HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 47

Chapter 46 ?Night is coming

Kaledi is very respectful of Helga’s portrait. When he placed the portrait, the accuracy of the up, down, left, and right is very excessive.

Jon watched Caledy hang up the portrait, blocking the magic circle painted on the wall, leaving only a small margin for Jon to input magic power into it.

Helga on the magical portrait smiles very mildly, but has no soul and looks very dull.

As a participant and executor of the plan, Jon naturally knows what this is because of.

Helga’s magic was performed and completed in Hogwarts Castle. The completion of this large-scale magic relied on the mysterious connection between the strong magic environment and the magical portrait. At first, there were several portraits circulating outside. Later, these portraits were also lost, and they were destroyed for some reason over a long period of time.

That’s why Helga could see his descendants through portraits at first, but later, Helga needs to ask Dumbledore for help.

Helga’s portrait space is a magical space. If the description is more concrete, then this space is a dimensional space that relies on the existence of the real world, but the existence of this space is conditional.

The size of this space is proportional to the size of Hogwarts Castle. At least from the perspective of Jon, this dimensional space is not too big, only the size of a living room.

Of course, it is also possible that Jon did not see other spaces.

Another condition is also the limitation of this space. Once a certain portrait leaves Hogwarts Castle and loses the support of the strong magical environment, it will inevitably cause the portrait to lose its connection with the space.

And the function of this magic circle is to reconnect the portrait and the magic space with a certain degree of magic through the mysterious connection magic on the magic portrait.

And in Jon and Helga’s conjecture, after this connection is completed, Helga’s portrait space may be expanded to a certain extent.

But what it will be like, even Helga can’t say for sure.

“So, shall we start now? Master?”

Caledy asked, but Jon didn’t immediately decide to start.

“Time is not yet, and the magic fluctuations in the air are not stable enough at this time. We still have to wait until the night starts, and my magic needs to be restored.”

Jon thought for a while, took Ravenclaw’s glasses out of the ring and put them on his face.

This glasses currently has an ability that has been discovered by Jon, because this is the only function that Ravenclaw is also designing on the manuscript, which is to watch the flow of magic in the air, of course, including the flow of magic on some other objects.

Magic glasses do have more than this function. After reading the manuscript, Helga said that Ravenclaw discovered other abilities after the production was completed, but they were not recorded on the manuscript.

This part has to be explored by Jon himself. After all, Helga is a soul body, and there is no way to help.

After changing the frame, Jon does not need to emit magic waves through his eyes to activate the magic on the lens, he only needs to transmit the magic power from his ears to the lens through the frame that can transmit the magic power. In it, and when it was opened again, the words that appeared when it was first activated no longer appeared.

According to Jon’s understanding, it’s like a computer that hasn’t been used for a long time and then automatically shuts down. After a not-so-short buffer, it’s turned on again, and it enters the standby state.

Because when Ravenclaw designed it, this lens did not need to be activated. The super magical environment and the blessing of the legendary wizard himself have greatly improved the magic items.

But when I got here, the user changed to Jon, and the environment was not as convenient as before, plus the time has passed for so long, the effect of the entire magic item has become weaker.

But to be fair, this ability is still very powerful, at least for a long time in the future, this function will still be of great help to Jon.

The direction of magic power often determines the direction of certain results.

Anything a wizard does can lead the magic to converge towards the result of this event. The magic glasses can allow Jon to see this outline. For example, now, he can see it in his field of vision, in the portrait of Helga. A light blue energy halo exuded around it.

The “magic factor” in the air is invisible and innocent, but just like the Muggle world can see molecules through a microscope, it is not impossible for a relatively large number of magic factors to be observed. Jon was there for a time. Suspected that Dumbledore’s glasses were a magic item.

The magic glasses that Jon uses now can observe magic factors. When the glasses are activated by Jon, his left eye field of vision is filled with various colors. Different colors represent different magic strengths. To put it bluntly It is the degree of activity of the magic factor in the air. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Ravenclaw is worthy of being a top genius. The design of these glasses is really amazing. Jon is a genius who admires her from the bottom of my heart.

People like him who have to rely on hard work most of the time really have a barrier between him and the genius of this era.

But people can’t pretend to be arrogant. Jon’s survival rule has always been. Jon will not feel that he can’t be a powerful wizard just because he sees the gap between himself and Ravenclaw. After all, his goal is not to become a legendary wizard.

Needless to say so many words, just work hard.

Time was slowly moving towards the night, and Jon did not stay in the study all the time.

He held a copy of “Selected Literature in the Middle Ages” and read in the garden for an afternoon.

European literary works actually have a certain height. This is also because the philosophical trends here have been popular to a large extent. When Jon is reading books, he is also improving his level of thinking.

When exploring the nature of the world mainly through magic, such a mysterious side, it is always inseparable from the related content of philosophy. Because you must ensure that you will not get lost in some philosophical issues, it is important to read more books. thing.

Just like Jon’s last life, he would also make sure that he would read some books from time to time, and even online novels would contain some author’s insights about the world, and then he would choose these contents to fill his own worldview.

is regarded as an after-school activity. After all, studying and working are very tiring. You have to learn to reconcile with your own life in order to live more comfortably.

After reading the last article, Jon clipped the bookmark, closed the book and stuffed it into the ring, and then walked towards the room.

The night has fallen.

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