A group of dementors wandered among the trees. He felt their chill and wondered if he could pass safely. He has no power to summon the patron saint. He could no longer control his trembling body. It seems that death is not so easy. Every second he breathed, the fragrance of the green grass and the feeling of the cool breeze on his cheeks were so precious. Thinking that other people still have many years to squander, there is too much time to pass, and he, every second is so hard to give up. He thought he couldn’t go any further, and at the same time he knew he had to go. This long game is over. The Golden Snitch has been caught and should leave the air…

Snitch. He fumbled for a while with his weak fingers in the leather bag hanging around his neck, and took it out.

I opened at the end.

Harry stared down at the Snitch, breathing quickly and heavily. Now he hopes that time passes as slowly as possible, but time seems to speed up, he seems to have no thoughts, and he suddenly sees out. This is the end. it’s time.

He put the golden metal surface on his lips and said softly, “I’m going to die.”

The metal shell cracked.

Harry dropped his trembling hands, raised Draco’s wand under the invisibility cloak, and whispered: “The fluorescence flickers.”

Among the snatches split in half, it was the black stone with a tooth-like crack in the middle.

The cracks in the resurrection stone run straight down along the mark representing the old wand, while the triangle and circle representing the invisibility cloak and the stone are still clearly identifiable.

Harry had another epiphany.

It is no longer important to resurrect the dead, because he will become one of them. In fact, it is not he who is calling them, but they are calling him.

He closed his eyes and turned the stone in his hand three times.

He knew there was a result, because he heard a slight movement around him, like some weak bodies moving on the dirt scattered on the branches of the forest. He opened his eyes and looked around.

He saw that they were neither ghosts nor living people. They are more like the Riddle who escaped from the diary a long time ago, like memories that have almost become physical. They are not as real as living human bodies, but much more real than ghosts. They walked towards him, with that kind smile on each face.

James was as tall as Harry, dressed in the clothes he had when he died, his hair was messy, and his glasses were a bit crooked, just like Mr. Weasley.

Sirius was tall and handsome, much younger than Harry had seen when he was alive. He walked slowly, with his hands in his pockets, with a smile on his face.

Lupin is also younger, not as sloppy as later, and his hair is darker and denser. Returning to this familiar place, returning to the environment where he wandered many times in his youth, he seemed very happy.

Lily is the happiest smile among them. She brushed her long hair behind her head and approached Harry, her green eyes that were exactly the same as Harry, looking at Harry’s face eagerly, as if she would never be able to see enough.

“You are so brave.”

Harry was speechless. He looked at his mother heartily, as if willing to stand here and watch her forever, he thought that was enough.

“You’re a little close,” James said, “it’s very close. We are… so proud of you.”

“Does it hurt?”

The childish question came out, and it was too late for Harry to stop.

“Death? It doesn’t hurt at all,” Sirius said. “It’s faster and easier than falling asleep.”

“He will make a quick decision, and he hopes to end it quickly,” Lupin said.

“I don’t want you to die,” Harry said, and words came out involuntarily. “Every one of you. I’m sad—”

This was more to Lupin, and he begged his forgiveness.

“—You just had a son… Remus, I’m sad—”

“I am also sad,” Lupin said. “I am so sad that I can no longer raise him…but he will know why I died, and I hope he can understand. I want to create a better world and let him live a better life. Happier.”

A cold breeze seemed to be blowing from the middle of the forest, shaking the hair on Harry’s forehead. He knew they would not tell him to move forward, he had to make his own decision.

“You will be with me?”

“Until the end.” James said.

“They can’t see you?” Harry asked.

“We are a part of you,” Sirius said. “No one else can see.”

Harry looked at his mother.

“Stay by my side.” He said softly.

He left. The Dementor’s chill did not conquer him. He traveled through the chill with his relatives, who were like his patron saint. Together they strode through the dense, messy, intertwined old trees. In the darkness, Harry wrapped the invisibility cloak tightly around him and walked into the depths of the forbidden forest step by step. He didn’t know where Voldemort was, but he believed he would be found. James, Sirius, Lupin, and Lily walked silently beside him. Their company gave him courage and was the reason why he was able to move forward step by step.

His body and mind seem to have lost contact strangely, his consciousness did not give instructions, and his limbs moved automatically, as if he was just a passenger in the body he was about to leave, not a driver. At this moment, he felt that compared to those living in the castle, the dead who walked with him in the forbidden forest were much more real. Ron, Hermione, Ginny and all the others were like ghosts, and he was Staggering, step by step towards the end of life, towards Voldemort…

There was a bang, followed by a whisper. There are other living creatures moving nearby. Harry stopped under the invisibility cloak, looked left and right, and listened. Mother, father, Lupin and Sirius also stopped.

“There are people there,” whispered a rough voice nearby, “Wearing an invisibility cloak, would it be—?”

Two figures flashed behind a tree next to it. UU reading www.uukanshu.com Their wands were shining, and Harry saw Yaxley and Dolohov stare into the darkness, facing Harry, his parents, Sirius, and Lupin. Obviously they can’t see anything.

“I must have heard something,” Yaxley said. “It’s an animal, right?”

“That idiot Hagrid kept a lot of trash here,” Dolohov said, twisting.

Yaxley looked down at his watch.

“Time is almost up. Potter’s hour is up, and he won’t be here.”

“He thought he would come! He would be unhappy.”

“It’s better to go back,” Yaxley said, “Look at the plan below.”

He and Dolohov turned and walked towards the depths of the forbidden forest, and Harry followed, knowing they would lead him where he wanted to go. He glanced to the side, his mother looked at him with a smile, and his father nodded encouragingly.

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