HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 909

Chapter 893 Maybe it was an accident

The night is wet and windy.

Two children dressed as pumpkins swayed across the square, and the shop windows were full of paper spiders, all tacky Muggle accessories, decorated with a world they didn’t believe in…

He walks freely, with the sense of purpose, power and correctness that he always spontaneously arises on such occasions…

It’s not anger…that’s only for a soul weaker than him…

It’s victory, yes… He has been waiting for this moment, looking forward to this moment…

“The makeup is beautiful, sir!”

A little boy ran over and looked down the cloak hood, his smile hesitated, and fear enveloped his painted face.

The kid turned and ran away… His hand under the robe grabbed the wand…

As long as a little movement, the child will never be able to run to his mother…

But there is no need, no need at all…

He was walking on a new, darker street, and his destination finally appeared before his eyes. The Curse of Courageous Faith has been broken, but they still don’t know…

His voice was lighter than the dead leaves sliding on the road, and he quietly walked to the dark hedge and looked inside…

They did not close the curtains. He clearly saw that they were in the small living room. The tall, dark-haired man with eyes was spraying bursts of colored smoke with his magic wand to tease the little black-haired boy in blue pajamas. Happy.

The kid giggled and grabbed the smoke, pinched it in his small fist…

A door opened, and the mother walked in, saying things he couldn’t hear, her long crimson hair hanging down beside her face.

The father picked up his son and gave it to his mother, then threw his wand on the sofa, stretched his waist and yawned…

The door rang softly and was pushed open by him, but James Potter didn’t hear it.

The pale hand drew the wand from under the cloak, pointed at the door, and it slammed open.

When he crossed the threshold, James rushed into the hall, so relaxed, so relaxed, James didn’t even pick up the wand…

“Lily, take Harry and go! It’s him! Go! Run! I’ll stop him—”

blocked him, there was no magic wand in his hand…

He laughed, then cast a spell…

“Killing Curse!”

The green light flooded the narrow hallway, illuminating the stroller leaning against the wall, the stair railing was as bright as a lightning rod, and James Potter fell down like a broken puppet…

He heard her screaming upstairs, and there was no way to escape, but as long as she had a bit of head, at least she didn’t need to be afraid…

He climbed up the stairs and felt a little funny when he heard her trying to block himself with something…

She didn’t wear a magic wand either…

How stupid they are, how gullible they are, thinking that they can entrust their safety to their friends, thinking that they can throw away their weapons, even for a short while…

He banged open the door, lazily waved his wand, and threw aside the chairs and boxes she had hurriedly piled up behind the door…

She stood there, holding the child in her arms.

As soon as she saw him, she put her son in the cradle behind her, opened her arms as if it was of any use, as if she hoped to block the child and he could choose her instead…

“Don’t kill Harry, don’t kill Harry, please, don’t kill Harry!”

“Go away, stupid woman… Go away…”

“Don’t kill Harry, please, kill me, kill me—”

“The last time I warned——”

“Don’t kill Harry, please…send mercy…send mercy…

Don’t kill Harry! Don’t kill Harry!

Please-I can do anything -”

“Go away——Go away, woman——”

He could have pushed her away from the cradle, but it seems safer to kill all…

Green light flashed in the room, and she fell down like her husband.

The child has not cried: he can stand, clutching the fence of the cradle, looking up at the intruder’s face with interest, perhaps thinking that it was his father hiding in the cloak, making more beautiful fireworks, and his mother laughing at any time Jumped up–

He pointed his wand very carefully on the little boy’s face. He wanted to watch it happen with his own eyes, and watch to destroy the only unexplainable danger.

The child cried, already knowing that he is not James.

He doesn’t like this cry, he has never been able to stand the cry of the children in the orphanage——

“Killing Curse!”

Then he shattered: he was nothing, only painful fear, he must hide, not in the ruins of this house, the child was still trapped inside crying, and must hide far… far away of……

“Do not.”

The snake slid on the dirty and messy floor. He killed the boy, but he was the boy…

“Do not……”

Now he was standing in front of the broken window of Bathilda’s house, immersed in the memory of his biggest failure. At his feet, the big snake slipped over the broken glass of porcelain… He lowered his head and saw something …An incredible thing…

“Do not……”

“Harry, it’s okay, you’re okay!”

He leaned over and picked up the broken photo. It was him—the unknown thief, the thief he had been looking for…

“No… I lost it… I lost it…”

“Harry, it’s okay, wake up, wake up!”

He is Harry… Harry, not Voldemort… the rustling thing is not a snake…

He opened his eyes.

The memory is terminated and the screen pauses.

Backtracking ends here.

Hermione put the wand in her hand, she knew what would happen next, and now she had to change her emotions.

“Harry,” Hermione whispered, “Do you think it’s still—are you okay?”

“It’s okay.”

He obviously didn’t tell the truth, Hermione could tell.

They were in the tent, and Harry was lying on a lower bunk under a pile of blankets.

From the surrounding silence and the faint cold light on the canvas canopy, it can be seen that the sky is about to break.

Harry was soaked in sweat, he could feel it on the sheets and blankets.

“We escaped.”

“Yes,” Hermione said, “I used a hovering spell to get you to the bed. I can’t move you.

You just…well, you weren’t big just now…”

There was a purple shade under her brown eyes, and Harry saw a small sponge in her hand: she was wiping his face just now.

