HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 1 day at Hogwarts

When he came out of the metamorphosis classroom, Jon recalled what Professor McGonagall said, but he didn’t notice that the three people behind him were all fainting.

It wasn’t until four people sat down in the curse classroom that Jon realized the strangeness of his three roommates.

“What’s the matter with you? You haven’t spoken all the way?”

“Nothing.” Stephen looked up, and Jon saw a wonderful light in his eyes: “When you talked to Professor McGonagall, we all heard it. Don’t worry, Jon.”

What can I worry about? I’m even more uneasy when you look like this?

Fren and Scully also raised their heads and said in a tone similar to that of an oath: “Yes, Professor McGonagall is right. Hufflepuff is a powerful academy, and we should restore its glory. Jon, we will work hard!”

Jon: “…”

He is still at a loss, did he just have amnesia? What did Professor McGonagall say that inspired them?

Not in the mood to deliberately understand the weird inner world of the little boys. Jon felt that it might be a good thing to give them some motivation to learn magic in this way. After all, the magic world will be turbulent for a few years.

But will future changes really follow the description in the book?

Jon also said it was not very good.

The professor of the curse class, Professor Felius Flivi, is a short man. He has to stand on a stack of books to reach the desk, but no one despises the cursing class with a shrill voice. professor.

Compared to transformation classes, potions classes, etc., the curse class is always the students’ favorite subject.

Jon, who had just been taught by Professor McGonagall to concentrate, also showed superb learning ability and gained—after all, he had already mastered these elementary spells.

Hogwarts’ teaching method is indeed very different from Jon’s self-study. They teach students to use their own emotions to guide the magic in the body to use the corresponding magic. This method can indeed enable students to quickly master magic in the early stage, but in the later stage. It may be necessary to attach greater effort to learn how to control one’s emotions while studying.

Do not let fear, excitement and other emotions affect the release of magic. This is a required course to become a qualified wizard.

Jon has skipped the initial guidance step now, and lacks a substantial understanding of the nature of magic. Although he made up for this through diligence, he directly began to try the subsequent magical advancement, which still caused him to encounter many problems.

For lunch, I had mashed potatoes and bread slices, vegetable salad, ham and chicken drumsticks, and pumpkin juice.

Jon was very dissatisfied with the Hogwarts lunch, especially the things he drank were always monotonous. Pumpkin porridge was still acceptable, but he really didn’t like to drink pumpkin juice.

But the UK is not rich in watermelon, and Hogwarts cannot supply watermelon juice on a large scale.

Changed himself to a book of white water, Jon decided to write to his family to get some tea, at least Hogwarts would still provide hot water.

I finally know why Bella likes McDonald’s so much.

After going through the morning class, he is now looking forward to the night’s dream teaching more. Helga promised that he would talk to him every night, not for too long, so as to ensure that the loss of magic power is less-I don’t know. Yesterday’s book for Helga revealed what results.

Compared with the morning, the afternoon class is much boring.

Professor Sprout is a very gentle witch-perhaps gentleness is Hufflepuff’s tradition-this professor treats every college student with a smile, and he does not hesitate to give his own students Minute.

Memorizing things is Jon’s strong point, so the herbal classification shouldn’t be difficult for Jon. He deliberately lags behind a few Ravenclaw College students to solve the task, so that he can get extra points without being so pushy.

And the potions class is more than just boring.

Without the potions book bonus of “Half-Blood Prince”, Jon can only honestly be an ordinary student, even though he is not very good at potions.

Deliberately avoiding Snape’s gaze, Jon didn’t underestimate this course because of his boringness. He still wanted to prepare a blood vein purification potion. Speaking of which, the blood vein purification potion was created by Salazar Slytherin. If you have time, you can ask Helga for the potion that comes out.

Jon’s efforts did not show up on the surface. He and Stephen configured potions in a group. Stephen seemed to work harder than him. Jon deliberately controlled the speed of his group so that Snee wouldn’t be affected. Pu’s attention was too much to attract.

He wanted Snape to give all his energy to the Slytherin students, so that he only needed to listen to the class.

Snape didn’t live up to Jon’s expectations, he really didn’t care about Hufflepuff’s students.

Both praise and criticism were Slytherin, and Hufflepuff’s obscurity prevented them from being criticized by Snape. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

It seemed that Harry Potter was not enrolled, and Snape hadn’t become so perverted yet.

It may not be so easy until next year.

After the get out of class ended smoothly, Jon did not choose to go to the common room with Stephen, but asked Stephen to help him take the cauldron back. He made an excuse to go around inside the castle, and then went to the fifth floor when there was no one. Library.

The library is a good place to think about things. The most important thing is that school has just started and there are not many people here. When there are more people in the future, maybe he will have to move.

Jon dragged a book from the shelf casually, and he was not interested in seeing the collection of the “Forbidden Book Zone”. The most lethal curse was not only the Unforgivable Curse, but also the Unforgivable which appeared many times in the original book. He also remembered the curse.

It is really helpful to master a foreign language anytime.

What Jon took from the bookshelf was a “Guide to Magical Life”, which contained a lot of wizarding social customs from a long time ago, which was more interesting, so Jon could also read it.

At a certain level, the life state of wizards reflects the magical environment at that time. For example, in BC, wizards were very capable, and they could build miracles like “Stonehenge” through communication between heaven and earth. In the Middle Ages, wizards were able to build miracles like “Stonehenge”. The abilities of ‘s were greatly weakened, and diseased wizards such as the Black Death were even hard to resist.

However, the fact that the church used the Black Death to spread rumors about wizards at that time was inherently incorrect, because the Black Death originated from European health problems at the time and was not a curse. However, the wizards are actually far from the present. They are divided into black wizards and black wizards. The ridiculous camp of the White Wizard.

It’s not that Jon thinks that kindness is incorrect, but that kindness is so good that he doesn’t have the power to fight back.

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