How To Say I Love You

Chapter 35.1

After eating, Shi Ting Heng habitually opened his mobile phone to scan through Weibo, and then saw a comment that caused a lot of discussions. The comment came from “Don’t bow your head, the little crown will fall”, spreading a lot of words, talking about the different development of the acting career between himself and Ji Mian. Many netizens have left a comment below, some have expressed their approval, and some have scoffed at it. And some fans chased after saying that the little crown was insulting Shi Yingdi[1], which was abominable.

[1] Yingdi: Film emperor

Shi Ting Heng looked at the two lines with a joking attitude, then his expression became more and more solemn, and his brows drew tighter. A few minutes later, he slowly said, “Who is this little crown? Really fucking …”

Xiao Jiashu sitting beside him glanced at him, then slipped away quietly. Although this was a bit confusing for Heng-ge, but Ji-ge’s development was really more comprehensive than him. He wouldn’t say that without conscience.

Shi Ting Heng didn’t notice young master Xiao’s abnormality, and continued to gnash his teeth, “I really expressed with all my heart! Is Lao Tzu’s[2] acting skills really worse than yours? No! Lao Tzu’s role type was severely restricted! The company and fans won’t let me play other roles. What could I do? One of my favourite movies was “Montenegro”, but every time a reporter asks me a similar question, I dare not answer it, I feel bitter! This little crown is very perspective. I have to give him a thumbs up. ”His finger jabbed at the phone hard while talking.

[2] Lao Tzu: “I, your father!”. Used in anger, arrogantly or out of contempt.

His fans were still spraying the small crown. When they saw their idol come out and gave the comment a thumbs up, they were as quiet as chickens, and someone asked stupidly, “What’s going on? Has our Shi Yingdi been kidnapped?”

Shi Tingheng silently replied, and then cheerfully opened the little crown’s Weibo, and found that it was a newly registered account, and only Ji Mian was being followed. It was said that Ji Mian’s fans were the highest in the network in terms of quantity and quality, which was true. It could be seen from the lines that Little Crown should be a professional film critic. If he hadn’t watched and understood all of his films and Ji Mian’s movies thoroughly, he would never have said that.

Ji Mian stared at the comment for a while, torn between giving a like and not. In the end, he chose not to press the like button. Netizens often liked to compare him with Shi Ting Heng. If he also stood up to respond, this would be a big deal.

“It’s time for you to transform,” he said to his friend. “Thirty-four years old, just the right age.”

“I’m thinking about it too,” Shi Ting Heng smiled, “I want to play a villain in the next movie, so bad.”

Ji Mian smiled also, “If I see a good script, I will recommend it to you. Villains with decent faces should be very interesting. “

Lin Le Yang listened to the two people chatting while eating, and his sour mood due to being compared with Xiao Jiashu by the netizens was long gone. Miao Muqing took a nap for twenty minutes, and the redness and swelling had subsided after waking up, leaving only some bruises. Covering with a concealer, even she could barely see it, so she was not as angry as before.

Therefore, afternoon shooting began in a harmony, and the fight only lasted a few NGs, which finally eased Luo Zhangwei’s coffin face, “OK, this one’s done, the next one is ready.”

The crew moved the filming to the basketball court outside the studio to continue filming the daily life of the Ling brothers.

Xiao Jiashu had changed his casual clothes and was chatting with the other actors. They were very young, the oldest being 20 years old and the youngest was less than sixteen. They would get 100 yuan for appearing in the film and 200 yuan for lines.

“Your parents agreed to let you come film? Shouldn’t you be studying at the age of fifteen or sixteen?”

“No, we ran out by ourselves. The grades were too bad, and it was a waste of reading.”

“That’s not good Ah, I still have to tell them, otherwise they won’t know what you are doing outside, it’s not safe.” Xiao Jiashu was about to persuade these little ones. But Ji Mian appeared, walking slowly and wearing a suit of casual clothes, his hair was not fixed to the back of the head with mousse as usual, but draped fluffy and softly on the sideburns. He looked several years younger, and his temperament was exceptionally soft.

The same was true of Ling Tao in the film when facing Ling Feng. In front of people, he was the majestic President of the Ling’s Group, who said nothing; behind people, he was the leader of a drug trafficking organisation, cruel and ruthless; in front of his brother, he was the smartest and gentlest elder brother. His life had been cut into two sides, the dark side for himself and the whole world, and the bright side only for his younger brother.

Seeing his new look, Xiao Jiashu’s eyes brightened, and he was not worried that he would not find the feeling later. In order to fit the character’s image, Ji Mian had considered all aspects, from appearance to eyes to temperament. There was nothing wrong with it. It really was a relaxed job to act with him.

“Director Luo, I’m ready.” Xiao Jiashu confidently gave Luo Zhang Wei an OK gesture.

Ji Mian nodded and walked to the sidelines.

“Action!” Luo Zhangwei ordered, and the two started walking along the basketball court.

The small-time actors played the role of children in the community playing a basketball game. When the two approached, they pretended to accidentally shoot the basketball. According to the script, Xiao Jiashu should catch the flying basketball, then throw it back again and get a perfect three-pointer. The children then clapped and applauded and invited him to play together. He also brought Ling Tao onto the court. While playing basketball, the two brothers recalled their happy childhood. After leaving, Ling Tao made the next decision-to reject the plan for new drugs to enter into Southeast Asia because he didn’t want to ruin the beautiful world in his brother’s eyes.

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