“You are sick,” Hermione said at last, “very sick.”

“How long have we escaped?”

“It’s been several hours, it’s almost morning now.”

“I have been…why, unconscious?”

“not completely,”

Hermione said unnaturally, “You yelled for a while, moaned for a while, and…wait.”

Hermione’s tone made Harry feel very upset. What did he do?

Shouting spells like Voldemort?

cry like a baby in the cradle?

“I can’t take the Horcrux from you,” Hermione said, knowing she wanted to change the subject: “It’s stuck, it’s stuck to your chest.

left a mark on you, sorry, I had to use a cutting spell to get it off.

You were bitten by a snake, but I have cleaned the wound and added some fresh flavor…”

He tore off his sweaty T-shirt and looked down.

There is a bright red oval on the mouth of the heart, which is the mark of the locket.

He also saw a half-healed hole in his forearm.

“Where did you put the Horcrux?”

“In my bag, I think we should keep it away for a while.”

He lay on the pillow and looked at her haggard, gloomy face.

“We shouldn’t go to Godric Valley, it’s my fault, it’s all my fault, Hermione, I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault. I want to go too. I really thought Dumbledore would leave the sword there waiting for you to get it.”

“Yeah, oh… we guessed wrong, didn’t we?”

“What happened, Harry?

What happened after she took you upstairs?

Is that snake hiding somewhere?

Did it jump out to kill her and attack you again? ”

“No,” he said, “She is the snake…or the snake is her…”


He closed his eyes and smelled the smell of Bathilda’s house on him, which made the whole incident truly terrifying.

“Bahida has probably been dead for a while, and the snake is…in her body.

The mysterious man left it in Godric’s Valley and waited.

You are right, he knows I will come back. ”

Even if this fact has been known for a long time, it is still a bit nervous for Hermione to hear Harry describe the situation in person.

She actually didn’t want what Harry said to be true. For her, the old lady was a respectable senior in the magic world, but it was a pity that she had to be treated like this after she died. thing.

“That snake is in her body?”

Harry opened his eyes and looked at Hermione. He felt like Hermione was throwing up with nausea.

“Lupin said there would be magic that we couldn’t imagine,” Harry said, “Bahida didn’t want to speak in front of you just now, because it’s a snake-like voice, it’s all a snake-like voice, I didn’t realize it.

Because I was in an anxious situation, and I could understand what she said.

As soon as we got to the room upstairs, the snake reported the letter to the mysterious man. I heard it in my head. I felt his excitement. He said he wanted to see me there… and then…”

Hermione was silent.

Because she can’t understand, but she can also know that Bathilda’s voice is not human.

It was her who, under Jon’s instruction, put Harry into danger.

Harry didn’t know what Hermione was thinking. He thought of the snake jumping out of Bathilda’s neck, but he didn’t think Hermione needed to know these details.

“… She changed, became the snake, and launched an attack.”

He looked down at the hole in his arm.

“It won’t kill me, it just wants to watch me and wait for the mysterious person to arrive.”

If he could kill the snake, it would be worth it. Everything was not in vain…He was very depressed, and sat up and lifted the blanket.

“Harry, no, you need to rest!”

“  ” is that you need to go to sleep.

Don’t be surprised, your face is really ugly.

I’m fine, I’ll put the whistle on for a while.

Where is my wand? ”

She didn’t answer, just looked at him.

“Where is my wand, Hermione?”

She bit her lip, tears rolling in her eyes.


“Where is my wand?”

She reached out to the bed, picked it up, and handed it to him.

The holly wood and phoenix tail feather wands almost broke in two.

A fragile phoenix feather held the two pieces together, and the wood was completely broken.

Harry held it in his hands as if he was holding a seriously injured life.

He couldn’t think, his mind was panic and fear.

Then he passed the wand to Hermione.

“Fix it, please.”

“Harry, I can’t think of it, it’s broken like this—”

“Please, Hermione, give it a try!”

“Resume—recover as before.”

The half of the wand that was swaying and dangling was connected.

Harry lifted it up.

“Fluorescence flashes!”

The wand lit up faintly, then went out again.

Ha used it to point to Hermione.

“Except your weapons!”

Hermione’s wand crooked, but she didn’t let it go.

Harry’s wand couldn’t bear this feeble attempt, and it broke into two pieces again.

He looked at it and was shocked, unable to understand what was in front of him…This war-fighting wand…

“Harry,” Hermione said, so soft that he could barely hear it: “I’m very, very sorry. I think I did it.

You know, when we ran away, the serpent was rushing over, so I cast an explosive spell, and it bounced everywhere, it must be—it must have hit—”

“It was an accident,” Harry said mechanically. He felt empty and his head was dumbfounded: “We–we will have a way to fix it.”

“Harry, I think there is no way.”

Hermione said, tears streaming down: “Remember…Remember Ron?

After his wand was broken in a car accident, it never returned to its original shape. He had to buy another one. ”

Harry thought of Ollivander, kidnapped by Voldemort, and thought of Grigovich, who was dead.

How can he find a new magic wand?

“Oh,” he pretended to say in a normal tone: “Well, then I will borrow yours for a while, I’ll go to watch.”

Hermione was tearful and handed her magic wand.

Harry left her alone by the bed, he just wanted to leave her at the moment.


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