How to Thrive in the ’60s

Chapter 35 Reminders

Gu Shinian gave gifts more politely. He calmly put the four repackaged boiled cakes on the kang table, and said to the village chief with a smile:

"Village Chief, I brought some gifts when I came to the door for the first time. This is a gift of recognition. You have to accept it, otherwise I will not come again next time."

The village chief glanced at the four round sesame balls spread out on the kang table with a look of embarrassment.

This thing is too high-end!

Take it, I always feel empty.

Don't accept it, everyone and children have talked about this, is it true that no one will come to the door?

Seeing the embarrassment on the village chief's face, Gu Shinian smiled again and said:

"Village Chief, I'll give you the door recognition ceremony this time. When I come to the door next time, I'll just come here with a mouth and taste the aunt's craftsmanship."

The village chief is happy for a while. The baby in this city will come again in the future. Does this mean he wants to communicate with his family?

"Hey, good! That's it, I'll find some time in the past few days to come to the uncle's house for dinner."

Gu Shinian came to recognize the door today and achieved his goal, so he took Yun Chang and retreated to listen to the old man Yun and the old village chief chatting.

Yun Chang nibbled the sweet dried sweet potato in his mouth, and swept his eyes around the house, and found that the village chief's house was much better than the old Yun's house, and the furniture was similar to that of Widow Wang's house.

In particular, this sweet dried sweet potato is not available in Widow Wang's family, nor in Lao Yun's family. In this way, dried sweet potato is considered a rare food in Xinglin Village.

It was getting late, and Mr. Yun had to take the two children to Sanzhuzi's house and Lao Li's house, and soon got up and said goodbye.

After leaving the village chief's house, Mr. Yun motioned for Gu Shinian to walk beside him, lowered his voice and said:

"Wa'er, treat me well. I don't treat you as an outsider. I'll tell you something straight."

"Grandpa Yun, I didn't treat you as an outsider. If you have anything to say, just say it directly." Gu Shinian's attitude was very respectful.

"Wa'er, I don't know what you want to do when you come to the village chief's house, and I won't ask you. I will tell you about the village chief's house. It's okay to deal with the village chief's family without any loss."

"The village chief and his wife are good people, and they also protect the calf. When something happens, they easily refuse to let the villagers suffer. You should have seen this today."

Gu Shinian nodded, and from the fact that the village chief took advantage of his power today to forcibly press the Lao Wang family to apologize to the Lao Yun family, it can be seen how much the old village chief protects the calf.

It had been four years since Yun Dachuan had died, and even the Lao Yun family had never thought of asking the Lao Wang family for an explanation. malice.

I have to say that it is a blessing for Xinglin Village to have such a village chief.

The voice of Mr. Yun continued:

"The village chief has four sons and two daughters. The eldest and the second are just like the village chief. They are kind people and can deal with each other. The third is a traitor, and he doesn't have the right mind. I met you at the village chief's house later. Be on guard against him. The fourth child is called Laiwang, and she has a small friendship with her father. She is smart and upright.

When there is a chance in the future, let your second uncle Yun lead you to the textile factory to recognize people. If you encounter difficulties in the future, you can find Wang Wang. For the sake of her father's face, he will help those who can help. "

I have to say that the information that Mr. Yun said was very timely and very useful, and Gu Shinian really accepted Mr. Yun's affection in his heart.

"Grandpa Yun, don't worry, I have written it down."

The four of them went to Qiancun together, and gave two pieces of boiled cake to Sanzhuzi's family and Lao Li's family. They were delighted that Aunt Li promised repeatedly that they would look at Yunshang well in the future, and resolutely would not let Yunshang be bullied again. ...

After leaving Lao Li's house, the four of them arrived at the door of Widow Wang's house.

With such a heavy snowfall, several people went back and forth in a large circle before and after the village. Except for Yun Chang, who was held by Yun Erchuan the whole time, the other three felt tired.

Looking at the dark courtyard of Widow Wang's house, Mr. Yun was a little puzzled, and turned back and asked Yunshang:

"Shangnan, isn't your mother at home?"

"At home, my mother is sick and said she has to go to bed early."

Gu Shinian also helped and said, "Auntie Wang was going to rest before Ah Chang and I went out. It's getting late now, so I guess I'm fast asleep."

Mr. Yun frowned, feeling that something was wrong in his heart.

So many things have happened in the past two days, but Widow Wang has not even shown her face. If she is really sick and can't get up, with Widow Wang's temperament, she should have made a fuss and went to the hospital long ago, instead of being alone. Quietly rest at home.

Thinking of this, the old man Yun said:

"Shangnan, it's not good for your mother to be so sick all the time. I'll ask your aunt to come and see it tomorrow. If it really doesn't work, we'll take your mother to the town hospital."

Yun Chang might as well have the old man Yun to come to such a hand, stunned for a moment, but nodded in response.

After Mr. Yun and Yun Erchuan left, Yun Chang immediately lay on Gu Shinian's arms and let him carry him into the room, but his consciousness entered the space and carefully observed the situation of Widow Wang.

After the frequent and intensive feeding of medicine by the two, Widow Wang had already taken the medicine of a normal patient for nearly half a month, her eyes showed signs of sluggishness, and even her spirit began to be in a trance.

If this situation continues, in two days, Widow Wang will be able to appear in front of the villagers in a state of lunatic.

Be careful tomorrow, you should be able to fool Yun Shuilian.

As soon as Gu Shinian came back, he burned the kang, the room quickly warmed up, and the head of the kang was also warm. Yun Chang put two quilts under her body, and she was no worse than Simmons when she fell asleep.

Seeing that Gu Shinian had finished washing up, Yun Chang eagerly lay on the head of the kang and asked:

"Second brother Gu, I saw the village chief at night. When are you going to talk to the village chief about food?"

"Let's do it in two days. It can't be rushed, it has to come around in a roundabout way."

Seeing Yunshang a little puzzled, Gu Shinian continued:

"Someone from the village head's family works in the county town. Maybe they will know someone from the transportation company. For safety's sake, the pretext we thought before can't be used."

"Then what should we do?"

Gu Shinian got on the kang, pulled the curtain between him and Yun Chang, and thought for a while before he said:

"It's okay, the county transportation company is not good, there are also the city transportation company, and the provincial transportation company. You can always find excuses."

Yun Chang responded and whispered about Widow Wang's situation. Gu Shinian turned over and said in a low voice:

"When Widow Wang goes crazy, I'll ask the old village chief to open a few letters of introduction and take you to the provincial capital in the name of helping Widow Wang see a doctor."

"Really? Just the two of us? Can the Old Yun family let our two children take Widow Wang out?"

Yun Chang looked surprised, that was the provincial capital!

Yun Chang now even looks forward to going to the county town, let alone the provincial capital.

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