HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 73

Chapter 71 Edmond

The task Helga gave to Jon was actually very simple.

To draw the magic circle, you don’t need to use any good materials, just ordinary paper, and don’t use too much magic, just simply outline an outline, and when Jon feels it works.

Then look for a chance to get close to the black wizard and activate the magic circle beside the black wizard.

By the way, a little blood from Jon should be added.

Therefore, this magic circle sounds like black magic.

But Jon didn’t care about black magic and white magic at all. There was nothing wrong with the magic itself. It was just a problem with the user. The purpose of the magic school for so many years had its own problems. He deliberately taught the students not to learn black magic, although It has indeed reduced the number of dark wizards, but those who want to become dark wizards still have channels to get the content they want.

is like the restricted book zone of Hogwarts. It has never been patronized. It can’t stop students who want to read these books. It just blocks people who don’t want to read these books.

Jon doesn’t read the books in the forbidden book zone. The magic he learned from Helga basically existed when the magic hadn’t differentiated. It’s not too much to say an ancient magic.

Now, waiting for good news from Stephen.

Hogsmeade Village in the afternoon.

At the end of an empty street, a low gray building is hidden in this unobtrusive corner. Looking inward at the door, there are scattered figures, only a young man dressed as a clerk is sleepy on the counter. .

And in the space behind the counter, it is another scene.

There are actually two fireplaces in the not-so-large space. Sometimes a wizard hidden under a cloak walks out of the fireplace, and then leaves another fireplace. Despite the people coming and going, there is no sound. .

There was a solemn atmosphere in the air, and the only waiter who showed his face was serious, recording the needs of the wizards who came and went.

This may be the only place so strange in Hogsmeade Village. It looks more like a shop in Knock Down Alley.

Its name is “The Correspondent”, and it is an industry run by a mysterious great wizard. Here, wizards can buy and sell information.

All kinds of secret information, most of them can be bought through this place, no one knows what the source of this place is. That is an important means for this shop to keep secret.

Even in Britain, there are only a few wizards who know the existence of this shop.

Such a shop is naturally illegal, but it is something that the Ministry of Magic needs to worry about. The wizards who come here to buy news know that it is something important people have to take care of. Since this shop still exists, then it must be There is a reason for him to exist.

This reason is indeed very sufficient.

If there is a stronger wizard who listens carefully in the space on the first floor, you can hear people talking in the basement of the shop from time to time.

of course also speaks English, but what contradicts it is that the people below speak with an American accent.

In the basement is a living room.

The witch in a blue magic robe looked at the blond youth who had just woke up on the opposite side, and pushed a cup of tea.

“You should go now.”


The drowsy sleepiness in the eyes of the young man who had just woke up instantly faded, and he fixed his eyes on the witch opposite.

“Kelly, what are you kidding? Our plan will be done in a few days.”

“The letter just sent from the association, the plan will be terminated immediately, and the follow-up tasks will be completed for you.”

The witch called Kelly raised her hand and waved her magic wand, and a piece of parchment fell lightly in front of the blond youth.

She said with apology and solemnity: “I know that this plan is very important to you, but Edmund, this is an order issued by the’prophet’ himself. You must return to America as soon as possible, otherwise It will be life-threatening.”

“What can be dangerous?”

Edmund was a little dismissive. He took the letter paper and looked at it. The handwriting was indeed his teacher’s, but he didn’t intend to really follow the order.

Just kidding, he has already done the last step, how can he leave now.

Besides, without him, how could there be a dark wizard in the UK who could invade Hogwarts?

It’s not that he looks down on the dark wizards on the British side, but even the dark lord himself dare not enter the territory of the United Kingdom now. He needs the help of these American wizards to rest outside. Where can the self-confidence of these native dark wizards replace him?

Besides, the teacher’s predictions were inaccurate eight out of ten times.

“I won’t leave. After I finish this task, I can be directly promoted to the management of the association. When I go back now, those reviewers will definitely get stuck on me, and they won’t even give the teacher’s face. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com”

Kelly had already guessed the answer in her heart, so when she received the letter, she replied a letter to the association and called Edmund’s brother Bayer.

Edmund studied this side-of-the-line magic faction, and there are only two remaining drafts in the entire Black Magic Association of America. If something really happened to him, he would not be able to bear the anger of the ‘prophet’.

Now, I can only hope that Mr. Baier’s Golden Monster has arrived.

“Then you have a good rest.” The witch stood up and prepared to leave: “If you persist, then be prepared for the next day after tomorrow. Before that, I will try my best to ensure your safety.”

Witch Kelly turned and left. Behind her, Edmund stared at the witch’s back, his expression suddenly gloomy as the mist over London.

His talent is very good, and he can naturally feel it. The moment Kylie turned around, the defensive measures in the room had been activated.

is not a normal defense to the outside, but to the inside.

What is this?


This witch is so bold.

Only a moment later, a smile appeared on his face.

This shop was built around Hogwarts. Its own defense facilities are actually not very powerful. It only limits transfer magic such as Apparition, adds some iron armor curses, etc. The main defense is still relying on Kelly’s surveillance and Defense.

She won’t let herself go out.

Edmund quickly figured out this. His teacher is the person who knows his character best. How could he not think of his rejection?

It is estimated that in the prophecy, it foretells that something will happen the next time I complete the plan, so I prepared a two-handed plan early in the morning.

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